I have been reluctant to discuss the Ferguson, Missouri problem America has because I have lived in the South many of my years and have great respect for Southern blacks in the individual, but less so for the pack. Is this discrimination? Yes it is. When I lived briefly in Chicago many years ago my aging Chevy Chevette broke down on the Eisenhower Expressway one Sunday afternoon and I limped it off the nearest exit and it died in front of a high-rise low income housing project.
As I pulled over and parked I was immediately greeted by three young blacks 18 to 20 yrs old holding baseball bats who approached me, a white man of 30, with a shitty little car and a bicycle on a bike rack. I was white and privileged and they were stuck in government housing wondering what fate might bring them that day for entertainment. And here I was!
My wife had followed in another car and was waiting for me so we could go phone a wrecker. I quickly engaged my new attendees in conversation. I briefed these fine fellows with the tats and large biceps of my plan to leave the idled car, call a wrecker, return for my bike and ride bike home, could they watch my car while I was away and how much would they charge me?
The leader of the group stepped towards me with his baseball bat rhythmically striking his left hand, pinched up his face as if considering my offer, I quickly pulled out my wallet and said I had 30 dollars on me and would give them half now and the rest when I got back with the wrecker. I gave each a five dollar bill and the leader said: "I guess dat be awrite."
With that I retreated to my wife's car and when I returned 30 minutes later my new hires were there in attendance and the car and bike were unscathed. A deal is a deal and I gave them the rest of the money in my wallet, thanking them for their assistance and for just letting them rob me of my petty cash and not taking my life or beating me to a pulp.
I dare say I could have taken any one of these three into different circumstances out of the group and he would be a fine co worker in many situations, but growing up on the plantation of no hopes and dreams provided free of charge by the Federal government, and languishing in a public schools system which teaches nothing of any value, Godless training in our schools is a sore subject.
Parents should instill these values in children, fairness, kindness, charity, doing unto others, respect, the Ten Commandments, obeying laws, norms, respecting life, all these should be taught in pre -12 as a citizenship class and part of our children's brain washing, skip teaching how to properly have anal intercourse to five yr olds, those so inclined will figure it out. But the chance to make children honest productive citizens of a greater society has been squandered by the liberal nincompoops who have made policy for over a hundred years. Abandonment of God and the Judeo/Christian ethic for the hedonism of liberalism has been our greatest mistake in schooling these feral children of the underprivileged. They are what we made them.
Margaret Sanger had the bright idea to abort many of them, but this is not in keeping with God's laws. That we as a nation allow our leadership to insist upon this barbarism and cruelty against the unborn speaks poorly of us as a moral people.
Progressives! Follow them on the highway to hell.
Blacks in America face many hurdles. First is the abortion gauntlet which has taken perhaps, 50 million of the 80 million abortions since Roe v Wade. That is a staggering number!
Second is a substandard education system which panders to babysitting and not teaching. Third is the gangsta lifestyle made popular by entertainers and rap artists, making many young blacks turn to drugs and gangs to fill the void left by the destruction of the nuclear family made possible by payments to single mothers in poverty.
That black men like Clarence Thomas, Allen West, or Dr. Ben Carson could break out of that environment and rise to the top of their game is phenomenal. That President Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton could likewise rise from that same festering cauldron and have totally different attitudes is troubling. The difference I believe is spiritual. I believe the former three are Godly and therefore conservatives, and the later are godless progressives. Thomas, West and Carson worship God, and keep his teachings, the latter three, Obama, Holder, and Sharpton worship money and power.
Which should we trust with the reigns of government? The answer begs the question.
We have seen what a mess the godless progressive Obama has wrought. Blacks and whites looking at each other as enemies and not as citizens in a great nation.
And now Aborting 70 million American babies has caught us with a labor shortage here in America and President Obama will fix it by allowing massive numbers of poor central and southern Americans to poor over our borders to mow our grass and keep our hotels cleaned and our restaurants serviced and keep this whole system propped up for another few decades until the neglected infrastructure of our souls is washed out completely and we fade into mediocracy.
If things continue along this path, Sean Hannity will have to change his greeting to "you are a mediocre American!"
Progressives, eight more years on this train with Hillary may just about finish us.
I am not buying what they are selling and neither should you.
Stand up for America. Blah, blah, blah, blah-blah.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking right.......www.urbanpovertylawcenter.org.......www.southernpoetrylawcenter.org
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Friday, November 28, 2014
Charles "Chuck Schummer" D NY Is A Bald Faced Liar! "It's The Economy, Stupid" Arguement Will Fall Flat.
If these were normal times with Americans in a relationship with representatives who truly cared about middle America and its well being, we would not have had Obamacare foisted down our already full throats by Pelosi, Reid, Obama, Schummer and 58 other democrat senators who marched to their progressive drum beat. These pols have nothing to fear from the voters. They could care less if Americans make more or less money. You see the connection between tax revenues and government spending has been broken, snapped in two, by deficit spending and a Federal Reserve Banking system that will print all the money you talentless hacks request.
Time for Americans to demand more accountability! Schummer, your ephipahny, so eloquently stated last week about Obamacare v economic growth has come 6 years and trillions of dollars too late. You are a pathetic has been. Your keen wit and intellect has probably been sucked out by the brain algae which is said to infect a third of all Americans, most of whom affiliate with your democrat party. Thankfully this infection is progressive and soon you, Reid, Pelosi, Obama, and Hillary will be drooling nimcompoops and nothing note worthy will come out of your mouths that is not tainted by a cracker or a piece of beluga caviar. Your time is limited. If you make it past the next election I will be surprised, because those of us who have not been dulled by the aglae infection know your game and it is off big time.
To improve the American economy it must be inextricably tied to tax revenues immediately. Only then will your algae addled minds realise what is good for the American people is good for its representative government. No more Federal Reserve Bank loans to fill in the deficits. If you need more money, grow the economy like Reagan did and Bill Clinton bragged about. Lower marginal tax rates for corporations, let their overseas money come back into the country tax free and work hard for the American economy.
Time for you algae induced dullards to stop harping on being fair and be smart. A prosperous America is a prosperous world. Immigration needs to be set on the back burner and wait for better economic times. It would be great to hire every North, South and Central American who wants a job here, but unless you intend upon building a great wall of China like structure along our borders both Northern and Southern, I do not see that happening.
Did you ever stop and consider how the Chinese managed to build a wall capable of stopping the Mongols a thousland years ago with no machinery and we cannot muster the desire or the money to build one with all the resouces and equipment we have these days just to keep a swarm of immigrants out?
Mr. Schummer, Put up that wall! It will be the first step towards rebuilding America from the inside out, and will mark Washington's willingness to stop the Obama/Holder plan to destroy her by turning her inside out by erasing our borders and the privileges which come with citizenship.
A country with out priviliges for its citizens ceases to exist. A country without secure borders is not a country. A country with leaders who ingore the will of the people has no leaders. A people who despise the government will soon work against it in every small way possible. Italians have such distaste for their leadership, they all avoid taxation.
And Chuck, can I call you Chuck? This congress and the Obama administration is the most corrupt in our short history. My head swims listing the atrosities, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Lois Lerner and the Tea Party, Eric Holder and the banking scandal, the stimulous to nowhere, the bailout to banks, Gitmo, immigration amnesty, on and on the list goes and where it stops nobody knows.
And how many of these corrupt deals did your body investigate? None not a single one. Well that is about to end when Mitchy "Itchy" Mc Connell and the tea party takes over in January, and I hope you have a good answer for your Algae infected supporters there in New York as to how you could sit back and drool as Obamacare was forced on an unwilling American populace while the economy languished unattended by any adults.
Chuck Schummer, you are pathetic.
Jackson Delano Maybolt President Urban Poverty Law Center
Time for Americans to demand more accountability! Schummer, your ephipahny, so eloquently stated last week about Obamacare v economic growth has come 6 years and trillions of dollars too late. You are a pathetic has been. Your keen wit and intellect has probably been sucked out by the brain algae which is said to infect a third of all Americans, most of whom affiliate with your democrat party. Thankfully this infection is progressive and soon you, Reid, Pelosi, Obama, and Hillary will be drooling nimcompoops and nothing note worthy will come out of your mouths that is not tainted by a cracker or a piece of beluga caviar. Your time is limited. If you make it past the next election I will be surprised, because those of us who have not been dulled by the aglae infection know your game and it is off big time.
To improve the American economy it must be inextricably tied to tax revenues immediately. Only then will your algae addled minds realise what is good for the American people is good for its representative government. No more Federal Reserve Bank loans to fill in the deficits. If you need more money, grow the economy like Reagan did and Bill Clinton bragged about. Lower marginal tax rates for corporations, let their overseas money come back into the country tax free and work hard for the American economy.
Time for you algae induced dullards to stop harping on being fair and be smart. A prosperous America is a prosperous world. Immigration needs to be set on the back burner and wait for better economic times. It would be great to hire every North, South and Central American who wants a job here, but unless you intend upon building a great wall of China like structure along our borders both Northern and Southern, I do not see that happening.
Did you ever stop and consider how the Chinese managed to build a wall capable of stopping the Mongols a thousland years ago with no machinery and we cannot muster the desire or the money to build one with all the resouces and equipment we have these days just to keep a swarm of immigrants out?
Mr. Schummer, Put up that wall! It will be the first step towards rebuilding America from the inside out, and will mark Washington's willingness to stop the Obama/Holder plan to destroy her by turning her inside out by erasing our borders and the privileges which come with citizenship.
A country with out priviliges for its citizens ceases to exist. A country without secure borders is not a country. A country with leaders who ingore the will of the people has no leaders. A people who despise the government will soon work against it in every small way possible. Italians have such distaste for their leadership, they all avoid taxation.
And Chuck, can I call you Chuck? This congress and the Obama administration is the most corrupt in our short history. My head swims listing the atrosities, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Lois Lerner and the Tea Party, Eric Holder and the banking scandal, the stimulous to nowhere, the bailout to banks, Gitmo, immigration amnesty, on and on the list goes and where it stops nobody knows.
And how many of these corrupt deals did your body investigate? None not a single one. Well that is about to end when Mitchy "Itchy" Mc Connell and the tea party takes over in January, and I hope you have a good answer for your Algae infected supporters there in New York as to how you could sit back and drool as Obamacare was forced on an unwilling American populace while the economy languished unattended by any adults.
Chuck Schummer, you are pathetic.
Jackson Delano Maybolt President Urban Poverty Law Center
Friday, November 21, 2014
Urban Poverty Law Center Laser Focus On Double Secret Amnesty, Or How America Ceased To Be Or Not To Be That Is The Question.
I watched with horror and dismay our non-resident President Barack Insane Obama, explain his tortured reasoning for granting executive amnesty to 5 million illegal aliens. Who, here in America, are living in "the shadows" in plain view of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the border patrol and many of our local sheriffs. My question is which of these 5 million of the, by some estimates, 50 millions have won the lucky citizenship lottery?
Is it Paedro or Ricko, Consualo, or Maria? Who will be chosen for the treatment? Will it be first come first serve like the service at the Verizon Superstore or will each democrat politician be able to grant this amnesty via a quota. If Nancy Pelosi is allowed to speak out on this it might go something like this: "We will have to first grant amnesty to see how many new American citizens we have!"
For example, every democrat senator might be able to grant 100,000 permits for legal citizen status, and running the numbers for the new congress assuming there are no last minute democrat steals, ala Al,Dung-Beetle, Franken, D MN, that would use up about 4,200,000 units. These could of course be used as fund raising opportunities for said Senators. I could see most using up a dozen or more on the people who make their beds, and trim their hedges there in Washington.
President Obama must be allocated 300,000 units and of course his first one must go to himself as he was not born here and should not even be holding this office which he has used so successfully against the average American taxpayer. Joe Biden, as vice president, must be given 200,000 units, but because of his family's history of cocaine use, his grants of amnesty must be approved by a 3/4 vote of congress and he will be given regular piss tests to assure sobriety.
Now we are left with 300,000 units and these should be spread out among the Congress and the republicans in the senate, this will give each of these folks, who are soon to hold putative control 2/3 of 3/3 of the government a generous 1,000 citizenship grants each. Still a powerful fund raising tool if you hold out for IT engineers for your rich and powerful pals in Simi Valley.
I can already see the PSA for citizenship. CAll 1-800-EAT-TOCOs if you were unfairly denied US citizenship for M-13 Gang affiliation, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Dengue Fever, Ebola, Aids, or the heartbreak of psoriasis! The law firm of Holder, Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe are ready to represent your claim, you may be eligible for a cash award!
This is another scheme by the Obama administration for full employment for lawyers and community activists like ACORN, which I hear is playing its hand in Ferguson, Mo anxiously awaiting justice in the Michael Brown case. One can only hope the GJ announcement will be on a cold day so these parasites will have to bundle up and think twice about hurling Molotov Cocktails at our overweight policemen and national guardsmen.
Can America survive this influx of low entry level immigrants who do not share our culture, our language, or our common heritage? Of course she will. But look for the rule of law to be lost somewhere in the translation. All that is necessary for this transformation is for the Americans who make up the fabric of our society to wake up and play by the rules our government has set for themselves. It is every man for himself. What laws?, I don't follow no stinking laws.
If we allow these apes who now control our highest offices to continue to bastardize our institutions through the indoctrination of our children at government controlled schools and student loans, we will become just another third world crap hole, where crime is king and force at the barrel of a gun is the new rule of law.
Oh, its coming alright. The people of each state must make their own decisions. Follow our leader into oblivion or strike a blow for freedom with a Mark Levin convention of the state to reign in these power addled pols.
I am with Mark Levin.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Is it Paedro or Ricko, Consualo, or Maria? Who will be chosen for the treatment? Will it be first come first serve like the service at the Verizon Superstore or will each democrat politician be able to grant this amnesty via a quota. If Nancy Pelosi is allowed to speak out on this it might go something like this: "We will have to first grant amnesty to see how many new American citizens we have!"
For example, every democrat senator might be able to grant 100,000 permits for legal citizen status, and running the numbers for the new congress assuming there are no last minute democrat steals, ala Al,Dung-Beetle, Franken, D MN, that would use up about 4,200,000 units. These could of course be used as fund raising opportunities for said Senators. I could see most using up a dozen or more on the people who make their beds, and trim their hedges there in Washington.
President Obama must be allocated 300,000 units and of course his first one must go to himself as he was not born here and should not even be holding this office which he has used so successfully against the average American taxpayer. Joe Biden, as vice president, must be given 200,000 units, but because of his family's history of cocaine use, his grants of amnesty must be approved by a 3/4 vote of congress and he will be given regular piss tests to assure sobriety.
Now we are left with 300,000 units and these should be spread out among the Congress and the republicans in the senate, this will give each of these folks, who are soon to hold putative control 2/3 of 3/3 of the government a generous 1,000 citizenship grants each. Still a powerful fund raising tool if you hold out for IT engineers for your rich and powerful pals in Simi Valley.
I can already see the PSA for citizenship. CAll 1-800-EAT-TOCOs if you were unfairly denied US citizenship for M-13 Gang affiliation, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Dengue Fever, Ebola, Aids, or the heartbreak of psoriasis! The law firm of Holder, Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe are ready to represent your claim, you may be eligible for a cash award!
This is another scheme by the Obama administration for full employment for lawyers and community activists like ACORN, which I hear is playing its hand in Ferguson, Mo anxiously awaiting justice in the Michael Brown case. One can only hope the GJ announcement will be on a cold day so these parasites will have to bundle up and think twice about hurling Molotov Cocktails at our overweight policemen and national guardsmen.
Can America survive this influx of low entry level immigrants who do not share our culture, our language, or our common heritage? Of course she will. But look for the rule of law to be lost somewhere in the translation. All that is necessary for this transformation is for the Americans who make up the fabric of our society to wake up and play by the rules our government has set for themselves. It is every man for himself. What laws?, I don't follow no stinking laws.
If we allow these apes who now control our highest offices to continue to bastardize our institutions through the indoctrination of our children at government controlled schools and student loans, we will become just another third world crap hole, where crime is king and force at the barrel of a gun is the new rule of law.
