Saturday, October 22, 2011

President Obama's War In Iraq Ends: Urban Poverty Law Center Shocked

Readers, tweeters, Occupy Streeters, Wal-Mart Greeters, former wife-beaters, third world leaders, income tax cheaters, and Jackson Delano Maybolt, who is well represented by the introduction list in more than one category, though not a cheater, a beater, or a streeter, I come to praise President Obama not to curry favor with him.

The first thing President Barack Hussein Obama did that I agree with is to draw down all our troops from Iraq. Our mission is completed! Al Qaida is a headless serpent spinning around the deserts of the Middle East and we in America have bigger fish to fry as they are fond of saying here stateside.

For example, the Lords Prayer Army of Uganda has just received a shipment of new and improved hacking machetes hot off the North Korean Iron Works by way of Venezuela each personally stamped by Hugo Chavez's secretary of the Inferior, Manuel De la Grossa Kelly. This, in spite of the United Nations Ruling NM-993322, which explicitly calls for a voluntary banning of improved hacking machetes in dirt-poor, oil and mineral rich, Sub Sahara black Africa.

I did not want to say anything because I know BATFnE and Attorney General Eric Holder have a lot on their plates right now, but this has all the hallmarks of their MO. Machete walking, Slash and Furious, what are these people thinking. We are not stupid!

As they say, outlaw hacking machetes and only the outlaws will have hacking machetes! Or another favorite of mine; "you can have my hacking machete when you peel it out of my cold dead hands!" And not to leave out; "sure I will give you my hacking machete, one atom at a time as it slices off each limb from your bloated liberal torso."

Back to Iraq and President Obama's announcement. On first look, I cheered his decision. Then after some reflection I RAN into a few misgivings. My cats needed food, so I RAN to Wal-mart. My windows needed caulking before winter, so I RAN to the hardware store. My cows were low on salt blocks so I RAN to the Co-op. Now that you see what I fear the double secret meaning of the troop draw down in Iraq may be, I am not so gleeful.

Hey, maybe I am wrong. I have been wrong once before, and that was when I thought I was wrong. Time for a quick poem for the simple. IRAN BEFORE THE FALL

Iran into Ahmadinejad
at my local Synagogue
he did not speak
just showed his teeth
n got bitch slapped by Uncle Billy Bob

Lastly, I want to leave you with this...............................................................................................................not all fruit flies are gay, some are just happy.

Jackson Delano Maybolt President and Poet Laurette for The Urban Poverty Law Center

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