Warm weather is limited here in Cedar Grove, Tennessee. No longer can we depend upon the stifling heat of summer to make us sweat when we exit our homes or cars. Temperatures have been dipping into the mid sixties when our side of the globe darkens. Light heats up our side into the low nineties. The soy beans are filling out, growth spurred more by time of daylight than by heat. Corn is kerneling based more on water availability in the soil than heat. And cotton is bowling from water gathered by a deeply sent tap root to suck up the last of the ground water that has not been replenished in any meaningful way for over a month now.
The streams are now only sluggish trickles. Fish are holed up in the deeper areas carved out for just such dry times to give our aquatic zoonotics a fighting chance to survive this drought. Melancholia weighs heavy on my shoulders.
Another summer of life wasted, and again no great accomplishments to speak of in my 58 misspent years slogging across this earthly realm. In 1965, I shared an upstairs bedroom with my older brother in a house with no air conditioning. In the summer we would lie awake before sleep in the stifling heat and talk. It was during one of these special moments when it was too hot to sleep that he predicted I would never amount to anything. I was not big and strong enough to be a good football player. I was too lazy and stupid to ever be a scholar of any note. And my teeth were coming in crooked which would prevent me from entering public life as an actor or politician. In his final argument that warm summer's night as we waited for our upstairs bedroom to cool down enough to sleep, praying for a breeze as an escape from the dreadful heat, he finished with: "Jack, I sure as hell would not want to be you!"
As my tears slipped silently onto my pillow, I was more than determined to show that lousy son of a bitch and all my detractors that they were wrong! I could make something of myself. All I had to do was set my mind to it. They would see.
Next day, my mother and grandmother were taking their annual pilgrimage to Memphis to buy our school clothes at Goldsmith's Department Store. I was invited so I could try on some clothing, but as was my habit, I, instead, sent my regrets, preferring to play outside in the creek catching snakes and turtles. This was the year I would be attending Junior High School. Moving on from the safe haven of the elementary school and up where stories of horrible acts of cruelty were perpetrated on the smaller students.
A well known tactic called "poling" was in vogue at our school, and it did not involve politics or voting in any shape or manner.
Briefly, poling involved four larger male students preying on a smaller male, new to the Jr. High School. Each of the four larger student grabs a limb and they carry the struggling waif feet first, legs parted rapidly towards the nearest telephone pole and drive the unfortunates open pelvis and his man junk into the pole after which he is dropped on his ass, left to roll around on the ground holding his crotch. This was amusing as long as you were not the sacrificiianato of this festival of barbarism. Most seventh graders had not as yet developed a large twig or berries, but the custom was to roll about on the ground and feign agony in case any of the hotties had witnessed your most recent misfortunes. You did not want anybody to know that your junk was not much larger than a vagina.
I was never poled. I was leery and fast, and spent my mornings before school well away from the light poles. Anyway back on point, if there is one to this treatise.
My older brother always went with Granny and Mother on that day long toddle to Memphis and was rewarded with the newest fashions from London, Paris, and New York City. He always looked like he stepped out of the Brooks Brothers Store. He struck a dashing figure, the envy of all the other boys at our school and the desire of all the girls! With my hopelessly waifish habitus and my large hideous teeth which came in in no particular orderly way, my mother and her mother, bought what ever was on the sale rack for my attire. That year I got a nifty pair of pink corduroy bell bottom pants which I wore with my dazzling black and white saddle oxfords! My pants were accented with either a white dress shirt, or a bright blue dress shirt with a frill in front like Tom Jones used to wear.
I was not dressed for success, nor was I expected to succeed. I owe my speed and agility to being chased around by packs of fashion policemen who wanted to change my wardrobe out there on the campus commons.
I grew up and was mentored by my father, a truly kind and generous soul, who backed me in what ever endeavor I pursued. He was my facilitator. When there was a lull in the excitement, he would come home with bows and arrows. Then my friends and I would entertain ourselves taking shots at each other from a hundred yards away. I owe my keen eye to watching for arrows shot my way by my pals the Chump brothers. Our favorite bow shot was straight up, and our Ben Pearson 50 lb draw bows could send a cedar target arrow up and out of sight. Then we had to strained to spot the arrow as it stopped in the upper atmosphere and turned on its side ever so briefly and then disappeared from sight once more as it hurled back towards its release point at 32 ft per second squared. This is when the fun began. We ran away from the release point at variable distances and awaited our fates. We called that diversion dodge arrow. No body caught an arrow, but it was not because we used good judgment. We had guardian angels, exhausted but mighty fine guardian angels.
After the arrows fell silent, father came home with a case of dynamite, TNT, the real stuff. Back then all you had to do was to be a farmer and sign a form and you could buy all you wanted at the local farmer's Coop. This is the stuff every 14 yr old boy and pals yearn to play with! One pal loved it so much he wanted to demolish a county bridge with some of it, but I prevailed upon him after some explanation of what the consequences might be to forgo his unbridled passion to commit this act of wanton destruction.
We blew up stumps, firewood, trees and a lot of dirt. Our biggest bundle was an eight stick load to celebrate New Years which we set off in our front yard moments after midnight without adult supervision. As I said we had some powerful guardian angels. The New Year's Eve explosion prompted calls to the local police from all over town. We lived just outside the city limits at that time.
Naturally a father that arms his children with bows and arrows and dynamite, must support children with guns. We had guns all over the house, BB, pellet, 22 rifles, 30'06, shotguns in all gauges and we hunted all the seasons, squirrel, dove, duck, rabbit, quail, and raccoon. We learned how to shoot and stalk squirrels in the great bottoms of West Tennessee. We also got fairly good at avoiding landowners and the game warden by walking in opposite directions from the road. We did not poach game, but figured we really did not need to discuss our prizes with anybody. My avoidance of the local game warden came one morning after my father had taken my brother and me out to shoot doves when we were ages 10 and 11. We had bagged a couple of birds that morning and up walks the game warden who engages my father in small talk and asked if we had any success. When my brother and I proudly displayed our two dead birds he wrote my father a ticket for $225, since we had taken doves illegally before noon.
We did not know the law, $225 was a fortune in 1963. My father went to court and only had to pay 20 dollars for the court costs as it was a small town and my father socialized with the judge. The game warden was furious the fine was waived.
I have never been checked since, out in the field. I was a quick learner.
The heat is still stifling here midday, and my brother's prediction all those years ago are on the mark. I have not amounted to a hill of beans as my mother was fond of saying. What ever they say about me, for now I am sure that tomorrow is another day.
It could happen. Even, as they say, a blind pig picks up an acorn now and then. Now where did I put that dynamite?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"You know you got to wear your brother's hand-me-downs when you gained weight in your 30's." Mother Maybolt, 1922-2008
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking right.......www.urbanpovertylawcenter.org.......www.southernpoetrylawcenter.org
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Hurricane Irene Blows Al Gore Out Of Obscurity:Middle Chakra Warning!
Fellow Tennessean, Albert Phineas Gore, Jr, has emerged out of the background noises of Libya, the Virginia Quake Monologues, and the first super-hyped hurricane to hit the east coast of the United States( finally something in the news that matches President Obama's epic failure blows by begging the questions, why Gore, why now and why ever?
First, Albert Gore Sr. was a corrupt pol from Tennessee who was courted by Russian partisan Armand Hammer. It was Hammer's Occidental Petroleum company that paid for the seismographic survey of Tennessee and alerted Gore Sr to purchase land in Middle Tennessee, which by chance was one of the few mine able zinc deposits in our state. After Gore, Sr stole the seemingly worthless tracts of land from the landowners, one of whom was a poor widow trying to raise eight children during the depression, Hammer and Occidental Petro leased the mineral rights from the new lucky owners, Al Gore Sr, for a $100,000 dollars a year!
Some people have all the luck! We can thank the father for the son. These black payments set Albert Phineas Gore, Jr up as a privileged Trust Funded Monkey, with all the rights and the public soapbox that often accompanies great wealth and privilege.
My father was politically connected in Tennessee as it was a small state and anyone with a triple digit IQ was seen as some kind of freak and if you haven't noticed, most in the political classes fancy themselves smarter than the average voter and are naturally drawn to intellectuals.
My first recollection of Albert Gore, Jr was the day my brother came home from Vanderbilt University on break stating he just met one of the biggest goofs ever, a fellow with the same name as Gore, Jr was in Divinity School at Vandy in my brother's fraternity and telling all who would listen he was going to be president some day! But for Geo W. Bush, and Gore, Jr landing squarely on the wrong side of gun control in 2000, Ralph Nader, and the 537 vote advantage for Bush, that goober would have been correct.
Enough background, Tennesseans know the Gores and they are a Communist backed creation of the cold war. Black or maybe a better term would be red money has tainted them for ever.
Hurricane Irene has released Al Gore's middle chakra and I believe it is seen in part by that clip of the Fox News reporter getting splashed by the green slime on the banks of New York. Yuck! That is a lot of chakra. Now Gore compares the Global Warming Alarmists to the civil rights activists of the 50's and 60's. It was an enlightened Al Jr who watched Bull Connor turn the hoses and dogs loose on the Black Civil Rights demonstrators in Birmingham Alabama back in 1963.
He was a pimply 15 yr old boy in 1963 who probably did not give a small middle chakra about civil rights. I know his father, Senator Gore of Tennessee, voted the civil rights bill down each time it was presented and even voted against it when it passed.
His memories of questioning bigots and homophobes and changing the tone are all fabrications. He did nothing to change the lexicon. It changed because it was time to move on. The blacks did not cause the war of Northern Aggression, but were merely
convenient excuses for one group of have nots to take from another group of haves. In 1850 there were more millionaires in Mississippi than in New York. The only reason for war is theft on a nation to nation scale. It is certainly not to free a segment of the underclass. A rich nation like the United States of America has nothing to gain from fighting battles in poorer nations.
Show me the wealth, the plunder, the riches. I predict the next war will involve China as it has run out of breeding age females and will be a battle for the womb. The War of the Womb. The Womb of the Unknown Soldier. Make Womb for Father. There is a time-womb ticking over in China. When all those millions of extra boys become men and have no womb for play there will be war.
A poem by William Ross Wallace, "The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world." The reference is to woman and yes, she rules the world. They are the gate keepers. They decide who plays and who stays and who comes and who goes who rents and who owns.
Now Phineas Gore, Jr has decided Global Warming Skeptics are the newest racist, rednecks and he has decided to float this flatus filled balloon out from under the skirts of Hurricane Irene. Hurricanes are worsened by Global Warming. Global Warming that has been unmeasurable for the past 10 years, because there is no there there.
The earth was created by a God who foresaw the use of fossil fuels and fire by man to power the engines of civilization and the earth has built in methods to dissipate excessive heat through rain and evaporation, and through radiation of heat into space and by having the earth rotate slowly on its axis and allow the lit side to heat and the dark side to cool off. Brilliant!
So finally, Albert Phineas Gore, Jr, I am not a racist if I do not buy into your Global Warming hype especially when you and your rich fellow titans of treason and captains of crony capitalism have awarded yourselves all the carbon trading credits which can be sold to rubes as another unnecessary tax. You and your political friends are worse than racists. You are evil and gross!
I suggest you retake a ninth grade science course and learn about how the earth is set up and how heat behaves. Heat is good. Carbon dioxide is good for plant growth. Explain how 4 molecules of carbon dioxide bouncing around in a cubic meter of earth's air can significantly heat all that air and moisture up even a tiny amount. Realize that earth is surrounded by a great heat sink, space! There is no there there in that hot air.
And Al, find yourself a 28 yr old wife and have a couple of kids and get a life and try to stay out of public for a while longer. It is too soon still. Get back with us in 2022. The US has work to do and your policies hamstring business as Global Warming is all about taxes. We don't need no new stinking taxes. Share this with Obama if his handlers ever grant you an audience.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"Four things can hurt you in life, Earth, Fire, Wind and Water!" Mother Maybolt, 1928-2008
First, Albert Gore Sr. was a corrupt pol from Tennessee who was courted by Russian partisan Armand Hammer. It was Hammer's Occidental Petroleum company that paid for the seismographic survey of Tennessee and alerted Gore Sr to purchase land in Middle Tennessee, which by chance was one of the few mine able zinc deposits in our state. After Gore, Sr stole the seemingly worthless tracts of land from the landowners, one of whom was a poor widow trying to raise eight children during the depression, Hammer and Occidental Petro leased the mineral rights from the new lucky owners, Al Gore Sr, for a $100,000 dollars a year!
Some people have all the luck! We can thank the father for the son. These black payments set Albert Phineas Gore, Jr up as a privileged Trust Funded Monkey, with all the rights and the public soapbox that often accompanies great wealth and privilege.
My father was politically connected in Tennessee as it was a small state and anyone with a triple digit IQ was seen as some kind of freak and if you haven't noticed, most in the political classes fancy themselves smarter than the average voter and are naturally drawn to intellectuals.
My first recollection of Albert Gore, Jr was the day my brother came home from Vanderbilt University on break stating he just met one of the biggest goofs ever, a fellow with the same name as Gore, Jr was in Divinity School at Vandy in my brother's fraternity and telling all who would listen he was going to be president some day! But for Geo W. Bush, and Gore, Jr landing squarely on the wrong side of gun control in 2000, Ralph Nader, and the 537 vote advantage for Bush, that goober would have been correct.
