Saturday, August 27, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Self-Pity Exercise: Do Not Read If Depressed

The only thing that can stop tyranny is a just and moral people. We must take the necessary steps to slash the size and scope of the federal government now.

Our economy is contracting at an alarming rate. The new norms will be at 50% of the post war boom years. Our growth was spurred by the population explosion after WW II. New businesses started up to sell and market to the millions of new consumers in the US. Only serious idiots failed in those population boom times. I am one of the idiots.

Businesses I have failed at:

When I was 7 my brother was 8 and a half and we were paid by grandfather to mow his lawn. I was too little to push the mower.

When I was 9-14 my grandfather set us up to sell cokes and hot dogs at the Strawberry Festival every May. I was deemed too poor a worker to get a full half share of the profits.

When I was 15 my mother pulled strings at the country club and I was given a job as lifeguard. If you do not count the three children that drown under my watch, I would have chalked up my first success. It was not to be.

When I was 16 I got a job as a greens keeper at the country club. I did not check the oil on the greens mower and burned it up over on hole 7 on my last day of work.

When I was 17 my neighbor hired me to work at his strawberry packing company where it was my duty to staple the boxes the cartoons of freshly packed strawberries were packed into. I fell asleep after lunch droned by the monotonous sounds of the packing machine.

When I was 18 my pal got me on with Sears Roebuck as a helper to the service and repairman. I kept falling asleep and dropped my end of a new freezer we were delivering to a farm house out in Alamo.

In college I worked at the ag barn mowing greens, but I could not show up on time and was let go.

Second job in college, I was hired to run an atomic absorption spectrophotometer to measure stream pollutants from strip mining sites. I got mixed up and ran the wrong samples. I was let go.

I went to the University of Wyoming as a teaching assistant and graduate student in Chemistry. I could not keep my hands off the freshman girls.

After my PhD I took a post doctoral fellowship at the Department of Energy and worked on shale oil with instructions to find out what was in the oil. I worked for over 10 months and my report that indicated the shale oil contained oil and other substances as yet undetermined was not a hit. I was let go.

My medical school experiences at the University of Utah were another series of set backs and disappointments, especially for my teachers and patients. Do you know what they call the person who graduates last in the medical class?
Doctor Maybolt.

My residency in Chicago proved to be like every other endeavor. I found the emergency room to be too unstructured and unpredictable for my taste and I would sign myself in as a patient halfway through many of my shifts just so I would not have to see any more patients.

I have written and shelved a marvelous self-help tome for people who have low self esteem, but I do not think it is good enough to send in to a publisher. I hate rejection. I know I should not feel this way, but I am pretty much worthless as you can see from my lack of meaningful accomplishments.

After the John Deere Manure spreader mangled me, an abject act of Divine intervention without which I would have killed thousands of unsuspecting patients by now, I settled in and lived comfortably with my mother until her untimely death in the Bingo Pallor fire here in Cedar Grove.

Since then, I have thrown myself into my work here at the Urban Poverty Law Center and even this seems to be on shaky ground. I have very little funding to help the poor, and I am not able to find any poor people who want my help. I have found the poor to be very fickle and feckless.

Offer them some potatoes and they'd rather have beer. Offer some baby formula for the baby and they would rather have cigarettes. Offer to buy some clothing for the older children and they would rather have cash for gasoline. Sometimes I think the poor are poor for a reason. Maybe the poor choose to be poor since it is easier than being rich.

I did learn the third law in thermodynamics is called entropy. Entropy is a force that makes all things go to the lowest energy state or from order to disorder unless energy is utilized to keep things ordered. Rich requires energy, poor is the immutable law of entropy. Why bother?

Hot is to rich as cold is to poor. Like absolute zero for cold, there is a place from which the poorest of poor can not get any poorer. I am not aware of what the absolute highest temperature is? But rich, like heat, has no ceiling. Thank God above that poor is limited.

We will not become affluent in this country until the energy costs are reigned in. It is a law of thermodynamics. The third law,I believe. $40 a barrel oil is the key to prosperity.

I am Jackson Delano Maybolt, MD, PhD; President of the Urban Poverty Law Center

"Jack, Mommy still loves you, failures, warts and all!" Mother Maybolt, 1922-2008

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