Sunday, August 7, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Crop/Cattle Report: Who Was Al Gore Jr?

For those of you unfamiliar with Western Tennessee, it is a largely agricultural economy with Memphis as the nipple on the edge of the Mississippi River. We are fortunate to live in a geographical location which receives almost 60 inches of annual rain fall. Some farmers have placed deep wells to irrigate, but most rely on nature to do the heavy work. We got rain again the past two days, and our crops without heavenly water for 9 days were grateful for the drink. I hope the pastures scorched by the few days of Albert Gore, Jr Memorial 100 degree dog days of August rekindle the green grasses our cattle are fond of eating.

My cotton is in full bloom and the boles are soon to develop. We've had enough heat already to make cotton this year. My soy beans are thick, lush and green and are flowering as well and some pods are beginning to make. The corn is over 10 feet high and the cobs are making as this is written. The cows are dropping calves, 7 new ones in a fortnight. We have baled over 200 large round bales of hay so far this year and with a little luck will get about 50 more if the rain cooperates. We only wait for a bountiful harvest and a large check from the grain broker, then we can pay our fair shares to help our cash strapped and recently Standard and Poor fallen Public Savants.

The full faith and credit of the United States of America used to mean something when adults ran the show in Washington.
Now that the political class has been overrun by thugs and carpetbaggers only there for personal gain and prestige, our
national stock has been sullied.

Fortunately, enough intelligent people in this country were awakened by the strained groans and the subsequent shuddering and bucking the Obama administration's Marxist inputs into our economy caused to elect 70 good patriots in 2010 to congress who tried to save us from the financial Armageddon wrought by the crack team of economic demolition experts assembled by Barack Hussein Obama after his selection as President.

These patriots will be joined by at least 70 more patriots and a bright new president and another handful of senators who will all be elected in 2012 to help guide the country and its fortunes back to the only place in the world where a person with a good idea can make a fortune the old fashion way, through hard work, perseverance and good luck. Your days of corporate cronyism are coming to an end. We will shine the light on your operation and it will end. You in Washington know who you are. Be very, very afraid. Ask Al Gore how lonely life can be on the political refuse heap of bad policy and snake oil sales? Google him if you do not recall him. He will soon be joined there by another group of pikers who cannot go to Gore soon enough for my liking.

Going to Gore is like getting Borked. The political savvy need no explanation. Going Gore is every pols nightmare. It means your political vision for America has been rejected and you have been labeled as a goof and a buffoon. Obama and his
Chicago goons will be turned out and the election results of 2010 have spoken to their reserve tickets to ride on the high speed rail line to Goreville,to join Albert Gore, Jr on the smoldering ash heap of bad political ideas.

Low taxes, a level playing field, and a stable economic climate for our businesses to thrive is not too much to ask. The Obama Doctrine for the economy is a loser! Sarah Palin knows what the Obama Doctrine is.

Obama Economic Doctrine: "Taxes will rise. Energy costs will necessarily skyrocket. All are helped when we spread the wealth around."

Not in America, Barack Hussein Obama. Your form of collectivism has failed everywhere it has been tired, USSR, China, Cuba, Europe. The human spirit has some charitable components, but self preservation is a stronger force. Effort wanes when it is not tied directly to rewards.

My efforts for a good crop and healthy livestock will be rewarded if we can get our governing bodies back into the role of public servant and out of their role as fanatical fairness fairies of the economy. I am reminded of the children on the playground who are indignant whenever a fairness doctrine is broken and spend 10 minutes of playtime crying about it. The free markets are not fair, they are free. Get used to it. It is what it is.

Another dose of healing for America will come in November of 2012. More free market patriots will be elected to office and the fair market fairies of the Obama administration will have to flicker back to academia where their tinkering will not bring the American economic engine to its knees ever again. Academics are best left in academia, and their pointy-headed theories best hashed out over a cup of java or a joint after office hour and not foisted on the world's largest economy in a time of weakness.

God help if we ever elect another group of pointy headed academics with loose economic morals and penchants for living the high life on other peoples dimes to lead America. We will not put up with that nonsense! We can barely tolerate Hollywood as it is, you too Washington, DC?

I am Jackson Delano Maybolt, President of the Urban Poverty Law Center

"If a pride of lions invite you over for dinner is it discrimination to send your regrets?" Mother Maybolt, 1928-2008

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