Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Southern Poetry Law Center Third Poem, UPLC Gives It 4 Stars!


by Carroll Pierpont Gibson

While strolling 'midst the offered wares
I spy a maiden fair.
Young and strong with limbs so long
None other can compare!

Bedecked in lace and gossamer,
Her body lithe and lean.
This nubile prize with shining eyes,
Lips slicked with Vaseline!

I breathless watch her glance my way
And realize with a start
She could be the ONE for me!
Be still, my trembling heart!!!

In my mind's eye, I see it clear
The path that lay before:
A cozy cottage by the lake,
Three kids, or maybe more!

Rumblings deep well up within
O'er this lovely fresh faced lass.
My love? My life? My virgin wife?
Oh wait. It's only gas.

Carroll Gibson is an arrogant attorney who practices law between drinking binges which last sometimes upwards of three weeks.
He has a sixth sense about juries and picks only winners for his clients. He charges a little more when he can remember to bill, but he is worth the wait for his sober times if you have any real legal issues. His first wife ran off with a roadie she met at a Jimmy Buffett concert. They were childhood sweethearts and when she turned 43 and Carroll Jr graduated from college, she realized she had not lived since she was an old fashion girl who only slept with Carroll and they got married right out of high school and Carroll, Jr soon followed.

Carroll Gibson did not mind all that much. His true love is Jack Daniels. She will never leave him. I have known Carroll and his family all my life. He is about 5 years my junior, but the alcohol has a way of aging a fellow and he looks to be 10 years older than me. I do not drink or smoke. Carroll always has a stogie in his hand or in his mouth. I think Carroll has done a real good poem with his musings. I hope he does not expect me to pay for this poem.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President and founder of the Urban Poverty and now the Southern Poetry Law Centers

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