Oh, its coming alright. The people of each state must make their own decisions. Follow our leader into oblivion or strike a blow for freedom with a Mark Levin convention of the state to reign in these power addled pols.
I am with Mark Levin.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Urban Poverty Law Center Believes President Obama Is Grubering American Workers With Illegal Amnesty
Folks, I was driving across Wyoming last week and stopped into a Burger King off I-80 in Rawlings and the service was unusually slow. One of the workers there apologized for the slow service stating the crew had just resigned in mass that day. Are Americans now unwilling to take the good entry level jobs at our fast food outlets? Wyoming is unusual in respect to the job market as it is in an oil and gas boom. But what of the workers who are not fit enough to work the oil rigs? What are they doing?
I believe the government safety nets are too plush and provide enough benefits a very frugal citizen could enjoy a leisured life previously available only for the monied gentry, like the Rockafellers, Kennedys, and the Maybolts. Hunger is a strongly motivating factor in life. Every living creature, from the mighty whales to the tiniest microbes are looking for the next meal. The crows are up early feasting on the night's road kill. The cow will eat grass all night. The EBT card holder will waddle down to Wal-Mart to fill the shopping basket twice weekly and waddle home and feed the hungry children and spend the rest of her day texting or talking on her free phone.
If one of the kids gets sick she hauls em into the emergency room where free care is provided to her sickly spawn. She pays no rent in her subsidized apartment. The light bill and the water and sewer bills are paid on her behalf. For her to make more than is given to her would require her to earn 16$ an hour which ain't coming to entry level jobs any time soon.
The plain facts are Americans, especially the lower socio-economic levels are patronized and pampered by the democrat party which keeps them on the plantation, idle and not working, if you do not consider the effort necessary to waddle over to the voting precinct and pull the levers for your benefactors every two years, work.
Today there are 94 million Americans not working and idle. They are being housed, clothed, fed, entertained, and healthcare provided by either family, friends, or the tax payer. There are jobs out there not filled by these American Idled by the boatloads. Manual labor is only being filled by our friends from South of the border. My pal recently had his roof replaced. The business owner was white, the labor pool was all Mexican..he stated he could not get a white man or a black man to work that hard.
We may not like President Obama's decision to grant amnesty to millions of foreign workers, but if he does not, the work will not get done. Who will roof our houses, who will brick our new buildings, who will cut the grass and pick the trash along the interstates? Obama's illegals already do these menial tasks which are too undignified for our plantation idlers to do. Besides they do not pay enough to match the generous give-aways these lucky lounge-abouts receive.
Obama is a douche bag, but he has to bring in someone who is willing to work for slave wages since the former slaves have revolted and are no longer willing to work to fill their bellies.
Most have been fed so much corn starch they are unfit to work and many do not have the physical prowess to waddle to and from the voting places. Some, if you believe Eric Holder and the president, would not be able to get to the precincts if required to carry something so light as a picture ID.
The country is sliding. The work ethic is shot. The people at the bottom of the economic scale feed off the politician who is at the top of the scale and the great middle of America is parasitized by both. Soon the host will revolt and throw off both forces which are squeezing more and more from fewer and fewer producers.
I am beginning to understand the brutality of the French Revolution.
I do not agree with amnesty, but I understand the necessity.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
I believe the government safety nets are too plush and provide enough benefits a very frugal citizen could enjoy a leisured life previously available only for the monied gentry, like the Rockafellers, Kennedys, and the Maybolts. Hunger is a strongly motivating factor in life. Every living creature, from the mighty whales to the tiniest microbes are looking for the next meal. The crows are up early feasting on the night's road kill. The cow will eat grass all night. The EBT card holder will waddle down to Wal-Mart to fill the shopping basket twice weekly and waddle home and feed the hungry children and spend the rest of her day texting or talking on her free phone.
If one of the kids gets sick she hauls em into the emergency room where free care is provided to her sickly spawn. She pays no rent in her subsidized apartment. The light bill and the water and sewer bills are paid on her behalf. For her to make more than is given to her would require her to earn 16$ an hour which ain't coming to entry level jobs any time soon.
The plain facts are Americans, especially the lower socio-economic levels are patronized and pampered by the democrat party which keeps them on the plantation, idle and not working, if you do not consider the effort necessary to waddle over to the voting precinct and pull the levers for your benefactors every two years, work.
Today there are 94 million Americans not working and idle. They are being housed, clothed, fed, entertained, and healthcare provided by either family, friends, or the tax payer. There are jobs out there not filled by these American Idled by the boatloads. Manual labor is only being filled by our friends from South of the border. My pal recently had his roof replaced. The business owner was white, the labor pool was all Mexican..he stated he could not get a white man or a black man to work that hard.
We may not like President Obama's decision to grant amnesty to millions of foreign workers, but if he does not, the work will not get done. Who will roof our houses, who will brick our new buildings, who will cut the grass and pick the trash along the interstates? Obama's illegals already do these menial tasks which are too undignified for our plantation idlers to do. Besides they do not pay enough to match the generous give-aways these lucky lounge-abouts receive.
Obama is a douche bag, but he has to bring in someone who is willing to work for slave wages since the former slaves have revolted and are no longer willing to work to fill their bellies.
Most have been fed so much corn starch they are unfit to work and many do not have the physical prowess to waddle to and from the voting places. Some, if you believe Eric Holder and the president, would not be able to get to the precincts if required to carry something so light as a picture ID.
The country is sliding. The work ethic is shot. The people at the bottom of the economic scale feed off the politician who is at the top of the scale and the great middle of America is parasitized by both. Soon the host will revolt and throw off both forces which are squeezing more and more from fewer and fewer producers.
I am beginning to understand the brutality of the French Revolution.
I do not agree with amnesty, but I understand the necessity.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Urban Poverty Law Center To Sue Congressman Dr. Jonathan Gruber For Slander: Or Are Americans Really "Stupid"?
According to the US Constitution all taxes must originate in the House of Representatives. Otherwise, a tax is unconstitutional. Can we at least agree on this?
Congressman Dr. Jonathan Gruber, Democrat from MIT, has written the Affordable Care Act, that 2300 page law which was hurriedly passed by the US Senate on Christmas Day, 2010 by all 60 democrat senators. Many of these senators have come up for re-election since that terrible assault against free markets and lost seats in 2012 and in 2014, forced into early retirement by a thinking populace for good cause. Namely, lying to the American people who stupidly elected these rascals to the senate and congress to legislate on their behalf. As Americans are sometimes not paying attention in good times, you can bet they are very astute when something does not pass the smell test.
Let me count the lies which were disseminated to pass this Obamacare plan.
"If you like your insurance plan, you can keep it." President Barack Insane Obama.
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." President Barack Nowlame Obama.
"Premiums for the average American will drop $2500 a year." Barack Pentane Obama.
"The Obamacare IRS penalty is not a tax." Barack Germain Obama.
"The Obamacare IRS penalty is a tax." Chief Justice John Lawless Roberts.
"The Facts that the 2300 page law, as written, does not allow for people in states without a state insurance exchanges to receive tax subsidies is a typo." Congressman Jonathan Gruber D MIT.
"The law was written to encourage all 57 states to set up exchanges so as to qualify their citizens for the subsidies." Congressman Dr. Jonathan Gruber, D MIT
Mow, Congressman Gruber, I know you are a smart fellow when it comes to writing laws that will fit all 350 million Americans and their various conditions and needs, but your laws seem to have fatal flaws which are only now coming to light with its implementation.
A really smart fellow like you should have known, some states would refuse to set up exchanges as required by your brilliant legislation, passed in the cover of darkness by 2/3's of !/3 of our legislators that Black Christmas in Washington, DC after the famous Lame Hen, House Majority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, quacked "We are going to have to pass Obamacare to see what's in it."
And truer words were never spoken by a sitting congressman or woman.
The elections in 2010 were a vote of no confidence in a single issue before the electorate. It was not closing Gitmo, or the high cost of energy, or the billions wasted on bailouts to big bankers and insurance company giants like AIG or the knowing cover up of large banks bundling and selling toxic loans to unsuspecting rubes all across the fruited plains, something which is still being coverer up by Eric Holder, US Attorney General, Retired who used the full authority and weight of his position to make sure the big banks and their criminal enterprises would not come to light in a court of law, a few billions in fines to the US government in exchange for trillions in profits makes crime seem to pay quite well thank you.
And now how ironic that Mr. Holder finds himself hired by JP Morgan, as a special consultant, earning over $77 million a year. If the current republican senate had any balls they would not vote in a successor to this man until he answers some questions. And if he does manage to get out of government and take this sweetheart deal with the bankers, whom he let run a very profitable criminal enterprise, they should make sure he spends all of his ill gotten gains on legal fees for years to come. That would be sweet justice for this unethical lawyer who has no master but self-serving greed.
But this is another tale. He also needs to be seriously examined for his role in the gun running fiasco known as Fast and Furious, and why his office did not fully investigate Lois Lerner and the IRS mishandling of the Tea Party applications for tax free status.
Wait a moment. What's that, Dr. Jonathan Gruber is not a member of congress and he wrote the law. Well then it is unconstitutional since it is the version put forth by the senate and was never ratified by the congress through reconciliation. Well, maybe Dr. Gruber is correct, the American people are stupid, but this is not going to dissuade me from bringing a class action law suit against Dr. Gruber, because I am just that stupid.
I hope you will join me. Time for Gruber to come clean. Time to put up or shut up.
Sir, you have been served. See you in court.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"If voting made any difference, they would not let us do it." Mark Twain
Congressman Dr. Jonathan Gruber, Democrat from MIT, has written the Affordable Care Act, that 2300 page law which was hurriedly passed by the US Senate on Christmas Day, 2010 by all 60 democrat senators. Many of these senators have come up for re-election since that terrible assault against free markets and lost seats in 2012 and in 2014, forced into early retirement by a thinking populace for good cause. Namely, lying to the American people who stupidly elected these rascals to the senate and congress to legislate on their behalf. As Americans are sometimes not paying attention in good times, you can bet they are very astute when something does not pass the smell test.
Let me count the lies which were disseminated to pass this Obamacare plan.
"If you like your insurance plan, you can keep it." President Barack Insane Obama.
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." President Barack Nowlame Obama.
"Premiums for the average American will drop $2500 a year." Barack Pentane Obama.
"The Obamacare IRS penalty is not a tax." Barack Germain Obama.
"The Obamacare IRS penalty is a tax." Chief Justice John Lawless Roberts.
"The Facts that the 2300 page law, as written, does not allow for people in states without a state insurance exchanges to receive tax subsidies is a typo." Congressman Jonathan Gruber D MIT.
"The law was written to encourage all 57 states to set up exchanges so as to qualify their citizens for the subsidies." Congressman Dr. Jonathan Gruber, D MIT
Mow, Congressman Gruber, I know you are a smart fellow when it comes to writing laws that will fit all 350 million Americans and their various conditions and needs, but your laws seem to have fatal flaws which are only now coming to light with its implementation.
A really smart fellow like you should have known, some states would refuse to set up exchanges as required by your brilliant legislation, passed in the cover of darkness by 2/3's of !/3 of our legislators that Black Christmas in Washington, DC after the famous Lame Hen, House Majority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, quacked "We are going to have to pass Obamacare to see what's in it."
And truer words were never spoken by a sitting congressman or woman.
The elections in 2010 were a vote of no confidence in a single issue before the electorate. It was not closing Gitmo, or the high cost of energy, or the billions wasted on bailouts to big bankers and insurance company giants like AIG or the knowing cover up of large banks bundling and selling toxic loans to unsuspecting rubes all across the fruited plains, something which is still being coverer up by Eric Holder, US Attorney General, Retired who used the full authority and weight of his position to make sure the big banks and their criminal enterprises would not come to light in a court of law, a few billions in fines to the US government in exchange for trillions in profits makes crime seem to pay quite well thank you.
And now how ironic that Mr. Holder finds himself hired by JP Morgan, as a special consultant, earning over $77 million a year. If the current republican senate had any balls they would not vote in a successor to this man until he answers some questions. And if he does manage to get out of government and take this sweetheart deal with the bankers, whom he let run a very profitable criminal enterprise, they should make sure he spends all of his ill gotten gains on legal fees for years to come. That would be sweet justice for this unethical lawyer who has no master but self-serving greed.
But this is another tale. He also needs to be seriously examined for his role in the gun running fiasco known as Fast and Furious, and why his office did not fully investigate Lois Lerner and the IRS mishandling of the Tea Party applications for tax free status.
Wait a moment. What's that, Dr. Jonathan Gruber is not a member of congress and he wrote the law. Well then it is unconstitutional since it is the version put forth by the senate and was never ratified by the congress through reconciliation. Well, maybe Dr. Gruber is correct, the American people are stupid, but this is not going to dissuade me from bringing a class action law suit against Dr. Gruber, because I am just that stupid.
I hope you will join me. Time for Gruber to come clean. Time to put up or shut up.
Sir, you have been served. See you in court.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"If voting made any difference, they would not let us do it." Mark Twain
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Urban Poverty Law Center Strikes A Blow Against Tyranny Breaks Through The Boycott In Semi Valley
I have been in forced exile by the blog spot that did not bark. I so wanted to comment on Kaci Hickup, that nurse who returned with Ebola virons scattered all over her checked luggage and when stopped by Chris Christy in New Jersey and quarantined began to complain loudly like any spoiled lefty who is denied her constitutional rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Well Kaci, you may be harboring an Ebola trap for that lap dog boyfriend of yours, but how do you think the majority of us conservatives feel when your ilk and side of the political spectrum sees nothing wrong with disarming Americans by stomping on the second amendment? Sure you may infect a few of us with Ebola and it would be a tragedy in the short run, but taking our God given rights to protect ourselves? You and your leftist pals are fools to believe in the goodness of mankind. Look in the mirror and ask yourself if you can. Would I want to be with me if I had been in Ebola camps? But you are like too many millennial's these days who believe the rules of nature do not apply to you.
I hope you do not get Eboli but I pray you reconsider your position on public health. If Aids had been properly quarantined in the 80's we would not be experiencing the dearth of interior decorators and perhaps movies and theater productions would have not suffered so of poor quality. We lost a lot of talent with the passing of our 30 something's homosexual friends.
Final insult: You are no Florence Nightingale but you are a nurse, a rather self-centered and fool=hearty one. But our constitution applies equally to the genius and the fool, and both have votes. My advice to you is to never tempt fate and go back to help with those afflicted with Ebola. Pride before the fall?
Now on to the drubbing President Ebola just witnessed. These results are a complete rebuke of his poor leadership, both in style and substance. His remake of America needs remaking. Ninety three millions out of work, fifty-four millions on assistance, and now we need to import millions upon millions of unskilled low wage, for now, workers to trim your hedges and mow your interstates, and make your beds in your fancy hotels?
Really Mr. President, really? I was having trouble keeping my children out of mischief when they were very young and I needed a nanny, looked all over the place none could be had back in 1988, I tried to sponsor a Filipino woman and the state department advised I would have to try harder for an American to fill the position. What happened at state over the past two and a half decades? Is it time to break out the old get an American first letter out to President Ebolo pals?
Well, I just got my first warning my diatribe has been read and censured over at Google Gestapo. I will cut this short and try to break on through.
Congratulations to the Republicans who broke the chain and stopped the bleeding.
Mitch may not be the next majority leader if he does not take his panties off and pull up a pair of real big boy man underpants. Reid has already warned him the voters now expect them to cooperate. Ha ha ha ha ha!
Second red flash from GG Will post in haste.
Jackson Delano Maybolt President Urban Poverty Law Center
Well Kaci, you may be harboring an Ebola trap for that lap dog boyfriend of yours, but how do you think the majority of us conservatives feel when your ilk and side of the political spectrum sees nothing wrong with disarming Americans by stomping on the second amendment? Sure you may infect a few of us with Ebola and it would be a tragedy in the short run, but taking our God given rights to protect ourselves? You and your leftist pals are fools to believe in the goodness of mankind. Look in the mirror and ask yourself if you can. Would I want to be with me if I had been in Ebola camps? But you are like too many millennial's these days who believe the rules of nature do not apply to you.
