Sunday, October 9, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Exclusive: China Quietly Hiring All Laid Off NASA Talent!

When the Nazis were finally defeated in 1945, the US wasted no time rounding up all of Hitler's rocket scientist and after excusing their war crimes, brought them to the United States. Here they were instrumental in building the greatest space program in history.

Now that America has dismantled its space program and the shuttles have all been lost or retired, a lot of American know-how has been laid off by the budget minded cost cutters working for the Obama administration. Seems someone in the Obama administration thinks we can get a better return for $50 billion dollars, cut from NASA's budget, if we loan it to start-up front companies for GREEN ENERGY.

Why do you think they call it GREEN? There is government money in anything that hints of Wind, Solar, Tidal, Renewable, Union, or Communist power!

My grant proposal submitted last month before the September 30 deadline:

Grant For Department Of Energy Funding FY2011

Amount of Grant: $1.575 billion

Mission Statement: I am a single minority mother with five children by three different men and one normal man who is making ends meet with food stamps and dating for money. If I get the green energy grant I will get off food stamps and stop dating for money.

Proposal: I have developed a photovoltaic energy cell which harnesses the energy of the sun and converts that energy into a combustible product that can be harnessed to drive a series of machines as well as heat and light our homes! It uses no poisonous materials and produces only natural byproducts. It is completely renewable and only requires water and sunlight to develop. Once the process begins all that is needed is soil. The photovoltaic cell is cheap, dependable, and not affected adversely by harsh environmental conditions. I have a patent pending on this device.

Back to China: The Chinese have been quietly rounding up these NASA scientists and hiring them for a few yuan and have promised them unlimited budgets. My cry follows:

First you outsourced my happy meal toys, then my phones, then my shoes, my TV, my PC, my clothier, my medicines, my tools, and now you have outsourced my Space Program to China?

How much longer can Apple Pie and Chevrolet hold on, er well, how much longer can apple pie resist the pull of the little yellow man from Beijing? I believe Jing has his eye on the titanium jackpot the moon represents! Ching-Ching! Fly me to the moon! One of these days, Alice! Gunsmoke! I say two! You say you want a revolution? Count me! Doctor Roberts!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, America's Canary In The Coal Mines and President, Urban Poverty Law Center

"Jack, our fathers built this great country of ours and we have coasted on their great accomplishments for about as far as this train can go. Time for America to take its rightful place along side the other great world powers of years past. America, Britain, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Persia, Egypt, Mongolia, and not back full circle. Your move, China." Mother Maybolt, 1925-2008

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