Enough background, Tennesseans know the Gores and they are a Communist backed creation of the cold war. Black or maybe a better term would be red money has tainted them for ever.
Hurricane Irene has released Al Gore's middle chakra and I believe it is seen in part by that clip of the Fox News reporter getting splashed by the green slime on the banks of New York. Yuck! That is a lot of chakra. Now Gore compares the Global Warming Alarmists to the civil rights activists of the 50's and 60's. It was an enlightened Al Jr who watched Bull Connor turn the hoses and dogs loose on the Black Civil Rights demonstrators in Birmingham Alabama back in 1963.
He was a pimply 15 yr old boy in 1963 who probably did not give a small middle chakra about civil rights. I know his father, Senator Gore of Tennessee, voted the civil rights bill down each time it was presented and even voted against it when it passed.
His memories of questioning bigots and homophobes and changing the tone are all fabrications. He did nothing to change the lexicon. It changed because it was time to move on. The blacks did not cause the war of Northern Aggression, but were merely
convenient excuses for one group of have nots to take from another group of haves. In 1850 there were more millionaires in Mississippi than in New York. The only reason for war is theft on a nation to nation scale. It is certainly not to free a segment of the underclass. A rich nation like the United States of America has nothing to gain from fighting battles in poorer nations.
Show me the wealth, the plunder, the riches. I predict the next war will involve China as it has run out of breeding age females and will be a battle for the womb. The War of the Womb. The Womb of the Unknown Soldier. Make Womb for Father. There is a time-womb ticking over in China. When all those millions of extra boys become men and have no womb for play there will be war.
A poem by William Ross Wallace, "The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world." The reference is to woman and yes, she rules the world. They are the gate keepers. They decide who plays and who stays and who comes and who goes who rents and who owns.
Now Phineas Gore, Jr has decided Global Warming Skeptics are the newest racist, rednecks and he has decided to float this flatus filled balloon out from under the skirts of Hurricane Irene. Hurricanes are worsened by Global Warming. Global Warming that has been unmeasurable for the past 10 years, because there is no there there.
The earth was created by a God who foresaw the use of fossil fuels and fire by man to power the engines of civilization and the earth has built in methods to dissipate excessive heat through rain and evaporation, and through radiation of heat into space and by having the earth rotate slowly on its axis and allow the lit side to heat and the dark side to cool off. Brilliant!
So finally, Albert Phineas Gore, Jr, I am not a racist if I do not buy into your Global Warming hype especially when you and your rich fellow titans of treason and captains of crony capitalism have awarded yourselves all the carbon trading credits which can be sold to rubes as another unnecessary tax. You and your political friends are worse than racists. You are evil and gross!
I suggest you retake a ninth grade science course and learn about how the earth is set up and how heat behaves. Heat is good. Carbon dioxide is good for plant growth. Explain how 4 molecules of carbon dioxide bouncing around in a cubic meter of earth's air can significantly heat all that air and moisture up even a tiny amount. Realize that earth is surrounded by a great heat sink, space! There is no there there in that hot air.
And Al, find yourself a 28 yr old wife and have a couple of kids and get a life and try to stay out of public for a while longer. It is too soon still. Get back with us in 2022. The US has work to do and your policies hamstring business as Global Warming is all about taxes. We don't need no new stinking taxes. Share this with Obama if his handlers ever grant you an audience.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"Four things can hurt you in life, Earth, Fire, Wind and Water!" Mother Maybolt, 1928-2008
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Urban Poverty Law Center Self-Pity Exercise: Do Not Read If Depressed
The only thing that can stop tyranny is a just and moral people. We must take the necessary steps to slash the size and scope of the federal government now.
Our economy is contracting at an alarming rate. The new norms will be at 50% of the post war boom years. Our growth was spurred by the population explosion after WW II. New businesses started up to sell and market to the millions of new consumers in the US. Only serious idiots failed in those population boom times. I am one of the idiots.
Businesses I have failed at:
When I was 7 my brother was 8 and a half and we were paid by grandfather to mow his lawn. I was too little to push the mower.
When I was 9-14 my grandfather set us up to sell cokes and hot dogs at the Strawberry Festival every May. I was deemed too poor a worker to get a full half share of the profits.
When I was 15 my mother pulled strings at the country club and I was given a job as lifeguard. If you do not count the three children that drown under my watch, I would have chalked up my first success. It was not to be.
When I was 16 I got a job as a greens keeper at the country club. I did not check the oil on the greens mower and burned it up over on hole 7 on my last day of work.
When I was 17 my neighbor hired me to work at his strawberry packing company where it was my duty to staple the boxes the cartoons of freshly packed strawberries were packed into. I fell asleep after lunch droned by the monotonous sounds of the packing machine.
When I was 18 my pal got me on with Sears Roebuck as a helper to the service and repairman. I kept falling asleep and dropped my end of a new freezer we were delivering to a farm house out in Alamo.
In college I worked at the ag barn mowing greens, but I could not show up on time and was let go.
Second job in college, I was hired to run an atomic absorption spectrophotometer to measure stream pollutants from strip mining sites. I got mixed up and ran the wrong samples. I was let go.
I went to the University of Wyoming as a teaching assistant and graduate student in Chemistry. I could not keep my hands off the freshman girls.
After my PhD I took a post doctoral fellowship at the Department of Energy and worked on shale oil with instructions to find out what was in the oil. I worked for over 10 months and my report that indicated the shale oil contained oil and other substances as yet undetermined was not a hit. I was let go.
My medical school experiences at the University of Utah were another series of set backs and disappointments, especially for my teachers and patients. Do you know what they call the person who graduates last in the medical class?
Doctor Maybolt.
My residency in Chicago proved to be like every other endeavor. I found the emergency room to be too unstructured and unpredictable for my taste and I would sign myself in as a patient halfway through many of my shifts just so I would not have to see any more patients.
I have written and shelved a marvelous self-help tome for people who have low self esteem, but I do not think it is good enough to send in to a publisher. I hate rejection. I know I should not feel this way, but I am pretty much worthless as you can see from my lack of meaningful accomplishments.
After the John Deere Manure spreader mangled me, an abject act of Divine intervention without which I would have killed thousands of unsuspecting patients by now, I settled in and lived comfortably with my mother until her untimely death in the Bingo Pallor fire here in Cedar Grove.
Since then, I have thrown myself into my work here at the Urban Poverty Law Center and even this seems to be on shaky ground. I have very little funding to help the poor, and I am not able to find any poor people who want my help. I have found the poor to be very fickle and feckless.
Offer them some potatoes and they'd rather have beer. Offer some baby formula for the baby and they would rather have cigarettes. Offer to buy some clothing for the older children and they would rather have cash for gasoline. Sometimes I think the poor are poor for a reason. Maybe the poor choose to be poor since it is easier than being rich.
I did learn the third law in thermodynamics is called entropy. Entropy is a force that makes all things go to the lowest energy state or from order to disorder unless energy is utilized to keep things ordered. Rich requires energy, poor is the immutable law of entropy. Why bother?
Hot is to rich as cold is to poor. Like absolute zero for cold, there is a place from which the poorest of poor can not get any poorer. I am not aware of what the absolute highest temperature is? But rich, like heat, has no ceiling. Thank God above that poor is limited.
We will not become affluent in this country until the energy costs are reigned in. It is a law of thermodynamics. The third law,I believe. $40 a barrel oil is the key to prosperity.
I am Jackson Delano Maybolt, MD, PhD; President of the Urban Poverty Law Center
"Jack, Mommy still loves you, failures, warts and all!" Mother Maybolt, 1922-2008
Our economy is contracting at an alarming rate. The new norms will be at 50% of the post war boom years. Our growth was spurred by the population explosion after WW II. New businesses started up to sell and market to the millions of new consumers in the US. Only serious idiots failed in those population boom times. I am one of the idiots.
Businesses I have failed at:
When I was 7 my brother was 8 and a half and we were paid by grandfather to mow his lawn. I was too little to push the mower.
When I was 9-14 my grandfather set us up to sell cokes and hot dogs at the Strawberry Festival every May. I was deemed too poor a worker to get a full half share of the profits.
When I was 15 my mother pulled strings at the country club and I was given a job as lifeguard. If you do not count the three children that drown under my watch, I would have chalked up my first success. It was not to be.
When I was 16 I got a job as a greens keeper at the country club. I did not check the oil on the greens mower and burned it up over on hole 7 on my last day of work.
When I was 17 my neighbor hired me to work at his strawberry packing company where it was my duty to staple the boxes the cartoons of freshly packed strawberries were packed into. I fell asleep after lunch droned by the monotonous sounds of the packing machine.
When I was 18 my pal got me on with Sears Roebuck as a helper to the service and repairman. I kept falling asleep and dropped my end of a new freezer we were delivering to a farm house out in Alamo.
In college I worked at the ag barn mowing greens, but I could not show up on time and was let go.
Second job in college, I was hired to run an atomic absorption spectrophotometer to measure stream pollutants from strip mining sites. I got mixed up and ran the wrong samples. I was let go.
I went to the University of Wyoming as a teaching assistant and graduate student in Chemistry. I could not keep my hands off the freshman girls.
After my PhD I took a post doctoral fellowship at the Department of Energy and worked on shale oil with instructions to find out what was in the oil. I worked for over 10 months and my report that indicated the shale oil contained oil and other substances as yet undetermined was not a hit. I was let go.
My medical school experiences at the University of Utah were another series of set backs and disappointments, especially for my teachers and patients. Do you know what they call the person who graduates last in the medical class?
Doctor Maybolt.
My residency in Chicago proved to be like every other endeavor. I found the emergency room to be too unstructured and unpredictable for my taste and I would sign myself in as a patient halfway through many of my shifts just so I would not have to see any more patients.
I have written and shelved a marvelous self-help tome for people who have low self esteem, but I do not think it is good enough to send in to a publisher. I hate rejection. I know I should not feel this way, but I am pretty much worthless as you can see from my lack of meaningful accomplishments.
After the John Deere Manure spreader mangled me, an abject act of Divine intervention without which I would have killed thousands of unsuspecting patients by now, I settled in and lived comfortably with my mother until her untimely death in the Bingo Pallor fire here in Cedar Grove.
Since then, I have thrown myself into my work here at the Urban Poverty Law Center and even this seems to be on shaky ground. I have very little funding to help the poor, and I am not able to find any poor people who want my help. I have found the poor to be very fickle and feckless.
Offer them some potatoes and they'd rather have beer. Offer some baby formula for the baby and they would rather have cigarettes. Offer to buy some clothing for the older children and they would rather have cash for gasoline. Sometimes I think the poor are poor for a reason. Maybe the poor choose to be poor since it is easier than being rich.
I did learn the third law in thermodynamics is called entropy. Entropy is a force that makes all things go to the lowest energy state or from order to disorder unless energy is utilized to keep things ordered. Rich requires energy, poor is the immutable law of entropy. Why bother?
Hot is to rich as cold is to poor. Like absolute zero for cold, there is a place from which the poorest of poor can not get any poorer. I am not aware of what the absolute highest temperature is? But rich, like heat, has no ceiling. Thank God above that poor is limited.
We will not become affluent in this country until the energy costs are reigned in. It is a law of thermodynamics. The third law,I believe. $40 a barrel oil is the key to prosperity.
I am Jackson Delano Maybolt, MD, PhD; President of the Urban Poverty Law Center
"Jack, Mommy still loves you, failures, warts and all!" Mother Maybolt, 1922-2008
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Urban Poverty Law Center Sees Wrath of God At Work
Americans clinging to guns and their bibles take homage the Lord is with us. He is sending warnings to the godless ruling class in the form of earthquakes and hurricanes. It would not surprise me to witness a volcano opening up on Pennsylvania Avenue where the street is blocked off in front of the White House.
A shimmie-shake and a big blow storm can be written off, but a volcano on Pennsylvania Avenue, definitely a sign, definitely!
The quake was felt on Martha's vineyard where our gifted Orator with the deep baritone voice was just teeing up to play a round of golf with his usual threesome, Hugo Chavez, fresh back from Cuba with a radioactive bumho, Willie Jefferson Clinton, with his much maligned trouser snake, and Jeff Immelt, CEO and Chief Solicitor Begger for General Electric, a multi billion dollar company, that paid no income taxes in the US on $10 billions in profits last year.
Come on Jeffie, get some skin in da game, man! You are an unpatriotic puke! Corporations don't need no stinking cash, people need cash. If I was Warren Buffett, I would buy your company just so I could fire you. Then I would sell off a lot of stuff and try to make amends by paying back taxes. Jeff Immelt, you blow! You are such a weasel I bet you let Barack Hussein Obama win? Privileged puke, king of the titans of treason, co-captain of crony capitalism, go ahead let all the little people like me kick in your share of the cost of government after all you are the great and powerful GE, the same GE that did not know enough to see that direct current was not commercially viable on a large scale back when electricity was young and Westinghouse was cleaning your clock. Douche!
