Saturday, March 7, 2015

Urban Poverty Law Center Announces, Not Democrat, Not Republican, Just "The Party": How To Change America For Americans!

If President Obama gets his way this country will no longer be a country following the Judeo-Christian ethics which made it one of the best places in the world in which to live. His opening the border to millions of non residents is a ploy to pollute the homeland population with people who can be conscripted into service and ordered to do atrocities against the native Americans which our current military would be incapable of carrying out.

"Now Pedro and Miguel, you take Jose and Rapheal, and you go over to that Elks Club meeting and kill every one of those patriot bastards. Don't worry, they will be unarmed since we banned all the ammunition and had our first successful gun confiscation here last year."

"Si, si, Senor Capitan.

"Can we rape the senoritas we find attractive before we kill them?"

'Of course. This is war, man!"

Now is this what I really believe? Probably not, but what is this Africanized B. Obama thinking. My people did not travel over from England in leaky wooden vessels 394 years ago, second ship to land at Plymouth Rock, risking everything for freedom to have some half-breed speech reader who was hoisted up by ill conceived affirmative action policies put in place by well meaning hippies in the 60's and 70's to destroy my country. I am cutting a line in the rock. This push to balkanize and destroy America cannot stand.

And I am not alone in my feelings. Many of my acquaintances and colleagues are on board. We are ready to push back. At the polls we have kicked the democrat out of office and given the legislative branch to the republicans. It has made no difference! As soon as an election for the executive branch can be held, the Africanized B will be tossed out.

My prayer is the replacement will be a true patriot and not a traitorous impostor. I fear the elites and their candidates are not best for the people of this country.

If it is Jeb Bush v Hillary (email) I believe we should work hard to put in place a third party and run a candidate who could possibly win the presidency.

What party name should we choose? Maybe, "The Party", no descriptors such as Patriot, redneck, red-blooded American, racist, resistors, et c.

The Party, as a name is powerful. It leaves some doubt as to what it stands for. And this is good. It can be many things to many people.

The Party has a few things it definitely stands for.

1. The constitution as it is written, and not interpreted by black robed thieves.

2. The laws apply to everyone equally.

3. Abolish the IRS, Depts of Energy, Education, Housing, EPA, Post Office, Homeland Security, and any others which serve no great good.

4. Flat tax, 13% on income, no deductions and a 5% national sales tax on consumer goods excluding food.

5. Retiring government servants who transition to million dollar jobs in the private sector they once regulated will be taxed at 90%.

6. Presidential Foundations that accept foreign funds will be taxed at 99%.

7. Secure our borders both north and south and at ports of entry.

8. National defense maintain a strong military.

9. Congress must vote for any military action before any meaningful expenditure of blood and treasure. Exclude limited special ops of less than a million dollars.

10. All immigrants granted citizenship by Obama is revoked and they can apply by the old rules.

11. Elections must be fair and voting irregularities and fraud will be punished by loss of citizenship and large fines. This is a big deal. Stealing elections should be near capitol offenses.

12. Every working US citizen can work one year out of five tax free.

13. Bureau of Land Management lands will be turned over to the states for management and this office will be closed.

14. Militarization of local police departments will be halted.

15. Government employees will pledge allegiance to the people they serve. " I pledge allegiance to the people of this republic and to their freedoms for which I stand ready to defend them with my blood, honor and treasure!" These bastards work for us, not the other way around.

Well, I am tired of this now and will post this so a few of you can marvel at how easy "THE PARTY" would be to form and grow.

Send me a dollar and I will make you a member of The Party, and no it is not tax deductible since I am still waiting to hear from Lois Lerner, the wicked bitch, of the IRS.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center, Founder of The Party.

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