Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Eric Holder At Justice(For Now) Foils Real Assassination Plots,UPLC Skeptical

In a classic Washington, DC moment of "look e here!" Eric Holder, the embattled US attorney general under Obama, has announced his crack team has thwarted an assassination attempt against the Ambassador to the US from Saudi Arabia, and bomb attacks against both the Saudi and the Israeli embassies.

In a statement released just moments ago from the DOJ Headquarters Holder is quoted as saying: "This is a real bust and I am proud of our people in both the FBI and at the CIA for their fast and furious work in breaking the back of this conspiracy from Iran. Really, this is a real bust!"

The Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations, rolled his eyes toward Mecca when he first learned of Holder's announcement.

"We know we cannot trust anything that comes out of this administrations Department of Justice. The Obama administration has played fast and furious with the truth! The record will show we are innocent of these charges!"

The Urban Poverty Law Center is reserving judgement on this one as it seems to come too closely on the heels of the assault rifle Arizona to Mexican drug cartel attack against the United States Constitution and the Second Amendment.

In one sense it would be a relief if it was only the Iranians involved as they are much less likely to get anything rammed through congress if they should really attack embassies here in the US, unlike Obama and Holder and the one world order flunkies.

It is as the famous former Obama adviser, now mayor of Chicagoistan, Rahm Emanuel, so famously put it: "Never let a crisis go to waste!" And its unspoken corollary, "Never wait for a crisis when you can manufacture one."

Nice try Eric, but the Iranians have plausible deny ability when you have made the accusations. Credibility is worth its weight in gold when one has lost it. Yours is gone. And you should follow your credibility out the door to K Street and the millions of dollars you can rake in lobbying.

Resign, you are ineffective.

Your reign of error is over.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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