Monday, December 7, 2015

It Is Time For Hillary To Release All Her Medical Records So Voters Can Make An Informed Decision On Her Fitness To Become President

For anyone in the medical profession, it seems as Hillary Rodham Clinton is not weathering the years as well as she might. Her first Benghazi hearing before congress seemed to highlight her slipping mental abilities. The googlie eye wear did not help her image that day, and I wonder if she pulled up in a short yellow school bus for the hearings.

It is public knowledge she had a "concussion" after a fall? And then a serious blood clot in the brain. Huma A. has acknowledged in released secret SOS email that Hillary gets confused and must be reminded of her daily meetings. Is this presidential material, really? I think Hillary Rodham Clinton would have been a disaster as president even before her brain injury, and her mental disability should disqualify her from holding the highest executive office in our once great land.

If Mrs. Clinton does not have any significant post traumatic brain syndrome, then my apologies.

But at the least, she should be willing to release her medical records and agree to a real time MRI of the brain on "The View" where her adoring fans could shout encouragement to her as she slides in and out of the magnetic field.

Hillary, take my MRI challenge, or be doubted by the world, forever.

Your move.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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