Monday, October 10, 2011

urban Poverty Law Center Answer To Wall Street Occupation

The Occupy Wall Street Movement is a culmination of frustrations. The protesters are all members of the first generation of nintendo/playstation zombies. These are the kids that stayed inside playing computer games instead of rollicking outside falling out of trees and stepping in quicksand and fishing. Am I alone when I see only pasty-skinned underdeveloped young people out in the sun, some of them for the first time in their lives, protesting? I bet most of these young people did not realize you could defecate on a police car in New York City even though there is an ordinance against it.

It is reported many of these same protesters have phoned home to ask parents why their skins have turned red and burn, and if they think, perhaps, the NYPD is secretly attacking them with chemical weapons. Imagine their dismay to learn it is the sun, and when they ask if it is part of global warming, their disappointment when reassured it is not.

The World War II generation is known as "the Greatest Generation". This current American crop will be known as the "the Gauntest Generation". They will be the first Americans to have to make do with less. Fewer jobs, fewer homes, fewer meals, fewer vacations, fewer opportunities, fewer freedoms, fewer pleasures, fewer children.

I have written in these pages the solution to the 20% unemployment rate is to bring back the traditional American Family in which one partner works and the other makes the home a wonder place from which to grow children in the case of a hetero pair or in the case of the same-sexed pairing, a den of pleasure and debauchery. The work force would drop from 175 million to 120 million overnight. Employers would be scrambling and wages would have to rise to fill the shortage with the best workers. One salary would suffice where two had barely met needs.

People would be happier. Life would be simple again. Back to the basics, provide only for shelter, food and clothing, more than that and you have worked too hard and the joke is on you! Tax returns would plummet. Monies to the US Treasury would plummet. Politicians would jump in droves into the Potomac River and drift away into obscurity. Our military would be called home. Whole Departments in Government like Education, EPA, Homeland Security, Transportation, Energy, and others would dry up and fade from our consciousness.

Now back to the Gauntest Generation.

These poor souls were told to get ahead they had to go to college and get a degree in women's, same-sex, man-on (you fill in the blank) sex studies, or how computers have shaped our lives, all the while, colleges slowly raised tuition and sent these gaunt little soldiers over to the banks to borrow the money which would easily be paid back when they land that high paying job at Burger World!

Now..........hundreds of thousands of these college educated doofusses, doofusses through no fault of their own, whose brains were pickled by 16 years of liberal hogwash and blather served daily by their unionized teachers, are ready to strike out on their own and find themselves qualified to do absolutely NOTHING! As a result Junior has moved back into his parent's home and is wondering how he is going to pay the $900 a month for the $250,000 in student loans he amassed! If banking deserves to fail for anything it is for burdening our children with a debt they will be hard pressed to ever repay.

The college debt bomb makes the $16 trillion in debt the US had wracked up over the past 230 years seem paltry by comparison. My $46,000 share could be paid off like that last Ford Truck I bought, but I have an income.

So all I am trying to say is instead of looking out on that mass of pasty skinned, underdeveloped young people protesting their being left out of the American Dream, save getting front loaded with massive college debts, don't think to yourself, "get a job you freaks", rather be thankful you were born closer to the Greatest Generation and were able to ride the large tsunami of success our grandparents and parents whipped up after World War II. Let's face it, that wave has played out and now it looks like the tide is going to be out a long time, a very long time.

At the Urban Poverty Law Center, I try to think of ways to help these pitiful packs of pasty poor people protesting political puppetry sponsored profiteering by the politically well connected titans of commerce and industry. The captains of industry and commerce are stupidly saying, we don't need people. People get in the way of profits. Crony capitalism is phony capitalism.

Every person making over half a million dollars needs a fetch and toady. This would open up a few jobs for these recent grads. The most attractive would land the posh jobs, and the ugly would still have to stay in the service sectors. Hey, I did not set the system up, but we all must play by the rules.

We may be in for some trouble if these protesters can not land jobs, or can not be bought off with generous government contracts like Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam where he is paid multimillion dollar contracts yearly to protect the housing projects in our inner cities. Maybe the government should pay these new grads a living wage to play video games in mother's basement and stand guard at her home?

Ding, ding, ding, I think we have a winner here!

My advice to the titans of crony capitalism and Wall Street is as Vice President Joe Biden is famous for saying, three words!

"People Up, Profits Down!"

If they don't heed my advice, we all will be sorry. A rich man has trouble getting into heaven. Next life, everything is changed!
"Helter Skelter! I'm coming down fast!"

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

"Henry Ford knew he needed to pay his laborers enough so they would be able to afford to buy his cars! Today's geniuses of business seemed to have forgotten this." Mother Maybolt, 1923-2008

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