Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Inmates Running The Asylum Are Incapable Of Policing The Asylum. Why The Democrat And Republican Corruption Will Forever Remain In The Shadows.

For a country where keeping a secret is getting harder and harder thanks to our pals out on the Utah Salt Flats in that state of the art NSA building, where this is being monitored before I tap on my computers keys, the truth about Benghazi, Lois Lerner's IRS tax shenanigans, and who were the thugs who beat the shit out of poor old outgoing senate majority leader, Harry Reid, is not finding its way to the light of day.

Benghazi, where the corpses, of Libyan strong man Gaddafi and our former Ambassador Jon Stephens and three American heroes are melded into a story of international meddling and intrigue which involves Hillary Clinton's poorly lead State Department, and a Pentagon with a few good apolitical soldiers left, given the Obama purge which has laid low or given to boot to any American patriots left in that fantasy land.

Word is beginning to trickle out that Gaddafi was willing to step down from his leadership role in Libya, but State, H. R. Clinton, would only agree to his murder. Recall her cackling misquote from Julius Caesar's tome about the Gallic wars, "I came, I saw, he died!" Cue the wicked witch laugh from the "Wizard of Oz". Is it just me or is this kind of disregard for human life unseemly in a top tier politician?

I believe this sort of callousness was rampant in the Nazi death camps of WWII. But many great leaders have had this same quality of a complete disregard for human life, Margaret Sanger, Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin, Che, Fidel Castro, so Hillary is in good company.

Anyway the patriots at the Pentagon tried to change Clinton and Obama's plans for the destabilization of Libya but were out voted and HR and BH armed our enemies with surface to air missiles enough to have every 787 rain down over LaGuardia for a year. Will any of this see the light of day in Tray Goudy's investigation?

The short answer is no.

Corruption, corrupts and absolute corruption corrupts even the uncorrupt. Do not hold breath for any real revelations to come from a congressional investigation.
Ditto, the IRS scandal with Mrs. Lerner, or the truth about Harry Reid, who had his 75 yr old frame beat to hell by an unruly bungee he was over powering when it snapped and threw him across the exercise room at mach I in his Nevada mansion. If it had been a bungee and a half he would have been killed!

Of note, in a senior moment after the Democrat shellacking in November, Reid had been critical of Obama, and had gone off on a sort of public rant, and apparently his exercise equipment took offense and decided to teach old Senator Reid a lesson. Stay with the program, hold the line or else. This will finish Reid. Old frail and beat to hell. I do not see him finishing out his term.

Senator Reid knows too much and his lips got loose just after the election but the bungee mishap has tightened them up again. He will be satisfied to play "quiet mouse, still mouse" for the rest of his career. I believe he is in a pickle with organized crime on one side and the Obama/Clinton syndicate on the other.

In a world where no man is an island, every man is an island.

The struggle continues! Sit back and enjoy the parade. It is going to get better.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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