Tragedy struck the White House where President Obama's favored teleprompters toppled and were broken by the 5.9 rated earthquake. Press spokesman for the White House Jay Carney said all speeches will be postponed until a new pair of prompters could be manufactured in China. The machines are on rush order, so Obama should be up and reading in 6 to 8 weeks. Until such time his speeches will be available on twitter at www.twitnthewhitehouse.gov.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"Jack and Jill went up the hill each with a buck and a quarter.
Jill came back with with all the cash and Jack with a smile and the water."
Mother Maybolt, nursery rhymes told to me as a child, 1923-2008
A shimmie-shake and a big blow storm can be written off, but a volcano on Pennsylvania Avenue, definitely a sign, definitely!
The quake was felt on Martha's vineyard where our gifted Orator with the deep baritone voice was just teeing up to play a round of golf with his usual threesome, Hugo Chavez, fresh back from Cuba with a radioactive bumho, Willie Jefferson Clinton, with his much maligned trouser snake, and Jeff Immelt, CEO and Chief Solicitor Begger for General Electric, a multi billion dollar company, that paid no income taxes in the US on $10 billions in profits last year.
Come on Jeffie, get some skin in da game, man! You are an unpatriotic puke! Corporations don't need no stinking cash, people need cash. If I was Warren Buffett, I would buy your company just so I could fire you. Then I would sell off a lot of stuff and try to make amends by paying back taxes. Jeff Immelt, you blow! You are such a weasel I bet you let Barack Hussein Obama win? Privileged puke, king of the titans of treason, co-captain of crony capitalism, go ahead let all the little people like me kick in your share of the cost of government after all you are the great and powerful GE, the same GE that did not know enough to see that direct current was not commercially viable on a large scale back when electricity was young and Westinghouse was cleaning your clock. Douche!
Tragedy struck the White House where President Obama's favored teleprompters toppled and were broken by the 5.9 rated earthquake. Press spokesman for the White House Jay Carney said all speeches will be postponed until a new pair of prompters could be manufactured in China. The machines are on rush order, so Obama should be up and reading in 6 to 8 weeks. Until such time his speeches will be available on twitter at www.twitnthewhitehouse.gov.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"Jack and Jill went up the hill each with a buck and a quarter.
Jill came back with with all the cash and Jack with a smile and the water."
Mother Maybolt, nursery rhymes told to me as a child, 1923-2008
Monday, August 22, 2011
Urban Poverty Law Center Urges Maxine Waters To Chill
What happens when the government hates the people as much as the people hate the government? Waco, Ruby Ridge, Tim McVey, Stimulus packages to bail out fat cat bankers and Wall Street trading whores, QE1,2,3?, air travel restricted to those who comply with nudity or fondling by the TSA, and politicians like Representative Maxine Waters, who invited the 46% of Americans who pay her salary via taxes, to take a trip to visit her colleague and master, old Satan himself.
From a representative republic to a unrepresentative Kleptocracy in just over 200 years, the fall of the American way of life is now complete. All that is left is for someone to turn out the lights, and Obama's new EPA regulations against cross state pollution has threatened to do just that. His EPA plans to shutter 1/5 of our nation's coal fired generating plants. Electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket! What a fool!
The Tea Party must pray for relief to the only One Who keeps Maxine Waters and Satan in check. Could the veering off of the latest tropical storm away from Rush Limbaugh in Florida and straight for our vacationing Baritone in Chief on Martha's Vineyard be God's sign that he has not forsaken his little lambs here in America?
Is the grand American experiment in freedom not ending with this most remarkable fluke of presidential politics?
A man only elected by a majority of voters as the anti-Bush, Clinton fatigued, wow a clean well-spoken black man(Joe Biden's take) candidate who could charm the panties off a young Doris Day, and then be just as comfortable wearing them to the pizza parlor on Martha's vineyard, leaving Miss Day to wonder what just happened.
Today, we are all Miss Day. Barack Hussein Obama has all our underwear and we are unsure how this happened without us realizing it. Oh yeah, he promises to give them back, but we must all take a good look at them when we get them back before we try to wear them. Obama promised to fundamentally change America. He did.
He has taken our very foundations, our freedoms, our money, our choices and stolen them like an underwear thief in the night and most of us do not even realize we have gone commando. We are too busy raising families and working two jobs to notice his attack.
Our freedom to choose whether or not to buy medical insurance is gone. He chose to force us to buy it. Our freedom to earn a dollar today and save it secure in the knowledge it will be worth the same in three months let alone in 10 years is gone thanks to his goons at the Federal Reserve Bank and their printing presses.
Our freedom to educate our children with God in the school room has been taken from us with horrifying results. Flash mobs beating and robbing fellow citizens with callous disregard for our shared heritage and the Ten Commandments.
Our vote has been taken by him and his thugs at ACORN and others through voter intimidation and outright fraud. The Tea Party realizes we are back to "taxation without representation"! It pissed us off then and it pisses us off now.
Our borders have been taken from us as have the rights and privileges being a US citizen bestows. Walk across the border, can't speak English, no problemo, can't get a job, no problemo, want to vote even though not a citizen, no problemo!
Well, Mr. Obama, the Tea Party thinks we have a big problemo! And we showed your team what a warm up looked like in 2010. We were just clearing our throats in 2010. You ain't seen nothing yet.
You might as well reserve the moving vans now to haul you and your self-indulgent entourage out of the people's White House, not your house, not the Federal Reserve's house, not the bandits of Wall Street's house, and not Maxine Waters'house. To show you there are no hard feelings, the tea party will even pick up the tab for your move with a generous retirement for the rest of your life. Where, in retirement you can wow your big powerful friends,the titans of treason and the captains of crony-capitalism, making $500,000 a speech, spouting platitudes filled with empty rhetoric about how you almost fundamentally changed America!
It is the Tea Party's White House. We pay for it and we controlled its occupant until you began to steal the power of the vote. Shame on you, you know what you've done. Thief! A low down underwear thief!
Your welcome is waning. Your leadership is reckless. Your timing is out of sync. Anyway watch out for that hurricane. God works in mysterious ways. Pray that others are praying for and not against you. Our God is an awesome God.
Maybe you should attend church this weekend? And perhaps you should take that old sulphur spewing gas bag, Maxine Waters, with you.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
"Jack, you hate going to Church." Mother Maybolt, 1922-2008
A note to the SS: Never mind! JDM
From a representative republic to a unrepresentative Kleptocracy in just over 200 years, the fall of the American way of life is now complete. All that is left is for someone to turn out the lights, and Obama's new EPA regulations against cross state pollution has threatened to do just that. His EPA plans to shutter 1/5 of our nation's coal fired generating plants. Electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket! What a fool!
The Tea Party must pray for relief to the only One Who keeps Maxine Waters and Satan in check. Could the veering off of the latest tropical storm away from Rush Limbaugh in Florida and straight for our vacationing Baritone in Chief on Martha's Vineyard be God's sign that he has not forsaken his little lambs here in America?
Is the grand American experiment in freedom not ending with this most remarkable fluke of presidential politics?
A man only elected by a majority of voters as the anti-Bush, Clinton fatigued, wow a clean well-spoken black man(Joe Biden's take) candidate who could charm the panties off a young Doris Day, and then be just as comfortable wearing them to the pizza parlor on Martha's vineyard, leaving Miss Day to wonder what just happened.
Today, we are all Miss Day. Barack Hussein Obama has all our underwear and we are unsure how this happened without us realizing it. Oh yeah, he promises to give them back, but we must all take a good look at them when we get them back before we try to wear them. Obama promised to fundamentally change America. He did.
He has taken our very foundations, our freedoms, our money, our choices and stolen them like an underwear thief in the night and most of us do not even realize we have gone commando. We are too busy raising families and working two jobs to notice his attack.
Our freedom to choose whether or not to buy medical insurance is gone. He chose to force us to buy it. Our freedom to earn a dollar today and save it secure in the knowledge it will be worth the same in three months let alone in 10 years is gone thanks to his goons at the Federal Reserve Bank and their printing presses.
Our freedom to educate our children with God in the school room has been taken from us with horrifying results. Flash mobs beating and robbing fellow citizens with callous disregard for our shared heritage and the Ten Commandments.
Our vote has been taken by him and his thugs at ACORN and others through voter intimidation and outright fraud. The Tea Party realizes we are back to "taxation without representation"! It pissed us off then and it pisses us off now.
Our borders have been taken from us as have the rights and privileges being a US citizen bestows. Walk across the border, can't speak English, no problemo, can't get a job, no problemo, want to vote even though not a citizen, no problemo!
Well, Mr. Obama, the Tea Party thinks we have a big problemo! And we showed your team what a warm up looked like in 2010. We were just clearing our throats in 2010. You ain't seen nothing yet.
You might as well reserve the moving vans now to haul you and your self-indulgent entourage out of the people's White House, not your house, not the Federal Reserve's house, not the bandits of Wall Street's house, and not Maxine Waters'house. To show you there are no hard feelings, the tea party will even pick up the tab for your move with a generous retirement for the rest of your life. Where, in retirement you can wow your big powerful friends,the titans of treason and the captains of crony-capitalism, making $500,000 a speech, spouting platitudes filled with empty rhetoric about how you almost fundamentally changed America!
It is the Tea Party's White House. We pay for it and we controlled its occupant until you began to steal the power of the vote. Shame on you, you know what you've done. Thief! A low down underwear thief!
Your welcome is waning. Your leadership is reckless. Your timing is out of sync. Anyway watch out for that hurricane. God works in mysterious ways. Pray that others are praying for and not against you. Our God is an awesome God.
Maybe you should attend church this weekend? And perhaps you should take that old sulphur spewing gas bag, Maxine Waters, with you.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
"Jack, you hate going to Church." Mother Maybolt, 1922-2008
A note to the SS: Never mind! JDM
Urban Poverty Law Center Offers Iranian Prisoner Exchange
Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal are sentenced to 8 years in prison in Iran for doing what any adventurous American 20 somethings would undertake--hike the border between Iran and Iraq. Any of you who have read any of the writings contained within these hallowed bytes know this is something my sister's boy Jakob Maybolt Finkbinder would try but he only got as far as middle Turkey before his antiperspirant got him mistaken for a local and he had to return to America foregoing any chance of unwanted intercourse with Iranian detainees.
Seems Shane and Josh were only trying to peer into southern Iran from Northern Iraq to see if they could subvert the ruling mullahs authority and lead a revolt according to the charges placed on the two innocent pilgrims. Aside from the two years at CIA headquarters at Quantico, Virginia, neither of the boys has any formal training in clandestine operations. Their fake passports and the briefcase in their possession filled with Iranian Rials, valued at over $5 million, could not be used as evidence against the pair as they had not been read their rights when the evidence was seized. Ironically, both Josh and Shane are fluent in Farsi and Arabic as well as English, Russian and Chinese, again not an unusual talent for American school educated children where foreign languages are stressed in a challenging and difficult educational curriculum. Both hail from NYC PS 45 in the Bronx, where Shane was remembered for his dodge ball skills, and Josh was more of a loner, who read books on espionage and watched reruns of "Hogan's Heros" in Stalag Thirteen.
I wonder how many Shanes and Joshes made it through the porous border from Iraq and into Iran? I would venture not many. Perhaps we should contract the Iranians to secure our border with Mexico?
Well I did not start this fight, but I am here to offer myself as a high yield target exchange for these young men, only 28 yrs old.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, I, Jackson Delano Maybolt, do here by offer myself up in a one for two prisoner exchange for the release of Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer. One fat 58 year old disabled farmer, with his best years behind him, squandered on beer and cigarettes with too little worship of our Lord to make any difference in my fate, for two bright young men with everything to look forward to if they can avoid your gulag.
I can leave tomorrow if the trade interests you, but I must warn you, I have no state secrets unless you believe my first hand knowledge of JFK's affair with Betsy Shenanigans of Clarksburg, Tn is of any value to your operatives. Word around here was Betsy's husband was firing from that grassy knoll in Dallas. Delbert Shenanigans was an unpleasant cuckold and Betsy had a harder time filling her date book after that November 22. There is a red headed Shenanigan boy and Delbert loved him like his own. He always said it would be wrong to blame the boy for the whore in the mother. I guess that makes good sense.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"There are spies of the flesh as well as spies of the spirit." Mother Maybolt, 1927-2008
Seems Shane and Josh were only trying to peer into southern Iran from Northern Iraq to see if they could subvert the ruling mullahs authority and lead a revolt according to the charges placed on the two innocent pilgrims. Aside from the two years at CIA headquarters at Quantico, Virginia, neither of the boys has any formal training in clandestine operations. Their fake passports and the briefcase in their possession filled with Iranian Rials, valued at over $5 million, could not be used as evidence against the pair as they had not been read their rights when the evidence was seized. Ironically, both Josh and Shane are fluent in Farsi and Arabic as well as English, Russian and Chinese, again not an unusual talent for American school educated children where foreign languages are stressed in a challenging and difficult educational curriculum. Both hail from NYC PS 45 in the Bronx, where Shane was remembered for his dodge ball skills, and Josh was more of a loner, who read books on espionage and watched reruns of "Hogan's Heros" in Stalag Thirteen.
I wonder how many Shanes and Joshes made it through the porous border from Iraq and into Iran? I would venture not many. Perhaps we should contract the Iranians to secure our border with Mexico?
