Sunday, October 23, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Cashes In! $500,000 In Donations Banked

Mark Twain, the famous writer and humorist from middle America, said "No man can stand success; another's that is." And now we learn the Occupy Wall Street feather heads or as Mark Twain might refer to them, these puddin'heads have collected over half a million dollars they claim to care for the needs of those patriots who are protesting so that others may live comfortable lives freed up of needless diversions such as working for a living.

How much of the monies raised will be due the IRS? Unless they have filled for a tax exempt form from the IRS, they will be shocked at what they will pay. They will learn a hard lesson. Socialism is not free and shortly they will know the hardest lesson socialism has to offer: "Pretty soon you run out of other peoples money."

I want to be the first to point out they have not paid the tax on these monies, and should be entitled to the 10% tattlers fee the IRS so generously offers to Tax Squealers! I can see my ship's sails out on the horizon, here she comes!

Well, place the Urban Poverty Law Center in the envy chair on this one. The Occupy Wall Street crowd is raking in contributions from every commie and Marxist front group in the world, and my Occupy Cedar Grove, Tennessee, (OCGT) has raised zilch!

I have enough money to last for another 35 minutes out in this cold, but without some serious help here I am going to have call this one for the Wall Street Boys. I will have to fold up my tent and go home.

Thank you for your prayers and letters of support. By the time many of you see this I will be back inside my warm house. I will leave the protests to the professionals at SEIU, the Teamsters, and by what ever new name ACORN is using until the next public scandal!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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