Monday, August 1, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Pulls a Fast One On Budget Day Minus One

I refer you to my prior posting on the budget dated 16, July 2011.

It is lonely here at the top.

Inflation 's just another word
For nothing left to lose.
Aw nothing baby, nothing If
I ain't got you!

I suggest you do not put off those purchases of Gold and Silver.
Any big purchases will cost more in the next few years when the
green machine at the Federal Reserve Bank begins it deafening whirl
Gold at $2000 per ounce by labor day, Silver at $50 an ounce
oil at $150 per barrel
Corn at $10 a bushel
soybeans at $20 a bushel
cotton at $1.75 a pound

Congressional salaries up 30% to keep even with what they have wrought.

Our salaries stale.

The flight from the US Dollar will begin in earnest this week. So do not be the last one out.

Stock up on everything you need for the rest of the year.

Good luck, if our power is cut off here in the country I will try to get some postings out from time to time, but
I have been seeing some characters who do not fit in well down here driving slowly down these back roads,
all with crew cuts and wearing the curly cue ear pieces in black suits. I have an escape plan, But this may be
my last posting......

My door was just breached by a swat tactical force, they have demanded I stop my typing...... I must hit the publish button,,,,

I will try my bast,.................


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