When Mr. Wilson arrived in a small Mississippi town, a stranger to the area, he struck up a conversation with some of the locals in an attempt to get acquainted. During the small talk a dog off in the distance began to bark incessantly. It soon became an annoyance to Mr. Wilson, who, mid sentence, stopped his line of thought and blurted out famously; "I wish I owned half that dog."
When one in the group queried why? It was then he let go with the blunder of a lifetime.
"Because I'd kill my half!"
With that statement Mr. Wilson sealed his reputation in that small Southern town.
"Recon what would become of the other half of that dog, if he killed his half, suppose he even considered that?"
"Peers to be a fool. Yep. Peers to be a fool."(1)
And thus Puddin'head Wilson got his moniker.
One can almost hear President Obama's annoying dog yelping off in the distance, just out of his sight and that barking dog is the part of the American economy that is rolling along without government interference engineered by the successful entrepreneurs who really annoy our dog loathing commander in cheap.
Evidenced by his State of the Union Speech he longs to own half of that dog, and to get his half he plans to tax it.
Do you recon he knows what will happen to the other half of that dog if he kills his half? Suppose he even considered that?
Peers to be a fool. Yep, peers to be a fool!
And so with President Obama longing and striving to kill his half of the economy he will be known as America's first Puddin'head President.
Oh, did I mention he was America's first black president? This fact will just be a tiny footnote in the history books. First Puddin'head president trumps first black president as he will be judged by the MLK rule, "the content of his character and not by the color of his skin." Obama's character content screams "Puddin'head"!
Congratulations Puddin'head Obama. Your read of Americanism is far off the mark and you do not even know it. This country does not work that way. Most of our families came here to get away from some sort of unfairness. You will see in November the voters know it is much easier to change the President than to change the people. We are 100 million taxpayers and you are one small little Puddin'head who somehow managed to buy and smooth talk your way into office and really mess things up with your dunderheaded ideas.
Yes Puddin'head, we should all like to live in opulence at no personal effort, but the laws of physics do not permit it. Some modicum of work must be expended even to get the rock up the hill so we can roll it over our neighbors to kill them so we can take everything they have. This can be repeated, the rape of the industrious, over and over, but with time the industrious will cease to exist or become exceedingly harder and harder to find.
If you persist in your desires to kill your half of the dog, the dog will certainly bite you when you approach.
Do you hear that dog barking off in the distance, Puddin'head? You should, because it is barking at you.
Look at it this way, you still managed to steal $5,000,000,000,000 from our children and funnel it to your supporters. Not bad for a Puddin'head.
It was a pleasure to meet you and your fine family, but your job is done, America will and has rejected socialism. Give me a big old capitalist to kick around next election. Where is she? Sarah is that you?
Nice day for a round of golf, don't you think?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty and Southern Poetry Law Centers
(1) Much stolen from my hero in American Literature, Mr. Mark Twain. jdm
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking right.......www.urbanpovertylawcenter.org.......www.southernpoetrylawcenter.org
Monday, January 30, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Did You Want A Political Poem? Urban Poverty/Southern Poetry Law Center Proudly Presents:
by Jackson Maybolt
Primary Season
loss of reason
Newt Gingrich
Eat your Spinach
Primary time
loss of rhyme
Rick Santorum
Damn decorum
Primary colors
Iranian Mullahs
Mitt Romney
I like astronomy
Primary evil
cotton boweavel
Ron Paul
Walking Tall
Primary Season
Loss of reason
Barack Obama
makin love to yo mama
Primary time
loss of rhyme
Georgie Soros
rich and morose
Primary colors
Iranian Mullahs
Joseph P. Biden
Where you been hidden
Primary evil
cotton boweavel
main stream media
boycott Wikipedia
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President and founder Urban Poverty/Southern Poetry Law Centers
"You read us because we are right!" jdm
by Jackson Maybolt
Primary Season
loss of reason
Newt Gingrich
Eat your Spinach
Primary time
loss of rhyme
Rick Santorum
Damn decorum
Primary colors
Iranian Mullahs
Mitt Romney
I like astronomy
Primary evil
cotton boweavel
Ron Paul
Walking Tall
Primary Season
Loss of reason
Barack Obama
makin love to yo mama
Primary time
loss of rhyme
Georgie Soros
rich and morose
Primary colors
Iranian Mullahs
Joseph P. Biden
Where you been hidden
Primary evil
cotton boweavel
main stream media
boycott Wikipedia
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President and founder Urban Poverty/Southern Poetry Law Centers
"You read us because we are right!" jdm
Romney May Win Florida's 50 delegates, UPLC Shouts "So Watt!"
For those politically connected to the Urban Poverty Law Center at the hip you already know Florida's GOP moved their presidential primary up from a later date to gain more influence in the nominating process. As a result the GOP lowered their delegate count to the convention from a "C" to a shining "L" note. For my friends who do not recall the Roman numerals and did not study two years of Latin like me and Bell, back in the late 1960's taught by that saint Mischke, where her skills as an instructor took an under-motivated student, me, and gave me the necessary skills to place in the second year of Latin at my university to complete my foreign language requirement by translating again "Caesar's Gaelic Wars", that is 100 delegates to 50 delegates.
I say, so what? Mitt gets 50 en route to the over 1100 needed to win the nomination. I am with Stalin on this one. It means nothing. As the liberal, Mitt Romney, is really expected to poll well in a Northeastern state such as Florida. Newt will balance out Mitt's Florida win with a whole slough of Southern states and will become popular out west and in the Midwest where the bread basket and Sarah Palin meet.
Mitt has his work cut out for him. If he is perceived as the insider candidate, a la McCain and Dole, he will be rejected by the tea party. We already know how that will play out for us.
I hope Sarah Palin will mount a third party challenge if Mitt is the nominee. Even if she loses, with divided government in the house and senate, Obama can continue his string of expensive vacations and golf outings without making to much of a mess for another 4 years and this would give us more time to see how the economy shakes out under the calls from Obama for higher taxation on the rich and let the Obamacare fiasco, and the deficit problem fester another few years.
I have a theory that the private bankers who own the Federal Reserve Bank have more money than they know what to do with and are doing their best to get it back out into circulation by financing the US Government's debt and they know they are never going to get all of it back. This bunch of bankers have had their "Tiny Tim moment" and it seems are ready to share the wealth with the people. This must be done carefully so as not to upset the money wheel that spins the economy.
For now I am going to keep supporting the locals with my expenditures and driving my GT 500 away from my children when I can. Have I mentioned my 1967 VW Beetle which I just had painted and the floor pans replaced? It is nice. My father and grandfather were VW Beetle drivers. In the 1950's the Beetle owners would wave at each other as they passed on the highways much like the fatties on the Harleys do today. It was a really exclusive club to drive a VW back just after WWII.
Even Adolph Hitler had a few good ideas. The Autobahn and the VW Beetle, just to mention a couple. And this gives me hope for Barack Obama. Maybe he just needs a few more years to have a positive Adolph Hitler moment? Maybe the Chevy Volt will be Obama's VW Beetle moment?
I think this country and its people are strong enough to weather the experiment called Barack Obama. His eight years will be looked upon as a speed bump in the road to the continued greatness of what his country really represents. Freedom to live in a country with safe water systems, decent public amenities, a system of laws which may not be perfect, but work most of the time, and enough really smart people to hold this thing together even if some unscrupulous individuals attack it from within.
Look around, America, where would you rather be at this moment in time? God Bless our founders. They knew what attacks to expect on freedom and protected us with the constitution and the Bill of Rights. They were inspired by God!
I am no longer worried about America's future. The people have cleared their throats and have spoken. We will continue to do the right thing. Bring it!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
I say, so what? Mitt gets 50 en route to the over 1100 needed to win the nomination. I am with Stalin on this one. It means nothing. As the liberal, Mitt Romney, is really expected to poll well in a Northeastern state such as Florida. Newt will balance out Mitt's Florida win with a whole slough of Southern states and will become popular out west and in the Midwest where the bread basket and Sarah Palin meet.
Mitt has his work cut out for him. If he is perceived as the insider candidate, a la McCain and Dole, he will be rejected by the tea party. We already know how that will play out for us.
I hope Sarah Palin will mount a third party challenge if Mitt is the nominee. Even if she loses, with divided government in the house and senate, Obama can continue his string of expensive vacations and golf outings without making to much of a mess for another 4 years and this would give us more time to see how the economy shakes out under the calls from Obama for higher taxation on the rich and let the Obamacare fiasco, and the deficit problem fester another few years.
I have a theory that the private bankers who own the Federal Reserve Bank have more money than they know what to do with and are doing their best to get it back out into circulation by financing the US Government's debt and they know they are never going to get all of it back. This bunch of bankers have had their "Tiny Tim moment" and it seems are ready to share the wealth with the people. This must be done carefully so as not to upset the money wheel that spins the economy.
For now I am going to keep supporting the locals with my expenditures and driving my GT 500 away from my children when I can. Have I mentioned my 1967 VW Beetle which I just had painted and the floor pans replaced? It is nice. My father and grandfather were VW Beetle drivers. In the 1950's the Beetle owners would wave at each other as they passed on the highways much like the fatties on the Harleys do today. It was a really exclusive club to drive a VW back just after WWII.
Even Adolph Hitler had a few good ideas. The Autobahn and the VW Beetle, just to mention a couple. And this gives me hope for Barack Obama. Maybe he just needs a few more years to have a positive Adolph Hitler moment? Maybe the Chevy Volt will be Obama's VW Beetle moment?
I think this country and its people are strong enough to weather the experiment called Barack Obama. His eight years will be looked upon as a speed bump in the road to the continued greatness of what his country really represents. Freedom to live in a country with safe water systems, decent public amenities, a system of laws which may not be perfect, but work most of the time, and enough really smart people to hold this thing together even if some unscrupulous individuals attack it from within.
Look around, America, where would you rather be at this moment in time? God Bless our founders. They knew what attacks to expect on freedom and protected us with the constitution and the Bill of Rights. They were inspired by God!
I am no longer worried about America's future. The people have cleared their throats and have spoken. We will continue to do the right thing. Bring it!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Adolph Hitler,
Florida Primary,
Mitt Romney,
Newt Gingrich,
Sarah Palin
Friday, January 27, 2012
UPLC: Musings On Why A Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500?
If you are nearly 60 and your children are grown, but they still know where you live you may need one of these cars. Here's why.
I was ruminating with my pal Robert Turgedson, who, like me has been through a few wives and has kids. He asked what the Shelby cost and when I told him about 8 thousand more than his fully decked out Nissan 4x4 Armada, he chided it was one hell of an expensive midlife crisis. I disagreed and told him how in the long run it would save me money.
He mused he could justify his Armada since he still had a bunch of children to haul around. I responded though I too had a bunch of children , mine were getting to the age where I saw more sense in out running them than hauling them around, hence the need for the Shelby and its 550 horsepower supercharged power plant.
