Saturday, October 29, 2011

Suprise Snow Storm In October Proof Positive Of Global Warming

Carbon Dioxide is more toxic to human life than ObamaCare is to big business, though not by much. The Little Ice Age ended barely a century ago, brought on by a lull in the power of the sun. Mark Twain often walked across a frozen Mississippi river to visit other states while just a lad in the 1840's. The Dutch used to skate on their waterways as recently as 50 years ago. We do not know what cold is here in America.

Why just a mere 10 thousand years ago over half this continent was layered with more Ice than the Obama's have taken vacation days on our dime. Some places the Glaciers were a mile deep! It will happen again. It is already starting. A record 1.3 inches fell on Hobo Park in New York City where the occupy wall street gang of 70 is clinging on to the good life while their head and pubic lice are having to buy scarves and making the long journey from scalp and pubic areas to warmer cracks and crevasses near the axilla and the anus.

When it is a matter of survival, people and lice will take desperate measures! Colonel Gadhafi even hid in a culvert filled with camel excrement when his life was threatened. And Sadam Hussein crawled into a spider hole where he was captured.
Hitler killed his body double and his wife Eva and had them burned with petrol in the fore yard of his bunker while he was spirited out of Berlin in a small plane piloted by Heinrich Murdoch, and Murdoch merely a student pilot.

He spent his last 40 years in Spain under the protection of the United States Secret Service living in President Franco's winter home in Barcelona. He is said to have grown a beard and shaved his mustache, and even played himself in a few Hollywood films before he got too feeble to read his lines. His only regret was that he did not do more to win the second world war.

Said he would have won if the Japanese had taken on the Russians in a more forceful manner.

My great uncle corresponded with Adolf Hitler up until his death in 1987 at the age of 101. He never lost his quick wit nor his hatred for the communist. Was he bitter?

You could say that. His vision for a world where the strong not only survive, but dominate was crushed. He warned my uncle that one day history would prove him correct. But the world would not see his genius.

Well, the little ice age is back and we will be cold and occupy wall street will freeze and Hitler and Franco are dead as are Hussein and Gadhafi and many billions who came this way before. I am beginning to collect fire wood in case I need it. I like the warm weather. My body's temperature is about 98 degrees F and functions best when it is kept at that level. Why all the hubbub about Global warming when we should be fearing a return of the ice box!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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