I hope you do not get Eboli but I pray you reconsider your position on public health. If Aids had been properly quarantined in the 80's we would not be experiencing the dearth of interior decorators and perhaps movies and theater productions would have not suffered so of poor quality. We lost a lot of talent with the passing of our 30 something's homosexual friends.
Final insult: You are no Florence Nightingale but you are a nurse, a rather self-centered and fool=hearty one. But our constitution applies equally to the genius and the fool, and both have votes. My advice to you is to never tempt fate and go back to help with those afflicted with Ebola. Pride before the fall?
Now on to the drubbing President Ebola just witnessed. These results are a complete rebuke of his poor leadership, both in style and substance. His remake of America needs remaking. Ninety three millions out of work, fifty-four millions on assistance, and now we need to import millions upon millions of unskilled low wage, for now, workers to trim your hedges and mow your interstates, and make your beds in your fancy hotels?
Really Mr. President, really? I was having trouble keeping my children out of mischief when they were very young and I needed a nanny, looked all over the place none could be had back in 1988, I tried to sponsor a Filipino woman and the state department advised I would have to try harder for an American to fill the position. What happened at state over the past two and a half decades? Is it time to break out the old get an American first letter out to President Ebolo pals?
Well, I just got my first warning my diatribe has been read and censured over at Google Gestapo. I will cut this short and try to break on through.
Congratulations to the Republicans who broke the chain and stopped the bleeding.
Mitch may not be the next majority leader if he does not take his panties off and pull up a pair of real big boy man underpants. Reid has already warned him the voters now expect them to cooperate. Ha ha ha ha ha!
Second red flash from GG Will post in haste.
Jackson Delano Maybolt President Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Contamination Of American Hospitals With Obama's Ebola Virons Is Not The Proper Public Health Answer, The Urban Poverty Law Center's Plan
We are now in our third week of the Obama Policy Failure AKA, Ebola Patient Zero, that kindly 40 year oldish Liberian national who managed to get himself exposed to Ebola in his native land, buy an airline ticket, and ride his dreams over to Dallas where he quickly sickened and presented to a hospital for treatment.
While receiving the best of care, racking up half a million dollars of expenses, nurses and doctors and lab and X-ray technicians all in rubber suits tended to his needs, but all for naught. He succumbed to his illness. What contributed to this man's demise. Would one more blood count have made any difference? Were the daily chest x-rays necessary to see that his lungs were dissolving on time?
And now we see that President O's, read ZerO's, policy has finally seen some growth. Now we learn Patient Zero, here in America because of President Zero, has passed his illness to patients One and patient two. Both health care workers involved in his care in the hospital where Zero spent his final hours dissolving away and shedding trillions upon trillions of tiny particles.
Here is the meat of this diatribe. Hospitals must be EBOLA FREE ZONES! Public health officials must immediately reactivate unused public buildings and adapt them for quarantining and terminal care of the afflicted. The patients must be isolated and placed in areas all alone in negative pressure environments and the only contact with health care workers is across an impermeable barrier. Reverse bubble boy. It needs to be done now. After the death, the remains need to be incinerated or the cubicle which must be able to be sealed could be taken off and buried in a toxic landfill site near Washington DC.
What to do with the ones who live? They will be shedding viruses for weeks, up to a month in semen, so they must go through quarantining for about a year, in Guantanamo with other survivors. Will they become our walking dead?
I cannot guess, but what I do believe is that drastic steps must be taken now and all talk of money needs to be hushed. This is the biggest challenge we will face in our lifetime. We must not fall short for anything but victory means death.
I publicly call upon, the Bill and Linda Gates Foundation, and the Clinton Foundations to enact policies to fund these EBOLA CONTAINMENT CENTERS and cut the red tape.
I can build the prototype here in Cedar Grove and have it up and running in a little over three days if I have a billion dollars.
What is it going to be America? Sit back and wait for our sclerotic federal government to screw it up as usual or let our private enterprise take over and save our great nation. I will place my bets on Haliburton over President Zero and his merry clowns at the Centers For Disease Control.
Live Free or Die?
Ebola, this gift from President ZERO, must be enslaved now.
Get your Stop Ebola Now bumper stickers from my online store.
All jokes aside, this is serious shit!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center, creator of the EBOLA CONTAINMENT HEALTH CENTERS,LLC
While receiving the best of care, racking up half a million dollars of expenses, nurses and doctors and lab and X-ray technicians all in rubber suits tended to his needs, but all for naught. He succumbed to his illness. What contributed to this man's demise. Would one more blood count have made any difference? Were the daily chest x-rays necessary to see that his lungs were dissolving on time?
And now we see that President O's, read ZerO's, policy has finally seen some growth. Now we learn Patient Zero, here in America because of President Zero, has passed his illness to patients One and patient two. Both health care workers involved in his care in the hospital where Zero spent his final hours dissolving away and shedding trillions upon trillions of tiny particles.
Here is the meat of this diatribe. Hospitals must be EBOLA FREE ZONES! Public health officials must immediately reactivate unused public buildings and adapt them for quarantining and terminal care of the afflicted. The patients must be isolated and placed in areas all alone in negative pressure environments and the only contact with health care workers is across an impermeable barrier. Reverse bubble boy. It needs to be done now. After the death, the remains need to be incinerated or the cubicle which must be able to be sealed could be taken off and buried in a toxic landfill site near Washington DC.
What to do with the ones who live? They will be shedding viruses for weeks, up to a month in semen, so they must go through quarantining for about a year, in Guantanamo with other survivors. Will they become our walking dead?
I cannot guess, but what I do believe is that drastic steps must be taken now and all talk of money needs to be hushed. This is the biggest challenge we will face in our lifetime. We must not fall short for anything but victory means death.
I publicly call upon, the Bill and Linda Gates Foundation, and the Clinton Foundations to enact policies to fund these EBOLA CONTAINMENT CENTERS and cut the red tape.
I can build the prototype here in Cedar Grove and have it up and running in a little over three days if I have a billion dollars.
What is it going to be America? Sit back and wait for our sclerotic federal government to screw it up as usual or let our private enterprise take over and save our great nation. I will place my bets on Haliburton over President Zero and his merry clowns at the Centers For Disease Control.
Live Free or Die?
Ebola, this gift from President ZERO, must be enslaved now.
Get your Stop Ebola Now bumper stickers from my online store.
All jokes aside, this is serious shit!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center, creator of the EBOLA CONTAINMENT HEALTH CENTERS,LLC
President Obama
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Urban Poverty Law Center Public Policy On Gay Marriage In Conservative States: Ride The Wave!
I am forced to briefly address the Gay marriage controversy by the Supreme Courts decision to allow the lower courts to brush aside the will of the people. Their decision not to address the states rights issue is essentially a green light for wedding bells to ring loud all over the country. Perhaps the Gay wedding chapels can be upstairs above the abortion clinics to remind everybody in the conservative states why both are immoral but legal.
But I digress.
States set fees for licenses. A marriage license could be set at one fee for marriages that may result in biological reproduction of citizens, let us say $100, so the very poor would have to save up to jump into the mix, and if the state determines no biological reproduction could directly result from the union due to same sex partners, then the fee should be say $10,000.
Oh, but it is unfair and a tax on the gay community. Well tell that to the smokers, the drinkers, those that buy expensive yachts and park them in other states to avoid punitive state sales taxes. The gay community pays the same tax as the community at large until they self identify by marriage, then some of the costs can be shifted to those who have benefited from Aids research and other public health costs they have a responsibility to reimburse the public tax trough.
I do not wish to be labeled a homophobe, because I do not think I have given it much thought, but if the majority of the society feels gay marriage is morally wrong in one state, then that state can accept it if forced to do so but can, through taxation, make the best of a bad situation and a gay marriage tax seems to be the most logical response.
But Jack what to do if the state where they married was a low marriage license state and they move to a high state marriage license fee? Simple, do not recognize it as legal until they pay the tax in the state. Same for traditional marriages, but at the lower nominal fee. Can't get a drivers license without having paid the tax if your are married. Or Vote? State income tax forms may have a line about this as well.
This is America and you have to pay to play.
The Gay Marriage Tax an idea whose time has come.
Some have complained about the Marriage Penalty encoded in the federal tax statutes for decades, it is still there.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
But I digress.
States set fees for licenses. A marriage license could be set at one fee for marriages that may result in biological reproduction of citizens, let us say $100, so the very poor would have to save up to jump into the mix, and if the state determines no biological reproduction could directly result from the union due to same sex partners, then the fee should be say $10,000.
Oh, but it is unfair and a tax on the gay community. Well tell that to the smokers, the drinkers, those that buy expensive yachts and park them in other states to avoid punitive state sales taxes. The gay community pays the same tax as the community at large until they self identify by marriage, then some of the costs can be shifted to those who have benefited from Aids research and other public health costs they have a responsibility to reimburse the public tax trough.
I do not wish to be labeled a homophobe, because I do not think I have given it much thought, but if the majority of the society feels gay marriage is morally wrong in one state, then that state can accept it if forced to do so but can, through taxation, make the best of a bad situation and a gay marriage tax seems to be the most logical response.
But Jack what to do if the state where they married was a low marriage license state and they move to a high state marriage license fee? Simple, do not recognize it as legal until they pay the tax in the state. Same for traditional marriages, but at the lower nominal fee. Can't get a drivers license without having paid the tax if your are married. Or Vote? State income tax forms may have a line about this as well.
This is America and you have to pay to play.
The Gay Marriage Tax an idea whose time has come.
Some have complained about the Marriage Penalty encoded in the federal tax statutes for decades, it is still there.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Urban Poverty Law Center And The Washington Redskins: Name That Team
I have been giving very little thought of late about the controversy which has taken the nation's media nincompoops by storm. American football teams have always striven for mascots which project a certain amount of power. This falls even to the most beginner leagues. Not too many mascots are chosen which project weakness.
I wanted to call my 5th grade basketball team the "turtles", but my father who was the coach forbid it and we became the Main Street Elementary Panty Liners.
The play by play on the radio went something like this: Maybolt, has the ball at the point for the Panty Liners. He passes the ball off to Johnson, the big 5 foot inch Panty Liner, who plays center, fakes left and drives to the basket, he shoots, and scores! Main Street Elementary Panty Liners take the lead from the East End Elementary Scaredy Cats.
Now the manufactured outrage over the Washington Redskins choice of mascots is ridiculous. It is just a football team. How does one know it is a reference to Native Americans and not to us pigmentedly challenged citizens after a week at the beach. As a pale sunbather I often became a redskin at some cost to my comfort.
Well, as all things go once the intellectually challenged set sights on someone or something, it is inevitable the name will fall. Therefore I have taken the time to take the following internet domain names in hopes I can sell it some day soon to the Washington Panty Liners.
Washington Rebskins
Washington Edskins
Washington Redskims
Washington Redslims
Washington Wedskins (just how Elmer Fudd would say Washington Redskins)
Washington Bledskins
Washington Ledskins (just how our Japanese friends would say Washington Ledskins)
Washington Lobbiest
Washington DeeCees
Washington Turtles (My favorite)
I have thankfully lost interest in this subject and I am sorry to subject you to this nonsense.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
I wanted to call my 5th grade basketball team the "turtles", but my father who was the coach forbid it and we became the Main Street Elementary Panty Liners.
The play by play on the radio went something like this: Maybolt, has the ball at the point for the Panty Liners. He passes the ball off to Johnson, the big 5 foot inch Panty Liner, who plays center, fakes left and drives to the basket, he shoots, and scores! Main Street Elementary Panty Liners take the lead from the East End Elementary Scaredy Cats.
Now the manufactured outrage over the Washington Redskins choice of mascots is ridiculous. It is just a football team. How does one know it is a reference to Native Americans and not to us pigmentedly challenged citizens after a week at the beach. As a pale sunbather I often became a redskin at some cost to my comfort.
Well, as all things go once the intellectually challenged set sights on someone or something, it is inevitable the name will fall. Therefore I have taken the time to take the following internet domain names in hopes I can sell it some day soon to the Washington Panty Liners.
Washington Rebskins
Washington Edskins
Washington Redskims
Washington Redslims
Washington Wedskins (just how Elmer Fudd would say Washington Redskins)
Washington Bledskins
Washington Ledskins (just how our Japanese friends would say Washington Ledskins)
Washington Lobbiest
Washington DeeCees
Washington Turtles (My favorite)
I have thankfully lost interest in this subject and I am sorry to subject you to this nonsense.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Bring Out Yee Dead! How Obama's Ebola Policy And Open Borders Will Kill The American Middle Class.
I may be an alarmist. But if the way the government dealt with the last deadly communicable disease is any clue, these knuckleheads, who wax poetic and issue decrees from their glass ensconced high rises, shuffling papers hither and yon, will screw this one up too.
Aids, a virus, was suspected of infecting and killing gays and transmitted via unsafe sex. No quarantine was necessary. Because of this hundreds perhaps thousands more were infected and a billion dollar industry was developed to treat these unfortunates who contracted the disease after its cause and mode of transmission was determined.
This was back in the 80's when Gays were as yet not protected by the endangered species act. The Center for Disease Control in its infinite wisdom felt picking out a small subsegment of our population with peculiar sexual proclivities would be politically incorrect and though they represent only 2% of the general population they vocalize as though they are 98%. Nothing was done to control the spread and many more were infected and died for this poorly thought out public health policy.
Is the CDC going to drop the ball on this one which is much more contagious and more immediately deadly than the aids virus?
If what I believe is true about government bureaucracies the CDC is filled with inexperienced political pals of Clinton, Bush, and Obama. They probably could not tell the difference from Ebola and Ricolla. One is a cough drop and the other is a deadly virus which after an infected patient coughs on you, you drop.
But don't worry we have our best people on it. We have what's his or her name at the head of the CDC who is wishing now that someone else was in charge. Someone has written a protocol to deal with this epidemic.
CDC Ebola Protocol: If you come in contact with a possible Ebola patient put on your space suit with diving bell helmet with a supply of uncontaminated air.
1. When you have finished with the patient, wash your hands in gasoline and light them, allow them to burn for 15 seconds then put the flames out and dress your burns.
2. Do not breathe when interviewing a febrile patient with coughing and sneezing.
3. Do not drink after them or finish a half eaten sandwich from a patient's tray.
4. Do not have sexual contact unless it is gay sex, only then is it ok.
5. Ebola and many common viruses begin with fever.
6. Quarantining is for sissies.
7. If God wants you to get Ebola, you will get Ebola.
8. Do not panic.
9. We have plans early next year for a symposium to discuss where we go from here.
10. Good luck.
Our only hope in America is if we are descendants from Europeans who lived through the black death in the 1300's which is now believed to be caused by an Ebola virus that we may have some innate immunity.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Aids, a virus, was suspected of infecting and killing gays and transmitted via unsafe sex. No quarantine was necessary. Because of this hundreds perhaps thousands more were infected and a billion dollar industry was developed to treat these unfortunates who contracted the disease after its cause and mode of transmission was determined.
This was back in the 80's when Gays were as yet not protected by the endangered species act. The Center for Disease Control in its infinite wisdom felt picking out a small subsegment of our population with peculiar sexual proclivities would be politically incorrect and though they represent only 2% of the general population they vocalize as though they are 98%. Nothing was done to control the spread and many more were infected and died for this poorly thought out public health policy.
Is the CDC going to drop the ball on this one which is much more contagious and more immediately deadly than the aids virus?
If what I believe is true about government bureaucracies the CDC is filled with inexperienced political pals of Clinton, Bush, and Obama. They probably could not tell the difference from Ebola and Ricolla. One is a cough drop and the other is a deadly virus which after an infected patient coughs on you, you drop.
But don't worry we have our best people on it. We have what's his or her name at the head of the CDC who is wishing now that someone else was in charge. Someone has written a protocol to deal with this epidemic.
CDC Ebola Protocol: If you come in contact with a possible Ebola patient put on your space suit with diving bell helmet with a supply of uncontaminated air.
1. When you have finished with the patient, wash your hands in gasoline and light them, allow them to burn for 15 seconds then put the flames out and dress your burns.
