Ordinary "folks" a term President Obama espouses from time to time in public when he is speaking off tele prompt, who make up a majority of Americans are beginning to wonder why this president does not represent them? The whole world seems to revolve around the gay and lesbian and transgendered among us. That prickly 1.5% of the population that consumes 95% of mainstream media press time. Nary a day goes by when some "ordinary folks" have not gotten in a pickle for following their faith by refusing to bake a cake for a same sex wedding, or not provide abortiofascients to female employees who have no inner guiding light to take the necessary measures to avoid the monthly egg releases capture by some handsome fly by night captain of eternal adolescence, who strains and groans when he introduces her to 15 million of his closest associates, whom he considers almost family.
The next morning he is gone and the stain in her Victoria Secrets is all she has left besides the lucky one who hit right in her pay dirt. Two weeks later she is a gal in trouble and she hasn't seen him for a while. No bother she can trapes off to the federally funded abortion mill and have her child scraped and sucked from her undeserving womb, if she accepted a job at Hobby Lobby or at a Catholic institution. I tire of Sandra Flucke's reproductive tract. How long before Sandy is pimping in front of the nation for free viagra for her partners. From her recent appearance I give it a decade, max.
The bottom 25% of "folks" without jobs in America, who make up 91 or 92 million Americans and illegals who probably make up 12 to 15 million of this faction are the only ones who get any of our Lightweight Ineffective African Ruler's attention. We must open America's Southern Border to the great unwashed masses who will create the jobs American capitalists refuse to create. You see American Bankers have been waiting for Pedro and Jesus and just the right economic conditions to begin lending start up monies which will be backed by the full faith and credit of you and me, if you, like me are lucky enough to have a job and pay taxes. Don't believe it? Well our "LIAR" has a pen and he has a Blackberry and no constitutional constraints on him whatsoever.
The roar from the everyday American is there but not heard. Is it just me or has our LIAR contracted the dread African Ear Wasting Syndrome? I know he was very sensitive about his Dumbo-like ears which hung off the sides of his head like "Mr Potato Head's" accessories. But since he sported a matched pair, neither side of his head gained or lost lift when biking along at 20 to 25 mph keeping him well within the bike paths.
If he has contracted the African Ear Wasting Syndrome, one of the complications is hearing loss and perhaps this is why he doesn't listen the some of the "folks".
He cannot hear us and even if his little bitty ears could he would turn a blind eye to our wishes for keeping America safe and economically and militarily sound.
We must insist to have our next candidates for our nation's highest office hearing tested by a certified audiologist.
President Obama is not listening to us but we can all see what a mess he is making of his office. I know he can read, we all see it when ever he gives one of his impressive tele prompt tales where he assures us he is working hard everyday trying to make America the kind of place every other third world country is, led by the haves and the have nots are grateful for any scraps left over after our rulers have emptied the common trough.
How can someone with giant ears in 2008 have them shrink when the laws of nature state ears and noses grow throughout ones life? Oh, I forgot, President Obama is exempt from all the laws, even those of nature.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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