Folks, I was driving across Wyoming last week and stopped into a Burger King off I-80 in Rawlings and the service was unusually slow. One of the workers there apologized for the slow service stating the crew had just resigned in mass that day. Are Americans now unwilling to take the good entry level jobs at our fast food outlets? Wyoming is unusual in respect to the job market as it is in an oil and gas boom. But what of the workers who are not fit enough to work the oil rigs? What are they doing?
I believe the government safety nets are too plush and provide enough benefits a very frugal citizen could enjoy a leisured life previously available only for the monied gentry, like the Rockafellers, Kennedys, and the Maybolts. Hunger is a strongly motivating factor in life. Every living creature, from the mighty whales to the tiniest microbes are looking for the next meal. The crows are up early feasting on the night's road kill. The cow will eat grass all night. The EBT card holder will waddle down to Wal-Mart to fill the shopping basket twice weekly and waddle home and feed the hungry children and spend the rest of her day texting or talking on her free phone.
If one of the kids gets sick she hauls em into the emergency room where free care is provided to her sickly spawn. She pays no rent in her subsidized apartment. The light bill and the water and sewer bills are paid on her behalf. For her to make more than is given to her would require her to earn 16$ an hour which ain't coming to entry level jobs any time soon.
The plain facts are Americans, especially the lower socio-economic levels are patronized and pampered by the democrat party which keeps them on the plantation, idle and not working, if you do not consider the effort necessary to waddle over to the voting precinct and pull the levers for your benefactors every two years, work.
Today there are 94 million Americans not working and idle. They are being housed, clothed, fed, entertained, and healthcare provided by either family, friends, or the tax payer. There are jobs out there not filled by these American Idled by the boatloads. Manual labor is only being filled by our friends from South of the border. My pal recently had his roof replaced. The business owner was white, the labor pool was all Mexican..he stated he could not get a white man or a black man to work that hard.
We may not like President Obama's decision to grant amnesty to millions of foreign workers, but if he does not, the work will not get done. Who will roof our houses, who will brick our new buildings, who will cut the grass and pick the trash along the interstates? Obama's illegals already do these menial tasks which are too undignified for our plantation idlers to do. Besides they do not pay enough to match the generous give-aways these lucky lounge-abouts receive.
Obama is a douche bag, but he has to bring in someone who is willing to work for slave wages since the former slaves have revolted and are no longer willing to work to fill their bellies.
Most have been fed so much corn starch they are unfit to work and many do not have the physical prowess to waddle to and from the voting places. Some, if you believe Eric Holder and the president, would not be able to get to the precincts if required to carry something so light as a picture ID.
The country is sliding. The work ethic is shot. The people at the bottom of the economic scale feed off the politician who is at the top of the scale and the great middle of America is parasitized by both. Soon the host will revolt and throw off both forces which are squeezing more and more from fewer and fewer producers.
I am beginning to understand the brutality of the French Revolution.
I do not agree with amnesty, but I understand the necessity.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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