Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Obama Solicits Urban Poverty Law Center Jobs Plan

Below is the letter I received from President Obama's Economic Development Czar To Urban America. Her name is Shalal
Alziereh. She has a PhD in economics and a minor in governance from Harvard Business School.

16 August, 2011

Jackson D. Maybolt, PhD
Urban Poverty Law Center
xxxx Poverty Lane
Cedar Grove, Tn 38321

Dear Dr. Maybolt:

I have been instructed by our president, Barack Hussein Obama, to seek out diverse opinions on how to jump start our economy, especially in our poorer inner cities. Your writings have caught our eye here at the White House and Joe Biden has been instructed to read all your posts and report directly to the president about this and other matters in his quarterly meetings with the President.

We find your ideas of allowing each taxpayer to work tax free one year in five for their entire working career to be brilliant!

Balancing the budget by cropping each gov issued check by what ever percentage the projected deficit is for the year is astonishing. What is your IQ?

Taxing political contributions at 50% and opening amounts to infinity and opening contributions to the world is another remarkable suggestion. Your insistence that the list of contributors is public information is the icing on the cake.

I am asking that you and your staff at the Urban Poverty Law Center put your considerable genius to the jobs problem in our inner cities. As you know black teen unemployment is hovering at around 50% and drops to only 30% for older blacks.


Shalal Alziereh, PhD

My reply:

Dr. Shalal Alziereh
Czar To Urban Economic Development
The White House
Washington, DC 20202

Dear Dr. Alziereh:

Thank you for your letter dated 16 August, 2011.

I have given your problem some thoughts and have come up with a solution which may be beneficial to the urban poor. I will consider first what constitutes work in our physical world and a brief history as I see it follows.

All animals and plants need food and shelter and a source of energy to survive. Since we are not talking about plants which for the most part derive food from the soil and have the sun as an energy source, and convert CO2 and water into sugars and grow their own shelters through their exteriors, we will leave them there.

Early man worked for shelter, a cave or a tent made of skins and hunted animals or grew or gathered edible plants to survive.
Each member of the tribe contributed to the sustenance of the other members......and in any society some members were unfit for physical labors by physical handicap or personality shortfall, ie lazy, and these members would find themselves overly represented on the alters of human sacrifice in these societies of early human beings.

As man evolved at woman's insistence, the desire for trinkets and baubles drove many of the early humans to specialize and artists and craftsmen were born. The first early millionaire was the neanderthal who was first credited with developing the deodorant/ antiperspirant. It corresponds to the first human baby boom roughly 40,000 years ago. He found if he placed ground eucalyptus leaves mixed with the musk glans of a woolly mammoth and rubbed it on the underarms and undercarriage
the women of the day were very receptive to sexual advances. Unfortunately, a cro-magnum man stole the formula and added the root of Hyacinthia to the mix and would only sell to other cro-magnums and the neanderthals had to resort to homosexuality as all their women preferred the sweet smelling cros as they referred to them in the day.

Thus began the race to develop the better perfumes. Ever wonder why the French are so prolific at perfumery? Have you ever smelled a room full of Franco-Prussians who have been without soap and water for a week? Enough said.

Agriculture spawned by mans desire for beer created jobs by the hundreds and allowed man to live in communities for the mutual protection of the beer halls. When the first beer halls were invaded by barbarians from the north walls were built and castles sprang up to protect the beer.

I do not wish to belittle the horrors of slavery, but slaves are working for the three essentials in life, food, clothing and shelter and the fourth is reproduction. So maybe we should take a closer look into slavery as it may pertain to our modern society. Could you use a live in servant or two. Someone to wash your clothes, clean your house, and drive you to your appointments?

I think you should form a commission to explore the pros and cons of re-instituting slavery in America. Sure keep the safety net in place, unemployment insurance for 99 months, but after that these unemployed people need to make arrangements to be enslaved until the economic conditions improve. I believe this could work to every ones benefit.


Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD
Urban Poverty Law Center
Cedar Grove, TN

"Jack you are totally insane! Has the pilot light on the gas heater gone out again?" Mother Maybolt, 1926-2008

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