Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Sees Wrath of God At Work

Americans clinging to guns and their bibles take homage the Lord is with us. He is sending warnings to the godless ruling class in the form of earthquakes and hurricanes. It would not surprise me to witness a volcano opening up on Pennsylvania Avenue where the street is blocked off in front of the White House.

A shimmie-shake and a big blow storm can be written off, but a volcano on Pennsylvania Avenue, definitely a sign, definitely!

The quake was felt on Martha's vineyard where our gifted Orator with the deep baritone voice was just teeing up to play a round of golf with his usual threesome, Hugo Chavez, fresh back from Cuba with a radioactive bumho, Willie Jefferson Clinton, with his much maligned trouser snake, and Jeff Immelt, CEO and Chief Solicitor Begger for General Electric, a multi billion dollar company, that paid no income taxes in the US on $10 billions in profits last year.

Come on Jeffie, get some skin in da game, man! You are an unpatriotic puke! Corporations don't need no stinking cash, people need cash. If I was Warren Buffett, I would buy your company just so I could fire you. Then I would sell off a lot of stuff and try to make amends by paying back taxes. Jeff Immelt, you blow! You are such a weasel I bet you let Barack Hussein Obama win? Privileged puke, king of the titans of treason, co-captain of crony capitalism, go ahead let all the little people like me kick in your share of the cost of government after all you are the great and powerful GE, the same GE that did not know enough to see that direct current was not commercially viable on a large scale back when electricity was young and Westinghouse was cleaning your clock. Douche!

Tragedy struck the White House where President Obama's favored teleprompters toppled and were broken by the 5.9 rated earthquake. Press spokesman for the White House Jay Carney said all speeches will be postponed until a new pair of prompters could be manufactured in China. The machines are on rush order, so Obama should be up and reading in 6 to 8 weeks. Until such time his speeches will be available on twitter at www.twitnthewhitehouse.gov.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

"Jack and Jill went up the hill each with a buck and a quarter.
Jill came back with with all the cash and Jack with a smile and the water."
Mother Maybolt, nursery rhymes told to me as a child, 1923-2008

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