Robert Turgedson raised his eye brows and nodded and I knew I had him. The children can not ask for money if they can not catch you.
Below is the latest offering to you, dear reader from our own Legal Expert in Residence Carroll Pierpoint Gibson.
by Carroll Pierpont Gibson
Long ago and far away
Lived the Emperor Ho Phat Chin.
A leader stern, but wise, was he.
Revered by all his men.
Call him "Your Highness", "My Liege", "My Lord".
He was OK with that.
You could even address him as Emperor Chin.
(Just don't call him Phat!)
Ho Phat Chin had particular taste
When it came to the fairer sex.
The only ones who did it for him
Were women with long thin necks.
Short or tall or fat or thin
A woman could turn him on,
This mighty Emperor Ho Phat Chin
If she sported the neck of a swan.
Weary of statecraft and war, the Emperor
Called in his servant Ling Chow.
"Fetch me a woman whose touch will erase
These lines on my furrowed brow."
Ling Chow found a woman, gorgeous and wise
In the ways of pleasuring men.
And he dreamt of the favor he'd certainly win
With the Emperor Ho Phat Chin.
To the palace he strode with the beautiful girl,
Swelled up, fairly bursting with pride.
And he never once noticed, never gave it a thought
That her neck was too thick and too wide,
For Ling Chow was new to the court, and it seems
That no one had clued him in
About the very particular tastes
Of the Emperor Ho Phat Chin.
He presented this prize to the Emperor who
Exploded with such a great roar
Ling Chow clapsed his hands over both of his ears
And fell on his knees to the floor.
"You IDIOT," bellowed Ho Phat Chin,
"My word is law! Don't you know
I will flay you alive if ever again
You bring me a Fat Chin 'Ho!!!!"
Jack Maybolt, President and founder of the Urban Poverty Law Center and the Southern Poetry Law Center
I was ruminating with my pal Robert Turgedson, who, like me has been through a few wives and has kids. He asked what the Shelby cost and when I told him about 8 thousand more than his fully decked out Nissan 4x4 Armada, he chided it was one hell of an expensive midlife crisis. I disagreed and told him how in the long run it would save me money.
He mused he could justify his Armada since he still had a bunch of children to haul around. I responded though I too had a bunch of children , mine were getting to the age where I saw more sense in out running them than hauling them around, hence the need for the Shelby and its 550 horsepower supercharged power plant.
Robert Turgedson raised his eye brows and nodded and I knew I had him. The children can not ask for money if they can not catch you.
Below is the latest offering to you, dear reader from our own Legal Expert in Residence Carroll Pierpoint Gibson.
by Carroll Pierpont Gibson
Long ago and far away
Lived the Emperor Ho Phat Chin.
A leader stern, but wise, was he.
Revered by all his men.
Call him "Your Highness", "My Liege", "My Lord".
He was OK with that.
You could even address him as Emperor Chin.
(Just don't call him Phat!)
Ho Phat Chin had particular taste
When it came to the fairer sex.
The only ones who did it for him
Were women with long thin necks.
Short or tall or fat or thin
A woman could turn him on,
This mighty Emperor Ho Phat Chin
If she sported the neck of a swan.
Weary of statecraft and war, the Emperor
Called in his servant Ling Chow.
"Fetch me a woman whose touch will erase
These lines on my furrowed brow."
Ling Chow found a woman, gorgeous and wise
In the ways of pleasuring men.
And he dreamt of the favor he'd certainly win
With the Emperor Ho Phat Chin.
To the palace he strode with the beautiful girl,
Swelled up, fairly bursting with pride.
And he never once noticed, never gave it a thought
That her neck was too thick and too wide,
For Ling Chow was new to the court, and it seems
That no one had clued him in
About the very particular tastes
Of the Emperor Ho Phat Chin.
He presented this prize to the Emperor who
Exploded with such a great roar
Ling Chow clapsed his hands over both of his ears
And fell on his knees to the floor.
"You IDIOT," bellowed Ho Phat Chin,
"My word is law! Don't you know
I will flay you alive if ever again
You bring me a Fat Chin 'Ho!!!!"
Jack Maybolt, President and founder of the Urban Poverty Law Center and the Southern Poetry Law Center
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Southern Poetry Law Center Third Poem, UPLC Gives It 4 Stars!
by Carroll Pierpont Gibson
While strolling 'midst the offered wares
I spy a maiden fair.
Young and strong with limbs so long
None other can compare!
Bedecked in lace and gossamer,
Her body lithe and lean.
This nubile prize with shining eyes,
Lips slicked with Vaseline!
I breathless watch her glance my way
And realize with a start
She could be the ONE for me!
Be still, my trembling heart!!!
In my mind's eye, I see it clear
The path that lay before:
A cozy cottage by the lake,
Three kids, or maybe more!
Rumblings deep well up within
O'er this lovely fresh faced lass.
My love? My life? My virgin wife?
Oh wait. It's only gas.
Carroll Gibson is an arrogant attorney who practices law between drinking binges which last sometimes upwards of three weeks.
He has a sixth sense about juries and picks only winners for his clients. He charges a little more when he can remember to bill, but he is worth the wait for his sober times if you have any real legal issues. His first wife ran off with a roadie she met at a Jimmy Buffett concert. They were childhood sweethearts and when she turned 43 and Carroll Jr graduated from college, she realized she had not lived since she was an old fashion girl who only slept with Carroll and they got married right out of high school and Carroll, Jr soon followed.
Carroll Gibson did not mind all that much. His true love is Jack Daniels. She will never leave him. I have known Carroll and his family all my life. He is about 5 years my junior, but the alcohol has a way of aging a fellow and he looks to be 10 years older than me. I do not drink or smoke. Carroll always has a stogie in his hand or in his mouth. I think Carroll has done a real good poem with his musings. I hope he does not expect me to pay for this poem.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President and founder of the Urban Poverty and now the Southern Poetry Law Centers
by Carroll Pierpont Gibson
While strolling 'midst the offered wares
I spy a maiden fair.
Young and strong with limbs so long
None other can compare!
Bedecked in lace and gossamer,
Her body lithe and lean.
This nubile prize with shining eyes,
Lips slicked with Vaseline!
I breathless watch her glance my way
And realize with a start
She could be the ONE for me!
Be still, my trembling heart!!!
In my mind's eye, I see it clear
The path that lay before:
A cozy cottage by the lake,
Three kids, or maybe more!
Rumblings deep well up within
O'er this lovely fresh faced lass.
My love? My life? My virgin wife?
Oh wait. It's only gas.
Carroll Gibson is an arrogant attorney who practices law between drinking binges which last sometimes upwards of three weeks.
He has a sixth sense about juries and picks only winners for his clients. He charges a little more when he can remember to bill, but he is worth the wait for his sober times if you have any real legal issues. His first wife ran off with a roadie she met at a Jimmy Buffett concert. They were childhood sweethearts and when she turned 43 and Carroll Jr graduated from college, she realized she had not lived since she was an old fashion girl who only slept with Carroll and they got married right out of high school and Carroll, Jr soon followed.
Carroll Gibson did not mind all that much. His true love is Jack Daniels. She will never leave him. I have known Carroll and his family all my life. He is about 5 years my junior, but the alcohol has a way of aging a fellow and he looks to be 10 years older than me. I do not drink or smoke. Carroll always has a stogie in his hand or in his mouth. I think Carroll has done a real good poem with his musings. I hope he does not expect me to pay for this poem.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President and founder of the Urban Poverty and now the Southern Poetry Law Centers
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The Southern Poetry Law Center, Second Verse!
The Country Divorce
I represented a lady named Lois
A divorce she did get for a horse
Her husband was kind
When he had half a mind
But since he did snore
and their love life a bore
so off she rode on her horse.
Trot, trot, trot, kerka plop went the poo
trot, trot, trot, down the road went the two
her husband, sheddin a tear as they left
finally broke down and quietly he wept
Yea she was mean and I should rejoice
but there goes old Lois on my favorite horse
C. Batsell Bateman, III, Southern Poetry Law Center
I represented a lady named Lois
A divorce she did get for a horse
Her husband was kind
When he had half a mind
But since he did snore
and their love life a bore
so off she rode on her horse.
Trot, trot, trot, kerka plop went the poo
trot, trot, trot, down the road went the two
her husband, sheddin a tear as they left
finally broke down and quietly he wept
Yea she was mean and I should rejoice
but there goes old Lois on my favorite horse
C. Batsell Bateman, III, Southern Poetry Law Center
Urban Poverty Law Center Welcomes Sister Organization: Southern Poetry Law Center
Learned readers. It is with great pleasure I introduce to this site the world renoun
gifted lawyer from Leach, Tennessee, Mr. C. Batsell Bateman, III Esq.
C. Batsell attended undergraduate at Bethel College where he graduated Magna Cum Tarde, he took 8 long years to get his undergrad degree in physical education. His daddy, C. Batsell, Jr JD was one of the finest county judges ever to sit on the bench in Carroll county. He got C. Batsell III enrolled at Memphis State Law School and he graduated in three years. C. Batsell, III was unable to pass the bar exam, but is allowed to practice law with his daddy and his partners, Bateman, Foggherty, Bateman and Schlick. Bateman and Bateman are specialized in common law, criminal law and divorce, Foggherty deals only in bankruptcy, and Sherwood Schlick specializes in slip and falls and personal injury cases.
C. Batsell, III has agreed to write for Southern Poetry Law Center on an as needed and as able basis. He fell and bumped his noggin rather hard and now when ever he tries to compose anything it is not prose, but poetry. His legal briefs are sometimes works of art. He has graciously agreed to share his gift with us.
Please bear with C. Batsell, III as he is shy and he has agreed to only try this for a short while. If he gets any negative feedback or criticism he has promised to quit. His first assignment for the Southern Poetry Law Center is on current events/politics.
Primary Season
The republican primary season
without any rhyme nor reason
Mitt, bit, hit, spit and swallow
Newt, cute, butte, flute and follow
Rick, wrack, patty whack and black
I-Ron, Iraq, Iran, Israeli Nuclear attack
Help me, help me, I can't get out of me head
Kill me, kill me, I would rather be dead
After viewing Mitt's voluminous tax returns
I am Warming to Mitt Romney's presidential run
So Open up your mind and see what you see
and Make C. Batsell Bateman,III your personal attorney!
Well, thank you C. Batsell for that delightful and insightful poem. So there you have it; the Southern Poetry Law Center is born. Please support it with your comments, positive only as Mr. Bateman, III is very sensitive and will quit with the least bit of provocation.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Sorry, I did not know C. Batsell Bateman,III would use this forum as an advertisement. JDM
gifted lawyer from Leach, Tennessee, Mr. C. Batsell Bateman, III Esq.
