Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Herman Cain You Tube Smoke Add: Urban Poverty Law Center Explains It

What is all the hubbub with the YouTube Ad for Herman Cain where a man touts Cain's strengths as a candidate then takes a drag off a nearly used up cigarette with his best H. Bogart impersonation. Then Herman Cain's portrait appears out of the smoke looking like the cat that ate the canary! Beautiful.

Translation: Cain is not a believer in the nanny state. He opposed the banning of smoking in public places. The ad is a not quite subliminal message to patriots who favor personal freedom over tyranny. A government that can take your rights to smoke where and when you want can also take anything else it wants from you and will. Look out sodas, cholesterol, chocolate, fats and bacon, the government is running out of items to regulate, read tax. The EPA is already looking towards a Cow flatulence tax and a farmers dust tax to help stymie falling tax revenues

Besides, as Woody Allen predicted in "The Sleeper" cigarettes are not without their health benefits. They have been shown to stave off the development of Parkinson's disease through some interaction with the brain's nicotine receptors and the prevention of dementia is still a possibility. If you smoke don't stop, but if you do not smoke wait for the small nicotine pills for the prevention of brain rot instead of lighting up.

The clueless overpaid blond and beautiful bubble-headed babblers who adorn our flat screen TVs and pose as intellectuals here to tell us what to think were baffled beautiful babblers by Candidate Cain's smoke advertisement.

Look for more subliminal messages in Herman Cain's political ads. If you understand it you will vote for a man with his political philosophy. Look at the others in the field for the republicans.

Romney, nanny state sponsor; Gingrich, nanny-boy (global warmist), Perry, stealth nanny statist, Bachmann, OK probably, Ron Paul, OK probably; Santorum, nanny-boy.

Herman Cain scares the hell out of the established power brokers and thus the negative background noise from the press who should not be able to turn an election, but still can, but to a lesser extent than when Clinton first ran. Cain is a powerful man with testosterone receptors in all the right places. He was raised with strong family values in the South when racism truly permeated our society here and he won life's lottery against huge odds through hard work and determination.

Herman Cain will bring that sort of dedication to the presidency and will fight for this country like no other. He knows how to row against the currents. When he is sworn in his work will be cut out for him. He will meet the challenge. He will make us proud.

Is he a polished politician? No. Will he make gaffes during the campaign? Yes. When everything you say is recorded and dissected, sometimes your mouth gets ahead of your brain and something comes out even you did not expect. So what!

My advice to Herman Cain is to keep putting your ideas out there and be Herman Cain. It has been successful for you so far.

Cain looks like the best fit for our country, a once proud and prosperous nation felled by Super-Nanny Statist Barack Hussein Obama and a government packed with well meaning nanny-boys who are looking out for us.

Blah, blah, blah, don't smoke around the baby, blah, blah, blah don't eat that bacon and eggs, blah, blah, the earth is warming, blah, blah, blah, coal and oil are evil sources of energy, blah blah, blah guns are dangerous, blah, blah, blah, let me just feel your package before you get on that plane, blah, blah, blah God and prayer have no place in schools, blah, blah, blah, we don't need to defend our borders! Fences are for sissies!

Hello, Herman Cain, good-bye Nanny!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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