2. Do not breathe when interviewing a febrile patient with coughing and sneezing.
3. Do not drink after them or finish a half eaten sandwich from a patient's tray.
4. Do not have sexual contact unless it is gay sex, only then is it ok.
5. Ebola and many common viruses begin with fever.
6. Quarantining is for sissies.
7. If God wants you to get Ebola, you will get Ebola.
8. Do not panic.
9. We have plans early next year for a symposium to discuss where we go from here.
10. Good luck.
Our only hope in America is if we are descendants from Europeans who lived through the black death in the 1300's which is now believed to be caused by an Ebola virus that we may have some innate immunity.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Eric Holder United States Attorney General Out, Ebola In; How The Obama Administration Will Fall On This Import From Africa
Eric Holder has fled this Obama administration to land his plush crony capitalism job reeking in $77,000,000 a year in compensation to make sure his employers are first in line at the taxpayer funded governmental piggy trough. I have pulled out all my money from J. P Morgan and suggest you do the same. To support these rapscallions is immoral.
The Obama administration is beginning to unravel. The media, sensing something is amiss, are starting to question this flash in the pan politico from Hawaii via Indonesia and Chicago who forced queen Hillary to put off her ascension to the throne for eight long wrinkled years.
Now we find American and European journalist losing their heads because of Obama fueled failures in George Bush's Middle East. Obama is mocked by Putin and every tin horned Arab-Islamist separatist who screams and believes America is the Great Satan. And oil has fallen below $95 a barrel due in large part by America's newly found oil independence from foreign oil, brought to us in spite of every governmental regulation to hobble our domestic oil producers by North American engineering prowess.
The geopolitical importance of the Middle East should be left to the Russians and the Chinese and the economies of the region who need to buy or limit the supply of oil out of these kingdoms. Americans must insist our leaders pull back our presence in the area and let those with strategic interests in these politics stand up while we stand down. Keeping Israel safe is still in our best interest in the area.
And now Ebola has landed in Dallas, Texas brought to us by two Africans, one in the office of the presidency and the other was the poor sap who boarded the plane for Dallas from Liberia. Reasonable immigration policy is proactive and not reactive. Talk about closing the barn door after the horse has left! The Obama administration has bungled everything from border control to terrorism, and now it has bungled its responsibility to serve and protect the American public.
You and I cannot set policy on who crosses our borders, Barry, the shill, Obama, sets this policy. Is he incompetent? Is he? Who are these narcissist who think leading is easy. The hard choices are avoided and everything is a high school student government equivalence. Look around Barry and Eric, this is not high school no matter how much dope you smoke. This is our world. This is our country. We deserve leaders who take their responsibilities seriously. What about Benghazi, where were you?
You have fumbled national security, you have economic policies that stifle growth, you have dropped national health security, and you have set race relations back 50 years. The Ebola fiasco should bring your administration down to sub-Carterian levels in our history books and you will be able to look back at what a colossal failure yours was and the national disgrace you have become.
Who admires a failure? Putin, ISIS, Israel, Americans? And now India has sent a satellite to Mars for only 87 million dollars--only $10 million more than Eric Holder will rake in every year from JP Morgan. American exceptionalism has ended under Obama's watch for our economy, our borders, our health-care, our safety nets, our military, our race relations, and worst of all in our government. A world without borders and laws is a dangerous place.
Our media has finally awakened and your hall pass has been revoked.
God bless and keep America safe, we need Him even more with this level of incompetence!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, Ebola-Free for 61 years, President Urban Poverty Law Center
The only American exceptionalism left is that government to crony capitalism revolving door that Eric Holder has breached. Good Grief.
The Obama administration is beginning to unravel. The media, sensing something is amiss, are starting to question this flash in the pan politico from Hawaii via Indonesia and Chicago who forced queen Hillary to put off her ascension to the throne for eight long wrinkled years.
Now we find American and European journalist losing their heads because of Obama fueled failures in George Bush's Middle East. Obama is mocked by Putin and every tin horned Arab-Islamist separatist who screams and believes America is the Great Satan. And oil has fallen below $95 a barrel due in large part by America's newly found oil independence from foreign oil, brought to us in spite of every governmental regulation to hobble our domestic oil producers by North American engineering prowess.
The geopolitical importance of the Middle East should be left to the Russians and the Chinese and the economies of the region who need to buy or limit the supply of oil out of these kingdoms. Americans must insist our leaders pull back our presence in the area and let those with strategic interests in these politics stand up while we stand down. Keeping Israel safe is still in our best interest in the area.
And now Ebola has landed in Dallas, Texas brought to us by two Africans, one in the office of the presidency and the other was the poor sap who boarded the plane for Dallas from Liberia. Reasonable immigration policy is proactive and not reactive. Talk about closing the barn door after the horse has left! The Obama administration has bungled everything from border control to terrorism, and now it has bungled its responsibility to serve and protect the American public.
You and I cannot set policy on who crosses our borders, Barry, the shill, Obama, sets this policy. Is he incompetent? Is he? Who are these narcissist who think leading is easy. The hard choices are avoided and everything is a high school student government equivalence. Look around Barry and Eric, this is not high school no matter how much dope you smoke. This is our world. This is our country. We deserve leaders who take their responsibilities seriously. What about Benghazi, where were you?
You have fumbled national security, you have economic policies that stifle growth, you have dropped national health security, and you have set race relations back 50 years. The Ebola fiasco should bring your administration down to sub-Carterian levels in our history books and you will be able to look back at what a colossal failure yours was and the national disgrace you have become.
Who admires a failure? Putin, ISIS, Israel, Americans? And now India has sent a satellite to Mars for only 87 million dollars--only $10 million more than Eric Holder will rake in every year from JP Morgan. American exceptionalism has ended under Obama's watch for our economy, our borders, our health-care, our safety nets, our military, our race relations, and worst of all in our government. A world without borders and laws is a dangerous place.
Our media has finally awakened and your hall pass has been revoked.
God bless and keep America safe, we need Him even more with this level of incompetence!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, Ebola-Free for 61 years, President Urban Poverty Law Center
The only American exceptionalism left is that government to crony capitalism revolving door that Eric Holder has breached. Good Grief.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know But Didn't. The Urban Poverty Law Center Rules Of Engagement.
1. Never argue with a liberal. They cannot think. They live in a fantasy world. Drugs?
2. "If voting made any difference, they would not let us do it." Mark Twain.
3. I say let us all pay the global warming tax so we never have to listen to the lie repeated over and over from Al Gore's lying lips to every animal planet show. Enough already.
4. DDT will make a come back as soon as the first case of malaria hits Martha's Vineyard.
5. When you take the gun out of gun control all you are left with is control.
6. Every bedroom has a closet, time for all sexual persuasions to use them again. I do not want to think about my parent's sex life let alone yours and I will not bore you with mine.
7. If Hillary Clinton is going to be the first female president, she must first be elected.
8. President Obama has done well with the gifts God gave him. A pleasant baritone voice and impeccable reading skills.
9. The oil in the Middle East is of lesser and lesser importance to America now that we produce more than we can use.
10. The government is a giant make work scheme for the barely employable. Idiots have to eat too.
11. The unemployable get welfare.
12. Jackson Delano Maybolt is a genius and president of the Urban Poverty Law Center.
2. "If voting made any difference, they would not let us do it." Mark Twain.
3. I say let us all pay the global warming tax so we never have to listen to the lie repeated over and over from Al Gore's lying lips to every animal planet show. Enough already.
4. DDT will make a come back as soon as the first case of malaria hits Martha's Vineyard.
5. When you take the gun out of gun control all you are left with is control.
6. Every bedroom has a closet, time for all sexual persuasions to use them again. I do not want to think about my parent's sex life let alone yours and I will not bore you with mine.
7. If Hillary Clinton is going to be the first female president, she must first be elected.
8. President Obama has done well with the gifts God gave him. A pleasant baritone voice and impeccable reading skills.
9. The oil in the Middle East is of lesser and lesser importance to America now that we produce more than we can use.
10. The government is a giant make work scheme for the barely employable. Idiots have to eat too.
11. The unemployable get welfare.
12. Jackson Delano Maybolt is a genius and president of the Urban Poverty Law Center.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Urban Poverty Law Center: Should The Scots Leave Should The United States Cede Back Into The United Kingdom?
If Scotland pulls out of the UK, the United States will be presented with a once in a millennium chance. She could vote to rejoin the UK and fill the void of the ill thought out Scottish move.
The American tax payer would be off the hook for is current bloated government, a whopping 3.1 trillion dollar windfall with which the economy could be brought back from life-support to vigor.
The UK would have no problem absorbing our health care into their National Health Service and the cost would be much less that that provided to our citizens by the uproariously funny and ironically named "Affordable Care Act."
The house and senate could be closed and the barricades around the White House could come down and the whole kit and caboodle could be turned into a theme park to celebrate 200 years of freedom with only a hand full of blemishes such as the Civil War and the pillaging of the South after the war and the problems with former slaves and our Native American issues and who can forget the war on women, prohibition, and the war on drugs and our problem assimilating our Mexican neighbors, and our political class and its corruption and open raid on the treasury.
It is still a nice place to call home here in fly-over country. But I like idea of ceding back into the UK now that King George is long gone and we again have taxation without representation.
The way I see it the parliament would provide good government for a couple of hundred years or more. Wouldn't be nice if governments competed for the people and not against the people.
Put US out for bid. Then let the people decide.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
The American tax payer would be off the hook for is current bloated government, a whopping 3.1 trillion dollar windfall with which the economy could be brought back from life-support to vigor.
The UK would have no problem absorbing our health care into their National Health Service and the cost would be much less that that provided to our citizens by the uproariously funny and ironically named "Affordable Care Act."
The house and senate could be closed and the barricades around the White House could come down and the whole kit and caboodle could be turned into a theme park to celebrate 200 years of freedom with only a hand full of blemishes such as the Civil War and the pillaging of the South after the war and the problems with former slaves and our Native American issues and who can forget the war on women, prohibition, and the war on drugs and our problem assimilating our Mexican neighbors, and our political class and its corruption and open raid on the treasury.
It is still a nice place to call home here in fly-over country. But I like idea of ceding back into the UK now that King George is long gone and we again have taxation without representation.
The way I see it the parliament would provide good government for a couple of hundred years or more. Wouldn't be nice if governments competed for the people and not against the people.
Put US out for bid. Then let the people decide.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
United Kingdom,
urban poverty law center
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Urban Poverty Law Center Reach Back: Did President Bill Clinton Predict Current Middle East Caliphate?
I was thinking back over the past two decades in American politics and we have had some great moments, you and I. The Clinton years were filled with sex and imbroglios soon after the senator from Oregan, Packwood, or Packingwood, was drummed out by that phrenetic femanist Senator Babs Boxer, who called him out every night on the evening news for kissing beautiful women with whom he was not in a relationship. A kiss is just a kiss but President Clinton is alleged to have showed his trouser monkey to Paula Jones and invited her to lick "little willie" when he was govenor of Arkansas and she a low level state employee. The lying started after the suit was brought against our vaulted statesman by Ms Jones and a judge allowed the case to proceed against a sitting president. Now don't get me wrong, I like sex just as much as these two fellows and more probably more than Barbara Boxer, but as my father used to say, "If it weren't for parties and alcohol, none of us would be here." I suspect Senator Boxer has a couple of children and, dollars to doughnuts, alcohol was involved in those rare acts of lewd decadence.
Remember when Packwoody resigned, the Democrat governor of Oregan was allowed to appoint the senator to fill out the remaining term of Mr. Packwood and this threw the senate over to the democrats who can always count on that socialist worm Bernie Saunders from Vermont to caucus with them. Enter Bill, the pants prod, Clinton. Now we have a sexual preditor in the White House who is taking sexual favors from interns who are nearly 30 years his junior. Great work if you can get it.
President Clinton was asked in a presser about lying to the American People and perjuring himself in front of a grand jury and his reply was,I believe, a prediction of current events with the Middle East band of goatherds who for sport lop heads off journalist from America, ISIS. He said that day: "It depends upon what the meaning of ISIS."
Mr. President getting head, giving head and losing one's head has everything and nothing to do with the meaning of ISIS.
I hope President Obama is paying attention.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center
Remember when Packwoody resigned, the Democrat governor of Oregan was allowed to appoint the senator to fill out the remaining term of Mr. Packwood and this threw the senate over to the democrats who can always count on that socialist worm Bernie Saunders from Vermont to caucus with them. Enter Bill, the pants prod, Clinton. Now we have a sexual preditor in the White House who is taking sexual favors from interns who are nearly 30 years his junior. Great work if you can get it.
President Clinton was asked in a presser about lying to the American People and perjuring himself in front of a grand jury and his reply was,I believe, a prediction of current events with the Middle East band of goatherds who for sport lop heads off journalist from America, ISIS. He said that day: "It depends upon what the meaning of ISIS."
Mr. President getting head, giving head and losing one's head has everything and nothing to do with the meaning of ISIS.
I hope President Obama is paying attention.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Urban Poverty Law Center : A Tribute To Time. Ambassador Stevens Where Art Thou?
As we fast forward towards 9-11 all bets are off as to what our new friends in the Middle East have for our enlightenment this year. Two years ago, according to the sagging Hillary Clinton, our diplomatic outpost in Benghazi was attacked by a group of Libyan "Teens" out for a walk after soccer practice and our US ambassador John Stevens and three other American Patriots fought off the wayward "Teens" for 8 hrs hoping against hope the US military at the direction of our distinguished Commander in Chief would send in the calvary or perhaps a gunship or two.
But, alas the brilliant decision makers in their safe areas in Washington, DC thought the unarmed Ambassador and three ex-navy seals could probably fight their way out against a poorly equipped Libyan soccer club. Cooler heads prevailed and the decision not to escalate that tense situation in Libya proved to be bad for Stevens and the others, but better for the United States if it is the one issue that keeps the former Secretary of State, from becoming president.
Her handling of the Steven's Benghazi massacre is a clear signal she is inept and not suited for CIC duties. She is a natural born wanna be political hack. She rode Bill Clinton's coat tails to the White House where she got some really fine china and silverware when they left and was catapulted into a New York Senate seat by a fawning press and a Yankee electorate too stupid to think what they were doing. Electing a cattle futures trading self-indulgent cleptocrat to office is not in any of our best interest. We know she can be bought, but at what price to you and me.
If she is the 2016 democrat nominee and she wins we can look forward to another graft and corruption filled 8 years of crony capitalism politics as usual where the insiders are safe to trade and pillage the nations treasures with no controlling legal authority to hold them in check.
One can only hope she will manage to keep the trains running on time. At least that is something.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
But, alas the brilliant decision makers in their safe areas in Washington, DC thought the unarmed Ambassador and three ex-navy seals could probably fight their way out against a poorly equipped Libyan soccer club. Cooler heads prevailed and the decision not to escalate that tense situation in Libya proved to be bad for Stevens and the others, but better for the United States if it is the one issue that keeps the former Secretary of State, from becoming president.
Her handling of the Steven's Benghazi massacre is a clear signal she is inept and not suited for CIC duties. She is a natural born wanna be political hack. She rode Bill Clinton's coat tails to the White House where she got some really fine china and silverware when they left and was catapulted into a New York Senate seat by a fawning press and a Yankee electorate too stupid to think what they were doing. Electing a cattle futures trading self-indulgent cleptocrat to office is not in any of our best interest. We know she can be bought, but at what price to you and me.
If she is the 2016 democrat nominee and she wins we can look forward to another graft and corruption filled 8 years of crony capitalism politics as usual where the insiders are safe to trade and pillage the nations treasures with no controlling legal authority to hold them in check.
One can only hope she will manage to keep the trains running on time. At least that is something.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Urban Poverty Law Center Cheers For President Obama's ISIS Strategery
Sometimes in some situations the best thing to do is to do nothing. Think of the treasure and blood Americans would have saved if Bush 43 had held firm against the Military Industrial Complex and its bankers of the Money Industrial Complex and avoided trapsing into Iraq and Afghanistan to let them know "that oil belongs to the Iraqi people!", and those poppies belong to the CIA?
President Obama is trying to walk that dog back with his new strategery in dealing with the 8th century goatherds of the ME. When rival goatherds wish to play kickball using a new freshly severed head from the other guys team, it is best to keep as far out of that rivalry as humanly possible. Poor pressman Foley got caught up in the games and became an unwilling donor, with his contribution forgotten by the gameskeepers before his body fell headless to the dusty carpet and his gallon and a half of blood made the stain marking his demise.
