As we fast forward towards 9-11 all bets are off as to what our new friends in the Middle East have for our enlightenment this year. Two years ago, according to the sagging Hillary Clinton, our diplomatic outpost in Benghazi was attacked by a group of Libyan "Teens" out for a walk after soccer practice and our US ambassador John Stevens and three other American Patriots fought off the wayward "Teens" for 8 hrs hoping against hope the US military at the direction of our distinguished Commander in Chief would send in the calvary or perhaps a gunship or two.
But, alas the brilliant decision makers in their safe areas in Washington, DC thought the unarmed Ambassador and three ex-navy seals could probably fight their way out against a poorly equipped Libyan soccer club. Cooler heads prevailed and the decision not to escalate that tense situation in Libya proved to be bad for Stevens and the others, but better for the United States if it is the one issue that keeps the former Secretary of State, from becoming president.
Her handling of the Steven's Benghazi massacre is a clear signal she is inept and not suited for CIC duties. She is a natural born wanna be political hack. She rode Bill Clinton's coat tails to the White House where she got some really fine china and silverware when they left and was catapulted into a New York Senate seat by a fawning press and a Yankee electorate too stupid to think what they were doing. Electing a cattle futures trading self-indulgent cleptocrat to office is not in any of our best interest. We know she can be bought, but at what price to you and me.
If she is the 2016 democrat nominee and she wins we can look forward to another graft and corruption filled 8 years of crony capitalism politics as usual where the insiders are safe to trade and pillage the nations treasures with no controlling legal authority to hold them in check.
One can only hope she will manage to keep the trains running on time. At least that is something.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
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