Saturday, October 8, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center First In Nation To Call For AG Holder To Step Down

We here at the Urban Poverty Law Center do not take our criticisms of government lightly, and for us to call for the resignation of the United States Attorney General, Eric Holder, is BIG NEWS!

In his letter to congress his plausible deny ability tap dance through a mine field of conflicting facts seems more a stall than a defense of the indefensible.

Fast and Furious was a spook inspired plan to attack the second amendment of the US Constitution. Treason! Treason beyond reason!

Mr. Holder and the elements of the Obama administration that plot to undermine our constitutional freedoms are enemies of a free America! They must be stopped. They are worse than the enemies outside our borders, much worse! Their stealth has been removed and now they must carry out their awkward plans without the cover of a complacent press or an unenlightened populace.

The congressional investigations in the House Oversight Committee with Rep. Issa are a good start. Shining some light on these cockroaches will make them scatter, but unless we finish the pest control by voting these scoundrels out in 2012, they will regroup and redouble their efforts at dismantling our constitutional freedoms.

It is abundantly clear Eric Holder must resign for his attack of the very constitution which he took an oath to defend. If he says he did not know about it he is incompetent, if he says he knew and approved of the plan, he is incompetent ! Our more important question now is what other freedoms are these closeted traitors planning to destroy and how to shed light on these plans and stop them.

Occupy Wall Street? Martial Law? Suspension of the 2012 elections? Outlaw Gold Ownership? Reeducation camps? Black Helicopters? Drones with viruses? One World Government? French fries without ketchup? A Fat Tax?

It has been almost a couple of decades since BATFnE tried its hand in the indefensible, recalling how the Waco and Ruby Ridge thing panned out for you fellows under AG Reno, You came across about as well as the Mexican Cartel Drug Lords in my mind.

I will never forget what I felt when I saw the fellows at BATFnE burn the Waco home with 59 children to the ground on that windy day in April. God Damn! These are really some evil people we are supporting with our tax dollars! That was when I knew the lie.

We must return this nation to its foundational principles and live within the law. Anyway, got to go. Wondering when that knock at the door will be the black booted thugs flying in their black helicopters coming to reintegrate me into the soil from which I came. Will they shoot me with a high velocity weapon exported illegally to Mexico and then imported back to the US, or wait until the wind conditions are right and I have all the Cedar Grove Boy Scout troops in my home and burn me up, or just cut my head off with a dull knife? We shall see?

Hopefully, the Fast and Furious failure will get you fellows back to chasing the moonshiners and the kids with untreated ADHD who make pipe bombs and set them off in the lockers at high school, and leave amending the US Constitution to Congress and the States as written by our founders through the nearly impossible steps they provide for in the founding documents.

Freedom and rights are for everybody, right? If you fellows in government and the BATFnE ever have to ask yourselves if you are with or against the American people and its constitution, you are not fit to serve, and you should resign with your leader, Attorney General, Eric Holder. Disgraceful!

If that kind of work at the BATFnE is too mundane, join special forces and go after Al Qaeda, but for goodness sakes, leave your own citizens alone! Surely your mother taught you better. I know mine did!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

"Power is measured by the strength of your enemies. You are a nobody until they kill you or you kill them!" Joseph Stalin 1934

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