What of the oil? Why what is to become of the oil? Prices will plummet when it falls to ISIS because they will sell for cheap, as the comrades from ISIS are not currently members in good standing with OPEC. In fact from what I can gather with the chantings coming forth from our allies in Saud, the ISIS rabble have their sights set on these golden plutocrats and their fortunes.
Timing is bad for these potentates. The US has gone and got its own secure oil supplies in spite of a governmental policy that was trying to restrict this by all means. Now the dollar and our government is at risk should the ISIS folkes agree to take the Chinese currency as a means of trade and rebuke the greenback which should be henceforth called the greenie, since ours is the strongest desire to make the environment cleaner and greener.
The boys at the Federal Reserve Bank are doing their level best by printing all the money Obama and Co can spend, but it is not making the planet more habitable, it is just used to enrich more of the fabulously rich insiders.
Ron Paul, the Libertarian, spilled the beans on his C Span interview last night when he stated the obvious. The government is out to benefit the government, and the people are viewed with derision and as problems. Not a good attitude for our civil servants to entertain.
Governments are like dogs. If it bites the hand that feeds it, is should be retrained or if that fails it should be euthanized and a new puppy obtained one that is mindful and happy to comply with the master.
A bad dog like bad government is not worth the time, effort, or money to retrain when pups are so plentiful and pups willing to go into government are so many. Our government is not house broken, but it is broken. The corruption of the various departments, and using the IRS against the house is like a pit bull in a pre-school. Something is wrong when the powers have to arm themselves against their own people. This is a sign they know they are over the line.
I do not know what the next dog will be like, but I suspect it will not be a black and white stray, but will be more likely a full blue blood white like Canklee Clinton, or Jeb Bush, or a solid black like Ben Carson MD.
That poodle in the white house may be making the right choice in dealing with ISIS as long as they do not cross the southern border and start playing lop-a-head at our shopping malls or playgrounds.
Let the struggle in the ME play out. Someone will win, let us just keep off the playing field until we have some skin in the game.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
President Obama is trying to walk that dog back with his new strategery in dealing with the 8th century goatherds of the ME. When rival goatherds wish to play kickball using a new freshly severed head from the other guys team, it is best to keep as far out of that rivalry as humanly possible. Poor pressman Foley got caught up in the games and became an unwilling donor, with his contribution forgotten by the gameskeepers before his body fell headless to the dusty carpet and his gallon and a half of blood made the stain marking his demise.
What of the oil? Why what is to become of the oil? Prices will plummet when it falls to ISIS because they will sell for cheap, as the comrades from ISIS are not currently members in good standing with OPEC. In fact from what I can gather with the chantings coming forth from our allies in Saud, the ISIS rabble have their sights set on these golden plutocrats and their fortunes.
Timing is bad for these potentates. The US has gone and got its own secure oil supplies in spite of a governmental policy that was trying to restrict this by all means. Now the dollar and our government is at risk should the ISIS folkes agree to take the Chinese currency as a means of trade and rebuke the greenback which should be henceforth called the greenie, since ours is the strongest desire to make the environment cleaner and greener.
The boys at the Federal Reserve Bank are doing their level best by printing all the money Obama and Co can spend, but it is not making the planet more habitable, it is just used to enrich more of the fabulously rich insiders.
Ron Paul, the Libertarian, spilled the beans on his C Span interview last night when he stated the obvious. The government is out to benefit the government, and the people are viewed with derision and as problems. Not a good attitude for our civil servants to entertain.
Governments are like dogs. If it bites the hand that feeds it, is should be retrained or if that fails it should be euthanized and a new puppy obtained one that is mindful and happy to comply with the master.
A bad dog like bad government is not worth the time, effort, or money to retrain when pups are so plentiful and pups willing to go into government are so many. Our government is not house broken, but it is broken. The corruption of the various departments, and using the IRS against the house is like a pit bull in a pre-school. Something is wrong when the powers have to arm themselves against their own people. This is a sign they know they are over the line.
I do not know what the next dog will be like, but I suspect it will not be a black and white stray, but will be more likely a full blue blood white like Canklee Clinton, or Jeb Bush, or a solid black like Ben Carson MD.
That poodle in the white house may be making the right choice in dealing with ISIS as long as they do not cross the southern border and start playing lop-a-head at our shopping malls or playgrounds.
Let the struggle in the ME play out. Someone will win, let us just keep off the playing field until we have some skin in the game.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
President Obama's Six Year Recession Has Americans On Edge: How Cronies Who Control The Two Parties Keep Everyday Americans Disadvantaged
George Soros began his career stealing from the Jews in his native Austrio-Hungarian hamlet during WWII with his newly made friends from Hitler's Germany. He hid his Judaism from his collaborators as he carted off the treasures of his tribal kin with outstanding zeal and vigor. Now he has bet a large part of the Soros farm on the pending collapse of the US Stock Market. Will he cart off more of the tribe's loot this time or will he be blocked by a higher controlling legal authority like he was by the Bush Administration when they refused to bail out the heavily Soros controlled Lehmann Brothers investment firm?
I believe Mr. Soros is well connected to the Obama-Holder-Jarrett syndicate and stands to have more lootings flow his way this time so that he might look at his holdings and think how proud his mother would be of his accumulated wealth which he can push for more fairness in the world with his generous gifts to organizations against the Western Hegemony currently in vogue around the world.
It is not easy to dispossess a people who have worked hard for the civilization and free markets in a country of 150 million natives who do most of the everyday work and for the most part are heavily armed. To defeat them the borders must be opened up to an underclass that will demand more and more of the producer's labor and use up more and more of the legal system's monies and crowd the court rooms with the petty criminal offenses of murder, rape, and theft.
Secondly, the need for disarming must be made and this is essential if the haves are to become the have nots. Imagine what an easy time the take over of the Middle East would be if those 8th century goat-herds didn't each possess an AK-47 with all the ammo and explosives Russia and Iran could supply and the selflessness of a suicide bomber. It is hard to beat people whose self-preservation instinct is gone missing, especially when the aggressors are on your turf and they are motivated by greed, a greed which extends well into the good life! The Western way is a greed for life, and we preserve it even into the misery of long nursing home stays, so great is our aversion to death.
And should the producers complain about being soaked to feed the massive influx of poor from South of our borders, they will be scoffed at by the media's ruling class and berated as bigots and racists. Why shouldn't a fellow who makes $100,000 a year not want to share about a fourth of that to provide for someone else's children. And when the 1/4 share is not enough the politico's will vote it to a 1/3 or even half since even $50,000 a year is well-off in a kingdom of poverty.
Managing the poor is a multi trillion dollar business these days. If the poor were all suddenly lifted out of poverty, many small businesses which sell cigarettes, liquor and cell phone contracts would be hit hardest. Spending on lotto tickets would plummet. Gangs and gangsters would loose their great bastions of misery in which to pedal their drugs and hoes.
Instead of the abject misery one sees in our over crowded inner cities where the permanent underclass has been systematically tucked away out of sight of the beautiful people who clamor from their pedestals about helping these people who are incapable of helping themselves, claiming they would do anything possible to help as long as it doesn't involve spending any time, effort, or money, these people could be shop-keeps selling rolexes, fragrant soaps, perfumes and the finest wines and cheeses to each other rather than serving up rat kabobs and sterno.
The gangs would smoke the finest cigars at the country club and watch nascar on Saturdays. Their kids would attend private schools and have tutors for those harder subjects such as algebra and French. Summers would be spent in Europe or the Orient. Everybody would be at or below their perfect Body-Mass-Index. Children would be born and not aborted. In a beautiful inner city nirvana there would be no crimes or killings because everybody has everything they would ever want.
Mr. Soros the solution to pollution is dilution. Your misinformed philanthropic work would be better served by sending your billions to the inner city to set up enterprise economic zones which would help start these people on the pathway to beluga caviar and Cuban cigars instead of dried up McDonalds Fish fillet sandwiches and stolen Swisher Sweets.
Your plan to drag all humanity into misery by collapsing the Western world's economies will serve only Satan, because out of misery comes war, and not everybody can be as successful as you were in WWII, there has to be a loser for every winner. You took from many losers who were railroaded off to the camps where they met their horrible fates and you can sleep at night knowing this?
For his part your President Obama has kept the US economy from growing with his gross mismanagement style and his frequent golf outings. Two more years may be enough to complete the mission. The election this year will be at most a speed bump should the Senate turn over. But you well know more money will fix it for you and your pals. For as Mark Twain observed over a hundred years ago, "If voting made any difference, they would not let us do it."
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center.
I believe Mr. Soros is well connected to the Obama-Holder-Jarrett syndicate and stands to have more lootings flow his way this time so that he might look at his holdings and think how proud his mother would be of his accumulated wealth which he can push for more fairness in the world with his generous gifts to organizations against the Western Hegemony currently in vogue around the world.
It is not easy to dispossess a people who have worked hard for the civilization and free markets in a country of 150 million natives who do most of the everyday work and for the most part are heavily armed. To defeat them the borders must be opened up to an underclass that will demand more and more of the producer's labor and use up more and more of the legal system's monies and crowd the court rooms with the petty criminal offenses of murder, rape, and theft.
Secondly, the need for disarming must be made and this is essential if the haves are to become the have nots. Imagine what an easy time the take over of the Middle East would be if those 8th century goat-herds didn't each possess an AK-47 with all the ammo and explosives Russia and Iran could supply and the selflessness of a suicide bomber. It is hard to beat people whose self-preservation instinct is gone missing, especially when the aggressors are on your turf and they are motivated by greed, a greed which extends well into the good life! The Western way is a greed for life, and we preserve it even into the misery of long nursing home stays, so great is our aversion to death.
And should the producers complain about being soaked to feed the massive influx of poor from South of our borders, they will be scoffed at by the media's ruling class and berated as bigots and racists. Why shouldn't a fellow who makes $100,000 a year not want to share about a fourth of that to provide for someone else's children. And when the 1/4 share is not enough the politico's will vote it to a 1/3 or even half since even $50,000 a year is well-off in a kingdom of poverty.
Managing the poor is a multi trillion dollar business these days. If the poor were all suddenly lifted out of poverty, many small businesses which sell cigarettes, liquor and cell phone contracts would be hit hardest. Spending on lotto tickets would plummet. Gangs and gangsters would loose their great bastions of misery in which to pedal their drugs and hoes.
Instead of the abject misery one sees in our over crowded inner cities where the permanent underclass has been systematically tucked away out of sight of the beautiful people who clamor from their pedestals about helping these people who are incapable of helping themselves, claiming they would do anything possible to help as long as it doesn't involve spending any time, effort, or money, these people could be shop-keeps selling rolexes, fragrant soaps, perfumes and the finest wines and cheeses to each other rather than serving up rat kabobs and sterno.
The gangs would smoke the finest cigars at the country club and watch nascar on Saturdays. Their kids would attend private schools and have tutors for those harder subjects such as algebra and French. Summers would be spent in Europe or the Orient. Everybody would be at or below their perfect Body-Mass-Index. Children would be born and not aborted. In a beautiful inner city nirvana there would be no crimes or killings because everybody has everything they would ever want.
Mr. Soros the solution to pollution is dilution. Your misinformed philanthropic work would be better served by sending your billions to the inner city to set up enterprise economic zones which would help start these people on the pathway to beluga caviar and Cuban cigars instead of dried up McDonalds Fish fillet sandwiches and stolen Swisher Sweets.
Your plan to drag all humanity into misery by collapsing the Western world's economies will serve only Satan, because out of misery comes war, and not everybody can be as successful as you were in WWII, there has to be a loser for every winner. You took from many losers who were railroaded off to the camps where they met their horrible fates and you can sleep at night knowing this?
For his part your President Obama has kept the US economy from growing with his gross mismanagement style and his frequent golf outings. Two more years may be enough to complete the mission. The election this year will be at most a speed bump should the Senate turn over. But you well know more money will fix it for you and your pals. For as Mark Twain observed over a hundred years ago, "If voting made any difference, they would not let us do it."
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
And Now Robin Williams, 63, Has Ended His Time On Stage: Urban Poverty Law Center Tribute To A Funny Man
I read the news today, oh boy! About a lucky man who made the grade. He blew his mind out in a car. He hadn't noticed the lights had changed. I woke up fell out of bed dragged a comb across my head……. THE BEATLES (poorly quoted)
Robin Williams, comic genius, a man who entertained millions with his manic antics in a career which spanned decades, is dead, not a greatly exaggerated rumor. He was a young man but like many in entertainment the chance for sin and avarice proved too inviting and the Sybil and whatever that whirlpool is called which Homer describes in the Odyssey all those years ago, comprising drugs and alcohol took a toll on Mr. Williams. After all when the curtain falls, and the lights go out and you take your costume off and fall into your bed at home, all that is left is your own humanity. And Mr. Williams had to live inside that brilliant head of his which delighted millions of his fans for many years. Apparently he was lonely inside that great big gelatinous mass of brain with its unique mix of neuronal circuitry fine tuned to the absurdities of life and its delicious ironies.
In the end his brain did not leave him, he left his brain. And the world was a better place with Robin Williams here to point out what needed to be laughed about. RIP Mr. Williams.
You made a positive contribution.
Jackson Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Robin Williams, comic genius, a man who entertained millions with his manic antics in a career which spanned decades, is dead, not a greatly exaggerated rumor. He was a young man but like many in entertainment the chance for sin and avarice proved too inviting and the Sybil and whatever that whirlpool is called which Homer describes in the Odyssey all those years ago, comprising drugs and alcohol took a toll on Mr. Williams. After all when the curtain falls, and the lights go out and you take your costume off and fall into your bed at home, all that is left is your own humanity. And Mr. Williams had to live inside that brilliant head of his which delighted millions of his fans for many years. Apparently he was lonely inside that great big gelatinous mass of brain with its unique mix of neuronal circuitry fine tuned to the absurdities of life and its delicious ironies.
In the end his brain did not leave him, he left his brain. And the world was a better place with Robin Williams here to point out what needed to be laughed about. RIP Mr. Williams.
You made a positive contribution.
Jackson Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
There Is Something Rotten In Washington: Urban Poverty Law Center Calls For An Investigation Or Why Obama Is Not Hearing The Folks
Ordinary "folks" a term President Obama espouses from time to time in public when he is speaking off tele prompt, who make up a majority of Americans are beginning to wonder why this president does not represent them? The whole world seems to revolve around the gay and lesbian and transgendered among us. That prickly 1.5% of the population that consumes 95% of mainstream media press time. Nary a day goes by when some "ordinary folks" have not gotten in a pickle for following their faith by refusing to bake a cake for a same sex wedding, or not provide abortiofascients to female employees who have no inner guiding light to take the necessary measures to avoid the monthly egg releases capture by some handsome fly by night captain of eternal adolescence, who strains and groans when he introduces her to 15 million of his closest associates, whom he considers almost family.
The next morning he is gone and the stain in her Victoria Secrets is all she has left besides the lucky one who hit right in her pay dirt. Two weeks later she is a gal in trouble and she hasn't seen him for a while. No bother she can trapes off to the federally funded abortion mill and have her child scraped and sucked from her undeserving womb, if she accepted a job at Hobby Lobby or at a Catholic institution. I tire of Sandra Flucke's reproductive tract. How long before Sandy is pimping in front of the nation for free viagra for her partners. From her recent appearance I give it a decade, max.
The bottom 25% of "folks" without jobs in America, who make up 91 or 92 million Americans and illegals who probably make up 12 to 15 million of this faction are the only ones who get any of our Lightweight Ineffective African Ruler's attention. We must open America's Southern Border to the great unwashed masses who will create the jobs American capitalists refuse to create. You see American Bankers have been waiting for Pedro and Jesus and just the right economic conditions to begin lending start up monies which will be backed by the full faith and credit of you and me, if you, like me are lucky enough to have a job and pay taxes. Don't believe it? Well our "LIAR" has a pen and he has a Blackberry and no constitutional constraints on him whatsoever.
