Friday, January 20, 2012

Newt Gingrich, The Alpha Male: V Beta Hussein Obama

Good Lord, folks! Newt Gingrich has more testosterone as a 68 yr old grandfather than my 3 yr old Angus Bull who weighs 10 times as much as Newt. To be a successful politician on the male side having extra testosterone is an advantage. The way Newt Gingrich took John King and CNN to task at the beginning of the 16th Republican Presidential Debate was like watching a pack of wolves bring down a bison. It was beautiful. I have watched it 4 times and marvel at the power of his prose. He is the most gifted orator on the stage.

What is truly remarkable is his unwillingness to let these media figures, who shill for the democrat party, shape the debate and herd the republican candidates and try to paint them in an unfavorable light. Every question is slanted and selected to bring out a weakness or a perceived weakness in the conservative argument.

Clearly Newt Gingrich has had enough of this nonsense and is strong enough to push back. Last night Newt pushed back so hard, John King and CNN and a lot of the main stream media are going to have to sit down to urinate if they do not want to get their legs wet from now on.

The reason the press has taken to these tactics is up to now no one has been able to hold them to account. The press is clearly not with the people, especially conservatives, and has not been for over 50 years. The press destroyed Nixon, gave us Clinton and forced Obama on us and when the people fought back with Gingrich taking the congress in 1994, and again in 2010, the press has done everything in its power to keep the radical socialists of the democrat party in power.

The curtain has been lifted off the liberal press and they can no longer claim neutrality and impartiality in politics. The press is the 4th branch of government and even it has been lost to the corrupt wing of politics.

President Democrat
Senate Democrat
House Republican
Press Corp Democrat

A willing and compliant press is a huge advantage in elective politics when contrasted with a hostile press. The Republicans and the conservatives in the United States are faced with a hostile press, a press that is bigoted against marriage, pro life, pro religion, and pro second amendment citizens. Conservatives own this country, but we do not control it. We have all the responsibility to pay for it and none of the authority. We have been disenfranchized by this media. They are openly disdainful of us. Teabaggers, anybody?

The power of the tea party will rise and smack these overpaid TelePrompter readers where it hurts. We must boycott those who do not hold our values.
I am going to ask my cable carrier to pull CNN, HLN, CNBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC from my cable package. If enough of us do this the pukes who run these democrat propaganda centers will be forced to move to the center.

Each journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step. I am going to take that first step. I am going to miss all those shows I do not watch anyway.

I suggest you follow my lead. Lash yourselves to the mast and plug your ears so you can not listen to the seductive sirens on these hopelessly biased outlets. If you must look at their women with their seductively large breasts and perfectly white teeth use the mute button. They are just props.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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