Thursday, February 2, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Republican Primary Bash: Florida, 2012

Mitt R'money spent $64 for every $1 Newt Gingrich spent in Florida for his 14.6% Tsunami-like win over his rival for the Republican presidential nomination. I would assume this was mostly other peoples money and not Mitt R'money's money.

My concern is this: Is this how President Mitt R'money will spend R'money when he is president? Damn the expense full speed ahead! Or is Mitt R'money really a fiscal conservative and will he pare the size and scope of the federal government in these lean times? I am not convinced.

Gingrich has a track record of opposing Billious Clinton's spending spree, but not so vocal when the republicans raided the treasury under Bush, the W. He was in there with both hands in the cookie jar pulling with all his might from the Fred and Fannie slush fund. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!

What of this hoopla over the presidential primaries, more important should be who are we in the tea party going to vote for in the house and senate races. This is where the people really have a voice. Time to push for better conservatives in both the senate and the house. Add to the house majority, and drop a few democrat senate seats into the R column and who cares who wins the presidency. I fear the presidency will always belong to the monied interest of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve Bankers.

With a divided government I could even stand to ignore the current occupant for another four years. His smooth baritone voice is soothing and dreamy. He sure does have a perty voice! I can't even tell the cigarettes he smokes, a secret as well kept as FDR's polio by the fawning press, has affected his tone and wonderful pipes.

I wonder if Mitt or Newt lit up if the secret could be closeted. Makes me wonder what else is in President Obama's closet. I do not want to look and neither did the press.

I am in the dole drums. Chickens are starting to lay about 8 eggs per week and this cold weather has my gout flaring and I still get phantom pain in my missing arm and leg from time to time and my hydro's were accidentally flushed down the toilet by my sister peakiness when my sister went to Buloxi to gamble mother SSI check and I kept her dog. The dog was a rescue from the DEA and specially trained to do stupid shit like sniffing out narcotics and flushing them. I swear this is a true story! Other than that my life is just great, great!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

"Unless you read Jack, you won't know Jack!" Mother Maybolt, 1925-2008

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