Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene Blows Al Gore Out Of Obscurity:Middle Chakra Warning!

Fellow Tennessean, Albert Phineas Gore, Jr, has emerged out of the background noises of Libya, the Virginia Quake Monologues, and the first super-hyped hurricane to hit the east coast of the United States( finally something in the news that matches President Obama's epic failure blows by begging the questions, why Gore, why now and why ever?

First, Albert Gore Sr. was a corrupt pol from Tennessee who was courted by Russian partisan Armand Hammer. It was Hammer's Occidental Petroleum company that paid for the seismographic survey of Tennessee and alerted Gore Sr to purchase land in Middle Tennessee, which by chance was one of the few mine able zinc deposits in our state. After Gore, Sr stole the seemingly worthless tracts of land from the landowners, one of whom was a poor widow trying to raise eight children during the depression, Hammer and Occidental Petro leased the mineral rights from the new lucky owners, Al Gore Sr, for a $100,000 dollars a year!

Some people have all the luck! We can thank the father for the son. These black payments set Albert Phineas Gore, Jr up as a privileged Trust Funded Monkey, with all the rights and the public soapbox that often accompanies great wealth and privilege.

My father was politically connected in Tennessee as it was a small state and anyone with a triple digit IQ was seen as some kind of freak and if you haven't noticed, most in the political classes fancy themselves smarter than the average voter and are naturally drawn to intellectuals.

My first recollection of Albert Gore, Jr was the day my brother came home from Vanderbilt University on break stating he just met one of the biggest goofs ever, a fellow with the same name as Gore, Jr was in Divinity School at Vandy in my brother's fraternity and telling all who would listen he was going to be president some day! But for Geo W. Bush, and Gore, Jr landing squarely on the wrong side of gun control in 2000, Ralph Nader, and the 537 vote advantage for Bush, that goober would have been correct.

Enough background, Tennesseans know the Gores and they are a Communist backed creation of the cold war. Black or maybe a better term would be red money has tainted them for ever.

Hurricane Irene has released Al Gore's middle chakra and I believe it is seen in part by that clip of the Fox News reporter getting splashed by the green slime on the banks of New York. Yuck! That is a lot of chakra. Now Gore compares the Global Warming Alarmists to the civil rights activists of the 50's and 60's. It was an enlightened Al Jr who watched Bull Connor turn the hoses and dogs loose on the Black Civil Rights demonstrators in Birmingham Alabama back in 1963.

He was a pimply 15 yr old boy in 1963 who probably did not give a small middle chakra about civil rights. I know his father, Senator Gore of Tennessee, voted the civil rights bill down each time it was presented and even voted against it when it passed.

His memories of questioning bigots and homophobes and changing the tone are all fabrications. He did nothing to change the lexicon. It changed because it was time to move on. The blacks did not cause the war of Northern Aggression, but were merely
convenient excuses for one group of have nots to take from another group of haves. In 1850 there were more millionaires in Mississippi than in New York. The only reason for war is theft on a nation to nation scale. It is certainly not to free a segment of the underclass. A rich nation like the United States of America has nothing to gain from fighting battles in poorer nations.

Show me the wealth, the plunder, the riches. I predict the next war will involve China as it has run out of breeding age females and will be a battle for the womb. The War of the Womb. The Womb of the Unknown Soldier. Make Womb for Father. There is a time-womb ticking over in China. When all those millions of extra boys become men and have no womb for play there will be war.

A poem by William Ross Wallace, "The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world." The reference is to woman and yes, she rules the world. They are the gate keepers. They decide who plays and who stays and who comes and who goes who rents and who owns.

Now Phineas Gore, Jr has decided Global Warming Skeptics are the newest racist, rednecks and he has decided to float this flatus filled balloon out from under the skirts of Hurricane Irene. Hurricanes are worsened by Global Warming. Global Warming that has been unmeasurable for the past 10 years, because there is no there there.

The earth was created by a God who foresaw the use of fossil fuels and fire by man to power the engines of civilization and the earth has built in methods to dissipate excessive heat through rain and evaporation, and through radiation of heat into space and by having the earth rotate slowly on its axis and allow the lit side to heat and the dark side to cool off. Brilliant!

So finally, Albert Phineas Gore, Jr, I am not a racist if I do not buy into your Global Warming hype especially when you and your rich fellow titans of treason and captains of crony capitalism have awarded yourselves all the carbon trading credits which can be sold to rubes as another unnecessary tax. You and your political friends are worse than racists. You are evil and gross!

I suggest you retake a ninth grade science course and learn about how the earth is set up and how heat behaves. Heat is good. Carbon dioxide is good for plant growth. Explain how 4 molecules of carbon dioxide bouncing around in a cubic meter of earth's air can significantly heat all that air and moisture up even a tiny amount. Realize that earth is surrounded by a great heat sink, space! There is no there there in that hot air.

And Al, find yourself a 28 yr old wife and have a couple of kids and get a life and try to stay out of public for a while longer. It is too soon still. Get back with us in 2022. The US has work to do and your policies hamstring business as Global Warming is all about taxes. We don't need no new stinking taxes. Share this with Obama if his handlers ever grant you an audience.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD, President Urban Poverty Law Center

"Four things can hurt you in life, Earth, Fire, Wind and Water!" Mother Maybolt, 1928-2008

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