Thursday, October 13, 2011

George Soros Fronts Occupy Wall Street

George Soros is not accustomed to disrespect. I have googled his investments in Lehman Brothers in 2008 and find he had upped his holdings to 9.5 million shares in June of that year. Did he believe the Fed would pay to keep Lehman solvent as they did with almost every other banking entity that fall?

Could George Bush's input have stopped the bailout of the Lehman Bros. company since Soros had invested heavily in Bush's defeat in the 2004 election? No way to know now. Curious how that was the only large investment bank to slide down into bankruptcy.

I have no way of knowing if George Soros rode the Lehman train all the way to bankruptcy, but what better way to get even with a bunch of coddled traders than turn out the unwashed hordes upon them!

George is a petulant man.

Revenge is best served up cold.

"Revenge is mine!" Saith the Lord, ditto George Soros.

The Occupy Wall Street movement is as much like the Tea Party Movement as Barack Obama is to Herman Cain. OWS and Obama are phony, whereas the Tea PM and Cain are genuine!

The price for my silence has just risen from $45 to $79 plus tax. I need to buy my automobile tags this month! Have Van Jones write me a check out of his green funds,
or ask the Solyndra CFO to send me a check out of the $537 million in DOE backed loans. Better yet, get Eric Holder to send me one of the Fast and Furious assault rifles and I can raffle it at the bingo parlor.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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