C. Batsell attended undergraduate at Bethel College where he graduated Magna Cum Tarde, he took 8 long years to get his undergrad degree in physical education. His daddy, C. Batsell, Jr JD was one of the finest county judges ever to sit on the bench in Carroll county. He got C. Batsell III enrolled at Memphis State Law School and he graduated in three years. C. Batsell, III was unable to pass the bar exam, but is allowed to practice law with his daddy and his partners, Bateman, Foggherty, Bateman and Schlick. Bateman and Bateman are specialized in common law, criminal law and divorce, Foggherty deals only in bankruptcy, and Sherwood Schlick specializes in slip and falls and personal injury cases.
C. Batsell, III has agreed to write for Southern Poetry Law Center on an as needed and as able basis. He fell and bumped his noggin rather hard and now when ever he tries to compose anything it is not prose, but poetry. His legal briefs are sometimes works of art. He has graciously agreed to share his gift with us.
Please bear with C. Batsell, III as he is shy and he has agreed to only try this for a short while. If he gets any negative feedback or criticism he has promised to quit. His first assignment for the Southern Poetry Law Center is on current events/politics.
Primary Season
The republican primary season
without any rhyme nor reason
Mitt, bit, hit, spit and swallow
Newt, cute, butte, flute and follow
Rick, wrack, patty whack and black
I-Ron, Iraq, Iran, Israeli Nuclear attack
Help me, help me, I can't get out of me head
Kill me, kill me, I would rather be dead
After viewing Mitt's voluminous tax returns
I am Warming to Mitt Romney's presidential run
So Open up your mind and see what you see
and Make C. Batsell Bateman,III your personal attorney!
Well, thank you C. Batsell for that delightful and insightful poem. So there you have it; the Southern Poetry Law Center is born. Please support it with your comments, positive only as Mr. Bateman, III is very sensitive and will quit with the least bit of provocation.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Sorry, I did not know C. Batsell Bateman,III would use this forum as an advertisement. JDM
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Urban Poverty Law Center Predicted Mitt's South Carolina Loss Jan 11th!
Tooting one's own horn when it is connected to a red Ford Shelby GT 500 mustang with a supercharged 550 horsepower 5.4 litre (sophisticated European spelling only when I am feeling braggadocios as today) engine is icing on the cake of accolades.
I read my post on Jan 11, 2012, and having just a touch of dementia, marveled at my creation! Today's post is the challenge for all 50 of my readers today to re read that post which says "Mitt Romney will not play well in Dixie. We may talk funny down here in the South, but we can spot phony a mile away. Mitt is phony........"
That post was damn near a prediction of Mitt's loss of South Carolina. I did not know who would beat Romney, but only that he would not win a truly southern state.
But Jack, Florida polls show Mitt Romney leading in that southern state. Aw yes, green grasshopper, real southerners have realized Florida has not been a part of Dixie since the civil war when first it was overrun with Yankees, and they kept coming down in droves, driven out of New York and New Jersey, and Michigan by a combination of thinning blood, thinning skin, thinning hair and harsh winters. Florida is politically a northern state in the sunshine belt. The natives are outnumbered by the carpetbaggers who like to wear plaid shorts and play shuffleboard with their hideously fluorescent white legs exposed for all to see. Many of them keep their numbskulled union ideals of liberalism and socialism as they drink from the government troughs of social security and medicare.
Mitt Romney could win Florida without winning a southern state.
Congratulations Newt Gingrich. You have won a state on the strength of your vision and your golden oratory skills. The challenges you will face from an ever increasingly hostile press shall be herculean. They hate you now for your daring to call them out on the hit piece about the open marriage. John King and CNN had their balls handed to them by you last Thursday night in South Carolina. You are less likely to get hurt playing with a wasp and hornet teaser than messing with the vindictive people who sell satellite transmission waves by the millions! Get ready for them to double down on the attacks.
They are going to go Palin on you!
Keep your cool. Save your off the cuff rants for your closest staff and confidants only. Be sure you are off mike if you say anything that can be used against you. To be certain you are now the big fish in the little barrel and all the major media monsters would like the bragging rights as the one who bagged Newt Gingrich. I'll even bet there is a million dollar reward for the reporter who can scoop the story or scandal that sinks the Newt juggernaut!
Be very, very careful. Trust no one. Keep your huge ego in check until Jan 20, 2013 and all will be well. Confident and humble plays well. Thank your creator at each speech. The media hate that. It is like garlic to vampires, the constitution to Barack Obama, water to a house cat, soap to Willie Nelson, intellect to Lindsay Lohan; must I persist with the endless similes? Just be sure to thank God and open each presser with a short prayer. That will kill them!
A prayer that is useful in dealing with the demons of the media or any demons is: "Keep thee behind me Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ my lord and savior." This should be repeated in your head or whispered when the satanic attack begins. I have seen it work on seriously violent schizophrenics on more than one occasion. It should work well on the mildly delusional press corps!
If you need me to be your Karl Rove, I can free up my calender. I am probably the smartest political operative without a doubt in Cedar Grove.
One last little bit of advice, Newt. What ever you do in Florida, make sure no one gets a photo of you playing shuffleboard in plaid shorts with your pasty white legs exposed for all to see. That is a deal breaker! Just trust me on this one. You look better with your clothes on to everybody but Callista.
Good luck, Newt. Good luck Rick. Mitt needs to shake a few more skeletons out of the closet if he wants to be a contender. The South has a great nose for phony. We haven't trusted anybody from north of the Mason-Dixon line since 1861. Our relatives lived through the Reconstruction, remember. We sure as hell do.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
I read my post on Jan 11, 2012, and having just a touch of dementia, marveled at my creation! Today's post is the challenge for all 50 of my readers today to re read that post which says "Mitt Romney will not play well in Dixie. We may talk funny down here in the South, but we can spot phony a mile away. Mitt is phony........"
That post was damn near a prediction of Mitt's loss of South Carolina. I did not know who would beat Romney, but only that he would not win a truly southern state.
But Jack, Florida polls show Mitt Romney leading in that southern state. Aw yes, green grasshopper, real southerners have realized Florida has not been a part of Dixie since the civil war when first it was overrun with Yankees, and they kept coming down in droves, driven out of New York and New Jersey, and Michigan by a combination of thinning blood, thinning skin, thinning hair and harsh winters. Florida is politically a northern state in the sunshine belt. The natives are outnumbered by the carpetbaggers who like to wear plaid shorts and play shuffleboard with their hideously fluorescent white legs exposed for all to see. Many of them keep their numbskulled union ideals of liberalism and socialism as they drink from the government troughs of social security and medicare.
Mitt Romney could win Florida without winning a southern state.
Congratulations Newt Gingrich. You have won a state on the strength of your vision and your golden oratory skills. The challenges you will face from an ever increasingly hostile press shall be herculean. They hate you now for your daring to call them out on the hit piece about the open marriage. John King and CNN had their balls handed to them by you last Thursday night in South Carolina. You are less likely to get hurt playing with a wasp and hornet teaser than messing with the vindictive people who sell satellite transmission waves by the millions! Get ready for them to double down on the attacks.
They are going to go Palin on you!
Keep your cool. Save your off the cuff rants for your closest staff and confidants only. Be sure you are off mike if you say anything that can be used against you. To be certain you are now the big fish in the little barrel and all the major media monsters would like the bragging rights as the one who bagged Newt Gingrich. I'll even bet there is a million dollar reward for the reporter who can scoop the story or scandal that sinks the Newt juggernaut!
Be very, very careful. Trust no one. Keep your huge ego in check until Jan 20, 2013 and all will be well. Confident and humble plays well. Thank your creator at each speech. The media hate that. It is like garlic to vampires, the constitution to Barack Obama, water to a house cat, soap to Willie Nelson, intellect to Lindsay Lohan; must I persist with the endless similes? Just be sure to thank God and open each presser with a short prayer. That will kill them!
A prayer that is useful in dealing with the demons of the media or any demons is: "Keep thee behind me Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ my lord and savior." This should be repeated in your head or whispered when the satanic attack begins. I have seen it work on seriously violent schizophrenics on more than one occasion. It should work well on the mildly delusional press corps!
If you need me to be your Karl Rove, I can free up my calender. I am probably the smartest political operative without a doubt in Cedar Grove.
One last little bit of advice, Newt. What ever you do in Florida, make sure no one gets a photo of you playing shuffleboard in plaid shorts with your pasty white legs exposed for all to see. That is a deal breaker! Just trust me on this one. You look better with your clothes on to everybody but Callista.
Good luck, Newt. Good luck Rick. Mitt needs to shake a few more skeletons out of the closet if he wants to be a contender. The South has a great nose for phony. We haven't trusted anybody from north of the Mason-Dixon line since 1861. Our relatives lived through the Reconstruction, remember. We sure as hell do.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Friday, January 20, 2012
Newt Gingrich, The Alpha Male: V Beta Hussein Obama
Good Lord, folks! Newt Gingrich has more testosterone as a 68 yr old grandfather than my 3 yr old Angus Bull who weighs 10 times as much as Newt. To be a successful politician on the male side having extra testosterone is an advantage. The way Newt Gingrich took John King and CNN to task at the beginning of the 16th Republican Presidential Debate was like watching a pack of wolves bring down a bison. It was beautiful. I have watched it 4 times and marvel at the power of his prose. He is the most gifted orator on the stage.
What is truly remarkable is his unwillingness to let these media figures, who shill for the democrat party, shape the debate and herd the republican candidates and try to paint them in an unfavorable light. Every question is slanted and selected to bring out a weakness or a perceived weakness in the conservative argument.
Clearly Newt Gingrich has had enough of this nonsense and is strong enough to push back. Last night Newt pushed back so hard, John King and CNN and a lot of the main stream media are going to have to sit down to urinate if they do not want to get their legs wet from now on.
The reason the press has taken to these tactics is up to now no one has been able to hold them to account. The press is clearly not with the people, especially conservatives, and has not been for over 50 years. The press destroyed Nixon, gave us Clinton and forced Obama on us and when the people fought back with Gingrich taking the congress in 1994, and again in 2010, the press has done everything in its power to keep the radical socialists of the democrat party in power.
The curtain has been lifted off the liberal press and they can no longer claim neutrality and impartiality in politics. The press is the 4th branch of government and even it has been lost to the corrupt wing of politics.
President Democrat
Senate Democrat
House Republican
Press Corp Democrat
A willing and compliant press is a huge advantage in elective politics when contrasted with a hostile press. The Republicans and the conservatives in the United States are faced with a hostile press, a press that is bigoted against marriage, pro life, pro religion, and pro second amendment citizens. Conservatives own this country, but we do not control it. We have all the responsibility to pay for it and none of the authority. We have been disenfranchized by this media. They are openly disdainful of us. Teabaggers, anybody?
