Thursday, March 12, 2015

Random Observations In A Mad Mad World. The Urban Poverty Law Center For Wisdom And Progress In American Hopelessness

Perhaps Attorney General Holder is happy his harping on and on about a non racial issue in Ferguson, Mo has now paid off in spades. Two policemen assassinated over night after the police chief announces his resignation. No mention of the color of the shooter or color of the victims. Is this what Obama's promised fundamental transformation of America is going to look like? A whipped up underclass, jobless because of the policies of its ruling class by and for the privileged, and a middle class abandoned by the law where self protection will be the new norm. Welcome to Tombstone!

And where does Holder, who will soon be off at his new gig for JP Morgan and Elites, for a mind boggling $77 million a year, stand on racial slurs screamed outside the synagogue? Sure, freedom of speech is right there in the Bill of Rights, but does that permit someone to shout "Fire!" in a crowded movie theater, or "Allah Akbar, we will cut your heads off!" at a Jewish synagogue? If these first two are acceptable, then why not the singing of frat songs in Oklahoma? I do not see the difference. All are people being people. We have been people since the first steps out of the swamps.

Where did the neanderthal go? Did they all fall on their swords or agate points when the smarter prettier version of man showed up on their radar screens. No, they were hunted to extinction and some ancient cave writings suggest they tasted like bison. The world is about competition. It is tribal. It is family based. When food is plentiful we will feed our neighbors. Next ice age, sorry Albert Pheneas Gore, Jr, we will feed our families. It is what and how God made us. Evolution, man, survival of the fittest. Today intellect rules, tomorrow brawn and brutality may rule.

The first failed crop worldwide will test my hypothesis.

And speaking of intellectual rule, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, former failed Secretary of State, for the equally failed Obama Presidency, held a presser at the UN yesterday to explain her secretive missives as a government employee. It fell flat with a press that lovingly sucks on all things Clinton and likes it. Hillary's expiration date as a viable presidential candidate has passed. America cannot elect another 60's radical to its top leadership and expect any progress. This woman is so technically backward she can only manage one phone. Is she stupid? She is a democrat version of Bob Dole without the gimpy arm. Hillary's handicap is her shrill ectodermal layer which cannot be hidden no matter how hard her handlers coach. Empathy and caring cannot be learned it is in the mix when one is born. WJ Clinton oozed slimy empathy so thick he looked like Bill Maury in Ghost Busters after his first encounter with the hotel based entity. Other leaders who lacked empathy and compassion include Adolph Hitler, who did like dogs, and Joe Stalin. They may make good leaders but many lives are sacrificed and at what gain?

I am reminded of the nursery rhyme we sang as children to help fend off bullish talk, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Should we draw our weapons when we hear "Allah Akbar!" screamed at a synagogue, or wait for the sticks and stones to follow? The future in Tombstone belonged to the fastest gun. Nothing has changed.

Be wary my friends. Unto thyself be true. Like Smokey Bear says, "Only you can prevent forest fires" and only you can protect your life against those who would take it. The thugs in Ferguson, Mo
are threats to all Americans, not just the police. And they seem to be doing Obama's and Holder's bidding.

This is truly shocking. I fear a military coup may not come soon enough in Iran to prevent WW III.

God bless us and keep us safe.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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