Monday, August 15, 2011

Soros Short On Euro, Longing For Dollars, Urban Poverty Law Center Breaks The Code

I read the(financial) news today, oh boy,
about a lucky man who made the grade
he shorts the euro, but says he's not
well I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph
Nobody could tell if
If he was from the house of the open society

Hey, George D. Soros is writing op ed pieces and giving interviews to der Spiegel today and I think he is up to something big!

WARNING, what you are about to read is based on my years watching self-promoters work the public. G.D. Soros is no different from the Carnival barkers who frequented the small southern towns in the 1950's taunting the hayseed planting, clod buster wearing rubes there to play a game they were sure to lose. For these self-promoters must give a person a reason for losing their monies. I am over here but you must look over there. I will try to pull the curtain back on one of these financial mischief makers.

Der Spiegel: As an investor would you still bet on the euro?

G.D. Soros: I certainly would not short the euro because China has an interest in having an alternative to the dollar. You can count on China to back the efforts of the European authorities to maintain the euro.

NOTE: I fell off the toilet yesterday and struck my noggin rather hard against the tile flooring and now I can, through some gift from God above, read a man's lies and see the truth. It is a new phenomenon and I hope I can use it to warn the financial markets as to what this reptilian scavenger is up to. Europe, Soros has you in his sites!

The Analysis: When Der Spiegel asks Soros if he is betting on the euro, his reply is a smoke screen. He really did not answer the question fully as he can not for he would show the world what he is doing and steps could be taken to stop him from walking away form the table with all the chips.

In his answer he only states "he would not short the euro because China has an interest in having an alternative to the dollar."
What he did not say was that he is very short on the euro because it is poised to fall on its own as the fiat propping up its value is threatened. The Euro, like the dollar is supported by thin air, and the unrest on the streets of and in Europe's financial markets is making it even more rarefied. China's interest is irrelevant. The Chinese just have to decide how much money they wish to contribute to Soros because it is not a matter of if the euro will fall, but when.

Bottom LIne: Soros is short on Euro. Where is he on the Dollar? He tells us in the same interview.

Der Spiegel: And any further stimulus is now basically a non-starter, because the conservative majority in congress is hell bent on preventing it.

G,D. Soros: That is what is pushing the world toward another recession, into a double dip.

The Analysis: Because Obama's stimulus did not go far enough and the congress has shut off unlimited spending and borrowing, what this means is the dollar will strengthen as the world, other than the United States, will dip into a recession.

Bottom Line: G.D. Soros is long on the dollar.

I am JD Maybolt, code breaker for Sorosese. It is not what he says or how he says it, but what he means to say that he didn't say.

What he say?

Money, its a blast
Keep your hands off my stack.

" Money, like pain, can only be appreciated when it is yours." Mother Maybolt, 1928-2008

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