Friday, September 25, 2015

Is Donald Trump A Charismatic Christian Soldier Drawn To The Presidency By Devine Intervention?

I believe Donald Trump is America's answer to the Satan driven body politic which is destroying our country's moral fabric one law and regulation at a time. School prayer, Ten Commandments, abortion, gay marriage, climate change, and Trump has been tapped by angels to halt the Obama-Satan-Soros cabal which is Hell-bent on destroying Western Civilization. The Republican Elites who form the ruling class of ass monkeys fear this man and do not know whither this man, Donald Trump, garners his almost magical sway over the great unwashed voters in American society. What is his power? Where did he get it? Is it as some experts feel he derives his energy from Ancient Aliens, or is it a simpler answer and is his power derived from his courage to speak out about Illegal Aliens and other politically protected issues pampered by the giant press which lost its soul to corporate America and these world globalist who pay their salaries and set the tone deciding what is and is not to be reported in the news.

The Fox has choked on its bloody tampons. Allowing Rich Lowry to say Carly F. had castrated Donald T on MegGYN Kelly's Trump Bashing Hour on Fox News using the term "Balls" was beyond the pale pad. ABC has the View, I feel MeGYN Kelly's show on Fox should be called, "The Flow". She is an attractive intellectual who bleeds for her puppet master, Satan. Her disdain for Donald Trump is palpable. He is living rent free in her addled estrogen starved mind.

Trump is set to release his Tax plan for Making America Great Again. A Tax on consumption would be fair. Make it and keep it, spend it and send it. The Fair tax would capture the great underground economy allowing the black market to help fund our struggling politico's and its con artist parasites.

I have another proposal for Mr. Trump. If a legal enterprise or individual is forced out of business by a government regulation or law as we are seeing now with Obama's war on coal, all workers, owners, stock holders, bond owners must be compensated for lost value. Coal miners would receive pensions from Uncle Satan equal to wages paid their last year on the job for life. The money would come from the budget of the department whose regulation forced the business out of work. For example the EPA would be responsible for the coal miners and the coal-fired electrical plant shut down and pay its emloyee's and owners. The owners would retain ownership of the property with no restriction in its legal use in the future, but EPA would pay the company its profits yearly adjusted for inflation, of course. The workers are free to continue working without penalty and the pension is tax free and can be passed on to their children in perpituity. If unelected government regulators are going to make calls of eminent domain against free enterprise businesses in America they must be prepared to compensate the casualties their decisions produce.

Mr. Trump, Build Up That Wall!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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