Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A Day In The Life: Disjointed Neuronal Firings From The Brain Of The Deranged Jackson Delano Maybolt

The Half-White All-Black hearted Christian Slaughterer of Oregon whose pictures were lightened by CNN to tweak the news has spent another day roasting in hell. His skin blackened so by the fires of hell that even the best airbrushing artists at CNN would fail to lighten its tone. Word comes from down below that even Hitler and Pol Pot have shunned him. Margaret Sanger is said to have offered him a glass of ice water, but fell to a lower level of Hell with the 50 millionth abortion in America and was unable to follow through on her kind offer. This fool may be dead, but how do you think we feel? Now we have to listen to our President, another half white, half wit, pointy headed liberal, who hates America and the Americans who built this country from a third world frontier into a Superpower using the best and brightest among us, belittle our founders and the principles on which our freedoms are based.

The ten commandments would have stopped that fool in Oregon if he had truly believed them. Obama does not believe them. He is a killing machine. He pulled the trigger on Bin Laden, and countless other Middle East community organizers who do not agree with American hegemony. And the Margaret Sanger black baby butcher market grinds out thousands of tiny black lives each month. Where is the outrage?

I would rather live as a slave, than be ripped from my mother's womb without living any part of a life which was so graciously given to me by God. These people who do evil are betting it all on Christians being absolutely wrong about Heaven and Hell. It is a fool's bet.

And while we are on the subject of fools, Hillary Clinton has more Emails than she thought she had. Another server back-up service has agreed to supply the FBI with all the materials they have. Her hopes of having not to answer to her mendacity in regards to this scandal have been dashed. Her actions as the most unscrupulous SOS and person of high political position will be judged in the public arena where she will either be convicted of crimes against America or elected president of the United States of America. God forbid she could do both. Have we fallen so far? Is it as Al Gore so infamously chortled when asked about the illegal campaign contributions, "there is no controlling legal authority."?

Two Fools in one paragraph, say that ain't fine literature? I dare you.

Trump continues to stump the elites of our darling media. Daily we read of his campaign's collapse. It is over, but the voters still attend his rallies in ever increasing numbers and have not gotten the message being parroted by the intellectuals who read from the teleprompter. The fix is in and Trump has scared the excrement out of the World Order Boys and Girls. I think Trump, Putin, and Netanyahu may not go along with the New World Order Plans. The NWO one size fits all plan of ruling is antithetical to human progress. How much money do these cretans believe they can make off carbon credits?

Well guess what, I own all the oxygen in the universe and you'll have to pay me first to burn your carbon! Carbon + oxygen yields Carbon dioxide. I demand thrice the rate for carbon since without my oxygen all your carbons are useless! Diabolical mad scientist laughter ensues.

How, you may ask, did I manage to buy all the Oxygen up in the universe? The short version is I bought them from Warren Buffet who bought them from Nelson Rockefeller, whose great grandfather bought them from Lavoirseau who discovered oxygen before his untimely guillotining in revolutionary France. This man is reported to have had a friend hold his severed head and count the number of times he could blink after his beheading. The record shows he was able to blink 17 times before he lost full consciousness. Marvelous! A true scientist to the bittersweet end. If I am beheaded by terrorist, I will try to go for the post severed head blinking guinness book of world records hoping for 20 blinks. I am going to train with a ligature around my neck in the closet as soon as I finish up here.

Putin has spilled the beans on Obama and his creation of and arming of ISIS. Seems Russian intelligence has found the fighters are paid to fight by the highest bidder against what ever bidder's interest is. Now that ISIS has US supplied arms and equipment they stick out like the proverbial sore thumb and are easy targets for the Russian bombers. Now that Putin is with Syria and Iran, the rest of the Middle East should drop America and mend fences with this powerful trifecta and remember the Russians are killers and still remember how wars are fought and won. As Rush Limbaugh famously summed it up, "the army is for breaking things and killing people." What America has been unwilling to do is the last part of that equation. "And stealing their stuff and taking their women, only the young and pretty ones.

Which brings us to China. China has sent forces to the vacuum created by Obama's lead from his rear policies in the Middle East. They can buy all the oil they need, but they have millions of marriage age young men who have no place to put their wangs and will be looking for some women. Have Putin and Hu made a deal. Putin gets the oil and Hu gets the uterus? Time will tell.

Meanwhile, many fighting age middle east males have slipped into Europe as refugees and will take their chances hitting that Euroterus. The good thing is homosexuality will keep the native born European males satisfied as the tanning of Europe progresses. The time of the knights templar is fast ending. A society which will not reproduce cannot survive. Europe is doomed in its current state.

Good-bye and good riddance to the Anglo's who civilized the savages, trained the apes, split the atom, harnessed oil and electricity, fed the world, freed the slaves, invented the internet, fiat money, the taxation of carbon, as will as global warming.

One things for sure, the Anglo's have not been meek in the past 400 years and the bible states the meek shall inherit the earth. The Anglo's will shoot for Mars. Hey Mars has water enough to sustain a population of 3 if those three will recycle and be very, very careful stewards of the Martian environment.

I have tired of this exercise. And so it ends.

Jackson Delano Maybolt President Urban Poverty Law Center

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