The power of the tea party will rise and smack these overpaid TelePrompter readers where it hurts. We must boycott those who do not hold our values.
I am going to ask my cable carrier to pull CNN, HLN, CNBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC from my cable package. If enough of us do this the pukes who run these democrat propaganda centers will be forced to move to the center.
Each journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step. I am going to take that first step. I am going to miss all those shows I do not watch anyway.
I suggest you follow my lead. Lash yourselves to the mast and plug your ears so you can not listen to the seductive sirens on these hopelessly biased outlets. If you must look at their women with their seductively large breasts and perfectly white teeth use the mute button. They are just props.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
What is truly remarkable is his unwillingness to let these media figures, who shill for the democrat party, shape the debate and herd the republican candidates and try to paint them in an unfavorable light. Every question is slanted and selected to bring out a weakness or a perceived weakness in the conservative argument.
Clearly Newt Gingrich has had enough of this nonsense and is strong enough to push back. Last night Newt pushed back so hard, John King and CNN and a lot of the main stream media are going to have to sit down to urinate if they do not want to get their legs wet from now on.
The reason the press has taken to these tactics is up to now no one has been able to hold them to account. The press is clearly not with the people, especially conservatives, and has not been for over 50 years. The press destroyed Nixon, gave us Clinton and forced Obama on us and when the people fought back with Gingrich taking the congress in 1994, and again in 2010, the press has done everything in its power to keep the radical socialists of the democrat party in power.
The curtain has been lifted off the liberal press and they can no longer claim neutrality and impartiality in politics. The press is the 4th branch of government and even it has been lost to the corrupt wing of politics.
President Democrat
Senate Democrat
House Republican
Press Corp Democrat
A willing and compliant press is a huge advantage in elective politics when contrasted with a hostile press. The Republicans and the conservatives in the United States are faced with a hostile press, a press that is bigoted against marriage, pro life, pro religion, and pro second amendment citizens. Conservatives own this country, but we do not control it. We have all the responsibility to pay for it and none of the authority. We have been disenfranchized by this media. They are openly disdainful of us. Teabaggers, anybody?
The power of the tea party will rise and smack these overpaid TelePrompter readers where it hurts. We must boycott those who do not hold our values.
I am going to ask my cable carrier to pull CNN, HLN, CNBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC from my cable package. If enough of us do this the pukes who run these democrat propaganda centers will be forced to move to the center.
Each journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step. I am going to take that first step. I am going to miss all those shows I do not watch anyway.
I suggest you follow my lead. Lash yourselves to the mast and plug your ears so you can not listen to the seductive sirens on these hopelessly biased outlets. If you must look at their women with their seductively large breasts and perfectly white teeth use the mute button. They are just props.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Barack Obama,
media bias,
Newt Gingrich,
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Urban Poverty Law Center Weekly Rant and Roll
Rick Perry is calling it quits in his bid to be the republican nominee for president.
A spokesman for the Perry campaign is quoted: "Even though Governor Perry has excellent credentials, and is a true dyed in the wool conservative, we were unable to get our message out through the cacophony of discordant background noise coming from the other campaigns and the unfriendly press. We felt it would be better to regroup, save our money and try again in 2016 when Obama has really screwed up the economy and the country will be willing to pull away from all things Obama!"
Iowa has announced Rick Santorum the 34 vote winner in that states caucuses. Mitt Romney will not rewind his Iowa victory lap as he feels it would be detrimental to his South Carolina campaign....almost as detrimental as releasing his tax returns.
Sarah Palin has said she would vote for Newt Gingrich if she were voting in the South Carolina primary. Her thinking is that this needs to play out so the candidates can be fully vetted so we do not get stuck with a closet Marxist as we did in 2008. One thing is sure, the hostile press will vet the hell out of the GOP candidates.
I felt like Romney gave a really bad response to the release the tax returns demand.
He looked like the kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. So what if you make a lot of money. Good. Gives people all over the country hope, probably false hope, but hope that some day they too will be politically well connected and can make some serious money!
As the Mayor of Cedar Grove, Tn, I got a $5 kick back for a zoning change so Mr. Horace Chuicapra could put in the tanning salon next to the Post Office. It is a start. Bonnie Finkbinder brought me some homemade cookies for fixing her son's speeding ticket. It would have given him 3 points on his license and caused her insurance rates to skyrocket. Bonnie is a decent church-going woman and I like cookies.
That is just the way politics is done. I will be able to put the paving of the parking lot out on bids and this is where I expect the real money to change hands. We have $773 set aside to do the job and as soon as it gets warm enough those bids with kickbacks will come flowing in falling like manna from heaven.
I am considering a cruise along the Italian coast as fares will probably tank after the tragic sinking of the Costa Concordia. The captain of the ship says now he tripped and fell into a lifeboat, and the only things that kept him from re boarding the listing ship and finishing his Captain duties were his overwhelming fear of death and good sense. I wonder if the company which owned the ship had the captain run it aground to collect the generous Lords of London insurance policy. Others will look closely into this.
Congress is looking to up the dept ceiling again. It is on automatic pilot. No danger of hitting a reef here. It is only money.
Finally, I am flummoxed by something I heard on Glenn Beck this week. The crash of the markets was an act of war. Am I wrong in my thinking and the banking cabal is innocent in this mess and they are only trying to save the day? What ever shall I do now? Maybe the US Government and the Federal Reserve Bank are moral and are really working in every bodies best interest. Maybe? I must study on this.
Newt Gingrich did well in the last debate. He sure does have a perty mouth! Still think we are getting only insiders in this run against President Barack Hussein Obama.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. I am ever hopeful something good will come of this.
Ford Shelby Mustang lower grill price $172. Already in place, looking good. Still no word on the hound from Hell who ran in front of me last week.
Six eggs from the chickens since the seven egg Christmas miracle. I like omelets!
Be safe and enjoy the debate tonight.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
A spokesman for the Perry campaign is quoted: "Even though Governor Perry has excellent credentials, and is a true dyed in the wool conservative, we were unable to get our message out through the cacophony of discordant background noise coming from the other campaigns and the unfriendly press. We felt it would be better to regroup, save our money and try again in 2016 when Obama has really screwed up the economy and the country will be willing to pull away from all things Obama!"
Iowa has announced Rick Santorum the 34 vote winner in that states caucuses. Mitt Romney will not rewind his Iowa victory lap as he feels it would be detrimental to his South Carolina campaign....almost as detrimental as releasing his tax returns.
Sarah Palin has said she would vote for Newt Gingrich if she were voting in the South Carolina primary. Her thinking is that this needs to play out so the candidates can be fully vetted so we do not get stuck with a closet Marxist as we did in 2008. One thing is sure, the hostile press will vet the hell out of the GOP candidates.
I felt like Romney gave a really bad response to the release the tax returns demand.
He looked like the kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. So what if you make a lot of money. Good. Gives people all over the country hope, probably false hope, but hope that some day they too will be politically well connected and can make some serious money!
As the Mayor of Cedar Grove, Tn, I got a $5 kick back for a zoning change so Mr. Horace Chuicapra could put in the tanning salon next to the Post Office. It is a start. Bonnie Finkbinder brought me some homemade cookies for fixing her son's speeding ticket. It would have given him 3 points on his license and caused her insurance rates to skyrocket. Bonnie is a decent church-going woman and I like cookies.
That is just the way politics is done. I will be able to put the paving of the parking lot out on bids and this is where I expect the real money to change hands. We have $773 set aside to do the job and as soon as it gets warm enough those bids with kickbacks will come flowing in falling like manna from heaven.
I am considering a cruise along the Italian coast as fares will probably tank after the tragic sinking of the Costa Concordia. The captain of the ship says now he tripped and fell into a lifeboat, and the only things that kept him from re boarding the listing ship and finishing his Captain duties were his overwhelming fear of death and good sense. I wonder if the company which owned the ship had the captain run it aground to collect the generous Lords of London insurance policy. Others will look closely into this.
Congress is looking to up the dept ceiling again. It is on automatic pilot. No danger of hitting a reef here. It is only money.
Finally, I am flummoxed by something I heard on Glenn Beck this week. The crash of the markets was an act of war. Am I wrong in my thinking and the banking cabal is innocent in this mess and they are only trying to save the day? What ever shall I do now? Maybe the US Government and the Federal Reserve Bank are moral and are really working in every bodies best interest. Maybe? I must study on this.
Newt Gingrich did well in the last debate. He sure does have a perty mouth! Still think we are getting only insiders in this run against President Barack Hussein Obama.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. I am ever hopeful something good will come of this.
Ford Shelby Mustang lower grill price $172. Already in place, looking good. Still no word on the hound from Hell who ran in front of me last week.
Six eggs from the chickens since the seven egg Christmas miracle. I like omelets!
Be safe and enjoy the debate tonight.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Italian Cruise mishap,
Newt Gingrich,
Rick Perry,
Sarah Palin
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Urban Poverty Law Center's Ford Shelby Mustang Mishap-Disaster Update
Anyone who is a devout follower of these pages knows the Ford Motor Company was kind enough to loan the Law Center a 2012 Shelby GT 500 mustang for the month. Of course we had insurance on it through my long time school chum and friend C. Batsell Bateman, III. I believe, and this pains me greatly, the Shelby Cobra sunk its deadly venom into a hound that ran into its path last evening!
I was on highway 22 traveling east at night in the Township of McKenzie, a delightful hamlet of well off Tenneseans who live between Atwood and Paris, Tennessee on highway 79 and the rail line which used to be the GM and O, and the L and N, now taken over by CSX, when up ahead and to my right I spy a couple of reflections from pairs of eyes in the swell off the side of the road.
Animals running along the side of the road towards traffic for sure. I took note and estimated at my current speed, 45 mph, and the distance they were in front of me, about 50 yards, that I would be out of danger in about 3 seconds.
I made no adjustment in my speed and was in the left hand lane of my side of a four lane highway, which I felt gave me plenty of space between myself and the animals which I recognized as hounds as the gap narrowed to about 20 yards. Still no alarm the dogs are running along the side of the road in the swell.
As sudden as one might expect the rush of the shock of a road side bomb, one the the hounds, turned at 90 degrees and was in full gallop in a race to cross in front of the Shelby. I slammed the oversized Brembo brakes, disc all around, and the Shelby Cobra crouched its nose low in preparation for the strike!
I had enough time to study the doomed animal which was knee high, long haired, thick, not a coyote, and made a most pleasant thump then the front bumper struck that 57 pound hound from Hell squarely on its left side. The hounds head struck first as it was sent spinning clockwise at about 15 rpms off and into the medium on my left.
My airbags did not deploy. My lights did not go out, though I am fairly certain the lights on the hound from Hell are much dimmer after the strike and perhaps even extinguished. I never saw the dog again. I did not stop and had not the heart to look at the front of the Shelby Mustang until I got home and there it was.
