Monday, January 30, 2012

President Obama is a Puddin'head. Read On UPLC

When Mr. Wilson arrived in a small Mississippi town, a stranger to the area, he struck up a conversation with some of the locals in an attempt to get acquainted. During the small talk a dog off in the distance began to bark incessantly. It soon became an annoyance to Mr. Wilson, who, mid sentence, stopped his line of thought and blurted out famously; "I wish I owned half that dog."

When one in the group queried why? It was then he let go with the blunder of a lifetime.

"Because I'd kill my half!"

With that statement Mr. Wilson sealed his reputation in that small Southern town.

"Recon what would become of the other half of that dog, if he killed his half, suppose he even considered that?"

"Peers to be a fool. Yep. Peers to be a fool."(1)

And thus Puddin'head Wilson got his moniker.

One can almost hear President Obama's annoying dog yelping off in the distance, just out of his sight and that barking dog is the part of the American economy that is rolling along without government interference engineered by the successful entrepreneurs who really annoy our dog loathing commander in cheap.

Evidenced by his State of the Union Speech he longs to own half of that dog, and to get his half he plans to tax it.

Do you recon he knows what will happen to the other half of that dog if he kills his half? Suppose he even considered that?

Peers to be a fool. Yep, peers to be a fool!

And so with President Obama longing and striving to kill his half of the economy he will be known as America's first Puddin'head President.

Oh, did I mention he was America's first black president? This fact will just be a tiny footnote in the history books. First Puddin'head president trumps first black president as he will be judged by the MLK rule, "the content of his character and not by the color of his skin." Obama's character content screams "Puddin'head"!

Congratulations Puddin'head Obama. Your read of Americanism is far off the mark and you do not even know it. This country does not work that way. Most of our families came here to get away from some sort of unfairness. You will see in November the voters know it is much easier to change the President than to change the people. We are 100 million taxpayers and you are one small little Puddin'head who somehow managed to buy and smooth talk your way into office and really mess things up with your dunderheaded ideas.

Yes Puddin'head, we should all like to live in opulence at no personal effort, but the laws of physics do not permit it. Some modicum of work must be expended even to get the rock up the hill so we can roll it over our neighbors to kill them so we can take everything they have. This can be repeated, the rape of the industrious, over and over, but with time the industrious will cease to exist or become exceedingly harder and harder to find.

If you persist in your desires to kill your half of the dog, the dog will certainly bite you when you approach.

Do you hear that dog barking off in the distance, Puddin'head? You should, because it is barking at you.

Look at it this way, you still managed to steal $5,000,000,000,000 from our children and funnel it to your supporters. Not bad for a Puddin'head.

It was a pleasure to meet you and your fine family, but your job is done, America will and has rejected socialism. Give me a big old capitalist to kick around next election. Where is she? Sarah is that you?

Nice day for a round of golf, don't you think?


Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty and Southern Poetry Law Centers

(1) Much stolen from my hero in American Literature, Mr. Mark Twain. jdm

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