Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Israel Wins! Obama, The Other Iranian Mullah, Looses! Team Obama Bombs Its Attempted Israeli Coup Against Netanyahu!

How can Barack Hussein Obama lead America when he has been wrong about every issue facing the United States and the world? In his latest gaffe, Obama decided to negotiate a unilateral treaty with the mullahs of Iran, who like the Obama administration, are not known for telling the truth. If you like your doctor/health insurance/job/bullets/coal-fired electricity/national identity/national security, you can keep your complaints to yourself.

We, your friendly, trustworthy Mullahs, are only interested in peaceful uses of nuclear energy. We believe only the complete annihilation of Israel will bring peace to the world when every Jew's flesh is vaporized by our weapons grade Uranium and sent thousands of feet into the stratosphere to all four corners of the earth. May peaces be upon them.

President Obama acted foolishly when he sided with Iran against Israel's Prime Minister, Benyamin Netanyahu, who made a special trip to Washington, DC to school the Obama administration on the stupidity of his negotiation with terrorist in the Middle East and to give the US congress an example of real statesmanship and world leadership in the vacuum left by Hillary Clinton's tenure at the helm of State, a tradition which is regretably Kerried on by Long in the face, John, "genghus Kahn", Kerry.

Obama's very public snub of Netanyahu gave greater interest to a speech which may have otherwise been relegated to the usual "yawn" from the politically astute here in this country. I believe Mr. Netanyahu's speech before congress was viewed by more than three times the number of people who ever sat through all of Deer(in the headlights) Leader Obama's SOTU addresses.

It is not a secret Obama and his crack team of political agitators were dispatched to Israel in a bold coup attempt in a Chicago style mugging of Israel's political process. But voting in Israel is a serious matter and the sanctity of the vote is not as easily manipulated as it is here in the US with all its shenanigans. Hey, what about this ballot box I found in the back of my car, these votes weren't counted, for that senate fool from Minnesota, whose name I cannot recall for he is a total nincompoop. Senator Smalley? The Lefties, if they cannot win elections based on campaign lies and pie in the sky promises to the gullible, are not opposed to fraud. Forget True the Vote, it is Screw the Vote, the will of the people be damned. Bring out ye dead! Bring out ye undocumented's. Bring out ye ballot stuffers!

When your vote doesn't count you have lost your rights as a citizen. A nation devoid of citizens is neither free nor a nation. You are a subject, a slave to whomever is in power. Today Obama is the slave master, tomorrow, who knows. We have no say.

I wonder if charges could be brought against any of these outside agitators who funneled money and efforts to thwart the will of the Israeli voter and to change the election results? In America we have laws against foreign campaign contributions, but then we have many laws which are ignored by our current resident at 1600 Penn Ave. Immigration, the constitution is only a document of negative powers to Obama and Holder, record keeping, hello Lowest Lehrner, Hillary "deleted my email" Clinton, separation of powers, and the list goes on and on.

Is it espionage if our state department funnels money and effort into a sovereign land to affects its political process? There needs to be an investigation of this sort of activity by the oversight committees in congress. Where is the money and effort to overthrow Iran's mullahs. Who is in charge of that? Crickets.

I hope congress changes its tenor towards the lawless administration and takes back the power of the purse as spelled out in the constitution. The republic can only stand if good men demand it be followed. Bending the rules for any despot is a mistake. We are a nation of laws where citizens are promised fairness and due process. Compromises cannot be made. Opening our nations borders is a dangerous precedence. Offering free stuff is a mistake.

Once our nation is broken and the rule of law is traded in for tyranny it would be easier to get John Kerry to double pay the luxury tax on his million dollar yacht than to put the republic back together.

On a lighter note, we are only where we are because Lincoln refused to let the Union splinter back a hundred and fifty or so years ago. Perhaps the glue that holds this nation together is cracking. I for one see the problems in Europe and our problem here in the states with a very divergent view, right v left as a clarion call to work out an agreement of separation where states that want rule of law and the constitution followed to the letter could join and form a nation out of a nation.

The states and the people of the states have this right to decide. The federal government has a role, but not the only one. All politics is local.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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