The lower grill was broken out and about 50 percent is completely missing. The lower air dam and the bumper are intact and unblemished. I will be replacing a grill for under $200 I hope and I will be whole again.
How do I feel about driving my blemished car? It is sort of like dating a super model with one of her central incisors missing. There is still a lot to admire even with that blemish.
Performance update: I was going 50mph and placed it in 3rd gear noting the rpms were at 3000, with a 6,250 redline I punched it and at 75mph when the supercharger fully kicked in, the rear end got loose and tried to pass on my right. The roads were dry. Be careful when you drive one of these. Apparently dogs will risk life and limb to get a closer look at this beauty.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
I was on highway 22 traveling east at night in the Township of McKenzie, a delightful hamlet of well off Tenneseans who live between Atwood and Paris, Tennessee on highway 79 and the rail line which used to be the GM and O, and the L and N, now taken over by CSX, when up ahead and to my right I spy a couple of reflections from pairs of eyes in the swell off the side of the road.
Animals running along the side of the road towards traffic for sure. I took note and estimated at my current speed, 45 mph, and the distance they were in front of me, about 50 yards, that I would be out of danger in about 3 seconds.
I made no adjustment in my speed and was in the left hand lane of my side of a four lane highway, which I felt gave me plenty of space between myself and the animals which I recognized as hounds as the gap narrowed to about 20 yards. Still no alarm the dogs are running along the side of the road in the swell.
As sudden as one might expect the rush of the shock of a road side bomb, one the the hounds, turned at 90 degrees and was in full gallop in a race to cross in front of the Shelby. I slammed the oversized Brembo brakes, disc all around, and the Shelby Cobra crouched its nose low in preparation for the strike!
I had enough time to study the doomed animal which was knee high, long haired, thick, not a coyote, and made a most pleasant thump then the front bumper struck that 57 pound hound from Hell squarely on its left side. The hounds head struck first as it was sent spinning clockwise at about 15 rpms off and into the medium on my left.
My airbags did not deploy. My lights did not go out, though I am fairly certain the lights on the hound from Hell are much dimmer after the strike and perhaps even extinguished. I never saw the dog again. I did not stop and had not the heart to look at the front of the Shelby Mustang until I got home and there it was.
The lower grill was broken out and about 50 percent is completely missing. The lower air dam and the bumper are intact and unblemished. I will be replacing a grill for under $200 I hope and I will be whole again.
How do I feel about driving my blemished car? It is sort of like dating a super model with one of her central incisors missing. There is still a lot to admire even with that blemish.
Performance update: I was going 50mph and placed it in 3rd gear noting the rpms were at 3000, with a 6,250 redline I punched it and at 75mph when the supercharger fully kicked in, the rear end got loose and tried to pass on my right. The roads were dry. Be careful when you drive one of these. Apparently dogs will risk life and limb to get a closer look at this beauty.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Urban Poverty Law Center Falls On Its Petar
What do you do when your keyboard stares up at you like a hungry puppy watching you eat a biggie order of french fries from McDonalds and your mind is a blank? As those of you who have muddled through the first sentence already know you type out some worthless piece of literal garbage which will amuse few. Some more gifted readers will bolt, but some who enjoy watching the train wreck will tarry on, deeper and deeper, pulled not so much by curiosity but more by the shallow hope that Jackson Delano Maybolt will find his voice and the missive will be saved! You are forewarned! Proceed at your own peril.
I have read this morning of the supreme courts decision to allow parochial schools the freedom to hire and fire according to the church's doctrine and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission rules do not supersede the church. It is an affirmation of the 1st amendment of the constitution. It was a 9-0 decision and I cannot disagree.
I have read that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives has another gun running venture to Mexico besides the Fast and Furious and it has been met with the same unexpected results. The second attempt to subvert the 2nd amendment of our bill of rights was unsuccessful.
I have read that the Obama's had a Halloween party with Tim Burton and Johnny Depp in attendance. It was a costume party with an "Alice in Wonderland" theme. The party was kept secret since every American does not have the means to invite a couple of Hollywood big shots over to a party and dress up like goofs. His wife played the Wookie from "Star Wars." Mr. Obama played himself.
I have read that Iran has evidence that the US is behind the assassination of their nuclear scientist in the spectacular motorcycle magnetic bomb hit while the unfortunate and his three colleagues were driven to the nuclear bomb factory outside of Tehran. Carpooling with Iranian Nuclear scientists has dropped four-fold in the past week.
I have read Iran is planning to close the Straits of Hormuz if any more sanctions are applied to their country. Much of the other side of the world's oil flows through there and it would be a shame if our global competitors had their oil supplies threatened. Meanwhile, back home, even with Obama's unfriendly oil and gas policies, North Dakota produced half a million barrels of oil a day last year surpassing Venezuela.
I have read John Edwards has contracted a deadly heart disease and has asked if his trial can be delayed until he either dies or recovers. Something tells me he will never recover. Hoisted up on the wings of his own petar! Can Al Gore, Jr be far behind. He is in hiding until next year. Word has it he has already retreated into the underground bunkers built with Tarp funds for the politicians and celebrities to hold out in until what ever cataclysm befalls our planet on schedule for the end of this year.
I believe Obama's reelection is the cataclysm the Maya's foresaw and in a way it will seem to be the end of the world. Anyway a great nail in the coffin of the world as America is the last great hope for freedom everywhere. John P. Sousa music!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
I have read this morning of the supreme courts decision to allow parochial schools the freedom to hire and fire according to the church's doctrine and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission rules do not supersede the church. It is an affirmation of the 1st amendment of the constitution. It was a 9-0 decision and I cannot disagree.
I have read that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives has another gun running venture to Mexico besides the Fast and Furious and it has been met with the same unexpected results. The second attempt to subvert the 2nd amendment of our bill of rights was unsuccessful.
I have read that the Obama's had a Halloween party with Tim Burton and Johnny Depp in attendance. It was a costume party with an "Alice in Wonderland" theme. The party was kept secret since every American does not have the means to invite a couple of Hollywood big shots over to a party and dress up like goofs. His wife played the Wookie from "Star Wars." Mr. Obama played himself.
I have read that Iran has evidence that the US is behind the assassination of their nuclear scientist in the spectacular motorcycle magnetic bomb hit while the unfortunate and his three colleagues were driven to the nuclear bomb factory outside of Tehran. Carpooling with Iranian Nuclear scientists has dropped four-fold in the past week.
I have read Iran is planning to close the Straits of Hormuz if any more sanctions are applied to their country. Much of the other side of the world's oil flows through there and it would be a shame if our global competitors had their oil supplies threatened. Meanwhile, back home, even with Obama's unfriendly oil and gas policies, North Dakota produced half a million barrels of oil a day last year surpassing Venezuela.
I have read John Edwards has contracted a deadly heart disease and has asked if his trial can be delayed until he either dies or recovers. Something tells me he will never recover. Hoisted up on the wings of his own petar! Can Al Gore, Jr be far behind. He is in hiding until next year. Word has it he has already retreated into the underground bunkers built with Tarp funds for the politicians and celebrities to hold out in until what ever cataclysm befalls our planet on schedule for the end of this year.
I believe Obama's reelection is the cataclysm the Maya's foresaw and in a way it will seem to be the end of the world. Anyway a great nail in the coffin of the world as America is the last great hope for freedom everywhere. John P. Sousa music!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Al Gore Jr,
Barack Obama,
Halloween Party,
John Edwards,
Johnny Depp,
Tim Burton
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Warren Buffett Takes Republican Challenge, Take Urban Poverty Law Center Challenge, Warren
Some financial experts place Warren Buffett's economic empire holdings at upwards of $45 billion dollars. This is a substantial sum under the control of one Midwestern man who other than this modest accomplishment could be just another aging man in America you might run into at the country store or sitting on the benches in the local Wal-Mart foyer waiting for momma to finish shopping.
Buffett with his Berkshire-Hathaway investments has tied up enough capital to make all government expenditures for about three days. That's it. Warren Buffett could take the US Government over for only three days. Does he think his matching contributions from republican senators dollar for dollar is going to make any difference in our financial crisis?
I hope he is only being absurd because of the absurdity of the situation where we find our government stuck between a financial abyss and a hard place.
I am a lucky man. I have not missed a meal for want ever in my lifetime. Like that fellow in the song who has a Maserati that does 185, "life's been good to me, so far." So, this having been said, I am ready to up the challenge to Mr. Buffet. I will donate $2 for every $1 you contribute to the US Treasury voluntarily to retire the national debt up to $100 dollars!
I would hope all my readers, both of you, will make similar pledges and push the envelope just a little bit so we do not have to watch our public servants squirm as they realize there are no superheros out there willing or able to come to our nation's rescue. We are broke. We must rebuild. There will be some hardship, but hopefully we will all be able to eat and sleep in nice places. After all, Maserati's are fluff whereas a Chevy Volt is a necessity. Or is it?
All I am saying is we have to cut the fluff. Tomorrow is the next day of the rest of our lives provided we do not die today. If we go on my financial austerity program and in a few years if we are looking flush again we can then see if we can afford to resume payouts to the cronies who ply for political favors through their contributions to our precious leaders. The titans of crony capitalism will have to suspend their dreams while we rebuild. I hope they have set something aside to hold them over through these hard times.
Warren, send it all in cause I am following your lead. I have a hundred dollars that says I will have a hundred dollars after you have acted.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Buffett with his Berkshire-Hathaway investments has tied up enough capital to make all government expenditures for about three days. That's it. Warren Buffett could take the US Government over for only three days. Does he think his matching contributions from republican senators dollar for dollar is going to make any difference in our financial crisis?
I hope he is only being absurd because of the absurdity of the situation where we find our government stuck between a financial abyss and a hard place.
I am a lucky man. I have not missed a meal for want ever in my lifetime. Like that fellow in the song who has a Maserati that does 185, "life's been good to me, so far." So, this having been said, I am ready to up the challenge to Mr. Buffet. I will donate $2 for every $1 you contribute to the US Treasury voluntarily to retire the national debt up to $100 dollars!
I would hope all my readers, both of you, will make similar pledges and push the envelope just a little bit so we do not have to watch our public servants squirm as they realize there are no superheros out there willing or able to come to our nation's rescue. We are broke. We must rebuild. There will be some hardship, but hopefully we will all be able to eat and sleep in nice places. After all, Maserati's are fluff whereas a Chevy Volt is a necessity. Or is it?
All I am saying is we have to cut the fluff. Tomorrow is the next day of the rest of our lives provided we do not die today. If we go on my financial austerity program and in a few years if we are looking flush again we can then see if we can afford to resume payouts to the cronies who ply for political favors through their contributions to our precious leaders. The titans of crony capitalism will have to suspend their dreams while we rebuild. I hope they have set something aside to hold them over through these hard times.
