Saturday, January 14, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Falls On Its Petar

What do you do when your keyboard stares up at you like a hungry puppy watching you eat a biggie order of french fries from McDonalds and your mind is a blank? As those of you who have muddled through the first sentence already know you type out some worthless piece of literal garbage which will amuse few. Some more gifted readers will bolt, but some who enjoy watching the train wreck will tarry on, deeper and deeper, pulled not so much by curiosity but more by the shallow hope that Jackson Delano Maybolt will find his voice and the missive will be saved! You are forewarned! Proceed at your own peril.

I have read this morning of the supreme courts decision to allow parochial schools the freedom to hire and fire according to the church's doctrine and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission rules do not supersede the church. It is an affirmation of the 1st amendment of the constitution. It was a 9-0 decision and I cannot disagree.

I have read that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives has another gun running venture to Mexico besides the Fast and Furious and it has been met with the same unexpected results. The second attempt to subvert the 2nd amendment of our bill of rights was unsuccessful.

I have read that the Obama's had a Halloween party with Tim Burton and Johnny Depp in attendance. It was a costume party with an "Alice in Wonderland" theme. The party was kept secret since every American does not have the means to invite a couple of Hollywood big shots over to a party and dress up like goofs. His wife played the Wookie from "Star Wars." Mr. Obama played himself.

I have read that Iran has evidence that the US is behind the assassination of their nuclear scientist in the spectacular motorcycle magnetic bomb hit while the unfortunate and his three colleagues were driven to the nuclear bomb factory outside of Tehran. Carpooling with Iranian Nuclear scientists has dropped four-fold in the past week.

I have read Iran is planning to close the Straits of Hormuz if any more sanctions are applied to their country. Much of the other side of the world's oil flows through there and it would be a shame if our global competitors had their oil supplies threatened. Meanwhile, back home, even with Obama's unfriendly oil and gas policies, North Dakota produced half a million barrels of oil a day last year surpassing Venezuela.

I have read John Edwards has contracted a deadly heart disease and has asked if his trial can be delayed until he either dies or recovers. Something tells me he will never recover. Hoisted up on the wings of his own petar! Can Al Gore, Jr be far behind. He is in hiding until next year. Word has it he has already retreated into the underground bunkers built with Tarp funds for the politicians and celebrities to hold out in until what ever cataclysm befalls our planet on schedule for the end of this year.

I believe Obama's reelection is the cataclysm the Maya's foresaw and in a way it will seem to be the end of the world. Anyway a great nail in the coffin of the world as America is the last great hope for freedom everywhere. John P. Sousa music!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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