Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Coins Workforce Temporarily Held in Reserve for The Unemployed

Why is the US government harping on the unemployment rate? In a country of 330 million men, women, and children a 9.2% unemployment rate is not so bad. I believe Americans could be soothed if we looked for positives in this number.

America is the richest nation in the history of the world! Our GDP, gross domestic product, is 14 trillion dollars even with nearly 10 percent unemployment. A change in the nomenclature would benefit both those employed and those unemployed.

Instead of referring to an unemployment rate our leaders must immediately begin to substitute the term "Workforce Temporally Held in Reserve" for the unemployed. The substitution of this term is beneficial as it gives a positive to what otherwise is considered a negative.

The Workforce Temporally Held in Reserve will be a moral boost to those who enter its proud ranks. It carries none of the negative connotations connected with the unemployment offices. Instead of measuring the economic health of a nation negatively with the weekly unemployment numbers, we should instead be celebrating the fact that our Workforce Temporarily Held in Reserve is growing and more of our citizens will be able to spend more time at leisure activities.

I foresee the creation of a new Cabinet Level Department in our government, such as the Department of the Workforce Temporarily Held in Reserve. Or at least a Czar to represent these lucky few to our president.

The way I see it the higher the Workforce Temporarily Held in Reserve, the better our economy is fairing! This means we are getting everything done with fewer workers. Productivity is up when the Workforce Temporarily Held in Reserve is up.

This is a win-win!

I am Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD
President Urban Poverty Law Center

Juggling eggs when an amateur is best done outdoors. Amateur politicians,whether juggling eggs or not, are best left outdoors." Mother Maybolt, 1924-2008

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