Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Can A Man Named Willard Win, Say It Ain't So Rick

I am not going to pile on Mitt Romney. I have already done that in a posting in which I ask, is a man named Willard electable?
I answer it that even Millard Filmore's parents intuited the answer as a great big fat "NO!"

Willard's Iowa 25% is a huge rejection of his insider big R republican bonafides, conservatives and tea party affiliates find objectionable. If the field narrows and the bottom tier caucus vote getters bow out, these voters will naturally go for the only outsider small R republicans left standing. Splitting the conservative vote allows the country club coalition of republican insiders
to coalesce around Willard giving him his best chance at a nomination a la Juan McCain's disappointing capture of the 2008 nomination which ensured the coronation of King Teleprompt of Hawaii, Indonesia, or Kenya, take your pick.

I like Bachmann, the beautiful, Gingrich, the terrible, Paul, the unelectable, Perry, the lovable dope, Huntsman, the invisible candidate, and Santorum, the Rick, who draws a distinction between himself and King Teleprompt by refusing to speak from a teleprompter. I do not cotton to Willard Romney, the big business as usual insider candidate, who will put King Teleprompt Care off the table in the election this year. This is a wedge issue, a very big one. Republicans do not need to give up this to the Baritone in Chief.

I penned an article back in the archives where I suggested Sarah Palin could win as a third party candidate. I still believe this.
If Willard wins the republican coronation and is up against the King, they would split about 58% of the vote and Palin would garner 39 to 44% of the vote, a hard number for either Willard or the King to overcome. I believe Willard's base is about 20% and the King could only garner 38-40%.

The King won last time with 53% of the popular vote. He got all of the independent voters swayed by a supportive media and the 41% of the nation who claim to be democrat, which includes about 12% conservative democrats. Palin would take the independents 14% plus the Reagan Democrats, 12%, plus half the hard core republicans 18% to give her the numbers for a win.

Ross Perot pulled 19% away from George H. W. Bush in 1992 v Bill Clinton giving Clinton an astounding 41% win! Sarah Palin is no Ross Perot. She is a darling of the tea party and a well vetted and major media bugaboo who has weathered blistering attacks against her intellect and her family.

Can a candidate named Willard win the presidency? No, but Sarah can.

I hope the inevitability of a Willard Run is derailed by Rick Santorum. It would signal the first time in 20 years the republicans have not offered a sacrificial candidate in elections against democrat presidential incumbents.

If Willard is the candidate, Run Sarah, Run! If Rick Santorum is the candidate, Stand down Sarah, Stand down! If the King dumps Biden as VP, and slips Hillary Clinton into the number two slot, Rick should beg Palin or Bachmann to be the number two.

Fresh and beautiful will always win out over stale and ugly. Ask any marketing executive. I do not think the King would ask Hillary to be number 2 since he would have to watch his back given the Clinton's tendencies to have great luck in unexpected deaths around them that seem to only further their political ambitions and never harm them. Ron Brown comes to mind and the fellow who died in prison who was the Whitewater operative in a failed two-bit land deal in Arkansas, who was that fellow? I can see his gloriously bald head and his doomed face but can't seem to recall his name. And that blond wife of his? So long ago!

Webb Hubbell, no. Googling, wait for it. Jim McDougal. Small potatoes to the nonsense we have become with the trillions in tarp and bail out funds sent to God only knows where.

What I wouldn't give to go back to those halcyon days when the talk was of presidential peccadilloes and not the current presidential racketeering and a wholesale fleecing of the American taxpayer. I am warming to Bill Clinton. Have I gotten soft in my old age?

No, the King is bad. We have a bad, bad, King.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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