Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Clintons Are An American Political Criminal Enterprise. Where is the Controlling Legal Authority? The Code For Hillary For President Logo Broken! H> = ? Read It Here, First!

That a couple of baby boomers, one a yankee, carpetbagging, and alleged carpet munching, harpy who hooks up with the affable son of an alcoholic share cropper and a friendly nurse, and with Yale Law degrees in hand can drift back to the back woods of Arkansas and land in the White House 20 years later, is the stuff of the American Dream. But what these two have made of their dreams, is now fast becoming our American nightmare.

Of course I and writing of the Clintons. That jug-headed, lovable lout with his infamous spurting pocket shark which has found its way in and out of more tight places than Houdini, William Jefferson Clinton, and his enabler, the shrill, jug-butted, detestable, yankee lawyer, who is running for president, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton. These two have set the new standard for corruption and greed in American Politics.

That Eric Holder would settle for only a million and a half dollars a week as a security guard for JPiss Morgan and Chaffe Bank is small potatoes. He needs to aim higher. Where is the affirmative action? Where is the fairness? Where is Eric Holder's greed on the greed meter? It barely moves the needle compared to the Clintons.

The Clinton Foundation rests on the premise of charity. They generate billions in contributions from all over the world to help others less fortunate buy and corner the production of the world's uranium mines, or gain a lucrative government contract to provide water at an international meeting of diabetics, or supply ISIS with weapons they have no business operating, such as surface to air missiles which could down an airliner from 35 thousand feet. Or give Nancy Pelosi's husband, as an aside, is it me or is she looking more and more pinched, like Michael Jackson, after too much plastic surgery?, the exclusive rights to 19.5 billion dollar in federal property sales in California and a billion dollar commission for the sale. It was a no bid contract so I guess that is fair.*

And the band played on. And the government will investigate and find no corruption and it will be corruption as usual in the halls of congress, in the judiciary and the executive branches.

Now to answer the critics, Brian Fallon, spokesman for the H>** campaign states in his press release, "There is not a shred of evidence presented of any wrong doings by the Clintons nor its foundation." The Clinton's personal internet server could not be reached for its comment.

Enough is enough. Time to shut the criminal enterprise of Clinton and Clinton down before somebody gets hurt. How many nuclear bombs will be made from the uranium the Clintons enabled Russia to obtain and will be used against us and our allies?

One would be too many.

One final thought, could the Clintons be Ethel and Julian Rosenberg reincarnated and exacting revenge on the Americans for executing them for giving the USSR the nuclear secrets?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

* The billion dollar real estate payola could be to Mr. Diane Feinstein, but it makes no difference to us here in fly over country, political corruption and greed be it Pelosi, Clinton or Feinstein cheats us all.

** I have broken the code for the Hillary for President logo, H>, it means "Hillary's Vajaja"> That is a fresh marketing idea if I ever saw one. Marketing Idea, not a Vajaja. And as a final thought you should never, ever get into a political fight with a campaign that buys feminine hygiene products by the truck load. It will turn out badly for you.

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