Friday, August 12, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Accepts Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction Invitation

I am very excited to report the President of the Urban Poverty Law Center, Jackson Delano Maybolt, has been invited to address the newly formed Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. These members of the Super Congress have been selected by the House and Senate leadership to guide our nation back towards financial sobriety. Those of you who have kept up with all 100 plus entertaining and informative UPLC posts know we at UPLC take government over spending quite seriously. We are understandably concerned we have not, as yet, benefited from any grants from a behemoth which spends over $3,700,000,000,000 and 45 cents each year. Where is the parity?

We are equally flummoxed when we learned the top 1% of US wage earners pay 37% of the taxes collected. And now Baroke Hussein Obama is asking congress to go back to that well and dig deeper into this tiniest and most helpless minority's pocket and see what more they can pull out.

Let's face it, blacks are a minority with 12 percent of the population, Latinos are a minority with 13% of the population, gays are a minority with 10% of the population, and the richest 1% of tax payers are only 0.5% of the population and as such are the creme de la creme of minorities.

Asking one half of one percent of the US population to pay for 37% of the total income tax and only have a voice of 0.5% as a voting block is on face unfair.
Perhaps the committee on Deficit Reduction should consider a new way to cast a vote.
One thousand dollars in federal taxes should give the payer of tax monies more say in electing our representatives. Everybody gets one vote. But the rich, they are different from you and me. If they pay $100,000 in federal income taxes they may vote one time, but it is counted as 100 votes. Since these 1.5 million tax payers pay about $650,000,000,000 in taxes this would give them about 650 million more votes, more than enough to carry elections their way, since only about 110 million people vote in our elections, some of whom are US citizens!

Barack Hussein Obama and the Super Select Congressional 12, who, in no particular order, are, Brother Kerry,D Ma, Sister Murray,D Wa, Brother Baucus, D, Mt, Brother Kyle, R. Az, Brother Toomey, R. Pa, Brother Portman, R. Oh, Brother Hensarling, R. Tx, Brother Camp, R. MI, Brother Upton, R. Mi, Brother Becerra, D. Ca,
Brother Van Hollen, D. Ma, and Black Brother Clyburn, D. SC.

As a Southerner, I am thinking it is not looking too good for Dixie when the committee makes its recommendations for funding cuts. Our share of the delicious Washington DC Pork Pot Pie will be quite a bit smaller. But since the Civil War we here in the South are used to being looked upon as a bastard half step-child with the only people still stupid enough in this country to teach our children about patriotism and our numbers in the armed services bear this out.

I have an acquaintance whose son was lost on the most recent helio crash in Afghanistan, yes, a Navy Seal. Tragic. Lets save money by carrying all our elite forces into a dangerous fire zone in one great big noisy helio. Wow, who made that brilliant call?

Jack, Jack, no no no no, you have Clyburn from South Carolina and Hensarling from Texas to look out for you. A liberal democrat and a Texan, is that all we got. I cry foul as the representatives are predominately from blue states and heavily indebted to Union Thuggery, not Civil War type Union, but the Unions who sup and dine beyond satiety at the feeding troughs set out by a complacent congress.

Am I reaching when I ask if Obama has a Christ complex? Why you could easily think the 12, clearly a biblical number with "The One" as the President is known is some circles, could be a clever ruse to get those who cling to their religion and bibles on board with the economic rape and pillage of America. Just a thought.

Anyway, I will be glad to address this most powerful and diverse Super Congressional Committee. They probably do not want to know what Jack would do.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President/invitee to the First Joint Strike Committee To Save Our Nation's Standard and Poor Credit Rating

"If you can't stand the heat, you are going to hate global warming!" Mother Maybolt, 1923-2008

Has anybody seen Albert "FREAKINSTEYN" Gore, Jr lately, looking as tough as an elderly Male Cheerleader, cursing about the Global Warming deniers? He seriously needs his middle chakra released. Are there no hookers or women with low self-esteem left out there who can ease this man's pain? He has got money, you got eye lids and imagination. Where is Gloria Steinem when you really, really need her? I am beginning to think she is all hat and no cattle, I mean cuddle. JDM

Maybe a tattoo and a Harley would help him with the ladies? JDM

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