Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Fable A La Aesops: Prepare To Rebuild

My sister's boy is a product of the 80's culture of everybody is a winner. When he took out a loan for a car he was employed, but since loosing his job at the Pizza Hut as a driver, he can no longer make the $330/ month payments. He is seriously underwater on this car. It is valued at only $3,500 and he owes over $6,000.

My sister is asking me to help out and I am weighing my options. In this economy Jr is unlikely to get a job that will pay enough to make his car and insurance payments. Is it better for me to pull the plug now or should I throw more money at the rats at the finance company who made a shaky loan to an unproven 20 something in the first place? At some point I must tell my sister that Jr's fate is sealed and the car is going back to the finance company with or without my contribution.

I have opted out and do not wish to spend any of my hard earned cash or unearned cash in hopeless causes.

The US Government is Jr, and we, the American tax payer, are the parents. How much longer can we afford the unaffordable? Exactly when is throwing good money after bad a poor choice?

I believe we are there now and must do everything in our power to let Jr. know we will no longer be supporting his fiscal foolhardiness. This is the most important election, as Michelle Bachmann said when she dropped out of the race, in our country's short history. The country's debit card and credit card has been stolen and we need to get it back!

Vote for the most fiscally conservative candidate this election cycle. As they say, "Its only money, it is not like a painful hemorrhoid or something."

Even if Obama is reelected, divided government will help put a stop to the sacking of our treasury and our debt will be smaller than one run up by one party rule.

Our founders set up a system that has checks and balances with the three co-equal branches of government. We have only one branch to hold back the other two. Hold on, help is on the way.

Even if we loose everything, we still have the most beautiful and bountiful country in the world. Hey, that is worth something.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

I would rather rebuild in America than anywhere else in the world! JDM

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