Well I did not start this fight, but I am here to offer myself as a high yield target exchange for these young men, only 28 yrs old.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, I, Jackson Delano Maybolt, do here by offer myself up in a one for two prisoner exchange for the release of Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer. One fat 58 year old disabled farmer, with his best years behind him, squandered on beer and cigarettes with too little worship of our Lord to make any difference in my fate, for two bright young men with everything to look forward to if they can avoid your gulag.
I can leave tomorrow if the trade interests you, but I must warn you, I have no state secrets unless you believe my first hand knowledge of JFK's affair with Betsy Shenanigans of Clarksburg, Tn is of any value to your operatives. Word around here was Betsy's husband was firing from that grassy knoll in Dallas. Delbert Shenanigans was an unpleasant cuckold and Betsy had a harder time filling her date book after that November 22. There is a red headed Shenanigan boy and Delbert loved him like his own. He always said it would be wrong to blame the boy for the whore in the mother. I guess that makes good sense.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"There are spies of the flesh as well as spies of the spirit." Mother Maybolt, 1927-2008
Iranian Prison,
Josh Fattal,
Shane Bauer,
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Urban Poverty Law Center Offers To Broker Libyan Peace Deal
Below is a copy of a letter we at UPLC sent to both Madam Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama.
20 August, 2011
Dear President Obama and Secretary Clinton:
We have been watching the unrest in Libya over the past few months with great angst and wish to contribute to the peace process.
We have already offered Colonel Gaddafi safe haven here in Cedar Grove, Tn and believe he will accept our offer if we can get over there and present our offer in person. As we see it he has a few details to work out before he can accept our generous offer. His safe departure from Libya being foremost and pressing given the recent downturn in his fortunes.
My legal team says we will need a waiver from the State Department. Hillary, you can get this for us, please,so we can travel there during this time of unrest? We will sign all the waivers and releases you require. We need this pronto.
President Obama, if you are finished campaigning for the summer in the beautiful and heavily armored bus built in Canada and purchased with our grandchildren's labor, I would like to include it in the offer to Colonel Gaddafi. This bus will make his exit from Tripoli more certain of success.
Check with Michelle. Reassure her we could make the president's bedroom off limits to his entourage if it is a deal breaker for her and forbid the Colonel from using the cheap cologne he applies after monthly baths to mask the odors from his apocrine sweat glands colonized by the virulent Mid East strains of flesh eating staphylococcus and e. coli. We will also ask him to refrain from transporting camel's milk in the bus to avoid spillage and he will not be allowed to butcher anything in the kitchen. All goats will be slaughtered before being brought aboard. I will personally see to it. You have my word.
We need to hear from your people right away so we can make our plans. As you both know things over there are heating up.
If you agree to our proposal, we will need help with transport of the armored bus. Perhaps one air force C130 has the payload, and could we hitch a ride as it will be going there anyway? We like to keep things simple as we are on a very limited budget since we have no nation of sheep to tax nor a banking system willing to print up extra cash when the sheep begin to bleat in protest.
The way we see it this would be a small yet very kind and powerful gesture to Colonel Gaddafi and may break the stalemate we find ourselves in Libya.
If this works you could commission a number of buses, to be constructed in Canada of course, and call it Barack Obama's Bus Tour For Peace, Freedom and Democracy. These could be sent as Peace Symbols and powerful warnings to every tin hat dictator in the world who has the gall to disagree with US hegemony.
Hugo, Fidel, Assad, Muammar, Kim, Mahmoud, and Beautrix, Queen of the Netherlands need to know we are building a bus reserved especially for them. They can run but they can't hide from the bus when it comes for them. Nothing signals gravitas like a heavily armored black bus, except maybe a nuclear armed cruise missile en route.
Nixon gave us Kissinger and his shuttle diplomacy, T Roosevelt with his walk softly and carry a big stick, The Bush Doctrine of shoot first and ask questions later, Clinton with his no intern's behind left alone policy, and now Barack Hussein Obama, Black Bus Diplomacy with Hillary Clinton driving! Brilliant!
History is yesterday's news tomorrow written by life's winner" as they are fond of saying on Martha's Vineyard this time of year, while sipping expensive French wines and dining on lobster and Wagu beef. All there save a few are on that island now because of a seed planted by fate in a mother's open womb by a wealthy father with foresight to set his spawn up for life as "Trust Funded Monkeys" with all the privileges it entails.
I believe the Black Bus will be driving history for years if not decades to come. What have we done to deserve this? We are truly blessed by the great wisdom and the unselfish actions of our vaulted leadership.
So come on, get on the bus already!
As a show of respect, the paint job should be in the colors of the respective country's flag.
Yours truly:
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"Maybolts don't do politics. Too base. Leave that to the political underclass." Mother Maybolt, 1925-2008
20 August, 2011
Dear President Obama and Secretary Clinton:
We have been watching the unrest in Libya over the past few months with great angst and wish to contribute to the peace process.
We have already offered Colonel Gaddafi safe haven here in Cedar Grove, Tn and believe he will accept our offer if we can get over there and present our offer in person. As we see it he has a few details to work out before he can accept our generous offer. His safe departure from Libya being foremost and pressing given the recent downturn in his fortunes.
My legal team says we will need a waiver from the State Department. Hillary, you can get this for us, please,so we can travel there during this time of unrest? We will sign all the waivers and releases you require. We need this pronto.
President Obama, if you are finished campaigning for the summer in the beautiful and heavily armored bus built in Canada and purchased with our grandchildren's labor, I would like to include it in the offer to Colonel Gaddafi. This bus will make his exit from Tripoli more certain of success.
Check with Michelle. Reassure her we could make the president's bedroom off limits to his entourage if it is a deal breaker for her and forbid the Colonel from using the cheap cologne he applies after monthly baths to mask the odors from his apocrine sweat glands colonized by the virulent Mid East strains of flesh eating staphylococcus and e. coli. We will also ask him to refrain from transporting camel's milk in the bus to avoid spillage and he will not be allowed to butcher anything in the kitchen. All goats will be slaughtered before being brought aboard. I will personally see to it. You have my word.
We need to hear from your people right away so we can make our plans. As you both know things over there are heating up.
If you agree to our proposal, we will need help with transport of the armored bus. Perhaps one air force C130 has the payload, and could we hitch a ride as it will be going there anyway? We like to keep things simple as we are on a very limited budget since we have no nation of sheep to tax nor a banking system willing to print up extra cash when the sheep begin to bleat in protest.
The way we see it this would be a small yet very kind and powerful gesture to Colonel Gaddafi and may break the stalemate we find ourselves in Libya.
If this works you could commission a number of buses, to be constructed in Canada of course, and call it Barack Obama's Bus Tour For Peace, Freedom and Democracy. These could be sent as Peace Symbols and powerful warnings to every tin hat dictator in the world who has the gall to disagree with US hegemony.
Hugo, Fidel, Assad, Muammar, Kim, Mahmoud, and Beautrix, Queen of the Netherlands need to know we are building a bus reserved especially for them. They can run but they can't hide from the bus when it comes for them. Nothing signals gravitas like a heavily armored black bus, except maybe a nuclear armed cruise missile en route.
Nixon gave us Kissinger and his shuttle diplomacy, T Roosevelt with his walk softly and carry a big stick, The Bush Doctrine of shoot first and ask questions later, Clinton with his no intern's behind left alone policy, and now Barack Hussein Obama, Black Bus Diplomacy with Hillary Clinton driving! Brilliant!
History is yesterday's news tomorrow written by life's winner" as they are fond of saying on Martha's Vineyard this time of year, while sipping expensive French wines and dining on lobster and Wagu beef. All there save a few are on that island now because of a seed planted by fate in a mother's open womb by a wealthy father with foresight to set his spawn up for life as "Trust Funded Monkeys" with all the privileges it entails.
I believe the Black Bus will be driving history for years if not decades to come. What have we done to deserve this? We are truly blessed by the great wisdom and the unselfish actions of our vaulted leadership.
So come on, get on the bus already!
As a show of respect, the paint job should be in the colors of the respective country's flag.
Yours truly:
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"Maybolts don't do politics. Too base. Leave that to the political underclass." Mother Maybolt, 1925-2008
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Urban Poverty Law Center Coins Workforce Temporarily Held in Reserve for The Unemployed
Why is the US government harping on the unemployment rate? In a country of 330 million men, women, and children a 9.2% unemployment rate is not so bad. I believe Americans could be soothed if we looked for positives in this number.
America is the richest nation in the history of the world! Our GDP, gross domestic product, is 14 trillion dollars even with nearly 10 percent unemployment. A change in the nomenclature would benefit both those employed and those unemployed.
Instead of referring to an unemployment rate our leaders must immediately begin to substitute the term "Workforce Temporally Held in Reserve" for the unemployed. The substitution of this term is beneficial as it gives a positive to what otherwise is considered a negative.
The Workforce Temporally Held in Reserve will be a moral boost to those who enter its proud ranks. It carries none of the negative connotations connected with the unemployment offices. Instead of measuring the economic health of a nation negatively with the weekly unemployment numbers, we should instead be celebrating the fact that our Workforce Temporarily Held in Reserve is growing and more of our citizens will be able to spend more time at leisure activities.
I foresee the creation of a new Cabinet Level Department in our government, such as the Department of the Workforce Temporarily Held in Reserve. Or at least a Czar to represent these lucky few to our president.
The way I see it the higher the Workforce Temporarily Held in Reserve, the better our economy is fairing! This means we are getting everything done with fewer workers. Productivity is up when the Workforce Temporarily Held in Reserve is up.
This is a win-win!
I am Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD
President Urban Poverty Law Center
Juggling eggs when an amateur is best done outdoors. Amateur politicians,whether juggling eggs or not, are best left outdoors." Mother Maybolt, 1924-2008
America is the richest nation in the history of the world! Our GDP, gross domestic product, is 14 trillion dollars even with nearly 10 percent unemployment. A change in the nomenclature would benefit both those employed and those unemployed.
Instead of referring to an unemployment rate our leaders must immediately begin to substitute the term "Workforce Temporally Held in Reserve" for the unemployed. The substitution of this term is beneficial as it gives a positive to what otherwise is considered a negative.
The Workforce Temporally Held in Reserve will be a moral boost to those who enter its proud ranks. It carries none of the negative connotations connected with the unemployment offices. Instead of measuring the economic health of a nation negatively with the weekly unemployment numbers, we should instead be celebrating the fact that our Workforce Temporarily Held in Reserve is growing and more of our citizens will be able to spend more time at leisure activities.
I foresee the creation of a new Cabinet Level Department in our government, such as the Department of the Workforce Temporarily Held in Reserve. Or at least a Czar to represent these lucky few to our president.
The way I see it the higher the Workforce Temporarily Held in Reserve, the better our economy is fairing! This means we are getting everything done with fewer workers. Productivity is up when the Workforce Temporarily Held in Reserve is up.
This is a win-win!
I am Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD
President Urban Poverty Law Center
Juggling eggs when an amateur is best done outdoors. Amateur politicians,whether juggling eggs or not, are best left outdoors." Mother Maybolt, 1924-2008
Obama Solicits Urban Poverty Law Center Jobs Plan
Below is the letter I received from President Obama's Economic Development Czar To Urban America. Her name is Shalal
Alziereh. She has a PhD in economics and a minor in governance from Harvard Business School.
16 August, 2011
Jackson D. Maybolt, PhD
Urban Poverty Law Center
xxxx Poverty Lane
Cedar Grove, Tn 38321
Dear Dr. Maybolt:
I have been instructed by our president, Barack Hussein Obama, to seek out diverse opinions on how to jump start our economy, especially in our poorer inner cities. Your writings have caught our eye here at the White House and Joe Biden has been instructed to read all your posts and report directly to the president about this and other matters in his quarterly meetings with the President.
We find your ideas of allowing each taxpayer to work tax free one year in five for their entire working career to be brilliant!
Balancing the budget by cropping each gov issued check by what ever percentage the projected deficit is for the year is astonishing. What is your IQ?
Taxing political contributions at 50% and opening amounts to infinity and opening contributions to the world is another remarkable suggestion. Your insistence that the list of contributors is public information is the icing on the cake.
I am asking that you and your staff at the Urban Poverty Law Center put your considerable genius to the jobs problem in our inner cities. As you know black teen unemployment is hovering at around 50% and drops to only 30% for older blacks.
Shalal Alziereh, PhD
My reply:
Dr. Shalal Alziereh
Czar To Urban Economic Development
The White House
Washington, DC 20202
Dear Dr. Alziereh:
Thank you for your letter dated 16 August, 2011.
I have given your problem some thoughts and have come up with a solution which may be beneficial to the urban poor. I will consider first what constitutes work in our physical world and a brief history as I see it follows.
All animals and plants need food and shelter and a source of energy to survive. Since we are not talking about plants which for the most part derive food from the soil and have the sun as an energy source, and convert CO2 and water into sugars and grow their own shelters through their exteriors, we will leave them there.
Early man worked for shelter, a cave or a tent made of skins and hunted animals or grew or gathered edible plants to survive.
Each member of the tribe contributed to the sustenance of the other members......and in any society some members were unfit for physical labors by physical handicap or personality shortfall, ie lazy, and these members would find themselves overly represented on the alters of human sacrifice in these societies of early human beings.
