Friday, January 30, 2015

I Read A Great Novel Published In 1965 Which Predicted Today's America: The Liberation Of Lord Byron Jones, Read It, Obama Is Victor X?

I grew up in the hometown of one of the South's least renown writers. He wrote the above tome at the age of 34 and it is a brilliant work capturing the post WWII South with all its grudges against Northern Imperialism and its bigotry against the black.

If you have not read it, you should. It makes Mark Twain's employment of the "N" word seem tame, and many high school libraries have banned Mr. Twain's "Huckleberry Finn" for peanuts. "The Liberation of Lord Byron Jones" is the real deal.

Buy a used copy on Amazon or on Ebay. Open it up and begin the awful journey back to Pre-Selma and Martin Luther King, Jr's South.

I believe Victor X is the novelist's unwitting prediction of the rise of our current President. The book was written about the time of Obama's birth.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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