Monday, October 3, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Urges Van Jones To Steal The Tea Party's Work Ethic, Too

When the communist provocateur, Van Jones, a man who hails from 25 miles south west of my home, encourages his followers to steal plays from the tea party's operational hand book, it reeks of desperation.

The tea party has no hand book, unless you consider the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights a hand book, which, clearly, Van Jones and Saul Alinsky do not.

My advice for Provocateur Generalissimo Van deter Jones is to front a movement that is more popular with the native population. Your tripe about sharing the wealth, where is the wealth, take back the wealth and give it to the people, does not play well to your average American citizen who goes to work everyday to provide his or her family a better life. The facts are the facts.

A man and woman will work as hard as it takes to provide for their immediate family. If you ask this same couple to work as hard as they can to provide for persons in places unknown, a different result will ensue. Productivity falls. It is a fact.

The Tea Party is tired of paying toll to the troll who never seem to be sated even with $4,000,000,000,000 spent on lavish get-togethers, $16 muffins, a school breakfast and lunch program sponsored by the US Government which has turned our children into waddling masses of lethargic lipid saturated losers, supported by weak bones and unchallenged minds.

Jack says stop the ritalin, bring back recess and quit feeding these voracious little calorie vacuums a free breakfast!

The average tea party member is only organizing to prevent being picked off by the New American Idle. These are people who somehow got it into their fat heads it is somebody else's responsibility to see to it they are fed, clothed, housed,and entertained, plus receive the best medical care available at no expense to them. Work? That is demeaning. Apply myself; too hard.

These are the non-working poor who have been coddled by and sucked into believing democrats will cater to their every whim. Ever wonder why on earth the liberal rich Hollywood types and the trust funded monkeys this nation's first new rich spawned a couple of generations back like democrat politicians so much? The New American Idle include both these groups and they are not that different. No work, no worries, the bills are paid for. Long periods of down time with nothing to do but make the world a better and fairer place in which to live. The American Idle! Worthless if poor and shameful if rich!

Regrettably these are hard times we are living in. I will do all that I can do to help my poor brothers and sisters survive the challenging times we face, but hey how about helping pull the wagon down the road instead of riding in the wagon like a lump of butter.

I have a friend who is moving his operation from Colorado where there is little work to booming North Dakota. It is not easy to move and work away from home, but he and his brothers are doing it.

So, Mr. Generalissimo Van Dyke Jones, encourage your followers to go out and get a commercial drivers license and I know a fellow from Colorado who needs a few good truck drivers. Waiting to steal property and spread the wealth is going to be a long wait for your followers, the New American Idle. The Tea Party is on to your plan and have schooled up like mackerel, in a last stand against your kind of tyranny. Like the schools of mackerel, the Tea Party knows there is safety in numbers, and numbers we have. You are out numbered a million to one. We can out spend you a million to one also.

In a final note, Mr. Van Winkle Jones, think about what is in the Ten Commandments. Is what your group wants from the Tea Party against that commandment about coveting your neighbor's ass......ets?

God is not dead, He is not blind, and He is aware. You are on His list, as we all are and will have to answer when time comes for our final reckoning. Shame on you Van Jones! I knew Moses, and you, Mr. Jones, are no Moses!
You are a false prophet! A false prophet never leads, only deceives.

Get thee behind me, oh Satan!

And try to have a nice day, anyway.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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