Warren, send it all in cause I am following your lead. I have a hundred dollars that says I will have a hundred dollars after you have acted.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Urban Poverty Law Center Jumps The Barracuda, Mitt Is King
I will no longer call Mitt Romney, "Willard". I say good bye, but you say hello! He is the country club establishment blue blood Karl Rove wing of the republican party's choice, and thus the choice of the nose to the grindstone work 80 hours a week to pay your taxes tea party conglomerate. What choice do we have? After all we only vote, THEY count the votes!
I still believe if 40 % of the US voters consider themselves independent, the Barracuda could enter the presidential sweepstakes and win.
If this political season plays out as planned by the KrustzaRovians, all the republican monkeys will fall to the top man. Bachmann and Perry are toast. South Carolina will demonstrate what we in the south already know, a Massachusetts Blue blood chameleon cannot pass muster. Mitt will not play well in Dixie. We may talk funny, but we spot phony from a mile away. Mitt is phony. Al Gore, phony. John Edwards, phony. John Kerry, phony. John McCain, phony. Barack Obama, phony.
Sarah Palin is the real deal. If she runs as an independent her victory is assured! Palin's presidency would be like placing a drop of soap into the greasy cesspool politics has become in Washington. Her purity would chase the grime out. Romney will be business as usual, but the real truth of the matter is he can not win. Obama will be puppet toady for another four years. Will the republic survive? Yes, but horribly injured, not fatally. The people are watching and waiting.
The Senate will fall to the republicans and the house will stay in the hands of the republicans. Obama will try to push his socialism and tax increases on an ever unwilling population. The economic fog and smog will continue until Palin runs in 16, by which time the voters will be clamoring for change, real change as hope was lost in 2008 and has been nowhere to be found since the prince of economic darkness and that happy classless enemy of the successful American and the American Dream, Barack Obama, took the oath of office.
This guy makes Jimmy Carter look good. Americans neutered Obama in 2010 when the congress moved to the R column.
Everything is going to be just fine. Financial collapses are not impossible to overcome. The south has had some experience at it after the Civil War. We were almost fully recovered when this last recession hit. It only took 150 years. So you see there is hope.
Obama thinks Americans can be led to socialism, but I think he will find it is easier to herd cats to a pond than get Americans to agree to give up their freedoms for the good of the state.
Nice try, slick! How much of my ass needs to be showing for you to put your lips on it? But I mean no disrespect. I reserve my rights under the constitution, all of them, or the deal is off. Really.
I consider your chipping away at the Bill of Rights a deal breaker. If the contract is broken, are we free to establish a new national order? Fast and Furious, your plan to reintroduce gun controls and to breach the second amendment is laughably amateurish. This battle was lost and cost Al Gore his presidential ambitions in 2000. The passage of the unconstitutional Patriot Act II is a bold attack against the 5th amendment. Are you insane? Do you forget you too will have to live under that law when your side is out of power? If you apply what's good for the goose is good for the gander to that law, it never would have passed. Oh well, it will make it easier to pick you dip sticks up after the patriots take control and you will be looking out of the re-education camps you built for the patriots whom you label as New World Order speed bumps.
If you did your homework, you would clearly see the so called speed bumps are thick and reinforced concrete barriers. America was founded on the freedoms, our rights from our creator. Each state has a choice. We have freedom of association, religion and of the press. We have freedom to bear arms to protect our God-given freedoms from an over reaching governing body. We have freedom which comes with the protection of private property rights.
One World Order is a fanciful dream put together by a seriously delusional group of financiers who think money is God. Money is not God, it is not infinite, it is not all powerful, it is only a tool man uses to trade value for value. God is infinite and all powerful and man is God's servant and tool. The New World Order fools place love of money above God. I cannot follow them down that path. My God given freedoms will not tolerate the usurpation that would entail. Everyday Americans know this and we will protect our freedoms with our lives, our property and our votes. The road to serfdom is ending in America. The curtain of deceit has been pulled back for all to see what Washington has become, a corrupt collection of con artists and pay for play thieves whose day in the sun is quickly coming to an end as the people become enlightened.
Tea Party On!
Ask not for whom the bell tolls. For it tolls for thee.
The pendulum will swing right.
Please Sarah, just form a committee and see what kind of fund raising response you get from your adoring public if you were to run as an independent. Mitt Romney would be jealous of your drawing power. You are the real deal! God bless you and your family. You give us hope. You are the only wrench we can throw at the machine. God is speaking to you through me, but only if you hear me, no hear us! Listen to His Voice. Lead!
What is the worse that could happen? Obama gets re-elected? That's a tearful laugh!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
I still believe if 40 % of the US voters consider themselves independent, the Barracuda could enter the presidential sweepstakes and win.
If this political season plays out as planned by the KrustzaRovians, all the republican monkeys will fall to the top man. Bachmann and Perry are toast. South Carolina will demonstrate what we in the south already know, a Massachusetts Blue blood chameleon cannot pass muster. Mitt will not play well in Dixie. We may talk funny, but we spot phony from a mile away. Mitt is phony. Al Gore, phony. John Edwards, phony. John Kerry, phony. John McCain, phony. Barack Obama, phony.
Sarah Palin is the real deal. If she runs as an independent her victory is assured! Palin's presidency would be like placing a drop of soap into the greasy cesspool politics has become in Washington. Her purity would chase the grime out. Romney will be business as usual, but the real truth of the matter is he can not win. Obama will be puppet toady for another four years. Will the republic survive? Yes, but horribly injured, not fatally. The people are watching and waiting.
The Senate will fall to the republicans and the house will stay in the hands of the republicans. Obama will try to push his socialism and tax increases on an ever unwilling population. The economic fog and smog will continue until Palin runs in 16, by which time the voters will be clamoring for change, real change as hope was lost in 2008 and has been nowhere to be found since the prince of economic darkness and that happy classless enemy of the successful American and the American Dream, Barack Obama, took the oath of office.
This guy makes Jimmy Carter look good. Americans neutered Obama in 2010 when the congress moved to the R column.
Everything is going to be just fine. Financial collapses are not impossible to overcome. The south has had some experience at it after the Civil War. We were almost fully recovered when this last recession hit. It only took 150 years. So you see there is hope.
Obama thinks Americans can be led to socialism, but I think he will find it is easier to herd cats to a pond than get Americans to agree to give up their freedoms for the good of the state.
Nice try, slick! How much of my ass needs to be showing for you to put your lips on it? But I mean no disrespect. I reserve my rights under the constitution, all of them, or the deal is off. Really.
I consider your chipping away at the Bill of Rights a deal breaker. If the contract is broken, are we free to establish a new national order? Fast and Furious, your plan to reintroduce gun controls and to breach the second amendment is laughably amateurish. This battle was lost and cost Al Gore his presidential ambitions in 2000. The passage of the unconstitutional Patriot Act II is a bold attack against the 5th amendment. Are you insane? Do you forget you too will have to live under that law when your side is out of power? If you apply what's good for the goose is good for the gander to that law, it never would have passed. Oh well, it will make it easier to pick you dip sticks up after the patriots take control and you will be looking out of the re-education camps you built for the patriots whom you label as New World Order speed bumps.
If you did your homework, you would clearly see the so called speed bumps are thick and reinforced concrete barriers. America was founded on the freedoms, our rights from our creator. Each state has a choice. We have freedom of association, religion and of the press. We have freedom to bear arms to protect our God-given freedoms from an over reaching governing body. We have freedom which comes with the protection of private property rights.
One World Order is a fanciful dream put together by a seriously delusional group of financiers who think money is God. Money is not God, it is not infinite, it is not all powerful, it is only a tool man uses to trade value for value. God is infinite and all powerful and man is God's servant and tool. The New World Order fools place love of money above God. I cannot follow them down that path. My God given freedoms will not tolerate the usurpation that would entail. Everyday Americans know this and we will protect our freedoms with our lives, our property and our votes. The road to serfdom is ending in America. The curtain of deceit has been pulled back for all to see what Washington has become, a corrupt collection of con artists and pay for play thieves whose day in the sun is quickly coming to an end as the people become enlightened.
Tea Party On!
Ask not for whom the bell tolls. For it tolls for thee.
The pendulum will swing right.
Please Sarah, just form a committee and see what kind of fund raising response you get from your adoring public if you were to run as an independent. Mitt Romney would be jealous of your drawing power. You are the real deal! God bless you and your family. You give us hope. You are the only wrench we can throw at the machine. God is speaking to you through me, but only if you hear me, no hear us! Listen to His Voice. Lead!
What is the worse that could happen? Obama gets re-elected? That's a tearful laugh!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Urban Poverty Law Center Fable A La Aesops: Prepare To Rebuild
My sister's boy is a product of the 80's culture of everybody is a winner. When he took out a loan for a car he was employed, but since loosing his job at the Pizza Hut as a driver, he can no longer make the $330/ month payments. He is seriously underwater on this car. It is valued at only $3,500 and he owes over $6,000.
My sister is asking me to help out and I am weighing my options. In this economy Jr is unlikely to get a job that will pay enough to make his car and insurance payments. Is it better for me to pull the plug now or should I throw more money at the rats at the finance company who made a shaky loan to an unproven 20 something in the first place? At some point I must tell my sister that Jr's fate is sealed and the car is going back to the finance company with or without my contribution.
I have opted out and do not wish to spend any of my hard earned cash or unearned cash in hopeless causes.
The US Government is Jr, and we, the American tax payer, are the parents. How much longer can we afford the unaffordable? Exactly when is throwing good money after bad a poor choice?
I believe we are there now and must do everything in our power to let Jr. know we will no longer be supporting his fiscal foolhardiness. This is the most important election, as Michelle Bachmann said when she dropped out of the race, in our country's short history. The country's debit card and credit card has been stolen and we need to get it back!
Vote for the most fiscally conservative candidate this election cycle. As they say, "Its only money, it is not like a painful hemorrhoid or something."
Even if Obama is reelected, divided government will help put a stop to the sacking of our treasury and our debt will be smaller than one run up by one party rule.
Our founders set up a system that has checks and balances with the three co-equal branches of government. We have only one branch to hold back the other two. Hold on, help is on the way.
Even if we loose everything, we still have the most beautiful and bountiful country in the world. Hey, that is worth something.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
I would rather rebuild in America than anywhere else in the world! JDM
My sister is asking me to help out and I am weighing my options. In this economy Jr is unlikely to get a job that will pay enough to make his car and insurance payments. Is it better for me to pull the plug now or should I throw more money at the rats at the finance company who made a shaky loan to an unproven 20 something in the first place? At some point I must tell my sister that Jr's fate is sealed and the car is going back to the finance company with or without my contribution.
I have opted out and do not wish to spend any of my hard earned cash or unearned cash in hopeless causes.
