Thursday, January 19, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Weekly Rant and Roll

Rick Perry is calling it quits in his bid to be the republican nominee for president.

A spokesman for the Perry campaign is quoted: "Even though Governor Perry has excellent credentials, and is a true dyed in the wool conservative, we were unable to get our message out through the cacophony of discordant background noise coming from the other campaigns and the unfriendly press. We felt it would be better to regroup, save our money and try again in 2016 when Obama has really screwed up the economy and the country will be willing to pull away from all things Obama!"

Iowa has announced Rick Santorum the 34 vote winner in that states caucuses. Mitt Romney will not rewind his Iowa victory lap as he feels it would be detrimental to his South Carolina campaign....almost as detrimental as releasing his tax returns.

Sarah Palin has said she would vote for Newt Gingrich if she were voting in the South Carolina primary. Her thinking is that this needs to play out so the candidates can be fully vetted so we do not get stuck with a closet Marxist as we did in 2008. One thing is sure, the hostile press will vet the hell out of the GOP candidates.

I felt like Romney gave a really bad response to the release the tax returns demand.
He looked like the kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. So what if you make a lot of money. Good. Gives people all over the country hope, probably false hope, but hope that some day they too will be politically well connected and can make some serious money!

As the Mayor of Cedar Grove, Tn, I got a $5 kick back for a zoning change so Mr. Horace Chuicapra could put in the tanning salon next to the Post Office. It is a start. Bonnie Finkbinder brought me some homemade cookies for fixing her son's speeding ticket. It would have given him 3 points on his license and caused her insurance rates to skyrocket. Bonnie is a decent church-going woman and I like cookies.

That is just the way politics is done. I will be able to put the paving of the parking lot out on bids and this is where I expect the real money to change hands. We have $773 set aside to do the job and as soon as it gets warm enough those bids with kickbacks will come flowing in falling like manna from heaven.

I am considering a cruise along the Italian coast as fares will probably tank after the tragic sinking of the Costa Concordia. The captain of the ship says now he tripped and fell into a lifeboat, and the only things that kept him from re boarding the listing ship and finishing his Captain duties were his overwhelming fear of death and good sense. I wonder if the company which owned the ship had the captain run it aground to collect the generous Lords of London insurance policy. Others will look closely into this.

Congress is looking to up the dept ceiling again. It is on automatic pilot. No danger of hitting a reef here. It is only money.

Finally, I am flummoxed by something I heard on Glenn Beck this week. The crash of the markets was an act of war. Am I wrong in my thinking and the banking cabal is innocent in this mess and they are only trying to save the day? What ever shall I do now? Maybe the US Government and the Federal Reserve Bank are moral and are really working in every bodies best interest. Maybe? I must study on this.

Newt Gingrich did well in the last debate. He sure does have a perty mouth! Still think we are getting only insiders in this run against President Barack Hussein Obama.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. I am ever hopeful something good will come of this.

Ford Shelby Mustang lower grill price $172. Already in place, looking good. Still no word on the hound from Hell who ran in front of me last week.

Six eggs from the chickens since the seven egg Christmas miracle. I like omelets!

Be safe and enjoy the debate tonight.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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