Sunday, November 29, 2015

Trump: Truth Or Windys? The People Know.

I took the hour necessary to watch Donald J. Trump, political speech in Sarasota, Florida yesterday via YouTube. To say he is a masterful communicator would be missing the mark. He speaks like Hemmingway wrote. Simple, short, sweet. He gets in his punches with suprisingly good humor.

Hillary Clinton does not have the stamina to be president. She does an event, and then disappears for 4 to 5 days, what is she doing? Resting?

Rubio, he hasn't even warmed his senate seat up yet and already he is running for another office? He has the worst voting record in the senate. He is a nice guy and of course I like him, but he is not ready yet.

Bush, Jeb Bush is so low energy. He is not going anywhere. He supports common core.

The people put the republicans in first the house and then the Senate to stop Obama, and when they got to Washington, what did they do? Oh Gladys, look at those columns, wonder how they built those all those years ago, isn't the capitol beautiful! We've really hit the big time. I never want to leave! And then they forgot to do what it was you sent them to Washington to do.

He is going to build that wall, enforce immigration laws, bring jobs back to America, take Iraqi oil fields from ISIS, strengthen our military, get the right generals back in leadership roles:

One of our best generals, I will not mention his name was canned because he used foul language, are you kidding me? Not with President Trump.

He is taken to task by the media for wanting to keep the mosques and its adherants under survelance and the people are with him.

Believe me, I do not have any pals giving me half a million for my campaign and wanting to be the ambassador of Italy. I assure none of that will be going on in the Trump administration.

Finally, Hillary Clinton should not even be allowed to run for office, she belongs in jail for what she's done.

Refreshingly American, Donald J. Trump.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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