As man evolved at woman's insistence, the desire for trinkets and baubles drove many of the early humans to specialize and artists and craftsmen were born. The first early millionaire was the neanderthal who was first credited with developing the deodorant/ antiperspirant. It corresponds to the first human baby boom roughly 40,000 years ago. He found if he placed ground eucalyptus leaves mixed with the musk glans of a woolly mammoth and rubbed it on the underarms and undercarriage
the women of the day were very receptive to sexual advances. Unfortunately, a cro-magnum man stole the formula and added the root of Hyacinthia to the mix and would only sell to other cro-magnums and the neanderthals had to resort to homosexuality as all their women preferred the sweet smelling cros as they referred to them in the day.
Thus began the race to develop the better perfumes. Ever wonder why the French are so prolific at perfumery? Have you ever smelled a room full of Franco-Prussians who have been without soap and water for a week? Enough said.
Agriculture spawned by mans desire for beer created jobs by the hundreds and allowed man to live in communities for the mutual protection of the beer halls. When the first beer halls were invaded by barbarians from the north walls were built and castles sprang up to protect the beer.
I do not wish to belittle the horrors of slavery, but slaves are working for the three essentials in life, food, clothing and shelter and the fourth is reproduction. So maybe we should take a closer look into slavery as it may pertain to our modern society. Could you use a live in servant or two. Someone to wash your clothes, clean your house, and drive you to your appointments?
I think you should form a commission to explore the pros and cons of re-instituting slavery in America. Sure keep the safety net in place, unemployment insurance for 99 months, but after that these unemployed people need to make arrangements to be enslaved until the economic conditions improve. I believe this could work to every ones benefit.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD
Urban Poverty Law Center
Cedar Grove, TN
"Jack you are totally insane! Has the pilot light on the gas heater gone out again?" Mother Maybolt, 1926-2008
Alziereh. She has a PhD in economics and a minor in governance from Harvard Business School.
16 August, 2011
Jackson D. Maybolt, PhD
Urban Poverty Law Center
xxxx Poverty Lane
Cedar Grove, Tn 38321
Dear Dr. Maybolt:
I have been instructed by our president, Barack Hussein Obama, to seek out diverse opinions on how to jump start our economy, especially in our poorer inner cities. Your writings have caught our eye here at the White House and Joe Biden has been instructed to read all your posts and report directly to the president about this and other matters in his quarterly meetings with the President.
We find your ideas of allowing each taxpayer to work tax free one year in five for their entire working career to be brilliant!
Balancing the budget by cropping each gov issued check by what ever percentage the projected deficit is for the year is astonishing. What is your IQ?
Taxing political contributions at 50% and opening amounts to infinity and opening contributions to the world is another remarkable suggestion. Your insistence that the list of contributors is public information is the icing on the cake.
I am asking that you and your staff at the Urban Poverty Law Center put your considerable genius to the jobs problem in our inner cities. As you know black teen unemployment is hovering at around 50% and drops to only 30% for older blacks.
Shalal Alziereh, PhD
My reply:
Dr. Shalal Alziereh
Czar To Urban Economic Development
The White House
Washington, DC 20202
Dear Dr. Alziereh:
Thank you for your letter dated 16 August, 2011.
I have given your problem some thoughts and have come up with a solution which may be beneficial to the urban poor. I will consider first what constitutes work in our physical world and a brief history as I see it follows.
All animals and plants need food and shelter and a source of energy to survive. Since we are not talking about plants which for the most part derive food from the soil and have the sun as an energy source, and convert CO2 and water into sugars and grow their own shelters through their exteriors, we will leave them there.
Early man worked for shelter, a cave or a tent made of skins and hunted animals or grew or gathered edible plants to survive.
Each member of the tribe contributed to the sustenance of the other members......and in any society some members were unfit for physical labors by physical handicap or personality shortfall, ie lazy, and these members would find themselves overly represented on the alters of human sacrifice in these societies of early human beings.
As man evolved at woman's insistence, the desire for trinkets and baubles drove many of the early humans to specialize and artists and craftsmen were born. The first early millionaire was the neanderthal who was first credited with developing the deodorant/ antiperspirant. It corresponds to the first human baby boom roughly 40,000 years ago. He found if he placed ground eucalyptus leaves mixed with the musk glans of a woolly mammoth and rubbed it on the underarms and undercarriage
the women of the day were very receptive to sexual advances. Unfortunately, a cro-magnum man stole the formula and added the root of Hyacinthia to the mix and would only sell to other cro-magnums and the neanderthals had to resort to homosexuality as all their women preferred the sweet smelling cros as they referred to them in the day.
Thus began the race to develop the better perfumes. Ever wonder why the French are so prolific at perfumery? Have you ever smelled a room full of Franco-Prussians who have been without soap and water for a week? Enough said.
Agriculture spawned by mans desire for beer created jobs by the hundreds and allowed man to live in communities for the mutual protection of the beer halls. When the first beer halls were invaded by barbarians from the north walls were built and castles sprang up to protect the beer.
I do not wish to belittle the horrors of slavery, but slaves are working for the three essentials in life, food, clothing and shelter and the fourth is reproduction. So maybe we should take a closer look into slavery as it may pertain to our modern society. Could you use a live in servant or two. Someone to wash your clothes, clean your house, and drive you to your appointments?
I think you should form a commission to explore the pros and cons of re-instituting slavery in America. Sure keep the safety net in place, unemployment insurance for 99 months, but after that these unemployed people need to make arrangements to be enslaved until the economic conditions improve. I believe this could work to every ones benefit.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD
Urban Poverty Law Center
Cedar Grove, TN
"Jack you are totally insane! Has the pilot light on the gas heater gone out again?" Mother Maybolt, 1926-2008
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Urban Poverty Law Center On Warren Buffett Taxes
Only two things in life are certain, death and taxes, and now we can add a third certaintee; Warren Buffett has gone all wobbly in the mind precipitated by years of coddling from an overly indulgent government. Or so the saying goes. Apparently, the elder financial wizard of Wall Street and Berkshire-Hathaway fame feels the government did not asked enough of him.
Warren is known for stating he pays a lower effective rate in taxes than his secretary who earns $249,999.99 a year and not one penny more. Seems she is trying to avoid the kind of coddling her boss has had to endure all these years by the kleptocrats in Deficitville, DC. The coddling begins with the super wealthy millionaires who earn more than $250,000 a year. And this minority of about 1.5 million citizens earn 22% of the income and are coddled into paying 37% of the total tax burden.
Oh, the coddling, the schmoozing, the treatment these achievers can expect when the Revenuers come a knocking.
IRS Agent Robber Hoodwinks: Mrs. Chesterfield, we have noted some irregularities in your 2003 income tax returns.
Buffett's Secretary, Harriet Chesterfield: Well I have brought all my records and am ready to answer your questions if I can.
Agent Hoodwinks: On line 15a under business deductions, you have $18,345.57 in clothing donations. In your tax bracket this gives you a $6,111 tax break and we need to see some receipts.
Chesterfield: I have them right here, Mr. Hoodwinks. The undergarments are all from Victoria's Secrets, and my dresses all come from Saks Fifth Avenue. I have the receipts.
Agent Hoodwinks(looking over the receipts): The underwear can only be taken off your taxes at $4 per pair, no matter how much you paid. It is the law. Dresses are only allowed $12. Give me a moment here, 37 fives divided by 13 carry the 7 and with taxes, interest, and penalties on the $1,207 you underpaid us in 2003, let me see, you can write me a check for $47,622.13 and we will call it good.
Chesterfield: Are you kidding me? $47,622 for an honest oversight on my personal income taxes in 2003?
Agent Hoodwinks: And 13 cents. Yes mam, that is correct.
Chesterfield: Well, I do not have that kind of money. I will need some time to get it together.
Agent Hoodwinks: We can set you up on a payment plan, but of course you know the interest and penalties will still be accruing until you can make good on your obligation to your country.
Chesterfield: I understand, can I write you a check for $25 today?
Agent Hoodwinks: Make it for $25 and 13 cents so you won't have that hanging over your head. Call the office in the am and my gal can get you set up on a payment plan. Here is my card, pleasure doing business with you.
Chesterfield: Thank you Mr. Hoodwinks.
Agent Hoodwinks: Please Mrs. Chesterfield, call me Robber.
Chesterfield: I'll say.
Agent Hoodwinks: What?
Chesterfield: I'll say it has been nice to meet you too, Robber!
Agent Hoodwinks: Good day.
Chesterfield: Bye-bye.
Post Script: In the end Warren Buffett paid the amount for his secretary but the next year she forgot to claim it as income and is undergoing treatment at the Betty Ford Center for substance abuse since she became depressed and hit the bottle rather hard trying to forget her worries. Robber Hoodwinks got promoted from field officer to regional supervisor and makes $175,698 plus $52,875 in benefits and retirement, and refuses to file an income tax return as it is illegal and there is no law stating one has to pay on wages. The courts do not know this however, so the scam goes on and on.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"The rich have nothing to fear of the taxman, they can afford accountants and lawyers. If Mr. Buffett wants to pay more taxes, he can pay mine, too!" Mother Maybolt, 1919-2008
Warren is known for stating he pays a lower effective rate in taxes than his secretary who earns $249,999.99 a year and not one penny more. Seems she is trying to avoid the kind of coddling her boss has had to endure all these years by the kleptocrats in Deficitville, DC. The coddling begins with the super wealthy millionaires who earn more than $250,000 a year. And this minority of about 1.5 million citizens earn 22% of the income and are coddled into paying 37% of the total tax burden.
Oh, the coddling, the schmoozing, the treatment these achievers can expect when the Revenuers come a knocking.
IRS Agent Robber Hoodwinks: Mrs. Chesterfield, we have noted some irregularities in your 2003 income tax returns.
Buffett's Secretary, Harriet Chesterfield: Well I have brought all my records and am ready to answer your questions if I can.
Agent Hoodwinks: On line 15a under business deductions, you have $18,345.57 in clothing donations. In your tax bracket this gives you a $6,111 tax break and we need to see some receipts.
Chesterfield: I have them right here, Mr. Hoodwinks. The undergarments are all from Victoria's Secrets, and my dresses all come from Saks Fifth Avenue. I have the receipts.
Agent Hoodwinks(looking over the receipts): The underwear can only be taken off your taxes at $4 per pair, no matter how much you paid. It is the law. Dresses are only allowed $12. Give me a moment here, 37 fives divided by 13 carry the 7 and with taxes, interest, and penalties on the $1,207 you underpaid us in 2003, let me see, you can write me a check for $47,622.13 and we will call it good.
Chesterfield: Are you kidding me? $47,622 for an honest oversight on my personal income taxes in 2003?
Agent Hoodwinks: And 13 cents. Yes mam, that is correct.
Chesterfield: Well, I do not have that kind of money. I will need some time to get it together.
Agent Hoodwinks: We can set you up on a payment plan, but of course you know the interest and penalties will still be accruing until you can make good on your obligation to your country.
Chesterfield: I understand, can I write you a check for $25 today?
Agent Hoodwinks: Make it for $25 and 13 cents so you won't have that hanging over your head. Call the office in the am and my gal can get you set up on a payment plan. Here is my card, pleasure doing business with you.
Chesterfield: Thank you Mr. Hoodwinks.
Agent Hoodwinks: Please Mrs. Chesterfield, call me Robber.
Chesterfield: I'll say.
Agent Hoodwinks: What?
Chesterfield: I'll say it has been nice to meet you too, Robber!
Agent Hoodwinks: Good day.
Chesterfield: Bye-bye.
Post Script: In the end Warren Buffett paid the amount for his secretary but the next year she forgot to claim it as income and is undergoing treatment at the Betty Ford Center for substance abuse since she became depressed and hit the bottle rather hard trying to forget her worries. Robber Hoodwinks got promoted from field officer to regional supervisor and makes $175,698 plus $52,875 in benefits and retirement, and refuses to file an income tax return as it is illegal and there is no law stating one has to pay on wages. The courts do not know this however, so the scam goes on and on.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"The rich have nothing to fear of the taxman, they can afford accountants and lawyers. If Mr. Buffett wants to pay more taxes, he can pay mine, too!" Mother Maybolt, 1919-2008
Monday, August 15, 2011
Soros Short On Euro, Longing For Dollars, Urban Poverty Law Center Breaks The Code
I read the(financial) news today, oh boy,
about a lucky man who made the grade
he shorts the euro, but says he's not
well I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph
Nobody could tell if
If he was from the house of the open society
Hey, George D. Soros is writing op ed pieces and giving interviews to der Spiegel today and I think he is up to something big!
WARNING, what you are about to read is based on my years watching self-promoters work the public. G.D. Soros is no different from the Carnival barkers who frequented the small southern towns in the 1950's taunting the hayseed planting, clod buster wearing rubes there to play a game they were sure to lose. For these self-promoters must give a person a reason for losing their monies. I am over here but you must look over there. I will try to pull the curtain back on one of these financial mischief makers.
Der Spiegel: As an investor would you still bet on the euro?
G.D. Soros: I certainly would not short the euro because China has an interest in having an alternative to the dollar. You can count on China to back the efforts of the European authorities to maintain the euro.
