Saturday, January 28, 2012

Romney May Win Florida's 50 delegates, UPLC Shouts "So Watt!"

For those politically connected to the Urban Poverty Law Center at the hip you already know Florida's GOP moved their presidential primary up from a later date to gain more influence in the nominating process. As a result the GOP lowered their delegate count to the convention from a "C" to a shining "L" note. For my friends who do not recall the Roman numerals and did not study two years of Latin like me and Bell, back in the late 1960's taught by that saint Mischke, where her skills as an instructor took an under-motivated student, me, and gave me the necessary skills to place in the second year of Latin at my university to complete my foreign language requirement by translating again "Caesar's Gaelic Wars", that is 100 delegates to 50 delegates.

I say, so what? Mitt gets 50 en route to the over 1100 needed to win the nomination. I am with Stalin on this one. It means nothing. As the liberal, Mitt Romney, is really expected to poll well in a Northeastern state such as Florida. Newt will balance out Mitt's Florida win with a whole slough of Southern states and will become popular out west and in the Midwest where the bread basket and Sarah Palin meet.

Mitt has his work cut out for him. If he is perceived as the insider candidate, a la McCain and Dole, he will be rejected by the tea party. We already know how that will play out for us.

I hope Sarah Palin will mount a third party challenge if Mitt is the nominee. Even if she loses, with divided government in the house and senate, Obama can continue his string of expensive vacations and golf outings without making to much of a mess for another 4 years and this would give us more time to see how the economy shakes out under the calls from Obama for higher taxation on the rich and let the Obamacare fiasco, and the deficit problem fester another few years.

I have a theory that the private bankers who own the Federal Reserve Bank have more money than they know what to do with and are doing their best to get it back out into circulation by financing the US Government's debt and they know they are never going to get all of it back. This bunch of bankers have had their "Tiny Tim moment" and it seems are ready to share the wealth with the people. This must be done carefully so as not to upset the money wheel that spins the economy.

For now I am going to keep supporting the locals with my expenditures and driving my GT 500 away from my children when I can. Have I mentioned my 1967 VW Beetle which I just had painted and the floor pans replaced? It is nice. My father and grandfather were VW Beetle drivers. In the 1950's the Beetle owners would wave at each other as they passed on the highways much like the fatties on the Harleys do today. It was a really exclusive club to drive a VW back just after WWII.

Even Adolph Hitler had a few good ideas. The Autobahn and the VW Beetle, just to mention a couple. And this gives me hope for Barack Obama. Maybe he just needs a few more years to have a positive Adolph Hitler moment? Maybe the Chevy Volt will be Obama's VW Beetle moment?

I think this country and its people are strong enough to weather the experiment called Barack Obama. His eight years will be looked upon as a speed bump in the road to the continued greatness of what his country really represents. Freedom to live in a country with safe water systems, decent public amenities, a system of laws which may not be perfect, but work most of the time, and enough really smart people to hold this thing together even if some unscrupulous individuals attack it from within.

Look around, America, where would you rather be at this moment in time? God Bless our founders. They knew what attacks to expect on freedom and protected us with the constitution and the Bill of Rights. They were inspired by God!

I am no longer worried about America's future. The people have cleared their throats and have spoken. We will continue to do the right thing. Bring it!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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