Thursday, January 9, 2014

All The Views Unfit To Print. The Urban Poverty Law Center, Of Course!

Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty got the Gaycian flu after he blurted out views held by religious traditionalists concerning what he finds sexually acceptable causing many to vote V or A? I agree with Phil, the V wins hands down.

I am GLADD Mr. Robertson's suspension only lasted about as long as most same sex marriages and he will be back moralizing on A and E. Please do not confuse the A in the first sentence with the A in the third though after their treatment of the patriarch of DD, the similarities are there.

I am not a bigot, though most bigots do not have to make such attestations but I do not want to be forced to celebrate others based on race, religion, sexual deviancy, political persuasion, income, looks, weight, intellect, country of origin, or favorite color. I believe all men are created equally and should live a quite life. We have the theatre and Hollywood and television for the flamboyant among us to run up their flags for the entertainment of all, but none should be forced to view lifestyle choices which are outside one's moral bounds.

When the video of the poor chap having his head cut from his torso came out a few years ago in Pakistan, I chose not to watch. I know it is a personal choice but I find it disgusting and I refuse to celebrate that kind of behavior. I am not equating decapitation with same sex activities, but I am free not to advocate for or approve either.

Discrimination is built into human nature. It is a God given attribute. It allows us to distinguish between, as Mark Twain observed, a lightning bug and lightning, a puppy and a rattlesnake, a child's pointed finger, thumb up and a 45 automatic pistol. OK, maybe the last example blurs the line a little, especially among our valued educators, but I think you get my point.

I quote poorly something I heard on the radio during the above DD flap. "Hey, I am heterosexual! So celebrate me!"

And now we come the the portly governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie. He has fallen on some really bad press for what seems to be a malicious closing of a bridge in a township in New Jersey where the Mayor refused to endorse Big Chris for reelection. And the traffic snarls which ensued are directly related to the untimely demise of a 91 year old woman who was in an ambulance on the bridge, stuck in traffic on the way to the hospital.

The governor killed that woman with his petulant act to punish the mayor and must be held accountable. With great authority comes responsibility. Christie has overstepped the bounds of acceptable behavior. Even worse, there are reports the traffic jam caused a Christian Bakery, which was forced by judicial fiat to provide a wedding cake to a same sex couple to miss the deadline and will be fined $10,000.

Is everything centered about homosexuality? Well, at least it is better than decapitation.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Favorite Mark Twain near quote about Rudyard Kipling: "Mr. Kipling knows everything one can possibly know on every subject, and I know all the rest!"

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