NOTE: I fell off the toilet yesterday and struck my noggin rather hard against the tile flooring and now I can, through some gift from God above, read a man's lies and see the truth. It is a new phenomenon and I hope I can use it to warn the financial markets as to what this reptilian scavenger is up to. Europe, Soros has you in his sites!
The Analysis: When Der Spiegel asks Soros if he is betting on the euro, his reply is a smoke screen. He really did not answer the question fully as he can not for he would show the world what he is doing and steps could be taken to stop him from walking away form the table with all the chips.
In his answer he only states "he would not short the euro because China has an interest in having an alternative to the dollar."
What he did not say was that he is very short on the euro because it is poised to fall on its own as the fiat propping up its value is threatened. The Euro, like the dollar is supported by thin air, and the unrest on the streets of and in Europe's financial markets is making it even more rarefied. China's interest is irrelevant. The Chinese just have to decide how much money they wish to contribute to Soros because it is not a matter of if the euro will fall, but when.
Bottom LIne: Soros is short on Euro. Where is he on the Dollar? He tells us in the same interview.
Der Spiegel: And any further stimulus is now basically a non-starter, because the conservative majority in congress is hell bent on preventing it.
G,D. Soros: That is what is pushing the world toward another recession, into a double dip.
The Analysis: Because Obama's stimulus did not go far enough and the congress has shut off unlimited spending and borrowing, what this means is the dollar will strengthen as the world, other than the United States, will dip into a recession.
Bottom Line: G.D. Soros is long on the dollar.
I am JD Maybolt, code breaker for Sorosese. It is not what he says or how he says it, but what he means to say that he didn't say.
What he say?
Money, its a blast
Keep your hands off my stack.
" Money, like pain, can only be appreciated when it is yours." Mother Maybolt, 1928-2008
about a lucky man who made the grade
he shorts the euro, but says he's not
well I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph
Nobody could tell if
If he was from the house of the open society
Hey, George D. Soros is writing op ed pieces and giving interviews to der Spiegel today and I think he is up to something big!
WARNING, what you are about to read is based on my years watching self-promoters work the public. G.D. Soros is no different from the Carnival barkers who frequented the small southern towns in the 1950's taunting the hayseed planting, clod buster wearing rubes there to play a game they were sure to lose. For these self-promoters must give a person a reason for losing their monies. I am over here but you must look over there. I will try to pull the curtain back on one of these financial mischief makers.
Der Spiegel: As an investor would you still bet on the euro?
G.D. Soros: I certainly would not short the euro because China has an interest in having an alternative to the dollar. You can count on China to back the efforts of the European authorities to maintain the euro.
NOTE: I fell off the toilet yesterday and struck my noggin rather hard against the tile flooring and now I can, through some gift from God above, read a man's lies and see the truth. It is a new phenomenon and I hope I can use it to warn the financial markets as to what this reptilian scavenger is up to. Europe, Soros has you in his sites!
The Analysis: When Der Spiegel asks Soros if he is betting on the euro, his reply is a smoke screen. He really did not answer the question fully as he can not for he would show the world what he is doing and steps could be taken to stop him from walking away form the table with all the chips.
In his answer he only states "he would not short the euro because China has an interest in having an alternative to the dollar."
What he did not say was that he is very short on the euro because it is poised to fall on its own as the fiat propping up its value is threatened. The Euro, like the dollar is supported by thin air, and the unrest on the streets of and in Europe's financial markets is making it even more rarefied. China's interest is irrelevant. The Chinese just have to decide how much money they wish to contribute to Soros because it is not a matter of if the euro will fall, but when.
Bottom LIne: Soros is short on Euro. Where is he on the Dollar? He tells us in the same interview.
Der Spiegel: And any further stimulus is now basically a non-starter, because the conservative majority in congress is hell bent on preventing it.
G,D. Soros: That is what is pushing the world toward another recession, into a double dip.
The Analysis: Because Obama's stimulus did not go far enough and the congress has shut off unlimited spending and borrowing, what this means is the dollar will strengthen as the world, other than the United States, will dip into a recession.
Bottom Line: G.D. Soros is long on the dollar.
I am JD Maybolt, code breaker for Sorosese. It is not what he says or how he says it, but what he means to say that he didn't say.
What he say?
Money, its a blast
Keep your hands off my stack.
" Money, like pain, can only be appreciated when it is yours." Mother Maybolt, 1928-2008
Saturday, August 13, 2011
George Soros ,Billionaire Financier, Heart Breaker, Spreads Urban Poverty
Even George Soros , the billionaire financier who got his start taking from fellow Hungarian Jews during WW II as a Nazi collaborator, can make bad trade decisions from time to time or so it seems.
Word from the tabloids released on Mr. Soros' birthday, now 81 years into his pact with demons, states while frolicking in bed with one, Ms. Adriana Ferreyr, now 28 but a mere child of 23 when first this delicate morsel caught the world renoun traders eye, he stupidly blurted out that a flat valued at over $2 million he'd promised her was instead given to his new love interest, Ms. Tamiko Bolton, a pharmacist.
We can only guess the timing was anticlimactic for the voluptuous Ms. Ferreyr, a popular Portuguese child star appearing in McDonald's commericals a short decade ago.
In the ensuing row, Ms. Ferreyr alleges Geo placed his huge Hungarian hands, which are big, powerful, super-sized mitts which facilitate his tendencies to take things, firmly around her naked, yet innocent, neck in an attempt to take her life by choking her. This next part is disgusting so skip to the following paragraph if your sensibilities are easily offended. Ms. Ferreyr's life was spared when Geo experienced an unexpected orgasm even though he had not penetrated Ms. Ferreyr.
One can only assume his demons are really turned on when they see the life being squeezed out of a beautiful young woman, alabaster skin bluing and coal black eyes bulging as she was throttled there in that bed she shared with one of the world's richest men. She made her escape when he loosened his grip and he immediately fell asleep. He may be a billionaire, but he is still a man. JDM
"What I endured is easily worth 1 billion dollars, but I am only asking for 50 million dollars. He is such a repugnant reptile. And his legs, like pasty hams strung with large blue varicose veins that look like fishnet stockings. I would have never given him the time of day were he not a billionaire." Ms. Ferreyr states in her multi-million dollar law suit against the portly Mr. Soros.
Geo lawyer, William Zabel, denies Ms. Ferreyr's allegations. "You know how these young girls are. They sleep with a man, pleasuring him in multiple ways, administer high colonics, place things in all manner of bodily cavities, all the while watching Asian pornography and reruns of Glenn Beck every night for five years and they think they own the guy. You can't tell me she did not like it too! You know what they say about men with big hands. This lawsuit is frivolous!"
Zabel went on to state, "Adriana is just angry my client shorted her position and took out a long call on Ms. Bolton, 39,a pharmacist! She has introduced my client to pharmaceuticals and is more adept and comfortable with hot oil enemas! Geo has never felt better in his life."
I wish these three livers of life in the fast lane the best of luck... We don't get that kind of excitement here in Cedar Grove, Tennessee, ...... or do we? Well I am off to check the Merkins out in mother's room. God Bless.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"The only problem with rich old men is they are old and the undercarriage begins to smell of cabbage." Mother Maybolt, 1915-2008
I personally do not believe the charges and feel this may be a hit piece against rich and powerful man who has helped millions out of poverty. JDM
Word from the tabloids released on Mr. Soros' birthday, now 81 years into his pact with demons, states while frolicking in bed with one, Ms. Adriana Ferreyr, now 28 but a mere child of 23 when first this delicate morsel caught the world renoun traders eye, he stupidly blurted out that a flat valued at over $2 million he'd promised her was instead given to his new love interest, Ms. Tamiko Bolton, a pharmacist.
We can only guess the timing was anticlimactic for the voluptuous Ms. Ferreyr, a popular Portuguese child star appearing in McDonald's commericals a short decade ago.
In the ensuing row, Ms. Ferreyr alleges Geo placed his huge Hungarian hands, which are big, powerful, super-sized mitts which facilitate his tendencies to take things, firmly around her naked, yet innocent, neck in an attempt to take her life by choking her. This next part is disgusting so skip to the following paragraph if your sensibilities are easily offended. Ms. Ferreyr's life was spared when Geo experienced an unexpected orgasm even though he had not penetrated Ms. Ferreyr.
One can only assume his demons are really turned on when they see the life being squeezed out of a beautiful young woman, alabaster skin bluing and coal black eyes bulging as she was throttled there in that bed she shared with one of the world's richest men. She made her escape when he loosened his grip and he immediately fell asleep. He may be a billionaire, but he is still a man. JDM
"What I endured is easily worth 1 billion dollars, but I am only asking for 50 million dollars. He is such a repugnant reptile. And his legs, like pasty hams strung with large blue varicose veins that look like fishnet stockings. I would have never given him the time of day were he not a billionaire." Ms. Ferreyr states in her multi-million dollar law suit against the portly Mr. Soros.
Geo lawyer, William Zabel, denies Ms. Ferreyr's allegations. "You know how these young girls are. They sleep with a man, pleasuring him in multiple ways, administer high colonics, place things in all manner of bodily cavities, all the while watching Asian pornography and reruns of Glenn Beck every night for five years and they think they own the guy. You can't tell me she did not like it too! You know what they say about men with big hands. This lawsuit is frivolous!"
Zabel went on to state, "Adriana is just angry my client shorted her position and took out a long call on Ms. Bolton, 39,a pharmacist! She has introduced my client to pharmaceuticals and is more adept and comfortable with hot oil enemas! Geo has never felt better in his life."
I wish these three livers of life in the fast lane the best of luck... We don't get that kind of excitement here in Cedar Grove, Tennessee, ...... or do we? Well I am off to check the Merkins out in mother's room. God Bless.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"The only problem with rich old men is they are old and the undercarriage begins to smell of cabbage." Mother Maybolt, 1915-2008
I personally do not believe the charges and feel this may be a hit piece against rich and powerful man who has helped millions out of poverty. JDM
Adriana Ferreyr,
George Soros,
Glenn Beck,
Law suit,
Tamiko Bolton,
William Zabel
Friday, August 12, 2011
Urban Poverty Law Center Accepts Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction Invitation
I am very excited to report the President of the Urban Poverty Law Center, Jackson Delano Maybolt, has been invited to address the newly formed Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. These members of the Super Congress have been selected by the House and Senate leadership to guide our nation back towards financial sobriety. Those of you who have kept up with all 100 plus entertaining and informative UPLC posts know we at UPLC take government over spending quite seriously. We are understandably concerned we have not, as yet, benefited from any grants from a behemoth which spends over $3,700,000,000,000 and 45 cents each year. Where is the parity?
We are equally flummoxed when we learned the top 1% of US wage earners pay 37% of the taxes collected. And now Baroke Hussein Obama is asking congress to go back to that well and dig deeper into this tiniest and most helpless minority's pocket and see what more they can pull out.
Let's face it, blacks are a minority with 12 percent of the population, Latinos are a minority with 13% of the population, gays are a minority with 10% of the population, and the richest 1% of tax payers are only 0.5% of the population and as such are the creme de la creme of minorities.
Asking one half of one percent of the US population to pay for 37% of the total income tax and only have a voice of 0.5% as a voting block is on face unfair.
Perhaps the committee on Deficit Reduction should consider a new way to cast a vote.
One thousand dollars in federal taxes should give the payer of tax monies more say in electing our representatives. Everybody gets one vote. But the rich, they are different from you and me. If they pay $100,000 in federal income taxes they may vote one time, but it is counted as 100 votes. Since these 1.5 million tax payers pay about $650,000,000,000 in taxes this would give them about 650 million more votes, more than enough to carry elections their way, since only about 110 million people vote in our elections, some of whom are US citizens!
Barack Hussein Obama and the Super Select Congressional 12, who, in no particular order, are, Brother Kerry,D Ma, Sister Murray,D Wa, Brother Baucus, D, Mt, Brother Kyle, R. Az, Brother Toomey, R. Pa, Brother Portman, R. Oh, Brother Hensarling, R. Tx, Brother Camp, R. MI, Brother Upton, R. Mi, Brother Becerra, D. Ca,
Brother Van Hollen, D. Ma, and Black Brother Clyburn, D. SC.
As a Southerner, I am thinking it is not looking too good for Dixie when the committee makes its recommendations for funding cuts. Our share of the delicious Washington DC Pork Pot Pie will be quite a bit smaller. But since the Civil War we here in the South are used to being looked upon as a bastard half step-child with the only people still stupid enough in this country to teach our children about patriotism and our numbers in the armed services bear this out.
I have an acquaintance whose son was lost on the most recent helio crash in Afghanistan, yes, a Navy Seal. Tragic. Lets save money by carrying all our elite forces into a dangerous fire zone in one great big noisy helio. Wow, who made that brilliant call?
Jack, Jack, no no no no, you have Clyburn from South Carolina and Hensarling from Texas to look out for you. A liberal democrat and a Texan, is that all we got. I cry foul as the representatives are predominately from blue states and heavily indebted to Union Thuggery, not Civil War type Union, but the Unions who sup and dine beyond satiety at the feeding troughs set out by a complacent congress.