The roar from the everyday American is there but not heard. Is it just me or has our LIAR contracted the dread African Ear Wasting Syndrome? I know he was very sensitive about his Dumbo-like ears which hung off the sides of his head like "Mr Potato Head's" accessories. But since he sported a matched pair, neither side of his head gained or lost lift when biking along at 20 to 25 mph keeping him well within the bike paths.
If he has contracted the African Ear Wasting Syndrome, one of the complications is hearing loss and perhaps this is why he doesn't listen the some of the "folks".
He cannot hear us and even if his little bitty ears could he would turn a blind eye to our wishes for keeping America safe and economically and militarily sound.
We must insist to have our next candidates for our nation's highest office hearing tested by a certified audiologist.
President Obama is not listening to us but we can all see what a mess he is making of his office. I know he can read, we all see it when ever he gives one of his impressive tele prompt tales where he assures us he is working hard everyday trying to make America the kind of place every other third world country is, led by the haves and the have nots are grateful for any scraps left over after our rulers have emptied the common trough.
How can someone with giant ears in 2008 have them shrink when the laws of nature state ears and noses grow throughout ones life? Oh, I forgot, President Obama is exempt from all the laws, even those of nature.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
The next morning he is gone and the stain in her Victoria Secrets is all she has left besides the lucky one who hit right in her pay dirt. Two weeks later she is a gal in trouble and she hasn't seen him for a while. No bother she can trapes off to the federally funded abortion mill and have her child scraped and sucked from her undeserving womb, if she accepted a job at Hobby Lobby or at a Catholic institution. I tire of Sandra Flucke's reproductive tract. How long before Sandy is pimping in front of the nation for free viagra for her partners. From her recent appearance I give it a decade, max.
The bottom 25% of "folks" without jobs in America, who make up 91 or 92 million Americans and illegals who probably make up 12 to 15 million of this faction are the only ones who get any of our Lightweight Ineffective African Ruler's attention. We must open America's Southern Border to the great unwashed masses who will create the jobs American capitalists refuse to create. You see American Bankers have been waiting for Pedro and Jesus and just the right economic conditions to begin lending start up monies which will be backed by the full faith and credit of you and me, if you, like me are lucky enough to have a job and pay taxes. Don't believe it? Well our "LIAR" has a pen and he has a Blackberry and no constitutional constraints on him whatsoever.
The roar from the everyday American is there but not heard. Is it just me or has our LIAR contracted the dread African Ear Wasting Syndrome? I know he was very sensitive about his Dumbo-like ears which hung off the sides of his head like "Mr Potato Head's" accessories. But since he sported a matched pair, neither side of his head gained or lost lift when biking along at 20 to 25 mph keeping him well within the bike paths.
If he has contracted the African Ear Wasting Syndrome, one of the complications is hearing loss and perhaps this is why he doesn't listen the some of the "folks".
He cannot hear us and even if his little bitty ears could he would turn a blind eye to our wishes for keeping America safe and economically and militarily sound.
We must insist to have our next candidates for our nation's highest office hearing tested by a certified audiologist.
President Obama is not listening to us but we can all see what a mess he is making of his office. I know he can read, we all see it when ever he gives one of his impressive tele prompt tales where he assures us he is working hard everyday trying to make America the kind of place every other third world country is, led by the haves and the have nots are grateful for any scraps left over after our rulers have emptied the common trough.
How can someone with giant ears in 2008 have them shrink when the laws of nature state ears and noses grow throughout ones life? Oh, I forgot, President Obama is exempt from all the laws, even those of nature.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Perhaps The Political Class Should Focus On Global Waring
Each new day brings us closer to calamity. Burning fossil fuels certainly produces its fair share of carbon dioxide which when released into the biosphere leads to global warming, but a Gaza fired rocket striking the promised land is likewise heating the planet up in a more immediate and dangerous fashion.
World War III could be just around the corner with the Middle East erupting into kaos with the ineffective and effite, feckless United States diplomats, headed by the horse faced, John F. Kerry, charging into failure.
Then there is the macho man of Russia, Tsar Vlad Putin, manning the trenches against the Ukrane, taking Crimea in much the same way Hitler marched into the Rhineland in 1938. Where is Neville Chamberland? Apparently, being channeled by our esteemed Commander in Chief, who would rather place meaningless sanctions on Russia's billionaires than actually do something.
I pray to the Almighty above that we find no new faults with the Obama administration since each new abomination brings another. Benghazi to the VA hospital scandal, the IRS criminality and the NSA snooping disclosures, all washed from the front pages of the friendly press by droves of illegals pouring over our porous southern border like rockets out of a Gaza preschool.
Thankfully, the loss of the Middle East to Iran and their partners is of no great strategic importance to the United States since we are now the world's leading producer of hydrocarbon based energy. It is serendipitious that $200 per barrel oil will not destroy our frail economy, but will devastate those of Asia, Africa, and Europe. Our pal Putin will do well as he is a net exporter of fosil fuels.
It is going to be a long winter and many will be wondering what they ever saw in Al Gore.
Global warming is not our most pressing problem, global waring is.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
World War III could be just around the corner with the Middle East erupting into kaos with the ineffective and effite, feckless United States diplomats, headed by the horse faced, John F. Kerry, charging into failure.
Then there is the macho man of Russia, Tsar Vlad Putin, manning the trenches against the Ukrane, taking Crimea in much the same way Hitler marched into the Rhineland in 1938. Where is Neville Chamberland? Apparently, being channeled by our esteemed Commander in Chief, who would rather place meaningless sanctions on Russia's billionaires than actually do something.
I pray to the Almighty above that we find no new faults with the Obama administration since each new abomination brings another. Benghazi to the VA hospital scandal, the IRS criminality and the NSA snooping disclosures, all washed from the front pages of the friendly press by droves of illegals pouring over our porous southern border like rockets out of a Gaza preschool.
Thankfully, the loss of the Middle East to Iran and their partners is of no great strategic importance to the United States since we are now the world's leading producer of hydrocarbon based energy. It is serendipitious that $200 per barrel oil will not destroy our frail economy, but will devastate those of Asia, Africa, and Europe. Our pal Putin will do well as he is a net exporter of fosil fuels.
It is going to be a long winter and many will be wondering what they ever saw in Al Gore.
Global warming is not our most pressing problem, global waring is.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Urban Poverty Law Center Blatherings Begin: Read At Your Own Risk!
Yesterday saw yet another Obama policy failure with John Kerry's brokered three day cease fire between Hamas-holes and Israel lasting almost three hours. Our Viet-Nam veteran who also wind surfs orr the waves of Nantuckett and filled those enoumous panties at State left by her Highness, best swelling author, Hillary Clinton, has nothing to be ashamed of, if you ignore all his pompous sanctimony and dodging a million dollar tax bill for his mega-million dollar yatch his wife's dead husband bought him. No, Secretary of State, John Kerry, is probably one of the shining stars in that black hole, the Obama Administration.
Can anyone name two of Obama's cabinet ministers? Even a google search only comes up with three hits when one types in Obama and cabinet. Obama is truly a one man show. A clown show.
I recall that lovely Iranian American Princess's comment before the coronation of King Barry, Valerie Jarrett, "We want to learn everything about the presidency before the inauguration so we can hit the ground ruling!"
The key word in that comment is "ruling". Notice she did not use the more Americanized term, "leading", but she took a term better suited to Banana Republic Pissant Potentates, which on second thought better describes what we have now, our first American Ruler. At least we had 43 presidents before our first ruler usurped the presidency!
Guess what, Valerie? It is not working. Ruling Americans with your healthcare dictates, and your criminal use of the IRS to attack your perceived enemies, people who only disagree with your policies and I dare say there are more of them now than you could cow with even two Lois Lerners, and one and a half Eric Holders. Your time at the controls of 1/3 of 3 thirds of this government, which was put together by men over two centuries ago whose forsight factored someone like you into the equation, is coming to an end.
Lets face it, the American People preformed their duty when they wisely voted your party out of the house in 2010, but the men and women, now in congress without a spine were too timid to throw the switch and derail your misguided fundamental transformation of America. With each passing day more and more are catching on and see you do not have American interest at heart but rather some mixed up marxist ideal that freedom and capitalism are the enemy of the masses and you are too contrite to see it is marxism and communism that are the greater evil.
The amnesty carrot on a stick waved at the poor lice ladden children of South America is another poorly contrived Obama Doctrine. Are you stupid?
What about lowering the corporate income tax rate and encouraging businesses to stay and expand in America and make it easier for the rich and brilliant who have no lice in their locks to come to America and make it a richer and better place? MS-13 gang recruits and a drug dealing underclass may provide more funds to your colleagues over at the American Bar Association, but at what cost to society?
Is your wholesale importation of this large underclass just another disguised scam with a payola to the agency formerly known as "ACORN"? Just where is the 4 billion dollars you demand from the American Tax Payer headed?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, smells a rat! This administration and its antics are some of the worst in history. In consideration of you, President Obama, I can even warm slightly to your former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, but I am still somewhat queasy with it.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Can anyone name two of Obama's cabinet ministers? Even a google search only comes up with three hits when one types in Obama and cabinet. Obama is truly a one man show. A clown show.
I recall that lovely Iranian American Princess's comment before the coronation of King Barry, Valerie Jarrett, "We want to learn everything about the presidency before the inauguration so we can hit the ground ruling!"
The key word in that comment is "ruling". Notice she did not use the more Americanized term, "leading", but she took a term better suited to Banana Republic Pissant Potentates, which on second thought better describes what we have now, our first American Ruler. At least we had 43 presidents before our first ruler usurped the presidency!
Guess what, Valerie? It is not working. Ruling Americans with your healthcare dictates, and your criminal use of the IRS to attack your perceived enemies, people who only disagree with your policies and I dare say there are more of them now than you could cow with even two Lois Lerners, and one and a half Eric Holders. Your time at the controls of 1/3 of 3 thirds of this government, which was put together by men over two centuries ago whose forsight factored someone like you into the equation, is coming to an end.
Lets face it, the American People preformed their duty when they wisely voted your party out of the house in 2010, but the men and women, now in congress without a spine were too timid to throw the switch and derail your misguided fundamental transformation of America. With each passing day more and more are catching on and see you do not have American interest at heart but rather some mixed up marxist ideal that freedom and capitalism are the enemy of the masses and you are too contrite to see it is marxism and communism that are the greater evil.
The amnesty carrot on a stick waved at the poor lice ladden children of South America is another poorly contrived Obama Doctrine. Are you stupid?
What about lowering the corporate income tax rate and encouraging businesses to stay and expand in America and make it easier for the rich and brilliant who have no lice in their locks to come to America and make it a richer and better place? MS-13 gang recruits and a drug dealing underclass may provide more funds to your colleagues over at the American Bar Association, but at what cost to society?
Is your wholesale importation of this large underclass just another disguised scam with a payola to the agency formerly known as "ACORN"? Just where is the 4 billion dollars you demand from the American Tax Payer headed?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, smells a rat! This administration and its antics are some of the worst in history. In consideration of you, President Obama, I can even warm slightly to your former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, but I am still somewhat queasy with it.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Monday, July 14, 2014
Jack Maybolt Breaks His Silence About The IRS, Immigration, Benghazi Scandals
P A T H E T I C!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Urban Poverty Law Center President, Jackson Delano Maybolt, Seeks Public Office
As many of you know who have read these pages filled with wit, wisdom, and nonsense, and not in any particular order, Jack Maybolt is a multifaceted genius in his own mind.
He can drive a tractor, pull a calf, catch a fish, cook an omelette, pour syrup without spilling a drop, eat enough food and drink enough water to keep a man alive for over 60 years, all the while conforming to which ever woman was controlling his life at the time. First his mother and her mother, then a series of babysitters, teachers, girlfriends and then wives. He learned his tact for women from his father who like himself only went along with the nonsense of the demands made on him for the sweet surprise promised for a later time. When his father lost interest in the fairer sex, he was dead within 6 months. I do not know if there is a connection but I am not willing to risk it at my age. Anything can happen.
I have made my way back into aviation over the past four months after amassing over 1500 hrs of flying small airplanes without a fatality, I sold my third airplane in April of 2004 and thought I would never again lift off the ground with me at the controls. I was wrong. My nephew, Tonto Maybolt, whose mother is a full blood Choctaw squaw, has dyslexia and is not burning up the grades at school and his mother, Running Bear, came over and sought my advice for young Tonto, all I could recommend is flying. So I started looking for a good used airplane to buy so we could teach Tonto how to fly and perhaps get him a job with that skill.
Flying a plane is not as hard as it might seem. If you make the plane go fast enough it will fly. The planes I have had in the past all flew at 60 mph and stopped at 59 mph. The trick to keeping them flying seems to be keeping your airspeed up until you want to land. Then slow the plane and bring it down and have it stop flying or "stall" it a few inches over a runway. It is a learned skill best practiced over and over so as not to get it wrong.
The other pitfalls of flying your own plane include not getting in over your head. Things to avoid for the new timer low time pilot include bad weather. A small plane will not fly with parts broken off. Many pilots have met their doom by flying into thunderstorms. Likewise planes can become overloaded by ice very quickly and will not fly in that condition. Cold air plus clouds is a no go for the pilot of a small plane. I flew into a blizzard one night over Wyoming and was only saved by a gizmo called a "wing leveler" and my very strong guardian angel who guided me safely past Elk Mountain's 11,400 foot peak. I learned how to control the aircraft by instruments alone after that night of terror so as to lessen the load on my angel.
Buying more airplane than you can fly is another great pitfall. In the 40's Beechcraft produced a really fast airplane which became known as the "V-Tail Doctor Killer". It was not a bad airplane, on the contrary it was a great plane, but it was so fast, many inexperienced pilots, and a great number of them were physicians who flew infrequently, would get behind in things like landings, weather, and options for remedies once a misstep was made flashed by too fast for a recovery. A lot of good doctors who were poor pilots wound up in the twisted wreckage of a V-Tail Bonanza, but for some very strong divine interventions I might have met my end in a straight tail Cherokee and become the 30th plane lost up on Elk Mountain.
Small airplane prices have plummeted in the past 6 years. Blame the economy, blame $5 a gallon aviation fuel, or blame the democrats, prices of small planes are off by about 30% over the highs before 2008. It is a bad time for sellers, but a great time for buyers. It is a buyer's market. I found a local plane, a 1968 Cherokee 180 with low total time and low overhaul time on the engine for less than I paid for the same plane in 1989, my first plane, when you adjust the price for inflation. I had a knowledgeable aircraft mechanic look it over and purchased it for Tonto and me. I got current and after flying about 10 hrs, all the memories of flight came back and I was comfortable in my skills and up in the air again. I have over 25 hrs flying now in this new plane and the other one I bought which goes much faster than the Cherokee 180.
I will not say what the other plane is but it travels at 180mph at cruise, where as the Cherokee 180 putts along at 124 mph. I can fly from my home airport to Pensacola, Fl in 2.5 hrs in the faster plane.
The faster plane was designed in 1954 by Al Mooney for Mr. Piper and the first ones rolled off the assembly line in 1958. They are sleek and fly like fighter planes. They have many airworthy directives which must be complied with yearly but they are worth the trouble because as one owner put it "they are the closest thing to flying a P-51 mustang the general aviation pilot can achieve".
Oh I almost forgot, I am seeking public office right here in Cedar Grove. A spot on the airport commission has opened up. I am running.
I hope you will support me.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
He can drive a tractor, pull a calf, catch a fish, cook an omelette, pour syrup without spilling a drop, eat enough food and drink enough water to keep a man alive for over 60 years, all the while conforming to which ever woman was controlling his life at the time. First his mother and her mother, then a series of babysitters, teachers, girlfriends and then wives. He learned his tact for women from his father who like himself only went along with the nonsense of the demands made on him for the sweet surprise promised for a later time. When his father lost interest in the fairer sex, he was dead within 6 months. I do not know if there is a connection but I am not willing to risk it at my age. Anything can happen.
I have made my way back into aviation over the past four months after amassing over 1500 hrs of flying small airplanes without a fatality, I sold my third airplane in April of 2004 and thought I would never again lift off the ground with me at the controls. I was wrong. My nephew, Tonto Maybolt, whose mother is a full blood Choctaw squaw, has dyslexia and is not burning up the grades at school and his mother, Running Bear, came over and sought my advice for young Tonto, all I could recommend is flying. So I started looking for a good used airplane to buy so we could teach Tonto how to fly and perhaps get him a job with that skill.
