Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton, What Is Behind The Email Kerfluffle, The Clinton Foundation Kerfluffle, And The Benghazi Kerfluffle?

I treat dear reader to one of my least favorite subjects, Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton. I do not mind strong women, but sometimes ruthless women, who place their wants and needs above all other things, both legal and illegal, gall me.

She has perhaps the most transparent love of money of any of our modern first ladies. She talks about it too much for a public servant. We can all imagine what takes place at the sausage factory but Hillary shares way too much with us in regards to her lust for money. She should avoid talks about her financial strengths or weaknesses for one is reminded of her incredible cattle future trades, when, she, a poor governor's wife working for a two bit law firm in Little Rock, turned $1000 into $100,000 by following the nonexistant advice in the Wall Street Journal. Thank you trader Red Bone! Your bribe from the Stephens was accepted. This is the first example of how Hillary sunk her teeth deeply into the skull duggery of politics and she liked the green taste of easy money and has chased it ever since.

Hillary is a player. Now the foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation while Secretary of State are beyond the pale. This is just too delicious to ignore. There ought to be a law and I am sure there is one, but given the willy-nilly way the Obama administration choses which laws to enforce and which do not please him, we must not wait for any charges to be made. The State Department under Honorable Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton became "Pay for Play". Dispicable!

Now someone who wants to hurt Mrs. Clinton has spilt the beans on her home internet provider for her email service as SOS. I smell a rat. I believe it is an inside job.

Who knew of the private internet? Well Hillary knew, but what does she gain from snitching herself out? Nothing. Who else knew, Chelsea? Probably not. And what is her motivation? There is none. This brings us around to that great big old bulbous nosed hunk of burning love, William Jefferson Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States.

Did he blurt out the secret email account? And if so what is his motive. Does he hate Hillary as much as many in this country do? Is he a closet patriot who loves the country and believes it cannot survive a Hillary presidency on the heels of the disaster in chief, Barack Hussein Obama's?

In my fantasy I believe Bill Clinton is a patriot and does not like what the illegitimate 44th president has done to America. Bill Clinton loves our country in a way BHO could never.

His motivation as a patriot to save America and its hard working people is not a far flung possibility. He also could have had enough of the Hillary and not want the stress of having to share a residence with her which would probably be demanded should she win the presidency. There go the private trips to Epstein's Bahama Omama hideout. And Bill must be aware his viagra days are numbered. He has aged poorly. He will probably not last the two terms of a Hillary Rodham Presidency, especially if he had to actually live with her constant screetching and rants about this, that, and the other which has displeased her.

I know the country would not survive. For these reasons I believe Bill is a strong suspect in the release of the secret email account.

What was the government charged for the secret email account which Hillary owned? Who got the money? I suspect the woman with the green teeth got it. Follow the money and there be Hillary. Now don't get me wrong I would never turn away free money, but I am not in a position to accept bribes since I have nothing but this two bit blog and my mind which hosts my soul and provides me with limitless entertainment even when the television is off.

The talk around Washington is HRC is very fond of alcohol, so much so, she was made an honorary member of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tatoos, Fatarms, and Explosive Diarrhea. I believe the email search during Benghazi will yield nothing as I feel certain HRC was intoxicated and unable to make critical decisions as the events unfolded live on a Friday afternoon during happy hour. Her phone was off and she was imbibing heavily. If I am mistaken, then show me the evidence she was directly contacted in real time. It is not there.

Finally, will anyone in the federal government be brought to justice who has been shown to accept bribes, dereliction of duty, treason, subterfuge, lying, drinking, stupidly leading, failure to uphold and defend the constitution?

In Washington as in the capitals around the world, there is honor among thieves, and the congressional hearings, they are so much Kabuki Theater,as our government only eats its citizens and not their own! It is a sad state of affairs in which we find ourselves.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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