Am I reaching when I ask if Obama has a Christ complex? Why you could easily think the 12, clearly a biblical number with "The One" as the President is known is some circles, could be a clever ruse to get those who cling to their religion and bibles on board with the economic rape and pillage of America. Just a thought.
Anyway, I will be glad to address this most powerful and diverse Super Congressional Committee. They probably do not want to know what Jack would do.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President/invitee to the First Joint Strike Committee To Save Our Nation's Standard and Poor Credit Rating
"If you can't stand the heat, you are going to hate global warming!" Mother Maybolt, 1923-2008
Has anybody seen Albert "FREAKINSTEYN" Gore, Jr lately, looking as tough as an elderly Male Cheerleader, cursing about the Global Warming deniers? He seriously needs his middle chakra released. Are there no hookers or women with low self-esteem left out there who can ease this man's pain? He has got money, you got eye lids and imagination. Where is Gloria Steinem when you really, really need her? I am beginning to think she is all hat and no cattle, I mean cuddle. JDM
Maybe a tattoo and a Harley would help him with the ladies? JDM
We are equally flummoxed when we learned the top 1% of US wage earners pay 37% of the taxes collected. And now Baroke Hussein Obama is asking congress to go back to that well and dig deeper into this tiniest and most helpless minority's pocket and see what more they can pull out.
Let's face it, blacks are a minority with 12 percent of the population, Latinos are a minority with 13% of the population, gays are a minority with 10% of the population, and the richest 1% of tax payers are only 0.5% of the population and as such are the creme de la creme of minorities.
Asking one half of one percent of the US population to pay for 37% of the total income tax and only have a voice of 0.5% as a voting block is on face unfair.
Perhaps the committee on Deficit Reduction should consider a new way to cast a vote.
One thousand dollars in federal taxes should give the payer of tax monies more say in electing our representatives. Everybody gets one vote. But the rich, they are different from you and me. If they pay $100,000 in federal income taxes they may vote one time, but it is counted as 100 votes. Since these 1.5 million tax payers pay about $650,000,000,000 in taxes this would give them about 650 million more votes, more than enough to carry elections their way, since only about 110 million people vote in our elections, some of whom are US citizens!
Barack Hussein Obama and the Super Select Congressional 12, who, in no particular order, are, Brother Kerry,D Ma, Sister Murray,D Wa, Brother Baucus, D, Mt, Brother Kyle, R. Az, Brother Toomey, R. Pa, Brother Portman, R. Oh, Brother Hensarling, R. Tx, Brother Camp, R. MI, Brother Upton, R. Mi, Brother Becerra, D. Ca,
Brother Van Hollen, D. Ma, and Black Brother Clyburn, D. SC.
As a Southerner, I am thinking it is not looking too good for Dixie when the committee makes its recommendations for funding cuts. Our share of the delicious Washington DC Pork Pot Pie will be quite a bit smaller. But since the Civil War we here in the South are used to being looked upon as a bastard half step-child with the only people still stupid enough in this country to teach our children about patriotism and our numbers in the armed services bear this out.
I have an acquaintance whose son was lost on the most recent helio crash in Afghanistan, yes, a Navy Seal. Tragic. Lets save money by carrying all our elite forces into a dangerous fire zone in one great big noisy helio. Wow, who made that brilliant call?
Jack, Jack, no no no no, you have Clyburn from South Carolina and Hensarling from Texas to look out for you. A liberal democrat and a Texan, is that all we got. I cry foul as the representatives are predominately from blue states and heavily indebted to Union Thuggery, not Civil War type Union, but the Unions who sup and dine beyond satiety at the feeding troughs set out by a complacent congress.
Am I reaching when I ask if Obama has a Christ complex? Why you could easily think the 12, clearly a biblical number with "The One" as the President is known is some circles, could be a clever ruse to get those who cling to their religion and bibles on board with the economic rape and pillage of America. Just a thought.
Anyway, I will be glad to address this most powerful and diverse Super Congressional Committee. They probably do not want to know what Jack would do.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President/invitee to the First Joint Strike Committee To Save Our Nation's Standard and Poor Credit Rating
"If you can't stand the heat, you are going to hate global warming!" Mother Maybolt, 1923-2008
Has anybody seen Albert "FREAKINSTEYN" Gore, Jr lately, looking as tough as an elderly Male Cheerleader, cursing about the Global Warming deniers? He seriously needs his middle chakra released. Are there no hookers or women with low self-esteem left out there who can ease this man's pain? He has got money, you got eye lids and imagination. Where is Gloria Steinem when you really, really need her? I am beginning to think she is all hat and no cattle, I mean cuddle. JDM
Maybe a tattoo and a Harley would help him with the ladies? JDM
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Urban Poverty Law Center Review Mark Steyn's Book:"After America"
I got an autographed copy of Mark Steyn's latest release for my birthday which astonishingly falls on the same day as our gifted baritone American president who is leading us to third world status making Mark's book not only plausible, but eminent.
"After America", by historian and Canadian humorist, Mark Steyn is a great book.
Mark's award winning and Canadian Human Rights Commission taunting humor is on display from page one. Mark Steyn takes no prisoners in his look at where America has been and where it is headed.
As president of the Urban Poverty Law Center, I heartily recommend this book as a seriously humorous look at our government sponsored ride into the financial abyss.
Get the autographed copy from the Mark Steyn Store on line. You can get there on the drudgereport.com.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"Steyn and Twain, are both on the Mark when it comes to political humor." Mother Maybolt, 1922-2008
"After America", by historian and Canadian humorist, Mark Steyn is a great book.
Mark's award winning and Canadian Human Rights Commission taunting humor is on display from page one. Mark Steyn takes no prisoners in his look at where America has been and where it is headed.
As president of the Urban Poverty Law Center, I heartily recommend this book as a seriously humorous look at our government sponsored ride into the financial abyss.
Get the autographed copy from the Mark Steyn Store on line. You can get there on the drudgereport.com.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"Steyn and Twain, are both on the Mark when it comes to political humor." Mother Maybolt, 1922-2008
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Urban Poverty Law Center Crop/Cattle Report: Who Was Al Gore Jr?
For those of you unfamiliar with Western Tennessee, it is a largely agricultural economy with Memphis as the nipple on the edge of the Mississippi River. We are fortunate to live in a geographical location which receives almost 60 inches of annual rain fall. Some farmers have placed deep wells to irrigate, but most rely on nature to do the heavy work. We got rain again the past two days, and our crops without heavenly water for 9 days were grateful for the drink. I hope the pastures scorched by the few days of Albert Gore, Jr Memorial 100 degree dog days of August rekindle the green grasses our cattle are fond of eating.
My cotton is in full bloom and the boles are soon to develop. We've had enough heat already to make cotton this year. My soy beans are thick, lush and green and are flowering as well and some pods are beginning to make. The corn is over 10 feet high and the cobs are making as this is written. The cows are dropping calves, 7 new ones in a fortnight. We have baled over 200 large round bales of hay so far this year and with a little luck will get about 50 more if the rain cooperates. We only wait for a bountiful harvest and a large check from the grain broker, then we can pay our fair shares to help our cash strapped and recently Standard and Poor fallen Public Savants.
The full faith and credit of the United States of America used to mean something when adults ran the show in Washington.
Now that the political class has been overrun by thugs and carpetbaggers only there for personal gain and prestige, our
national stock has been sullied.
Fortunately, enough intelligent people in this country were awakened by the strained groans and the subsequent shuddering and bucking the Obama administration's Marxist inputs into our economy caused to elect 70 good patriots in 2010 to congress who tried to save us from the financial Armageddon wrought by the crack team of economic demolition experts assembled by Barack Hussein Obama after his selection as President.
These patriots will be joined by at least 70 more patriots and a bright new president and another handful of senators who will all be elected in 2012 to help guide the country and its fortunes back to the only place in the world where a person with a good idea can make a fortune the old fashion way, through hard work, perseverance and good luck. Your days of corporate cronyism are coming to an end. We will shine the light on your operation and it will end. You in Washington know who you are. Be very, very afraid. Ask Al Gore how lonely life can be on the political refuse heap of bad policy and snake oil sales? Google him if you do not recall him. He will soon be joined there by another group of pikers who cannot go to Gore soon enough for my liking.
Going to Gore is like getting Borked. The political savvy need no explanation. Going Gore is every pols nightmare. It means your political vision for America has been rejected and you have been labeled as a goof and a buffoon. Obama and his
Chicago goons will be turned out and the election results of 2010 have spoken to their reserve tickets to ride on the high speed rail line to Goreville,to join Albert Gore, Jr on the smoldering ash heap of bad political ideas.
Low taxes, a level playing field, and a stable economic climate for our businesses to thrive is not too much to ask. The Obama Doctrine for the economy is a loser! Sarah Palin knows what the Obama Doctrine is.
Obama Economic Doctrine: "Taxes will rise. Energy costs will necessarily skyrocket. All are helped when we spread the wealth around."
Not in America, Barack Hussein Obama. Your form of collectivism has failed everywhere it has been tired, USSR, China, Cuba, Europe. The human spirit has some charitable components, but self preservation is a stronger force. Effort wanes when it is not tied directly to rewards.
My efforts for a good crop and healthy livestock will be rewarded if we can get our governing bodies back into the role of public servant and out of their role as fanatical fairness fairies of the economy. I am reminded of the children on the playground who are indignant whenever a fairness doctrine is broken and spend 10 minutes of playtime crying about it. The free markets are not fair, they are free. Get used to it. It is what it is.
Another dose of healing for America will come in November of 2012. More free market patriots will be elected to office and the fair market fairies of the Obama administration will have to flicker back to academia where their tinkering will not bring the American economic engine to its knees ever again. Academics are best left in academia, and their pointy-headed theories best hashed out over a cup of java or a joint after office hour and not foisted on the world's largest economy in a time of weakness.
God help if we ever elect another group of pointy headed academics with loose economic morals and penchants for living the high life on other peoples dimes to lead America. We will not put up with that nonsense! We can barely tolerate Hollywood as it is, you too Washington, DC?
I am Jackson Delano Maybolt, President of the Urban Poverty Law Center
"If a pride of lions invite you over for dinner is it discrimination to send your regrets?" Mother Maybolt, 1928-2008
My cotton is in full bloom and the boles are soon to develop. We've had enough heat already to make cotton this year. My soy beans are thick, lush and green and are flowering as well and some pods are beginning to make. The corn is over 10 feet high and the cobs are making as this is written. The cows are dropping calves, 7 new ones in a fortnight. We have baled over 200 large round bales of hay so far this year and with a little luck will get about 50 more if the rain cooperates. We only wait for a bountiful harvest and a large check from the grain broker, then we can pay our fair shares to help our cash strapped and recently Standard and Poor fallen Public Savants.
The full faith and credit of the United States of America used to mean something when adults ran the show in Washington.
Now that the political class has been overrun by thugs and carpetbaggers only there for personal gain and prestige, our
national stock has been sullied.
Fortunately, enough intelligent people in this country were awakened by the strained groans and the subsequent shuddering and bucking the Obama administration's Marxist inputs into our economy caused to elect 70 good patriots in 2010 to congress who tried to save us from the financial Armageddon wrought by the crack team of economic demolition experts assembled by Barack Hussein Obama after his selection as President.
These patriots will be joined by at least 70 more patriots and a bright new president and another handful of senators who will all be elected in 2012 to help guide the country and its fortunes back to the only place in the world where a person with a good idea can make a fortune the old fashion way, through hard work, perseverance and good luck. Your days of corporate cronyism are coming to an end. We will shine the light on your operation and it will end. You in Washington know who you are. Be very, very afraid. Ask Al Gore how lonely life can be on the political refuse heap of bad policy and snake oil sales? Google him if you do not recall him. He will soon be joined there by another group of pikers who cannot go to Gore soon enough for my liking.
Going to Gore is like getting Borked. The political savvy need no explanation. Going Gore is every pols nightmare. It means your political vision for America has been rejected and you have been labeled as a goof and a buffoon. Obama and his
Chicago goons will be turned out and the election results of 2010 have spoken to their reserve tickets to ride on the high speed rail line to Goreville,to join Albert Gore, Jr on the smoldering ash heap of bad political ideas.
Low taxes, a level playing field, and a stable economic climate for our businesses to thrive is not too much to ask. The Obama Doctrine for the economy is a loser! Sarah Palin knows what the Obama Doctrine is.
Obama Economic Doctrine: "Taxes will rise. Energy costs will necessarily skyrocket. All are helped when we spread the wealth around."
Not in America, Barack Hussein Obama. Your form of collectivism has failed everywhere it has been tired, USSR, China, Cuba, Europe. The human spirit has some charitable components, but self preservation is a stronger force. Effort wanes when it is not tied directly to rewards.
My efforts for a good crop and healthy livestock will be rewarded if we can get our governing bodies back into the role of public servant and out of their role as fanatical fairness fairies of the economy. I am reminded of the children on the playground who are indignant whenever a fairness doctrine is broken and spend 10 minutes of playtime crying about it. The free markets are not fair, they are free. Get used to it. It is what it is.
Another dose of healing for America will come in November of 2012. More free market patriots will be elected to office and the fair market fairies of the Obama administration will have to flicker back to academia where their tinkering will not bring the American economic engine to its knees ever again. Academics are best left in academia, and their pointy-headed theories best hashed out over a cup of java or a joint after office hour and not foisted on the world's largest economy in a time of weakness.
