Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Jumps The Barracuda, Mitt Is King

I will no longer call Mitt Romney, "Willard". I say good bye, but you say hello! He is the country club establishment blue blood Karl Rove wing of the republican party's choice, and thus the choice of the nose to the grindstone work 80 hours a week to pay your taxes tea party conglomerate. What choice do we have? After all we only vote, THEY count the votes!

I still believe if 40 % of the US voters consider themselves independent, the Barracuda could enter the presidential sweepstakes and win.

If this political season plays out as planned by the KrustzaRovians, all the republican monkeys will fall to the top man. Bachmann and Perry are toast. South Carolina will demonstrate what we in the south already know, a Massachusetts Blue blood chameleon cannot pass muster. Mitt will not play well in Dixie. We may talk funny, but we spot phony from a mile away. Mitt is phony. Al Gore, phony. John Edwards, phony. John Kerry, phony. John McCain, phony. Barack Obama, phony.

Sarah Palin is the real deal. If she runs as an independent her victory is assured! Palin's presidency would be like placing a drop of soap into the greasy cesspool politics has become in Washington. Her purity would chase the grime out. Romney will be business as usual, but the real truth of the matter is he can not win. Obama will be puppet toady for another four years. Will the republic survive? Yes, but horribly injured, not fatally. The people are watching and waiting.

The Senate will fall to the republicans and the house will stay in the hands of the republicans. Obama will try to push his socialism and tax increases on an ever unwilling population. The economic fog and smog will continue until Palin runs in 16, by which time the voters will be clamoring for change, real change as hope was lost in 2008 and has been nowhere to be found since the prince of economic darkness and that happy classless enemy of the successful American and the American Dream, Barack Obama, took the oath of office.

This guy makes Jimmy Carter look good. Americans neutered Obama in 2010 when the congress moved to the R column.

Everything is going to be just fine. Financial collapses are not impossible to overcome. The south has had some experience at it after the Civil War. We were almost fully recovered when this last recession hit. It only took 150 years. So you see there is hope.

Obama thinks Americans can be led to socialism, but I think he will find it is easier to herd cats to a pond than get Americans to agree to give up their freedoms for the good of the state.

Nice try, slick! How much of my ass needs to be showing for you to put your lips on it? But I mean no disrespect. I reserve my rights under the constitution, all of them, or the deal is off. Really.

I consider your chipping away at the Bill of Rights a deal breaker. If the contract is broken, are we free to establish a new national order? Fast and Furious, your plan to reintroduce gun controls and to breach the second amendment is laughably amateurish. This battle was lost and cost Al Gore his presidential ambitions in 2000. The passage of the unconstitutional Patriot Act II is a bold attack against the 5th amendment. Are you insane? Do you forget you too will have to live under that law when your side is out of power? If you apply what's good for the goose is good for the gander to that law, it never would have passed. Oh well, it will make it easier to pick you dip sticks up after the patriots take control and you will be looking out of the re-education camps you built for the patriots whom you label as New World Order speed bumps.

If you did your homework, you would clearly see the so called speed bumps are thick and reinforced concrete barriers. America was founded on the freedoms, our rights from our creator. Each state has a choice. We have freedom of association, religion and of the press. We have freedom to bear arms to protect our God-given freedoms from an over reaching governing body. We have freedom which comes with the protection of private property rights.

One World Order is a fanciful dream put together by a seriously delusional group of financiers who think money is God. Money is not God, it is not infinite, it is not all powerful, it is only a tool man uses to trade value for value. God is infinite and all powerful and man is God's servant and tool. The New World Order fools place love of money above God. I cannot follow them down that path. My God given freedoms will not tolerate the usurpation that would entail. Everyday Americans know this and we will protect our freedoms with our lives, our property and our votes. The road to serfdom is ending in America. The curtain of deceit has been pulled back for all to see what Washington has become, a corrupt collection of con artists and pay for play thieves whose day in the sun is quickly coming to an end as the people become enlightened.

Tea Party On!

Ask not for whom the bell tolls. For it tolls for thee.

The pendulum will swing right.

Please Sarah, just form a committee and see what kind of fund raising response you get from your adoring public if you were to run as an independent. Mitt Romney would be jealous of your drawing power. You are the real deal! God bless you and your family. You give us hope. You are the only wrench we can throw at the machine. God is speaking to you through me, but only if you hear me, no hear us! Listen to His Voice. Lead!

What is the worse that could happen? Obama gets re-elected? That's a tearful laugh!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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