The US Government is Jr, and we, the American tax payer, are the parents. How much longer can we afford the unaffordable? Exactly when is throwing good money after bad a poor choice?
I believe we are there now and must do everything in our power to let Jr. know we will no longer be supporting his fiscal foolhardiness. This is the most important election, as Michelle Bachmann said when she dropped out of the race, in our country's short history. The country's debit card and credit card has been stolen and we need to get it back!
Vote for the most fiscally conservative candidate this election cycle. As they say, "Its only money, it is not like a painful hemorrhoid or something."
Even if Obama is reelected, divided government will help put a stop to the sacking of our treasury and our debt will be smaller than one run up by one party rule.
Our founders set up a system that has checks and balances with the three co-equal branches of government. We have only one branch to hold back the other two. Hold on, help is on the way.
Even if we loose everything, we still have the most beautiful and bountiful country in the world. Hey, that is worth something.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
I would rather rebuild in America than anywhere else in the world! JDM
Monday, January 9, 2012
Willard Romney Admits He Likes To Fire People! Urban Poverty Law Center Shoots Back
Willard Romney, leading GOP candidate and presumed winner of the republican sweepstakes for coronation for the chance to oppose President Barack Who's ane Obama in this years competition for president of the United States of America, is said to have blurted out to about 200 people at Mille's Coffee and Bagel Shop in Nashua, that "I like to fire people."
With the applause, which followed Romney's revelation into his seemingly darker businessman side, what went unheard and therefore unreported until now is this:
Willard Romney is a human cannon ballist.
Yes, he is wealthy enough to own his own human cannon ball cannon and enjoys literally firing people out of his cannon and into his own governmental OSHA approved safety net. Not the kind of net you are thinking of with our outlandish entitlement programs, it is a net, a real honest to goodness net woven here in America by union net weavers in Willowbea, Idaho.
Willard first got interested in Human Cannon Ballistics when he was a wee lad and he attended the Ringing Bros Circus with his father. He sat and watched, enthralled, from the first row as Manfred Von Wernekee, a decorated veteran of WW II, who fought against the allies, was fired from a cannon across three rings, 12 elephants, 7 camels, three beautiful and scantily clad ladies standing on cantering white horses and a ring master in a red jacket and a black top hat into a net at the far end of the circus tent. Right then little Willard Romney promised himself he would get one of these one day and he would fire people. He got his own cannon in 1986 and he has been firing people and loving it ever since!
Many former presidents had interesting and unusual hobbies.
Gerald Ford collected foot pedal sewing machines. Jimmy Carter collects quilts and loves to play board games. Richard Nixon had a colorful men's sock garter belt collection. Bill Clinton plays the saxophone and who can forget, also dabbled with the hormonica. Harry Truman played the piano, and even Barack Obama breeds gerbils as a hobby and a passion. He has an entire room upstairs in the living quarters of the White House which is entirely devoted to his gerbils. He has seen the chipmunk's movie three times.
And this is the rest of the story. Do you think Slick Willard is stupid? Jokes on you.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
With the applause, which followed Romney's revelation into his seemingly darker businessman side, what went unheard and therefore unreported until now is this:
Willard Romney is a human cannon ballist.
Yes, he is wealthy enough to own his own human cannon ball cannon and enjoys literally firing people out of his cannon and into his own governmental OSHA approved safety net. Not the kind of net you are thinking of with our outlandish entitlement programs, it is a net, a real honest to goodness net woven here in America by union net weavers in Willowbea, Idaho.
Willard first got interested in Human Cannon Ballistics when he was a wee lad and he attended the Ringing Bros Circus with his father. He sat and watched, enthralled, from the first row as Manfred Von Wernekee, a decorated veteran of WW II, who fought against the allies, was fired from a cannon across three rings, 12 elephants, 7 camels, three beautiful and scantily clad ladies standing on cantering white horses and a ring master in a red jacket and a black top hat into a net at the far end of the circus tent. Right then little Willard Romney promised himself he would get one of these one day and he would fire people. He got his own cannon in 1986 and he has been firing people and loving it ever since!
Many former presidents had interesting and unusual hobbies.
Gerald Ford collected foot pedal sewing machines. Jimmy Carter collects quilts and loves to play board games. Richard Nixon had a colorful men's sock garter belt collection. Bill Clinton plays the saxophone and who can forget, also dabbled with the hormonica. Harry Truman played the piano, and even Barack Obama breeds gerbils as a hobby and a passion. He has an entire room upstairs in the living quarters of the White House which is entirely devoted to his gerbils. He has seen the chipmunk's movie three times.
And this is the rest of the story. Do you think Slick Willard is stupid? Jokes on you.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Obama, The Unconstitutional President Obama, Appoints Richard Cordray Director Of The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Unconstitutionally?
If a president of the United States holds office unconstitutionally, because he is not a "natural born citizen" defined as born in this country of American citizen parents, can his unconstitutional appointment of Richard Cordray as Director of The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau while the US Senate is in session be legal?
Fact: Barack Hussein Obama, Sr was a British citizen via Kenya when Baby Barack was born either in Kenya or Hawaii, makes no difference, this fact should trump all others as to whether this man is eligible for the highest elective office in our land. Clearly he is not eligible unless his parentage can be shown to be different than advertised.
Back to point. Is making an unconstitutional appointment by an unconstitutional president constitutional? Is it like a double negative? Is this what his people are counting on.
My people are much maligned here in the South for their use of the King's English for our use of the double negative to mean a negative.
"Jackson. Do you have any spare tractor tires in the barn?"
"Robert, I ain't got no spare tractor tires in or out of the barn." Which according to the English (what do they know they lost the colonies to a bunch of hicks) indicates that Jackson does indeed have spare tractor tires.
The true Southerner knows exactly what Jackson means when he says that. "Looking for them tires at Jackson's barn is of no use. He ain't got no tires!"
The use of the double negative in the South is similar to an Englishman emphasis on the negative. In the South a split "no" is additive, the same as if an Englishman refuses the second cup of tea.
"No, no thank you my fair lady! I do not wish even one more drop for I am off to run with the hounds in the moor and I would have no hopes of keeping my undercarriage dry in the jumps if I stayed on to have that second spot of tea with thee."
The Southern approach would be something like this: "She-it, Margaret, you know I don't drink no faggot tea. Makes me have to piss all the time!"
I guess I am trying to understand if an unconstitutional president appoints a director unconstitutionally, is it then a double negative and therefore constitutional, or have two laws been broken?
Does the English rule apply or have we Americanized it? I hope one of you legal scholars out there can enlighten me.
Happy New Year.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Fact: Barack Hussein Obama, Sr was a British citizen via Kenya when Baby Barack was born either in Kenya or Hawaii, makes no difference, this fact should trump all others as to whether this man is eligible for the highest elective office in our land. Clearly he is not eligible unless his parentage can be shown to be different than advertised.
Back to point. Is making an unconstitutional appointment by an unconstitutional president constitutional? Is it like a double negative? Is this what his people are counting on.
My people are much maligned here in the South for their use of the King's English for our use of the double negative to mean a negative.
"Jackson. Do you have any spare tractor tires in the barn?"
"Robert, I ain't got no spare tractor tires in or out of the barn." Which according to the English (what do they know they lost the colonies to a bunch of hicks) indicates that Jackson does indeed have spare tractor tires.
The true Southerner knows exactly what Jackson means when he says that. "Looking for them tires at Jackson's barn is of no use. He ain't got no tires!"
The use of the double negative in the South is similar to an Englishman emphasis on the negative. In the South a split "no" is additive, the same as if an Englishman refuses the second cup of tea.
"No, no thank you my fair lady! I do not wish even one more drop for I am off to run with the hounds in the moor and I would have no hopes of keeping my undercarriage dry in the jumps if I stayed on to have that second spot of tea with thee."
The Southern approach would be something like this: "She-it, Margaret, you know I don't drink no faggot tea. Makes me have to piss all the time!"
I guess I am trying to understand if an unconstitutional president appoints a director unconstitutionally, is it then a double negative and therefore constitutional, or have two laws been broken?
Does the English rule apply or have we Americanized it? I hope one of you legal scholars out there can enlighten me.
Happy New Year.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Can A Man Named Willard Win, Say It Ain't So Rick
I am not going to pile on Mitt Romney. I have already done that in a posting in which I ask, is a man named Willard electable?
I answer it that even Millard Filmore's parents intuited the answer as a great big fat "NO!"
Willard's Iowa 25% is a huge rejection of his insider big R republican bonafides, conservatives and tea party affiliates find objectionable. If the field narrows and the bottom tier caucus vote getters bow out, these voters will naturally go for the only outsider small R republicans left standing. Splitting the conservative vote allows the country club coalition of republican insiders
to coalesce around Willard giving him his best chance at a nomination a la Juan McCain's disappointing capture of the 2008 nomination which ensured the coronation of King Teleprompt of Hawaii, Indonesia, or Kenya, take your pick.
I like Bachmann, the beautiful, Gingrich, the terrible, Paul, the unelectable, Perry, the lovable dope, Huntsman, the invisible candidate, and Santorum, the Rick, who draws a distinction between himself and King Teleprompt by refusing to speak from a teleprompter. I do not cotton to Willard Romney, the big business as usual insider candidate, who will put King Teleprompt Care off the table in the election this year. This is a wedge issue, a very big one. Republicans do not need to give up this to the Baritone in Chief.
I penned an article back in the archives where I suggested Sarah Palin could win as a third party candidate. I still believe this.
If Willard wins the republican coronation and is up against the King, they would split about 58% of the vote and Palin would garner 39 to 44% of the vote, a hard number for either Willard or the King to overcome. I believe Willard's base is about 20% and the King could only garner 38-40%.
The King won last time with 53% of the popular vote. He got all of the independent voters swayed by a supportive media and the 41% of the nation who claim to be democrat, which includes about 12% conservative democrats. Palin would take the independents 14% plus the Reagan Democrats, 12%, plus half the hard core republicans 18% to give her the numbers for a win.
Ross Perot pulled 19% away from George H. W. Bush in 1992 v Bill Clinton giving Clinton an astounding 41% win! Sarah Palin is no Ross Perot. She is a darling of the tea party and a well vetted and major media bugaboo who has weathered blistering attacks against her intellect and her family.
Can a candidate named Willard win the presidency? No, but Sarah can.
I hope the inevitability of a Willard Run is derailed by Rick Santorum. It would signal the first time in 20 years the republicans have not offered a sacrificial candidate in elections against democrat presidential incumbents.
If Willard is the candidate, Run Sarah, Run! If Rick Santorum is the candidate, Stand down Sarah, Stand down! If the King dumps Biden as VP, and slips Hillary Clinton into the number two slot, Rick should beg Palin or Bachmann to be the number two.
