Thursday, November 19, 2015

I Bled The News Today, Oh Boy. ISIL OR DAESK, Which Is It?

If President Obama has created ISIL or Daesk, the name they hate, then our esteemed president must take credit for having all these cock roaches gather in Syria to be turned into a fine red mist sprinkled by the rare, carried third molar or two by Vladimir Putin's war machine. Obama may have some trepidations about killing his religion of peace brothers, but Putin has demonstrated his delightful seriousness to get this thing over with.

The middle east is over peopled. Some analyst believe there are at least 3 million too many young men inhabiting Syria alone, who can no longer be supported in an arid climate. These men must find some "elbow room" as Hitler spoke of his bordering countries, in which to live and raise a family. And Europe's decision to go all gay and not reproduce any children in numbers sufficient to perpetuate the clans created the perfect place for these hearty brown invaders. They are desperate. Life in Europe, the socialist dreamland, will be great for Muhammad, where he will be clothed, fed, and procreate scores of children with his 4 European wives. He can put down his AK and store away the suicide belts and sit back and wait for the population bomb to conquer Europe in 60 years, without firing a shot, if you do not count his multiple ejaculations into a willing uterus. Truly the shots that will be heard around the world. Happiness is a warm gun. Bang, bang, shoot, shoot.

That last line is particularly disgusting even by my loose standards, and I apologize to those out there whom may be offended. Pause for nausea, then read on if I can continue.

And President Obama admonishes the GOP candidates who are competing to take his place by throwing out the old "whose afraid of the 3 yr old Syrian orphan ploy?" and Teddy Cruz has taken the bait and challenges his excellency to a National Debate on the presidents Syrian Refugee policy. Now we will find out who is afraid of a first term junior senator from Texas.

I have lost the muse, and may have lost it before this nonsense began a few lines above.

Trump has resonated with everyday Americans. His patriotism and true love of country is refreshing after the current bunch of minimally patriotic NEW WORLD ORDER ASS-MONKEYS has had its way with us for 7 years.

I am done. I am going to fly one of my airplanes and see if I still remember how to land safely.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

"All politicians are whores, except for Hillary Clinton, no one is buying that." Mother Maybolt, from a dream.

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