Thursday, October 6, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center: Fast and Furious Plan Is Treason!

"We cannot complete the total domination/subjugation of the American people unless we can disarm them." Stalin, circa 1944, Mao circa 1960, Bill Clinton, circa 1992, Barack Obama, circa 2010

And thus it began with Obama and Eric Holder, and the recently released top man at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, sitting around a table when they set about a plan to demonize guns and overturn the second amendment to the constitution of the United States of America.

"Hey, let's say we sell a bunch of AR-15 or their equivalents to bad guys on the Mexican Border and look the other way when they are taken across and used in the Mexican Drug Cartel violence. I would much rather be shot with a high velocity weapon as have my head carved off at the nape of the neck by a Mexican druggist with grade 4 malignant halitosis using a dull bowie knife. Then we could become all incensed and say we just have to do something about these guns and get a ban worked through congress!"

Apparently this is what Obama, Holder and the unnamed former head of BATFnE did and as the saying goes: with
all the best laid plans of mice and men, something went terribly wrong.

A border agent for the US was killed with one of the weapons sold in the Obama/Holder/BATFnE's Fast and Furious Gun Running Scandal, and then someone who knew of the plan who was a constitutionalists spilled the beans on these plans and now the news of Fast and Furious is making us worry about what other underhanded plans have been put in place by this miscreant and criminal enterprise, the Obama administration. The Wall Street Protests? Anybody?

Can we trust these people with the reigns of power in government? They have brought criminality to our highest branches of government. Who is watching those who seem to believe they are above the law? Is it too late to stop the hemorrhage?

Eric Holder drops charges against the New Black Panthers who intimidated elderly whites who came to their polling place in Philadelphia by being 6'5" dressed in army fatigues and waving billet clubs around and screaming racial slurs at them. Even I could not vote for John McCain if I had to fight a schizoid oversize black man with a billet club and halitosis to do so. Granny showed exceptionally good judgement in tottering back to her car and foregoing the vote. Pick your fights carefully in life.

I see Eric Holder's point. Since they did not actually physically assault these blue haired oldsters, Holder thought there was no foul. Disgusting! Eric Holder is a thug.

Now, Eric Holder has been caught lying to congress about when he knew of the Fast and Spurious gun running plan, and this could get his panties in a bunch. There are still a few members in congress that take the rule of law seriously. Recall Eric, the congress in no longer in the clutches of Nannie Pelosi and Brawny Frank! These republicans will not run cover for you this time. This will be your Humpty-Dumpty moment. Resign now!

There will be no help from the fourth estate, the press, which has fallen on its sword for this bunch of flim-flam artists lead by that community organizer extraordinaire, BHO!

With Sarah Palin out of the running for president, the tea party will have its work cut out for it. I personally do not blame her for not wanting to run the gauntlet of smears her run would entail. She may have made the determination that the nation is too steeped in political corruption to ever make it back.

I am hopeful that something will be left for those who still play by the rules. At least we still have our guns, for now.

Well, in this game of cat and mouse, the cat was caught crapping out of the litter box. Eric Holder must step down if it can be shown he was the father of Fast and Furious.

What a dope!

Hey, I gotta an idea, why don't our leaders do the right thing for a change and not screw around with our constitution. The planning and execution of ways to get the second amendment overturned is treasonous and should be punishable by death. If we had any real men left there would be a few on the way to the gallows.

I know the liberals say that the death penalty does not reduce crime, but it definitely reduces the number if criminals.

Bring back the death penalty for treason! Then we could all sleep a little better.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!" Shakespeare

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