Fresh and beautiful will always win out over stale and ugly. Ask any marketing executive. I do not think the King would ask Hillary to be number 2 since he would have to watch his back given the Clinton's tendencies to have great luck in unexpected deaths around them that seem to only further their political ambitions and never harm them. Ron Brown comes to mind and the fellow who died in prison who was the Whitewater operative in a failed two-bit land deal in Arkansas, who was that fellow? I can see his gloriously bald head and his doomed face but can't seem to recall his name. And that blond wife of his? So long ago!
Webb Hubbell, no. Googling, wait for it. Jim McDougal. Small potatoes to the nonsense we have become with the trillions in tarp and bail out funds sent to God only knows where.
What I wouldn't give to go back to those halcyon days when the talk was of presidential peccadilloes and not the current presidential racketeering and a wholesale fleecing of the American taxpayer. I am warming to Bill Clinton. Have I gotten soft in my old age?
No, the King is bad. We have a bad, bad, King.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
I answer it that even Millard Filmore's parents intuited the answer as a great big fat "NO!"
Willard's Iowa 25% is a huge rejection of his insider big R republican bonafides, conservatives and tea party affiliates find objectionable. If the field narrows and the bottom tier caucus vote getters bow out, these voters will naturally go for the only outsider small R republicans left standing. Splitting the conservative vote allows the country club coalition of republican insiders
to coalesce around Willard giving him his best chance at a nomination a la Juan McCain's disappointing capture of the 2008 nomination which ensured the coronation of King Teleprompt of Hawaii, Indonesia, or Kenya, take your pick.
I like Bachmann, the beautiful, Gingrich, the terrible, Paul, the unelectable, Perry, the lovable dope, Huntsman, the invisible candidate, and Santorum, the Rick, who draws a distinction between himself and King Teleprompt by refusing to speak from a teleprompter. I do not cotton to Willard Romney, the big business as usual insider candidate, who will put King Teleprompt Care off the table in the election this year. This is a wedge issue, a very big one. Republicans do not need to give up this to the Baritone in Chief.
I penned an article back in the archives where I suggested Sarah Palin could win as a third party candidate. I still believe this.
If Willard wins the republican coronation and is up against the King, they would split about 58% of the vote and Palin would garner 39 to 44% of the vote, a hard number for either Willard or the King to overcome. I believe Willard's base is about 20% and the King could only garner 38-40%.
The King won last time with 53% of the popular vote. He got all of the independent voters swayed by a supportive media and the 41% of the nation who claim to be democrat, which includes about 12% conservative democrats. Palin would take the independents 14% plus the Reagan Democrats, 12%, plus half the hard core republicans 18% to give her the numbers for a win.
Ross Perot pulled 19% away from George H. W. Bush in 1992 v Bill Clinton giving Clinton an astounding 41% win! Sarah Palin is no Ross Perot. She is a darling of the tea party and a well vetted and major media bugaboo who has weathered blistering attacks against her intellect and her family.
Can a candidate named Willard win the presidency? No, but Sarah can.
I hope the inevitability of a Willard Run is derailed by Rick Santorum. It would signal the first time in 20 years the republicans have not offered a sacrificial candidate in elections against democrat presidential incumbents.
If Willard is the candidate, Run Sarah, Run! If Rick Santorum is the candidate, Stand down Sarah, Stand down! If the King dumps Biden as VP, and slips Hillary Clinton into the number two slot, Rick should beg Palin or Bachmann to be the number two.
Fresh and beautiful will always win out over stale and ugly. Ask any marketing executive. I do not think the King would ask Hillary to be number 2 since he would have to watch his back given the Clinton's tendencies to have great luck in unexpected deaths around them that seem to only further their political ambitions and never harm them. Ron Brown comes to mind and the fellow who died in prison who was the Whitewater operative in a failed two-bit land deal in Arkansas, who was that fellow? I can see his gloriously bald head and his doomed face but can't seem to recall his name. And that blond wife of his? So long ago!
Webb Hubbell, no. Googling, wait for it. Jim McDougal. Small potatoes to the nonsense we have become with the trillions in tarp and bail out funds sent to God only knows where.
What I wouldn't give to go back to those halcyon days when the talk was of presidential peccadilloes and not the current presidential racketeering and a wholesale fleecing of the American taxpayer. I am warming to Bill Clinton. Have I gotten soft in my old age?
No, the King is bad. We have a bad, bad, King.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Monday, January 2, 2012
Urban Poverty Law Center Shelby Mustang Update, National Debt Debate Entered
My best pal from age 5 all through school, both primary and secondary, is a banker who works and lives in Houston.
He has experienced the oil boom/ bust cycle inherent in the economy through the 80's up until now. He warned me of the housing bubble/bust which got me essentially out of rental houses in 2006 and over to farmlands in our place of birth, Western Tennessee. I will refer to him only as David and only he and I know if it is his real name to protect him from any repercussions for allowing a non banker inside secrets reserved only for the most well connected in the financial world.
David and I have shared our lives and consider ourselves to be brothers. One day he told me something I believe is a great secret kept tightly guarded by the banking establishment.
"Maybolt, when a man owes the bank a hundred thousand dollars it is the man's problem. But when the man owes the bank 5 million dollars, it is the bank's problem."
I have reflected on David's banking corollary and believe the titans of government know when a government owes a nation state a billion dollars it is the government's problem, but when this same government owes a nation state 5 trillion dollars it is the nation state's problem.
My prediction is the US Government has no intention of repaying the national debt. Our nation's bond holders will be left holding the bag of IOUs printed up over the past 30 years just as GM and Chrysler's bond holders were left out in the cold with the now infamous government bailouts.
Smart bond holders will quietly leave the market while there is somebody willing to pay for them. Right now the bond offerings are being snapped up by the geniuses at the Federal Reserve Bank by printing more money. We are financing our own debt.
Great work if you can get it. Print money to pay for the money you printed last year. This is a recipe for disaster. Flooding the world with dollars hot off the Federal Reserve Bank's printing presses is no different than counterfeiting. Good counterfeit bills serve only to diminish the value of the dollars that are sanctioned by the US government through auctions of treasury notes.
When was the last time you bought a T-Bill? I haven't even bought a US Savings bond since grandpa Finkbinder bought me one I still have upon my birth in 1953. It stopped paying interest in 1969 and I could cash it in and get the $50 dollars and fill up my gas tank one time where as the $18.75 granddaddy paid for the bond in 1953 would have bought him 75 gallons of gasoline or
$250 worth of gas at today's prices. Probably not the result he had hoped for and not the down payment on my future he had hoped for.
I won a 25 dollar US savings bond for my skills as a better than average football player in 1970 donated by the fine fellows at the Rotary club and I cashed it in immediately and spent the money. My good! Maybolts aren't easy dupes, just dupes.
Anyway, "If I had money, tell you what I'd do, go down town and by a Mercury or two, cause I am crazy about that Mercury."
All that I'm saying is we will see inflation or deflation if my read on current currency events play out. You need to make your bets and see for whom the Bell tolls, for it tolls for thee.
Disclaimer: Jack Maybolt is not a economist and any advice offered in these musings are as backed up as the dollars flying off the Federal Reserve Banks printing presses. This being said, Jack likes silver, gold, and farm land. Excesses of money should be passed along to the next fellow for then it becomes his problem if the default occurs.
I will add one fluff item to the above list of Jack Maybolt likes: I like Ford Shelby GT 500 mustangs! I am getting 24.5 mpg highway using 92 octane pure gasoline in a supercharged 550 hp super-car! Of course the mileage will drop if you kick in the supercharger frequently. My buddies at the SO have offered to close a section of road and see what it will do. I'd do it but I am afraid it would get us all in trouble.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"Having congress watch your money is like having your dog watch your food." Mark Twain.
He has experienced the oil boom/ bust cycle inherent in the economy through the 80's up until now. He warned me of the housing bubble/bust which got me essentially out of rental houses in 2006 and over to farmlands in our place of birth, Western Tennessee. I will refer to him only as David and only he and I know if it is his real name to protect him from any repercussions for allowing a non banker inside secrets reserved only for the most well connected in the financial world.
David and I have shared our lives and consider ourselves to be brothers. One day he told me something I believe is a great secret kept tightly guarded by the banking establishment.
"Maybolt, when a man owes the bank a hundred thousand dollars it is the man's problem. But when the man owes the bank 5 million dollars, it is the bank's problem."
I have reflected on David's banking corollary and believe the titans of government know when a government owes a nation state a billion dollars it is the government's problem, but when this same government owes a nation state 5 trillion dollars it is the nation state's problem.
My prediction is the US Government has no intention of repaying the national debt. Our nation's bond holders will be left holding the bag of IOUs printed up over the past 30 years just as GM and Chrysler's bond holders were left out in the cold with the now infamous government bailouts.
Smart bond holders will quietly leave the market while there is somebody willing to pay for them. Right now the bond offerings are being snapped up by the geniuses at the Federal Reserve Bank by printing more money. We are financing our own debt.
Great work if you can get it. Print money to pay for the money you printed last year. This is a recipe for disaster. Flooding the world with dollars hot off the Federal Reserve Bank's printing presses is no different than counterfeiting. Good counterfeit bills serve only to diminish the value of the dollars that are sanctioned by the US government through auctions of treasury notes.
When was the last time you bought a T-Bill? I haven't even bought a US Savings bond since grandpa Finkbinder bought me one I still have upon my birth in 1953. It stopped paying interest in 1969 and I could cash it in and get the $50 dollars and fill up my gas tank one time where as the $18.75 granddaddy paid for the bond in 1953 would have bought him 75 gallons of gasoline or
$250 worth of gas at today's prices. Probably not the result he had hoped for and not the down payment on my future he had hoped for.
I won a 25 dollar US savings bond for my skills as a better than average football player in 1970 donated by the fine fellows at the Rotary club and I cashed it in immediately and spent the money. My good! Maybolts aren't easy dupes, just dupes.
Anyway, "If I had money, tell you what I'd do, go down town and by a Mercury or two, cause I am crazy about that Mercury."
All that I'm saying is we will see inflation or deflation if my read on current currency events play out. You need to make your bets and see for whom the Bell tolls, for it tolls for thee.
Disclaimer: Jack Maybolt is not a economist and any advice offered in these musings are as backed up as the dollars flying off the Federal Reserve Banks printing presses. This being said, Jack likes silver, gold, and farm land. Excesses of money should be passed along to the next fellow for then it becomes his problem if the default occurs.
I will add one fluff item to the above list of Jack Maybolt likes: I like Ford Shelby GT 500 mustangs! I am getting 24.5 mpg highway using 92 octane pure gasoline in a supercharged 550 hp super-car! Of course the mileage will drop if you kick in the supercharger frequently. My buddies at the SO have offered to close a section of road and see what it will do. I'd do it but I am afraid it would get us all in trouble.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"Having congress watch your money is like having your dog watch your food." Mark Twain.
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