Thursday, January 5, 2012

Obama, The Unconstitutional President Obama, Appoints Richard Cordray Director Of The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Unconstitutionally?

If a president of the United States holds office unconstitutionally, because he is not a "natural born citizen" defined as born in this country of American citizen parents, can his unconstitutional appointment of Richard Cordray as Director of The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau while the US Senate is in session be legal?

Fact: Barack Hussein Obama, Sr was a British citizen via Kenya when Baby Barack was born either in Kenya or Hawaii, makes no difference, this fact should trump all others as to whether this man is eligible for the highest elective office in our land. Clearly he is not eligible unless his parentage can be shown to be different than advertised.

Back to point. Is making an unconstitutional appointment by an unconstitutional president constitutional? Is it like a double negative? Is this what his people are counting on.

My people are much maligned here in the South for their use of the King's English for our use of the double negative to mean a negative.

"Jackson. Do you have any spare tractor tires in the barn?"

"Robert, I ain't got no spare tractor tires in or out of the barn." Which according to the English (what do they know they lost the colonies to a bunch of hicks) indicates that Jackson does indeed have spare tractor tires.

The true Southerner knows exactly what Jackson means when he says that. "Looking for them tires at Jackson's barn is of no use. He ain't got no tires!"

The use of the double negative in the South is similar to an Englishman emphasis on the negative. In the South a split "no" is additive, the same as if an Englishman refuses the second cup of tea.

"No, no thank you my fair lady! I do not wish even one more drop for I am off to run with the hounds in the moor and I would have no hopes of keeping my undercarriage dry in the jumps if I stayed on to have that second spot of tea with thee."

The Southern approach would be something like this: "She-it, Margaret, you know I don't drink no faggot tea. Makes me have to piss all the time!"

I guess I am trying to understand if an unconstitutional president appoints a director unconstitutionally, is it then a double negative and therefore constitutional, or have two laws been broken?

Does the English rule apply or have we Americanized it? I hope one of you legal scholars out there can enlighten me.

Happy New Year.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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