God help if we ever elect another group of pointy headed academics with loose economic morals and penchants for living the high life on other peoples dimes to lead America. We will not put up with that nonsense! We can barely tolerate Hollywood as it is, you too Washington, DC?
I am Jackson Delano Maybolt, President of the Urban Poverty Law Center
"If a pride of lions invite you over for dinner is it discrimination to send your regrets?" Mother Maybolt, 1928-2008
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Urban Poverty Law Center Plans Birthday Bash for Jack and Barack
As the titular head of the Urban Poverty Law Center I believe it is time to confess to what I believe is a quirky freakish coincidence.
I will provide the reader with a clue from a series of lines from Beatles songs people of my generation were privy to hear and study.
We looked for the hidden meaning, Paul was dead. Number nine, number nine.
you say it is your birthday
it is my birthday too yeah
black bird singing in the dead of night
Michele my belle
these are words that go together well
Obladee obladah life goes on on, bra
la la how their life goes on
Help, I need somebody
Help, not just anybody
Help, you know I need somebody's
Hey Jude,
don't take it bad
take a sad song
and make it better
Hey I am the taxman
Yeah the taxman
and you are working
for no one but me
You say you want a revolution
well you know
but if you want money for people with minds that hate
all I can tell you brother is you'll have to wait
I believe that John Lennon and Paul McCartney were channeling Nostradamus when writing the lyrics to their string of hits.
I will spend the rest of the space explaining how the lines above are pertinent.
The birthday line predicts the birther movement that sprung up after Obama's election and by the way It is my birthday too, Jack Maybolt is 58 today, and ready to put on the prosthetic leg and party.
Blackbird is singing in the dead of night refers to Obama's hidden agenda for this country. Had he been straight forward with voters in 2008, that he planned to ruin health care, raise taxes, keep unemployment high, and play 32,776 holes of golf, and spend 10 trillion dollars of paper money on his friends along with 10 trillion he extracts from the American taxpayer, that republican Troll from the Senate, and that cute former governor of Alaska would be at the controls.
Michele, my belle predicts the first Lady's many trips abroad as a good will ambassador to the world.
Obladee, Obladah references the strife in the Middle East and Obama's peculiar change in American Policy in its waning commitment to the security of Israel, Later in the song McCartney has Desmond putting on his pretty face in a gender switch, cross dressing reference which serves to give me pause to reflect.
"Which is it Mr President , boxers or pink laced frillies?" The world wants to know.
Hey Jude, you in Israel know what this warns of. Listen, Ben, it is all there.
Help is what we all need with this bunch in charge.
Taxman, yeah yeah yeah. Needs no further explanation. Words speak for themselves!
Revolution is too complex to be treated lightly in this thread, but Lennon and McCartney saw it coming. They sang about it and we are living it. "All I can tell you brother is you can count me out.....IN!"
Anyway, Happy birthday Mr. President. Seventeen percent unemployment since you took over from Geo Bush. Businesses afraid to commit capital to a losing venture. Children going hungry, college kids saddled with debts they will never be able to repay without a job. Gold up 100%. We all know you mean well. Hit the links and chase the dimpled white ball.
Did I mention I saw the Beatles when they preformed in Memphis. I was twelve and you were four.
We share a birth date, but we do not share the same vision for America.
Jimmy Carter just hoping he can hang on to this life long enough to hear what he has been waiting for all these years......
that he is no longer the worst president of modern times.
Meanwhile, my guitar gently weeps for this country.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"The Beatles made a lot of racket in the sixties and baby sat my teens." Mother Maybolt 1926-2008
I will provide the reader with a clue from a series of lines from Beatles songs people of my generation were privy to hear and study.
We looked for the hidden meaning, Paul was dead. Number nine, number nine.
you say it is your birthday
it is my birthday too yeah
black bird singing in the dead of night
Michele my belle
these are words that go together well
Obladee obladah life goes on on, bra
la la how their life goes on
Help, I need somebody
Help, not just anybody
Help, you know I need somebody's
Hey Jude,
don't take it bad
take a sad song
and make it better
Hey I am the taxman
Yeah the taxman
and you are working
for no one but me
You say you want a revolution
well you know
but if you want money for people with minds that hate
all I can tell you brother is you'll have to wait
I believe that John Lennon and Paul McCartney were channeling Nostradamus when writing the lyrics to their string of hits.
I will spend the rest of the space explaining how the lines above are pertinent.
The birthday line predicts the birther movement that sprung up after Obama's election and by the way It is my birthday too, Jack Maybolt is 58 today, and ready to put on the prosthetic leg and party.
Blackbird is singing in the dead of night refers to Obama's hidden agenda for this country. Had he been straight forward with voters in 2008, that he planned to ruin health care, raise taxes, keep unemployment high, and play 32,776 holes of golf, and spend 10 trillion dollars of paper money on his friends along with 10 trillion he extracts from the American taxpayer, that republican Troll from the Senate, and that cute former governor of Alaska would be at the controls.
Michele, my belle predicts the first Lady's many trips abroad as a good will ambassador to the world.
Obladee, Obladah references the strife in the Middle East and Obama's peculiar change in American Policy in its waning commitment to the security of Israel, Later in the song McCartney has Desmond putting on his pretty face in a gender switch, cross dressing reference which serves to give me pause to reflect.
"Which is it Mr President , boxers or pink laced frillies?" The world wants to know.
Hey Jude, you in Israel know what this warns of. Listen, Ben, it is all there.
Help is what we all need with this bunch in charge.
Taxman, yeah yeah yeah. Needs no further explanation. Words speak for themselves!
Revolution is too complex to be treated lightly in this thread, but Lennon and McCartney saw it coming. They sang about it and we are living it. "All I can tell you brother is you can count me out.....IN!"
Anyway, Happy birthday Mr. President. Seventeen percent unemployment since you took over from Geo Bush. Businesses afraid to commit capital to a losing venture. Children going hungry, college kids saddled with debts they will never be able to repay without a job. Gold up 100%. We all know you mean well. Hit the links and chase the dimpled white ball.
Did I mention I saw the Beatles when they preformed in Memphis. I was twelve and you were four.
We share a birth date, but we do not share the same vision for America.
Jimmy Carter just hoping he can hang on to this life long enough to hear what he has been waiting for all these years......
that he is no longer the worst president of modern times.
Meanwhile, my guitar gently weeps for this country.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"The Beatles made a lot of racket in the sixties and baby sat my teens." Mother Maybolt 1926-2008
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Urban Poverty Law Center Supports Planned Budget Deficit Buy Out Offer
Our researchers at UPLC have carefully combed through the newly crafted Debt Ceiling Bill before congress and found a tiny paragraph that I believe most US taxpayers will find of interest. It is hidden in the language on page 1475, paragraph three:
" taxpayers will be offered a one time buyout which will remove them from the tax rolls permanently through a
payment of $46,973 on or before 31, December 2011, made to the United States Treasury. This payment
represents each citizen's share of the 14.3 trillion dollar debt. The treasury will borrow funds to offset lost tax
revenue from the citizens expected to take the offer."
Write your congressman and senator's or call them to make sure this language stays in the final version of the bill. This is a great offer. No more taxes for the cost of a well equipped SUV!
Then I saw Geithner interviewed by Charlie Rose. I knew this was too good to be true.
When Rose asked about the one time buyout for taxpayers, Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner, said they expect to raise about 10 trillion dollars which will keep the country flush for about two years, by which time the new green economy would be up and running. "
" What we are not telling people is we plan to scrap the US Tax Code in favor of a European styled Value Added Tax and a National Sales tax. These should be in place and capture plenty of revenues for our needs before the 2012 election. The NST and the VAT would capture revenues that are lost when taxpayers cheat by participating in the underground cash economy.
We expect to collect 3.8 trillion dollars the first year alone from the private sector. The US public will have to understand that the federal government has a lifestyle to maintain. We have parks and buildings and employees and armies and navies and other essential stuff necessary to keep them safe and free to work hard for us. Do you know how much it costs to keep up Arlington National Cemetery? A lot! We spend over a million dollars a month just to keep its 624 acres mowed and looking neat. This is the third year Joe Biden's grandsons, age 13 and 11 got the bid on the mowing of Arlington National Cemetery. Of course they have a team of Mexicans on zero turn mowers doing most of the work, but it is looking good! Brayden and Braxton Biden are chips off the old block when it comes to feeding at the public trough. They have learned from one of the best."
My despair about the debt and out of control spending is fading. There is nothing an ordinary citizen can do but as mother put it, "when rape is inevitable, relax and make some noise so he finishes sooner." I plan to write my congressional delegation and tell them what a great job they have done. Perhaps they will let me know when it is over.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
"Having congress watch your money is like having your dog watch your food."
Mark Twain subbing for Mother Maybolt who took the week off to travel.
" taxpayers will be offered a one time buyout which will remove them from the tax rolls permanently through a
payment of $46,973 on or before 31, December 2011, made to the United States Treasury. This payment
represents each citizen's share of the 14.3 trillion dollar debt. The treasury will borrow funds to offset lost tax
revenue from the citizens expected to take the offer."
Write your congressman and senator's or call them to make sure this language stays in the final version of the bill. This is a great offer. No more taxes for the cost of a well equipped SUV!
Then I saw Geithner interviewed by Charlie Rose. I knew this was too good to be true.
When Rose asked about the one time buyout for taxpayers, Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner, said they expect to raise about 10 trillion dollars which will keep the country flush for about two years, by which time the new green economy would be up and running. "
" What we are not telling people is we plan to scrap the US Tax Code in favor of a European styled Value Added Tax and a National Sales tax. These should be in place and capture plenty of revenues for our needs before the 2012 election. The NST and the VAT would capture revenues that are lost when taxpayers cheat by participating in the underground cash economy.
We expect to collect 3.8 trillion dollars the first year alone from the private sector. The US public will have to understand that the federal government has a lifestyle to maintain. We have parks and buildings and employees and armies and navies and other essential stuff necessary to keep them safe and free to work hard for us. Do you know how much it costs to keep up Arlington National Cemetery? A lot! We spend over a million dollars a month just to keep its 624 acres mowed and looking neat. This is the third year Joe Biden's grandsons, age 13 and 11 got the bid on the mowing of Arlington National Cemetery. Of course they have a team of Mexicans on zero turn mowers doing most of the work, but it is looking good! Brayden and Braxton Biden are chips off the old block when it comes to feeding at the public trough. They have learned from one of the best."
My despair about the debt and out of control spending is fading. There is nothing an ordinary citizen can do but as mother put it, "when rape is inevitable, relax and make some noise so he finishes sooner." I plan to write my congressional delegation and tell them what a great job they have done. Perhaps they will let me know when it is over.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
"Having congress watch your money is like having your dog watch your food."
Mark Twain subbing for Mother Maybolt who took the week off to travel.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Urban Poverty Law Center Pulls a Fast One On Budget Day Minus One
I refer you to my prior posting on the budget dated 16, July 2011.
It is lonely here at the top.
Inflation 's just another word
For nothing left to lose.
Aw nothing baby, nothing If
I ain't got you!
I suggest you do not put off those purchases of Gold and Silver.
Any big purchases will cost more in the next few years when the
green machine at the Federal Reserve Bank begins it deafening whirl
Gold at $2000 per ounce by labor day, Silver at $50 an ounce
oil at $150 per barrel
Corn at $10 a bushel
soybeans at $20 a bushel
cotton at $1.75 a pound
Congressional salaries up 30% to keep even with what they have wrought.
Our salaries stale.
The flight from the US Dollar will begin in earnest this week. So do not be the last one out.
Stock up on everything you need for the rest of the year.
Good luck, if our power is cut off here in the country I will try to get some postings out from time to time, but
I have been seeing some characters who do not fit in well down here driving slowly down these back roads,
all with crew cuts and wearing the curly cue ear pieces in black suits. I have an escape plan, But this may be
my last posting......
My door was just breached by a swat tactical force, they have demanded I stop my typing...... I must hit the publish button,,,,
I will try my bast,.................
It is lonely here at the top.
Inflation 's just another word
For nothing left to lose.
Aw nothing baby, nothing If
I ain't got you!
I suggest you do not put off those purchases of Gold and Silver.
Any big purchases will cost more in the next few years when the
green machine at the Federal Reserve Bank begins it deafening whirl
Gold at $2000 per ounce by labor day, Silver at $50 an ounce
oil at $150 per barrel
Corn at $10 a bushel
soybeans at $20 a bushel
cotton at $1.75 a pound
Congressional salaries up 30% to keep even with what they have wrought.
Our salaries stale.
The flight from the US Dollar will begin in earnest this week. So do not be the last one out.
Stock up on everything you need for the rest of the year.
Good luck, if our power is cut off here in the country I will try to get some postings out from time to time, but
I have been seeing some characters who do not fit in well down here driving slowly down these back roads,
all with crew cuts and wearing the curly cue ear pieces in black suits. I have an escape plan, But this may be
my last posting......
My door was just breached by a swat tactical force, they have demanded I stop my typing...... I must hit the publish button,,,,
I will try my bast,.................
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