Flying a plane is not as hard as it might seem. If you make the plane go fast enough it will fly. The planes I have had in the past all flew at 60 mph and stopped at 59 mph. The trick to keeping them flying seems to be keeping your airspeed up until you want to land. Then slow the plane and bring it down and have it stop flying or "stall" it a few inches over a runway. It is a learned skill best practiced over and over so as not to get it wrong.
The other pitfalls of flying your own plane include not getting in over your head. Things to avoid for the new timer low time pilot include bad weather. A small plane will not fly with parts broken off. Many pilots have met their doom by flying into thunderstorms. Likewise planes can become overloaded by ice very quickly and will not fly in that condition. Cold air plus clouds is a no go for the pilot of a small plane. I flew into a blizzard one night over Wyoming and was only saved by a gizmo called a "wing leveler" and my very strong guardian angel who guided me safely past Elk Mountain's 11,400 foot peak. I learned how to control the aircraft by instruments alone after that night of terror so as to lessen the load on my angel.
Buying more airplane than you can fly is another great pitfall. In the 40's Beechcraft produced a really fast airplane which became known as the "V-Tail Doctor Killer". It was not a bad airplane, on the contrary it was a great plane, but it was so fast, many inexperienced pilots, and a great number of them were physicians who flew infrequently, would get behind in things like landings, weather, and options for remedies once a misstep was made flashed by too fast for a recovery. A lot of good doctors who were poor pilots wound up in the twisted wreckage of a V-Tail Bonanza, but for some very strong divine interventions I might have met my end in a straight tail Cherokee and become the 30th plane lost up on Elk Mountain.
Small airplane prices have plummeted in the past 6 years. Blame the economy, blame $5 a gallon aviation fuel, or blame the democrats, prices of small planes are off by about 30% over the highs before 2008. It is a bad time for sellers, but a great time for buyers. It is a buyer's market. I found a local plane, a 1968 Cherokee 180 with low total time and low overhaul time on the engine for less than I paid for the same plane in 1989, my first plane, when you adjust the price for inflation. I had a knowledgeable aircraft mechanic look it over and purchased it for Tonto and me. I got current and after flying about 10 hrs, all the memories of flight came back and I was comfortable in my skills and up in the air again. I have over 25 hrs flying now in this new plane and the other one I bought which goes much faster than the Cherokee 180.
I will not say what the other plane is but it travels at 180mph at cruise, where as the Cherokee 180 putts along at 124 mph. I can fly from my home airport to Pensacola, Fl in 2.5 hrs in the faster plane.
The faster plane was designed in 1954 by Al Mooney for Mr. Piper and the first ones rolled off the assembly line in 1958. They are sleek and fly like fighter planes. They have many airworthy directives which must be complied with yearly but they are worth the trouble because as one owner put it "they are the closest thing to flying a P-51 mustang the general aviation pilot can achieve".
Oh I almost forgot, I am seeking public office right here in Cedar Grove. A spot on the airport commission has opened up. I am running.
I hope you will support me.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Here We Go Again! When Did You Republicans Stop Beating Your Wives? Minimum Wage And Female Pay Inequity, Anybody?
When the pleasant, portly, presidential, democrat, debate plant, Candy Crowley, caught Mitt Romney off guard with her query about denying American women birth control, the fix was in to garner the stupid vote among 51% of the population. Then the partisan little troll Georgie Steps-on-all-of-us carried the ball a little further down the field and in a few weeks, every woman in America is aware of the danger a Romney presidency would hold for her uterus.
The democrat misinformation tactic worked and our Lightweight Insincere African Ruler (LIAR) was swept back into office by a swell of election fraud and the roar of 32 million uteri all flowing and voting in lock-step for our LIAR. Mitt Romney was relegated to the dust bin of forgotten Republican Presidential candidates by a false issue foisted on us by clever democrat operatives and a willing press filled by stooges like "Fatty" Candy Crowley and her diminutive side kick George Stephenopoulos.
It appears today's new democrat lie is "Republicans not only want your uterus to become impregnated against you will, but also do not want to pay your children who work at McDonalds a living wage, nor do they want your sisters to make the same pay as your brothers!"
Intelligent voters, by this I mean libertarians and most republicans, see this for the lie it is, but the democrat with two digit IQ's cannot see the forest for the trees, what ever that means. They will be swayed by this line just as the double digit uteri were by the false birth control argument back in 2012.
I heard Mark Levin rant on his radio program yesterday about how preposterous these new lies are and he is right but make no mistake, it will be effective with the voting block the lies are intended to sway. The Stoopid. There are two Americas as John Edwards so foolishly blurted out between decrepit orgasms with his mistress during the stoopid party's presidential nomination process in 2000 in which the stoopids selected that global warming savant, Albert Phineas Gore, Jr, : the republican/libertarian/constitutionalist and the democrat/progressive/socialist.
Now, it does not matter how crazy the charge and how false it is, if these issues becomes the major talking points up to the election of 2014, and it will, given the hand in glove nature of the media and the democrat national committee, the loyal opposition must come up with a plan to capitulate to the lie and neutralize the issue so some progress can be mustered for America. The house republicans must immediately bring up legislation to raise the minimum wage and lower taxes on the brightest among us so the democrat held senate can vote it down over and over again. House legislation to equalize pay for the sexes should come out immediately in a form that can pass the senate and be signed by the LIAR into law.
I am not smart enough to plan the counter attack, but perhaps someone in the republican national committee can get working on the counter offensive. Otherwise the new senate will remain in the enemy's camp and our circle of influence for the greater good will be stymied.
Freedom pissed away by tricks and skullduggery from thuggish politicos whose marxist training worships "the ends justifies the means" and we must remember all's fair in love and war, and patriots, this is not love.
To leave these baseless and false charges unanswered is to ceed the issue to the party of stoopid. If the loyal opposition is not smarter than that they deserve the drumming they will get in November of this year.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
The democrat misinformation tactic worked and our Lightweight Insincere African Ruler (LIAR) was swept back into office by a swell of election fraud and the roar of 32 million uteri all flowing and voting in lock-step for our LIAR. Mitt Romney was relegated to the dust bin of forgotten Republican Presidential candidates by a false issue foisted on us by clever democrat operatives and a willing press filled by stooges like "Fatty" Candy Crowley and her diminutive side kick George Stephenopoulos.
It appears today's new democrat lie is "Republicans not only want your uterus to become impregnated against you will, but also do not want to pay your children who work at McDonalds a living wage, nor do they want your sisters to make the same pay as your brothers!"
Intelligent voters, by this I mean libertarians and most republicans, see this for the lie it is, but the democrat with two digit IQ's cannot see the forest for the trees, what ever that means. They will be swayed by this line just as the double digit uteri were by the false birth control argument back in 2012.
I heard Mark Levin rant on his radio program yesterday about how preposterous these new lies are and he is right but make no mistake, it will be effective with the voting block the lies are intended to sway. The Stoopid. There are two Americas as John Edwards so foolishly blurted out between decrepit orgasms with his mistress during the stoopid party's presidential nomination process in 2000 in which the stoopids selected that global warming savant, Albert Phineas Gore, Jr, : the republican/libertarian/constitutionalist and the democrat/progressive/socialist.
Now, it does not matter how crazy the charge and how false it is, if these issues becomes the major talking points up to the election of 2014, and it will, given the hand in glove nature of the media and the democrat national committee, the loyal opposition must come up with a plan to capitulate to the lie and neutralize the issue so some progress can be mustered for America. The house republicans must immediately bring up legislation to raise the minimum wage and lower taxes on the brightest among us so the democrat held senate can vote it down over and over again. House legislation to equalize pay for the sexes should come out immediately in a form that can pass the senate and be signed by the LIAR into law.
I am not smart enough to plan the counter attack, but perhaps someone in the republican national committee can get working on the counter offensive. Otherwise the new senate will remain in the enemy's camp and our circle of influence for the greater good will be stymied.
Freedom pissed away by tricks and skullduggery from thuggish politicos whose marxist training worships "the ends justifies the means" and we must remember all's fair in love and war, and patriots, this is not love.
To leave these baseless and false charges unanswered is to ceed the issue to the party of stoopid. If the loyal opposition is not smarter than that they deserve the drumming they will get in November of this year.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Spring Cleaning At The Urban Poverty Law Center-----Do Not Read This!
I am sorry for those of you who have missed these wise scribblings of a deranged mind. About a month ago I found myself agreeing with major portions of the democrat platform especially as it applies to abortion, gun control, gender politics, taxation, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, health care, marriage, and minimum wage. In a word I was depressed.
I did the only thing I could do, it was either check myself into The Betty Ford Center, or listen to Rush 24/7 archives breaking out only to take in Mark Levin's daily program. I chose the former, where I spent an incredible month relaxing in a spa, listening to my therapist explain why I was weakening on my conservative positions on the above issues given the constant barrage of propaganda spewing from the popular media and entertainment industries. She brought me back to my senses and when Putin laughed at our president, I chuckled at his, our president's, chuckle-headed response to Russian aggression in the free market.
What is Vlad thinking? If he thinks he can force a better life for his people and his country by making it easier for him to sell his oil and natural gas on the open market to the highest bidder, then he must think he lives in America, where men and companies are free to conduct business in a safe and fair market place where profits are protected by the rule of law, crony capitalism, and not by threats of confiscation.
And now Vlad and the Iranians have struck a deal which involves oil for barter, skipping the formerly required conversion of oil into US dollars step which has been a requirement since we won World War II.
Well, we may have won that war, and we may have won the Cold War, but we have lost the economic war by not defending our currency. The US dollar is quickly becoming the world's joke currency. We are the new Zimbabwe. China, Russia, and Iran are backing away from it. How long before OPEC breaks away from the dollar? What will become of the US?
Indeed, what will become of us all? I had a dream of an America without wealth. Commerce halted. Big farming halted. Transportation halted. Industry halted. Medicine and healthcare halted. Walmart with empty shelves. People of all economic strata, equal at last, the utopian dream. The poor unable to buy for lack of money. The rich unable to buy for lack of production. People lining up at the abortion clinics hoping for a scrap of meat. Neighborhoods devoid of pets that were long ago placed on the table. A taste for human flesh, cannibals among us are identified by their BMI of greater than 2.5%, and executed then quartered and fed to the starving masses. State sponsored cannibalism is OK, black market cannibalism is illegal in all 50 states except in Washington DC where it is legal on the 4th of July.
The rich escape to the oceans but must from time to time try to land for essentials of fresh water and fruits and vegetables. Pirates make these landings dangerous but interesting. Only the thin and sickly are safe from suspicion. Tribes are quickly formed with local alliances for the protection of the band. Outsiders are shunned. Bridges are destroyed to stop transgression from the crowded inner cities to the country. The population of our country falls to 100 million within six months, and 25 millions within a year.
And that is the brighter picture.
Now I learn the weirdest of the weirdos at Dartmouth have taken over the Dartmouth administration building demanding special rights, higher quotas for nonwhites, more gender neutral bathroom facilities, sex change operations covered in the student health care plans, with no premium increase of course, and their final absurd demand is to change the name to "Dartanus"!
If the administration caves to the first three demands they may as well cave to the last. Of course the pronunciation would be Dart-an-us, or Dar-tanus not the other funny way.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
I did the only thing I could do, it was either check myself into The Betty Ford Center, or listen to Rush 24/7 archives breaking out only to take in Mark Levin's daily program. I chose the former, where I spent an incredible month relaxing in a spa, listening to my therapist explain why I was weakening on my conservative positions on the above issues given the constant barrage of propaganda spewing from the popular media and entertainment industries. She brought me back to my senses and when Putin laughed at our president, I chuckled at his, our president's, chuckle-headed response to Russian aggression in the free market.
What is Vlad thinking? If he thinks he can force a better life for his people and his country by making it easier for him to sell his oil and natural gas on the open market to the highest bidder, then he must think he lives in America, where men and companies are free to conduct business in a safe and fair market place where profits are protected by the rule of law, crony capitalism, and not by threats of confiscation.
And now Vlad and the Iranians have struck a deal which involves oil for barter, skipping the formerly required conversion of oil into US dollars step which has been a requirement since we won World War II.
Well, we may have won that war, and we may have won the Cold War, but we have lost the economic war by not defending our currency. The US dollar is quickly becoming the world's joke currency. We are the new Zimbabwe. China, Russia, and Iran are backing away from it. How long before OPEC breaks away from the dollar? What will become of the US?
Indeed, what will become of us all? I had a dream of an America without wealth. Commerce halted. Big farming halted. Transportation halted. Industry halted. Medicine and healthcare halted. Walmart with empty shelves. People of all economic strata, equal at last, the utopian dream. The poor unable to buy for lack of money. The rich unable to buy for lack of production. People lining up at the abortion clinics hoping for a scrap of meat. Neighborhoods devoid of pets that were long ago placed on the table. A taste for human flesh, cannibals among us are identified by their BMI of greater than 2.5%, and executed then quartered and fed to the starving masses. State sponsored cannibalism is OK, black market cannibalism is illegal in all 50 states except in Washington DC where it is legal on the 4th of July.
The rich escape to the oceans but must from time to time try to land for essentials of fresh water and fruits and vegetables. Pirates make these landings dangerous but interesting. Only the thin and sickly are safe from suspicion. Tribes are quickly formed with local alliances for the protection of the band. Outsiders are shunned. Bridges are destroyed to stop transgression from the crowded inner cities to the country. The population of our country falls to 100 million within six months, and 25 millions within a year.
And that is the brighter picture.
Now I learn the weirdest of the weirdos at Dartmouth have taken over the Dartmouth administration building demanding special rights, higher quotas for nonwhites, more gender neutral bathroom facilities, sex change operations covered in the student health care plans, with no premium increase of course, and their final absurd demand is to change the name to "Dartanus"!
If the administration caves to the first three demands they may as well cave to the last. Of course the pronunciation would be Dart-an-us, or Dar-tanus not the other funny way.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Message To Al Gore, Jr: Stay Out Of Georgia! Your Friends At The Urban Poverty Law Center
If this were another time, say the middle ages, people like Alberto Phineas Gore, Jr would find they would've been separate from their bodies, head on a pike. The global warmer enthusiasts would be happy to provide the cleaver for this man whose prophecy could not have wrought more anger from God. Every confab on warming interrupted by severe cold, special envoys to the poles to study the warming trapped in ice for days, and now the stakes are raised by polar vortices which could have Atlantians off the grid for a month or so until the utility companies can repair all the damage this latest Polar Vortex has wrought.
Where is the false profit, Gore? His light shines nowhere. His voice like a pin dropped in outer space, like a tree crashing in the forest without ears to hear.
The man who cried anthropomorphic global warming during a solar sunspot minimum to ginny support for an unpopular world carbon tax for the sole benefit of a more and more useless, thoughtless, and selfish governing class, has wisely dropped from public view. He is reportedly a Howard Hughes type recluse, an enormous glutton with a voracious appetite for banana pudding topped with beluga caviar sprinkled with Reeses'Pieces. His skin is becoming translucent. If he stands naked in front of a light he appears to be two large blue spots and a brown one.
Doctors have said it is only a matter of weeks until his flesh will become completely invisible and his intestines will be displayed in all their undulating magnificence. He is pitiable but grotesque. He is living with the lie he fashioned from whole cloth. He feels betrayed by the Sun and refuses to ever be in the sunlight again for as long as he lives.
My only concern is we may burn all the pikes trying to stay warm before enough heads have taken their earned and rightful places atop.
Good luck Georgia. May God have mercy on your electrical grid and upon Al Gore, Jr's soul.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Where is the false profit, Gore? His light shines nowhere. His voice like a pin dropped in outer space, like a tree crashing in the forest without ears to hear.
The man who cried anthropomorphic global warming during a solar sunspot minimum to ginny support for an unpopular world carbon tax for the sole benefit of a more and more useless, thoughtless, and selfish governing class, has wisely dropped from public view. He is reportedly a Howard Hughes type recluse, an enormous glutton with a voracious appetite for banana pudding topped with beluga caviar sprinkled with Reeses'Pieces. His skin is becoming translucent. If he stands naked in front of a light he appears to be two large blue spots and a brown one.
Doctors have said it is only a matter of weeks until his flesh will become completely invisible and his intestines will be displayed in all their undulating magnificence. He is pitiable but grotesque. He is living with the lie he fashioned from whole cloth. He feels betrayed by the Sun and refuses to ever be in the sunlight again for as long as he lives.
My only concern is we may burn all the pikes trying to stay warm before enough heads have taken their earned and rightful places atop.
Good luck Georgia. May God have mercy on your electrical grid and upon Al Gore, Jr's soul.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Monday, February 3, 2014
I May Be Dead, But How Do You Think America Feels?
I am Jackson Delano Maybolt. I was preceded in death by Steve Jobs and to my great fortune have bought one of his first "Afterlife Apple" products and am trying it out. It is great. I can surf the web of the Dead. I can get the news of the present, past, and future. I know the winning lottery numbers, but the celestial moderator will not let me publish them: 12, 45, 7, 14, 28, 6, power ball number 2. Though I can see the numbers on my end your view will be blank. All I have to do is to think it and the "AA" types it. It has a phone function which interfaces with earthly iPhones, but the moderator is not keen on permitting this kind of contact between the realms as He puts it "no one could get any rest around here." But I think your iPhones may be lit up in the near future from persons you were sure you would never hear from again.
I watched the Superbowl last night and was taken by its mediocre tones, with the lack luster play by the Bronco's offense, the advertisers who could not seem to make a ten billion dollar a minute advertisement memorable or even thought provoking. Where is Michael Jackson's beautiful sister's titty when you need it. Speaking of which, there is a rock and roll heaven and Elvis still has a bit of a problem with constipation, but his voice is as good as ever and he has teamed up with John Lennon for a new tour of the heavens.
My contention is the Americans who are alive and living under the reign of his majesty Lord Barack H. Obama, JR have given up all hope of improving their lots. This man has sucked the spirit, the economy, the hopes and dreams of every American and replaced these with a morose foreboding acceptance of their new fate where a drab and dreary life known only to the oppressed who lived in the former Soviet Union, is the new normal and upward mobility is replaced by the dreadful floor of socialism. A socialism which only allows the leadership class to thrive and get ahead on the shoulders of the working class and the former middle class.
The New Socialist States of America will have a very short run, thank heavens. Americans are the children of the people who left harsh conditions in the old country to make a better life in a wilderness. These children will rise up and rebuild the dream that is America. The New American socialist will be beaten back. Freedom has not had its run to the finish line in America, not yet at least.
The Obama tribe of redistributionist have played their hands with the destruction of American health care and the people are not satisfied with his wonks tinkering with our freedoms, where real Americans have lost real freedoms to assemble, speak, bear arms, be secure in their property and homes safe from unwarranted searches, and the 13th amendment is being butchered by the 16th amendment and the thugs who have infiltrated the bureau which collects sometimes over 45% of the fruits of a man's labor.
When is a man considered a slave? What percentage of his income taken by the state would make him a slave in fact and free in name only? In reality slavery and socialism are one and the same.
In the South slaves were clothed, fed, housed, warmed, and provided with medical care at no cost to them but 100% of their labor and their freedom. Many Americans are enslaved by the regime working first for the man, then for the general good, and finally for the good of himself and his family. The way things go now, money is freedom. Taking money from workers is enslavement.
The inflating of money is taking money from everyone and fosters slavery. The line is being tested by these people to see what Americans will agree to. I believe the push back will begin in the next election cycle. Tea baggers will work hard and get ahead, and the government needs to take back its rightful place in society where it serves the people and not itself. This November will be a chance for a push back against tyranny. Here's hoping for a big push!
Hell, why should I give a damn? I am dead and here I am equal to all the kings and queens who have ever been or ever will be, and they hate that!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, Celestial President Urban Poverty Law Center
I watched the Superbowl last night and was taken by its mediocre tones, with the lack luster play by the Bronco's offense, the advertisers who could not seem to make a ten billion dollar a minute advertisement memorable or even thought provoking. Where is Michael Jackson's beautiful sister's titty when you need it. Speaking of which, there is a rock and roll heaven and Elvis still has a bit of a problem with constipation, but his voice is as good as ever and he has teamed up with John Lennon for a new tour of the heavens.
My contention is the Americans who are alive and living under the reign of his majesty Lord Barack H. Obama, JR have given up all hope of improving their lots. This man has sucked the spirit, the economy, the hopes and dreams of every American and replaced these with a morose foreboding acceptance of their new fate where a drab and dreary life known only to the oppressed who lived in the former Soviet Union, is the new normal and upward mobility is replaced by the dreadful floor of socialism. A socialism which only allows the leadership class to thrive and get ahead on the shoulders of the working class and the former middle class.
The New Socialist States of America will have a very short run, thank heavens. Americans are the children of the people who left harsh conditions in the old country to make a better life in a wilderness. These children will rise up and rebuild the dream that is America. The New American socialist will be beaten back. Freedom has not had its run to the finish line in America, not yet at least.
The Obama tribe of redistributionist have played their hands with the destruction of American health care and the people are not satisfied with his wonks tinkering with our freedoms, where real Americans have lost real freedoms to assemble, speak, bear arms, be secure in their property and homes safe from unwarranted searches, and the 13th amendment is being butchered by the 16th amendment and the thugs who have infiltrated the bureau which collects sometimes over 45% of the fruits of a man's labor.
When is a man considered a slave? What percentage of his income taken by the state would make him a slave in fact and free in name only? In reality slavery and socialism are one and the same.
In the South slaves were clothed, fed, housed, warmed, and provided with medical care at no cost to them but 100% of their labor and their freedom. Many Americans are enslaved by the regime working first for the man, then for the general good, and finally for the good of himself and his family. The way things go now, money is freedom. Taking money from workers is enslavement.
The inflating of money is taking money from everyone and fosters slavery. The line is being tested by these people to see what Americans will agree to. I believe the push back will begin in the next election cycle. Tea baggers will work hard and get ahead, and the government needs to take back its rightful place in society where it serves the people and not itself. This November will be a chance for a push back against tyranny. Here's hoping for a big push!
Hell, why should I give a damn? I am dead and here I am equal to all the kings and queens who have ever been or ever will be, and they hate that!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, Celestial President Urban Poverty Law Center
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Jack Maybolt Sells Out, Moves On To His Great Rewards, The Urban Poverty Law Center Is For Sale.
My name is Pres. Clinton Maybolt. I am Jackson Delano Maybolt's nephew by marriage. My mother is a life long democrat and loves President Clinton and his wife Hillary more than life itself. If I had been a girl I would have been named Hillary. Mother found this blog while searching through Uncle Jack's things and found a note from Uncle Jack which instructs the family on the dissolution of the blog should anything unexpectedly happen to him.
If you missed the Jackson Sun's account yesterday, Uncle Jack was crushed by a tree he was felling down by the river. He was pinned by a large Sycamore as it fell and bounced towards rather than away from Uncle Maybolt. He often cut trees for firewood alone and since no one could really get along with him, he was not missed until his secretary, Susan Blunderdoss, came back from visiting her daughter, Margot, who recently gave birth to her 3rd grandchild, a boy, in Pinkertons, Missouri. Susan sounded the alarm but it took the local search and rescue team led by the Carroll County Sheriff's department about a week to muster the team together. It was the holidays you see. The team said they looked far and wide, but Bobby McDaniel's says they mostly looked at the Parker's Road Store sipping coffee and warming up by the potbelly stove.
I should not be writing this today if Junior Ellis's boy, Jr. Junior,IV, hadn't been poaching squirrels over on Uncle Jack and come across that grizzly scene about a week ago and told it to his pal, Martin Ringworm, while riding the bus to school yesterday. Well, Martin told Feckless Worthington, the gym teacher, who called Jr. Junior out of 3rd period social studies, and went immediately to Principle Throckmorton who notified the Sheriff.
The Sheriff, Billy Joe Dundershots, drove to school and loaded up Jr. Junior and Feckless Worthington into his black Chevy four wheel drive Blazer with the tinted windows and sped away from the middle school. Found Uncle Jackson right where the tree had squished his pelvic bones. The coroner, Doc Beavers, said looks like he died of exposure and due to the tree that crushed his middle parts, keeping him from crawling away for help.
Doc Beavers is well respected for his scientific analysis of death scenes. Nobody has his uncannily keen insights into cause of death. He comes to the school every year to talk about his most interesting cases, but he always changes the names of the victims since it is a small community and there is so much kin here, but we kids all know who he is telling about by the way they died.
When Mort Clovis flew his Piper Cub into that tree in the middle of Jug Wheatson's cow pasture, Doc Beavers said his head popped off his neck because of the excessive speed and the sudden stop. Says it flew out of the cock pit of the Piper like a cannon ball striking Jug's favorite Bull in the rib cage, causing the bull to stagger around for almost an hour.
Jug called the Vet out, but the bull pulled through anyway.
Well, I got to cut this short, the bus is on the way and I still have to brush my tooth.
Pres. Clinton Maybolt, nephew, Jackson Delano Maybolt, deceased President, Urban Poverty Law Center
If you missed the Jackson Sun's account yesterday, Uncle Jack was crushed by a tree he was felling down by the river. He was pinned by a large Sycamore as it fell and bounced towards rather than away from Uncle Maybolt. He often cut trees for firewood alone and since no one could really get along with him, he was not missed until his secretary, Susan Blunderdoss, came back from visiting her daughter, Margot, who recently gave birth to her 3rd grandchild, a boy, in Pinkertons, Missouri. Susan sounded the alarm but it took the local search and rescue team led by the Carroll County Sheriff's department about a week to muster the team together. It was the holidays you see. The team said they looked far and wide, but Bobby McDaniel's says they mostly looked at the Parker's Road Store sipping coffee and warming up by the potbelly stove.
I should not be writing this today if Junior Ellis's boy, Jr. Junior,IV, hadn't been poaching squirrels over on Uncle Jack and come across that grizzly scene about a week ago and told it to his pal, Martin Ringworm, while riding the bus to school yesterday. Well, Martin told Feckless Worthington, the gym teacher, who called Jr. Junior out of 3rd period social studies, and went immediately to Principle Throckmorton who notified the Sheriff.
The Sheriff, Billy Joe Dundershots, drove to school and loaded up Jr. Junior and Feckless Worthington into his black Chevy four wheel drive Blazer with the tinted windows and sped away from the middle school. Found Uncle Jackson right where the tree had squished his pelvic bones. The coroner, Doc Beavers, said looks like he died of exposure and due to the tree that crushed his middle parts, keeping him from crawling away for help.
Doc Beavers is well respected for his scientific analysis of death scenes. Nobody has his uncannily keen insights into cause of death. He comes to the school every year to talk about his most interesting cases, but he always changes the names of the victims since it is a small community and there is so much kin here, but we kids all know who he is telling about by the way they died.
When Mort Clovis flew his Piper Cub into that tree in the middle of Jug Wheatson's cow pasture, Doc Beavers said his head popped off his neck because of the excessive speed and the sudden stop. Says it flew out of the cock pit of the Piper like a cannon ball striking Jug's favorite Bull in the rib cage, causing the bull to stagger around for almost an hour.
Jug called the Vet out, but the bull pulled through anyway.
Well, I got to cut this short, the bus is on the way and I still have to brush my tooth.
Pres. Clinton Maybolt, nephew, Jackson Delano Maybolt, deceased President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, January 9, 2014
All The Views Unfit To Print. The Urban Poverty Law Center, Of Course!
Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty got the Gaycian flu after he blurted out views held by religious traditionalists concerning what he finds sexually acceptable causing many to vote V or A? I agree with Phil, the V wins hands down.
I am GLADD Mr. Robertson's suspension only lasted about as long as most same sex marriages and he will be back moralizing on A and E. Please do not confuse the A in the first sentence with the A in the third though after their treatment of the patriarch of DD, the similarities are there.
I am not a bigot, though most bigots do not have to make such attestations but I do not want to be forced to celebrate others based on race, religion, sexual deviancy, political persuasion, income, looks, weight, intellect, country of origin, or favorite color. I believe all men are created equally and should live a quite life. We have the theatre and Hollywood and television for the flamboyant among us to run up their flags for the entertainment of all, but none should be forced to view lifestyle choices which are outside one's moral bounds.
When the video of the poor chap having his head cut from his torso came out a few years ago in Pakistan, I chose not to watch. I know it is a personal choice but I find it disgusting and I refuse to celebrate that kind of behavior. I am not equating decapitation with same sex activities, but I am free not to advocate for or approve either.
Discrimination is built into human nature. It is a God given attribute. It allows us to distinguish between, as Mark Twain observed, a lightning bug and lightning, a puppy and a rattlesnake, a child's pointed finger, thumb up and a 45 automatic pistol. OK, maybe the last example blurs the line a little, especially among our valued educators, but I think you get my point.
I quote poorly something I heard on the radio during the above DD flap. "Hey, I am heterosexual! So celebrate me!"
And now we come the the portly governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie. He has fallen on some really bad press for what seems to be a malicious closing of a bridge in a township in New Jersey where the Mayor refused to endorse Big Chris for reelection. And the traffic snarls which ensued are directly related to the untimely demise of a 91 year old woman who was in an ambulance on the bridge, stuck in traffic on the way to the hospital.
The governor killed that woman with his petulant act to punish the mayor and must be held accountable. With great authority comes responsibility. Christie has overstepped the bounds of acceptable behavior. Even worse, there are reports the traffic jam caused a Christian Bakery, which was forced by judicial fiat to provide a wedding cake to a same sex couple to miss the deadline and will be fined $10,000.
Is everything centered about homosexuality? Well, at least it is better than decapitation.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Favorite Mark Twain near quote about Rudyard Kipling: "Mr. Kipling knows everything one can possibly know on every subject, and I know all the rest!"
I am GLADD Mr. Robertson's suspension only lasted about as long as most same sex marriages and he will be back moralizing on A and E. Please do not confuse the A in the first sentence with the A in the third though after their treatment of the patriarch of DD, the similarities are there.
I am not a bigot, though most bigots do not have to make such attestations but I do not want to be forced to celebrate others based on race, religion, sexual deviancy, political persuasion, income, looks, weight, intellect, country of origin, or favorite color. I believe all men are created equally and should live a quite life. We have the theatre and Hollywood and television for the flamboyant among us to run up their flags for the entertainment of all, but none should be forced to view lifestyle choices which are outside one's moral bounds.
When the video of the poor chap having his head cut from his torso came out a few years ago in Pakistan, I chose not to watch. I know it is a personal choice but I find it disgusting and I refuse to celebrate that kind of behavior. I am not equating decapitation with same sex activities, but I am free not to advocate for or approve either.
Discrimination is built into human nature. It is a God given attribute. It allows us to distinguish between, as Mark Twain observed, a lightning bug and lightning, a puppy and a rattlesnake, a child's pointed finger, thumb up and a 45 automatic pistol. OK, maybe the last example blurs the line a little, especially among our valued educators, but I think you get my point.
I quote poorly something I heard on the radio during the above DD flap. "Hey, I am heterosexual! So celebrate me!"
And now we come the the portly governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie. He has fallen on some really bad press for what seems to be a malicious closing of a bridge in a township in New Jersey where the Mayor refused to endorse Big Chris for reelection. And the traffic snarls which ensued are directly related to the untimely demise of a 91 year old woman who was in an ambulance on the bridge, stuck in traffic on the way to the hospital.
The governor killed that woman with his petulant act to punish the mayor and must be held accountable. With great authority comes responsibility. Christie has overstepped the bounds of acceptable behavior. Even worse, there are reports the traffic jam caused a Christian Bakery, which was forced by judicial fiat to provide a wedding cake to a same sex couple to miss the deadline and will be fined $10,000.
Is everything centered about homosexuality? Well, at least it is better than decapitation.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Favorite Mark Twain near quote about Rudyard Kipling: "Mr. Kipling knows everything one can possibly know on every subject, and I know all the rest!"
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